Ad332 - RD0058 (2016 - 03 - 15 06 - 30 - 54 Utc)

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Master Record Number: RD0058

Title/Pay Plan/Series/Grade: Program Support Assistant (Office

Automation), GS-0303-05

FLSA Code: Non-Exempt


This position is located in a research unit within a Forest Service Research

station. The primary duties include travel action support and transactions,
office machine operations, word processing, and a variety of office support
functions. The incumbent works closely with research scientists, professional,
technical, and administrative staff, and other employees of the lab as well as
the public.


Processes travel authorizations and vouchers for domestic and foreign travel;
submits paperwork to request a travel card and set up the travel profile in
GovTrip; manages Volunteer Program; checks time and attendance; assist
supervisor in doing outreach for vacant positions; enter SF-52 requests into
tracker and monitors; and acts as HR/ASC liaison for employees.

Reads and keeps apprised of organizational and Agency-wide directives and

procedures in order to be aware of changes and new requirements affecting
the work of the organization. Such procedures concern preparation and
processing of correspondence, reports, and forms; hard-copy and electronic
filing; and, security procedures.

Provides answers to a wide variety of inquiries. Provides explanations of

office functions, describing specific requirements, providing basic
instructions, or a similar degree of detail.

Performs data entry and typing tasks as needed.

Answers the telephone. Provides routine information and answers many

types of inquiries on all research activities such as the whereabouts of key
personnel and directions to facilities. Refers difficult, technical, or special
questions to the appropriate staffs.

Uses word processing software and printing equipment to create, copy, edit,
store, retrieve, and print a variety of standardized documents using a
glossary of prerecorded formats, form letters, standard paragraphs, and
mailing lists. May use database or spreadsheet software to enter, revise,
sort, or calculate, and retrieve data for standard reports.


Factor 1. Knowledge Required by the Position

Knowledge of, and skill in applying standardized rules, regulations, processes

and procedures applicable to the clerical and administrative requirements of
the unit, and knowledge of the organization and functions of the unit to
coordinate and carry out the work in an effective manner.

Knowledge of Federal Travel Regulations and Forest Service supplements in

order to properly prepare travel authorizations and complete accurate
payment vouchers.

Knowledge of an extensive number of rules and procedures pertaining to

access to government buildings; the organization and its mission, function,
and personnel to direct visitors and inquires to the appropriate individuals.

Skill in operating office automation equipment such as a word processor,

microcomputer, or computer terminal, and related equipment such as
printers and modems, and in using a standard typewriter style keyboard with
additional function keys to produce work accurately and effectively.

Knowledge of office automation software processing procedures and function

keys to execute basic office automation functions such as storing and
retrieving electronic documents or files, activating a printer, inserting and
deleting text, printing standardized paragraphs from a glossary, producing
letters, entering data into a predefined spreadsheet or database, retrieving
data from specified electronic records, and transmitting and receiving
electronic mail.

Knowledge of grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and

terminology commonly used in office settings to prepare material correctly
from handwritten drafts; standard processing procedures, formats, and
distribution and retention policies for the correspondence or reports

A qualified typist (40 Words per minute with three or fewer errors) is required
to perform office automation duties.

Factor 2. Supervisory Controls

Assignments involving conditions, concepts, and methods familiar to the
incumbent are made in terms of the objectives to be achieved and without
explicit instructions on work methods. Incumbent uses initiative in carrying
out recurring assignments independently, but refers deviations from
standard procedures to supervisor. Work is reviewed for adherence to
instructions and procedures.

Factor 3. Guidelines

Guidelines used in performing the work are established procedures and

policies. These include extensive guides in the form of Forest Service
Manuals and Handbooks, regulations, precedents, and oral and written
instructions, etc.

The number and similarity of guidelines and work situations require the
incumbent to use judgment in selecting the appropriate reference and
procedures. Applicable laws, rules and regulations contained in manuals,
handbooks and memoranda are used as working tools and are interpreted to
select proper course of action. A number of procedural problems may arise
which also require interpretation and adaptation of established guides.
Situations that require significant deviations from guidelines are referred to
the supervisor for resolution.

Factor 4. Complexity

Performs a full range of standard and non-standard assignments resolving a

variety of non-recurring problems. Work includes a variety of assignments
involving different and unrelated steps, processes, or methods. Duties
involve formats, and specific processing functions that involve a varying
number and sequence of steps, and use of different functions from one
assignment to another. Some assignments involve using software to create
or edit a variety of standard documents requiring different procedures and

The incumbent must identify and understand the issues involved in each
assignment and determine what steps and procedures are necessary and the
order of their performance. Completion of each transaction typical involves
selecting a course of action from a number of possibilities.

Factor 5. Scope and Effect

The purpose of the work is to provide administrative support to a unit within

the research staff, and to provide inquirers with current factual and reliable
information. The work affects the public's view of the Forest Service.
Factor 6. Personal Contacts

Personal contacts may include Forest Service employees, representatives of

other Federal agencies, the general public, State and County representatives,
Congressional staffs, and industry representatives.

Factor 7. Purpose of Contacts

Purpose of contacts is to obtain and disseminate information and to direct

visitors to the person or place requested.

Factor 8. Physical Demands

The work requires standing, walking, stooping, reaching, occasional lifting

and carrying of small packages, etc.

Factor 9. Work Environment

The work is performed in an office setting.

References used:

Position Classification Flysheet for Miscellaneous Clerk and Assistant Series,

November 1979; Grade level Guide for Clerical and Assistance Work, June

Source Documents:

Administrative Support Assistant (OA), GS-0303-05, FASCLASS PD#AA104758

classified 11/21/2001 and Administrative Support Assistant (OA), GS-0303-
05, FASCLASS PD#FR227491 classified 2/3/2005.

Program Support Assistant, GS-0303-05

Classification Standards Used: OPM Position Classification Flysheet for

Miscellaneous Clerk and Assistant Series, GS-0303, dated January 1979,
November 1979; Grade Level Guide for Clerical and Assistance Work, dated
June 1989

Series and Title Determination: The Miscellaneous Clerk and Assistant

Series, GS-303, includes positions that perform or supervise clerical,
assistant, or technician one-grade interval work for which no other series is
appropriate. The work requires knowledge of the procedures and techniques
that are involved in carrying out the work of an organization and involves
application of procedures and practices within the framework of established
guidelines. The subject position performs one-grade interval assistant work
in support of the research unit programs, and performs a variety of
administrative support functions, none of which is predominant, but which
require the incumbent to follow established methods, procedures, and
guidelines and require considerable technical knowledge, skill, and attention
to detail. The work in the subject position fits within the GS-0303 series
definition. There are no authorized titles for the GS-0303 series, so the title
of Administrative Support Assistant is constructed for this position to be
consistent with similar Forest Service positions.

Grade Determination: The position classification flysheet for the GS-0303

series contains no grading criteria. The Evaluation of Positions section
located on page four of the flysheet directs use of the Grade Level Guide for
Clerical and Assistance Work for grade level determination.

The Grade Level Guide for Clerical and Assistance Work utilizes the narrative
classification system for classifying positions. The narrative systems
classification criteria for determining the grade level of positions is based on
two classification factors: Nature of Assignment and Level of Responsibility.

Nature of Assignment:

This position exceeds the GS-4 level where work consists of standard clerical
assignments and related steps, processes, and methods. Some subject-
matter knowledge of the organizations program and operations are needed.
This position meets GS-5 level because work consists of standard and
nonstandard assignments involving different and unrelated steps, processes,
and methods. An extensive knowledge of rules, operations, and practices is
required. This position fails to meet the GS-6 level work which consists of
processing a wide variety of transactions that are subject to different sets of
rules and regulations and a comprehensive knowledge of rules, regulations,
and other guidelines is required. This position, meets the GS-05 level.

Level of Responsibility:

The position exceeds the GS-4 level where work is assigned in terms of
methods to follow and results expected; procedures for performing the work
have been established and assignments are recurring in nature; and specific
guidelines are available and unusual situations are handled by the supervisor
or a higher graded employee. This position meets the GS-5 level because
work is assigned by defining objectives, priorities, and deadlines. Incumbent
follows accepted practices in resolving non-recurring problems and applies
extensive guidelines in the form of instructions, manuals and regulations to
the work being performed. This position fails to meet the GS-6 level because
at this level the incumbent is considered to be the authority or expert source
on processing transactions often when there are no clear precedents.
Numerous and varied guidelines are available and often do not apply directly to
the work. This meets the GS-05 level.

Proper Title, Series & Grade: Since the Nature of Assignment and the
Level of Responsibility match the GS-5 level and a qualified typist is required;
the position is determined to be properly classified as Program Support
Assistant (Office Automation), GS-0303-05.

Recommended by: /s/Penny Coronell Date:

Contract Classifier

Approved by: /s/ Christina Lucero Date: 9/25/2013

USFS Classification Delegate

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