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Incorporated as a Non Profit Company (NPC)

Registration number 1976/000004/08

PO Box 96002, Waterkloof, 0145, SOUTH AFRICA
Tel +27 12 420 6478 Fax +27 86 697 5976

President: Waldo Viljoen E-mail: president@saiie.co.za

Administration: Lynette Pieterse E-mail: admin@saiie.co.za


Date: 18 February 2016
Location: PPS Head Office, Indaba, 6 Anerley Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193
Time: 18:00 20:15
Doc Ref: Minutes AGM_20160218

1. Opening and welcome

Waldo Viljoen opened the meeting and thanked everyone for their support.

2. Attendance, Apologies & Proxies

All present were requested to sign the attendance register. Apologies are noted on the attendance register.

3. Minutes of the previous AGM

The minutes of the AGM held on 20 October 2014 was already approved at a Council Meeting held on 4
December 2014.

4. Presidents Report

The 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 presidents report were presented by Waldo Viljoen. (Annexure A)

5. Financial Reports

The financial report for 2014/2015 (Annexure B) as audited by Van Sitterts was also presented by Waldo Viljoen.

6. Presidents Awards

The Presidents award for 2016 was awarded to Jacques Faur for his contribution in establishing the Student
Chapters and on-going willingness to support cross-functional SAIIE activities.

7. Election of Council Members

A nomination for Quintin van Heerden, to serve on council, was received. His nomination was approved to serve
as co-opted member and he will be responsible for the Special Interest Group: Operational Research.

The procedure to follow if a member is interested to serve on council is as follows:

Completion of the Nomination to serve on Council form as well as the signature of two seconders.

8. Appointment of Auditors

The proposal for Van Sitterts to continue as Auditors for SAIIE for the next financial year was approved.

9. Closure of Meeting

The meeting was adjourned with all attendees invited to join the members of the Council for drinks and snacks.

Minutes Approval:

_______________ __________________
President (SAIIE) Date

We are a vibrant, learned society, representing and promoting Industrial Engineering in Southern Africa

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