GS GV Coi Cod CC

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Preparation Sheet

The different groups in the sentence

Level: III Level: CM1-CM2 Area: French language - literary and human Discipline
Education: Master of language and French language
Cross-curricular competencies:
Reflective observation of the French language (grammar, spelling, conjugation, v
ocabulary) - Participate in the collective observation of a text or text fragmen
t to better understand how the French language to work, to justify his point of
view .
General objectives: - identify a subject group in a sentence - identify the verb
in a sentence - distinguish between COD / COI - recognize the adverbial in a se
Session No. 1
Groups subjects / groups Proceedings
Session Objectives:
- Recognize the verb in a sentence - to recognize a subject group in a sentence
- that those are two key groups in the sentence - namely segmenting a sentence i
nto noun / verbal group
Work Type
Individual research
Individual - Written
15 min
The teacher distributes a sheet on which are written sentences segmented into gr
oups and groups subject thereto. Students should try to group all groups and all
subjects verbal groups together, and name them.
Comparison of two oral solutions Exchanges Collective - Oral 15 minutes
The teacher asks students what they found. Pooling and argumentation. -> What is
the first group? subject group, which indicates or is acted. -> What is the sec
ond group? the verb is the action indicates what the subject or suffers. The tea
cher writes the correction to the table: She was exasperated by the Commissioner
that he was wasting his time. A chorus of sirens sounded in the street. The man
in question had no desire to respond. I quickly got rid of my briefcase. A pric
eless statue had been stolen from the museum of the Middle Ages just before its
closure. My mother and she chattered. He writes sentences that students must com
e to the table segment. -> The rest of the day was calm. -> Taty Dan moved. -> O
nce back home another surprise awaited us (GS / HS reversed) The teacher asks st
udents how they should do to find the subject group in the sentence: we ask the
question: who is who?
3 Institutionalization: enunciation of the rule written Trace Collective - Write
five min
The teacher and students develop the final written record.
The phrase is generally composed of two main groups that we can not remove: the
subject group and the group report.
The subject group: indicates who is or suffers the action can be found through t
he question: "Who is that?"
The verbal group: indicates what is or is being subject.
+ Ex individual application.
Sentence grammar
Here are some sentences from a text: They were each time separated into 2 groups
. Colour of a single color ones that go together, explain why and give them a na
A chorus of sirens statuette invaluable I rang in the street. I quickly got rid
of my briefcase. She chattered.
The man in question
had been stolen from the Museum of the Middle Ages, shortly before its closure.
did not want to answer. My mother and her
was exasperated by the commissioner who made him lose his time.
She was exasperated by the Commissioner that he was wasting his time. A chorus o
f sirens sounded in the street. The man in question had no desire to respond. I
quickly got rid of my briefcase.
A priceless statue had been stolen from the museum of the Middle Ages just befor
e its closure. My mother and she chattered. Session No. 2
The verb complements COD / COI
Session Objectives:
- Find the verb in a sentence - the verb has discovered that supplements which a
re essential. - Distinguish the additional direct and indirect objects.
Reminder of previous meetings
Work Type
Oral discussions
5 min
The teacher asks students to recall what has been seen during the previous meeti
ng. The various groups present in the sentence are essential.
Phase 2 Individual Individual Search - written 15 minutes
The teacher assigns students to file "a recipe for bread pudding. Students must
rewrite the text by removing non-essential supplements. Sharing and correction t
able. The teacher asks students to put a cross in the verbs and underline in red
the essential complements that have remained.€He explained that these suppleme
nts are called essential additional items.
Stage 3 Search Individual Individual - written 10 minutes
The teacher distributes the data sheet: head to head difficult. Students must co
mplete the legends of the comic strip by adding additional objects. Sharing. Wha
t comment does it? some additional items start with small words (to, to, from ..
. to). The teacher explains that those who follow the verb immediately without i
ntermediate small word are direct objects. He inferred the names of students IOC
4 Institutionalization: enunciation of the rule written Collective Trace - writt
en 10 minutes
The teacher prepares students with the paper trail that will be pasted into the
workbook. Next session: former application on: ï € reduced sentence by sentence ï €
minimal recognition GS / GV and COD / COI
Session No. 3
the adverbial
Session Objectives:
- Distinguish adverbial an essential complement. - Analyze the meaning of an adv
erbial of place, time, manner, cause - finding the adverbial in a sentence, dedu
ce their nature.
Reminder of previous meetings
Work Type
Oral discussions
5 min
The teacher asks students to recall what has been seen in previous sessions. Abo
ut Group / Group Minutes COD / COI
Phase 2 Individual Individual Search - written 10 minutes
The teacher provides the groups GS - V - COD - Complements circumstantial. Stude
nts must form a sentence for each packet of words. My grandfather likes to sit b
y the fire. Jeremy has not seen his brother for more than a month. This lady dre
ssed elegantly. Make yourself comfortable in the lounge. We are moving at the en
d of the week.
Comparison of solutions
Oral discussions
Collective - Oral
10 min
The teacher collects the sentences that have been found and noted in table. What
comment does it? Everyone did not find the same phrases, some groups are not th
e same place. We can therefore assume that they are movable. The teacher asks st
udents to delete the phrases all the elements that are not absolutely necessary
for understanding. What comment does it? These groups are deletable. They are no
t essential in the sentence.
The teacher then asked the students what could be the role of these supplements.
Expected: they supplement, give more information about the action in the senten
ce. The teacher asks students to try to classify information. Expected: place, t
ime, manner, cause ... It gives the names of these supplements. these are adverb
ial because they inform us about the circumstances of the action.
4 Institutionalization: enunciation of the rule written Collective Trace - writt
en 5 min
Teachers and students develop the written record common. The adverbial (CC) indi
cate the circumstances of the action: time, place, cause, purpose, manner ... Th
ese are optional additions, you can move or delete them. Ex: It snows on Gerardm
er. On Gerardmer, it snows. To find them in the sentence, it must ask the questi
ons: where, when, how ...? Ex: At dawn, skiers enjoy the snow. When? At dawn ->
DC time. We play in the snow. Where? -> DC location. They ski with difficulty. H
ow? -> DC way. They play the lottery to pay off their debts. Why? -> DC goal
Next Session: practical exercises on GS / GV, DOC / IOC, DC.
Session No. 5
assessment on the GS / GV, IOC / DOC and CC
Session Objectives:
- Reinvest their knowledge of the GS and SGS - recognize the DOC and IOC in a se
ntence - find DC in a sentence, determine the nature
Statement instructions
Work Type
Reading a document
5 min
Teacher and students read the statement of the assessment. The exercises are exp
lained, or reformulated for those who might have difficulties;
Individual Rating 2 Review - written 35 minutes
Students perform the evaluation. Correction if collective time.
Name: ASSESSMENT: date: subject groups - groups records, DOC / IOC, adverbial Sk
ills assessed:
- Recognize a subject group in a sentence: - recognize the verb in a sentence: -
distinguish between COD / IOC: - recognize the adverbial in a sentence: a) For
each of the following sentences, separated with a line / group about the verbal
group. Stresses in the yellow GS, GV red and oversees the verb.€a) The Easter h
olidays last 15 days. c) The fair will take place May 24 this year. b) The subje
ct group is highlighted in yellow. d) The lady goes on vacation in early July. f
) Paris headquarters of the club PSG.
e) Once back, we waited another surprise.
2) Observe the verbal group in bold in each sentence. Indicates whether the verb
is accompanied by a direct object (COD) or indirect. (IOC). Complete the senten
ce by a COD f and g IOC your choice. a) My sister plays the poupée.____________
____________________________ b) The dog is licking his chops. __________________
______________________ C) The investigator has gathered all the necessary clues.
_____________________________ D) Get rid of that old sweater! _________________
_______________________ E) Since Christmas, my friend lives in this house. _____
_____________________________ F) I know ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... g) Arnaud still believes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 3) In the fo
llowing sentences, stresses the non-essential additions in blue: (Warning, there
may be several in the same sentence) a) I look forward to his e! b) Sophie take
s a bath in the bathroom.
c) During the night she started screaming loudly. d)'s meet us here in two hours
. e) It is not been home for 3 days. f) He plays the lottery every Saturday to w
in. 4) Indicates whether the adverbial in italics you learn about the location,
cause, manner and time: a) Louise is soon part of the festival. ._______________
___________. b) In less than an hour, their plane takes off. .__________________
________. c) She lives life to the fullest. .__________________________. d) The
tourists are lying on the beach. .__________________________. e) Every morning I
take the bus to go to school. .__________________________.. f) This old person
dressed elegantly. .__________________________. g) Not paying attention to other
s, he made his speech. .__________________________.. h) At his grandmother, he w
rote this poem to the computer .__________________________

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