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1. VOCABULARY. Health items.

Match the words in column A to those in column B

to make collocations.


Splitting Poisoning

Black Wrist

Sprained Bleed

Travel Cold

Pulled Headache

Food Sickness

Sore Muscle

Streaming Eye

Nose Throat

2. Match the collocations to the advice.

e.x.: If you have a splitting headache, you should take an

 Take an aspirin.
 Put it in a sling.
 Pinch your nose.
 Put some ice on it.
 Get some fresh air.
 Drink plenty of liquids.
 Ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine.
 Rest the injured part.
 Suck on a throat medicine.

3. SIMPLE PAST. Read the following text and answer the questions.
The Ferrari Joke
A man wanted to buy a new car so he bought a newspaper and looked in the classified
section. He found an advertisement which said "New Ferrari for sale only $500!" This
is a very cheap price for a new Ferrari. He thought it may be a joke but he decided to
He went to the house to see the car. A woman answered the door and she led him into
the garage. There, in front of him was a new Ferrari. "Wow!" the man said, "Can I
take it for a test drive?"
"Yes you can," answered the lady. He got into the car and then drove it for 10 or 15
minutes. To his surprise he found that the car was perfect.
When he returned to the lady's house, he asked her, "Why are you selling me this
great Ferrari for only $500?"
Then the lady replied with a laugh, "My husband just ran off with his secretary, and
he told me, 'You can have the house and the furniture, just sell my Ferrari and send
me the money.' "


a. What did the man want to buy?

b. What did the man think about the price?

c. Did the man take the car for a test?

d. Was the Ferrari old?

e. How much did the car cost?


4. PAST SIMPLE V/S PAST CONTINUOUS. Read the following text and complete
it with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela ________________ (call). She said she
____________________ (call) me on her cell phone from her biology classroom at UCLA. I
asked her if she __________________ (wait) for class, but she said that the professor was at the
front of the hall lecturing while she _______________________ (talk) to me. I couldn't believe
she ________________ (make) a phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on.

She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students __________________
(sleep, actually) in class. Some of the students _________________ (talk) about their plans for
the weekend and the student next to her _________________ (draw) a picture of a horse. When
Angela _________________ (tell) me she was not satisfied with the class, I
_________________ (mention) that my biology professor was quite good and
_________________ (suggest) that she switch to my class.

While we were talking, I ________________ (hear) her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a
phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I _______________ (hang) up the phone and went to
the kitchen to make dinner. As I _____________________ (cut) vegetables for a salad, the
phone rang once again. It ______________(be) Angela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

5. PAST CONTINUOUS. Look at the pictures. What were they doing yesterday?
a) Jim ___________________________________________________________

b) Sarah__________________________________________________________

c) My parents_____________________________________________________

d) The cat ________________________________________________________

6. PAST CONTINUOUS. Complete these questions using the past continuous and the
images from Activity 6 and write the answers.

a) ____________ Jim ____________ (cook) dinner at 8:00?

b) ____________ Sarah ____________ (read) a novel at 2:30?
c) ____________ your parents _______________ (buy groceries) at 10:30?
d) ____________ Jinx ____________ (sleep) at 4:00?

7. MODAL VERBS FOR PREDICTIONS. Complete with the correct form of “will”.
a) Robots _______ do all the housework in the future.

b) Robots _______ work in offices.

c) Robots _______ replace humans.

d) Robots _______ cook our food.

8. MODAL VERBS. Change the sentences of the previous exercise into questions.
a) __________________________________________________________

b) __________________________________________________________

c) __________________________________________________________

d) __________________________________________________________

9. This is Lisa. Make some predictions about her future. Use “will/won’t” and one of
these verbs.

a) She ______________ a car for her eighteenth birthday.

b) She ______________ to college.

c) She ______________ a doctor.

d) She ______________ a nurse instead.

e) She ______________ married just once.

f) She ______________ three times.

g) She ______________ triplets!

10. MODAL VERBS. Choose the correct alternative.

1) ___ you speak any foreign languages?

a. May
b. Can
c. Have

2) Where's Nick? He ___ be in his office.

a. should
b. mustn't
c. is to

3) Take an umbrella. It ___ rain later.

a. has to
b. need
c. will

4) Jack ___ go to hospital immediately, he is very ill.

a. won’t
b. must
c. can

5) You look tired. You ___ go to bed.

a. should
b. ought
c. are to

6) ___ I go to tomorrow’s party?

a. Must
b. May
c. Can

11. Use of SHOULD. Match the advice and circle the correct option.

a I’m going skateboarding. ____

b I’m going to ride my mountain bike early tomorrow. ____
c I’m going skiing. ____
d I’m going to play football. ____
e I’m in a swimming competition tomorrow. ____

1 You should / shouldn’t wear kneepads.

2 You should / shouldn’t eat a lot of chips and chocolate!
3 You should / shouldn’t wear sunscreen.
4 You should / shouldn’t start without warming up first.
5 You should / shouldn’t go to bed late.

12. Vocabulary. Complete the telephone conversation with these words.

EMERGENCY SERVICE: Emergencies 911. Fire, police or (a) ____________ ?

CALLER: We need an ambulance. There was an (b) ____________, and a girl has broken her
(c) ____________!

ES: Where are you? Is anybody else (d) ____________?

C:There’s a boy, and he has a (e) ____________ ankle.

ES: Don’t (f) ____________ the injured people. The ambulance will be there right away.

13. Unscramble the names of these containers and match them to the pictures.

a) a otbetl fo deelomna ___a bottle of lemonade__

b) a qba fo topota hcpis __________________ __

c) a gab fo tooastp __________________ __

d) a traocn fo euicj __________________ __

e) a raj fo nnioso __________________ __

f) a obx fo ercale __________________ __

g) a iolk fo atmoesot __________________ __

h) a bra fo ctohocael __________________ __

14. Use of “MUCH”/”MANY”. Use the prompts to make questions. Write true

a) juice / drink a week / ?


b) vegetables / eat every day / ?



c) exercise / do / ?



d) cans of soft drinks / drink a day / ?



e) sugar / your father have in his coffee / ?



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