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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Worksheet 1

The main events of Indias struggle for freedom are arranged at random. Arrange them in the proper
sequence as a time line of events.

1. Rowlatt Act was passed.

2. India comes under direct rule of the British crown after failed Indian mutiny.

3. Quit India Movement was launched.

4. The Sepoy Mutiny or the First War if Independence took place.

5. India became independent.

6. The East India Company acquired the Diwani of Bengal, or the right to collect revenues on
behalf of the Mughal Emperor, in Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa.

7. William Hawkins arrived at the court of Jahangir to seek permission to establish a British
presence in India.

8. Vasco Da Gama lands in Calicut.

9. Bengal was partitioned on Oct. 16, 1905

10. Indian National Congress was formed and held its first meeting in Bombay the same year.

11. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place

12. Dandi march took place from Sabarmati to Dandi in Gujarat

Year Event
Oct. 16, 1905
Apri1 13,1919
August 9,1942
15 August, 1947

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Answer sheet

Year Event
1498 Vasco Da Gama lands in Calicut

1609 William Hawkins arrived at the court of Jahangir to seek permission to

establish a British presence in India.

1765 In 1765, the Company acquired the Diwani of Bengal, or the right to
collect revenues on behalf of the Mughal Emperor, in Bengal, Bihar,
and Orissa.

1857 The Sepoy Mutiny or the First War if Independence took place in 1857
1858 1858- India comes under direct rule of the British crown after failed
Indian mutiny.

1885 Indian National Congress was formed in 1885 and held its first
meeting in Bombay the same year.

Oct. 16, 1905 Bengal was partitioned on Oct. 16, 1905 and
1911 Rowlatt Act was passed in 1911.

1919 Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from South Africa in 1919

Apri1 13,1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on April 13, 1919

1930 1930 -Dandi march took place from Sabarmati to Dandi in Gujarat

August 9,1942 Quit India Movement was launched on August 9,1942

15 August, 1947 India became independent on 15 August, 1947

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Worksheet 2

Freedom Struggle I

Fill in the blanks:

1. The sea route to India was discovered by ___________________ in the ______________ century.

2. East India Company came to India in the year ____________.

3. When East India Company came to India it was ruled by the _______________.

4. Vasco da Gama started his voyage from _____________________ in ________________and

reached India in __________ at _________________.

5. Sepoy Mutiny began from ________________ part of India.

6. The leader of 1857 revolt was ____________________.

7. The last Mughal ruler was ______________ . He was sent on exile to ______________.

8. Vasco da Gama took ___________ months to reach India.

Match the following:


i. Rani Laxmibai i. Lucknow

ii. Begum Hazrat ii. Bihar
Mahal iii. Jhansi
iii. Nana Saheb iv. Kanpur
iv. Kunwar Singh

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Map Work

1. East India Company got the Dewani of which 3 states and in which year? Locate them on the map of
2. Name the three cities in Gujarat where the East India Company built its factories?
3. Locate the following on the map of India:

a) Fort St George e) Agra

b) Fort St William f) Ahmedabad
c) Surat g) Boroach
d) Masulipatnam

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Short Answer Type

1. Describe the route which Vasco da Gama followed to reach India.(Specify where he began the
journey ,what important ports or locations he crossed and where in India did he arrive )


2. Name the oceans Vasco da Gama crossed during his voyage to India?
3. Was the route followed by Vasco da Gama the same from Portugal to India and back from India to
Portugal? Describe these routes.
4. How much time did Vasco da Gama take in his complete journey from Portugal to India and back
from India to Portugal?
5. What were the adverse effects of giving Dewani of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa to the East India
6. What led to the decline of Indian textile industries?
7. Write down 3 reasons why the Indian sepoys in the East India Company armed forces were not
8. Write down 5 reasons that resulted in the Revolt of 1857.
9. New Names of the following places:

a) Madras b) Culcutta c) Masulipatnam

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Worksheet 3

Freedom Struggle II

Fill in the blanks:

1. The changes in religious and social structure of India after the Revolt of 1957 were brought by

2. Sati was banned in the year ________

3. The first meeting of Indian National Congress was held at _____________ in the year

4. Centre of all revolutionary activities was ______________.

5. The Viceroy of India who announced the Partition of Bengal was ________________

6. Bengal was reunited in the year _____________.

7. Tying of rakhi signifies ___________ and __________.

8. Slogan that became popular at the time of Bengal partition was __________________

9. Mahatma Gandhi was ________________ by profession.

Correct the false statement:

1. Mahatma Gandhi was an extremist in his approach.

2. Rabindranath Tagore demanded Purna Swaraj.

3. Mahatma Gandhi fought against castesim in South Africa and was successful.

Match the columns:


i. Dayanand Saraswati i. Revolutionary

ii. Rabindranath Tagore ii. Extremists
iii. Dadabhai Naroji iii. Poet
iv. Lal- Pal Bal iv. Social reformer
v. Bhagat Singh v. Moderate

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Short Answer Type

1. Can you name some of the social evils that are still there in our society? What do you think is the
major cause of these evils?
2. What sources were used by the freedom fighters to bring awareness among the people of India for
the cause of freedom?
3. 90 years after the First War of Independence of 1857 did India got freedom from the British rule.
What do you think was/were the major reasons for such a long delay to attain freedom? Tick the
correct option

a) Indians were not united and were divided on religion and casteism

b) Many people were greedy and selfish and they supported the British

c) Due to the vast size of the country it took time to unite all for the cause of freedom

d) All the above

4. What do you mean by the term patriotism? Give example of some of the patriots from the Indian
freedom struggle.
5. Write short notes on:

a) Raja Ram Mohun Roy

b) Indian National Congress

c) Moderates

d) Extremists

e) Partition of Bengal

6. If you were there at the time of freedom struggle, whom would you have supported the Extremists or
the Moderates? Give reason for your choice.
7. What were the actual reasons for the Partition of Bengal?
8. What role did the Congress play at the time of Bengal Partition?
9. How did Rabindranath Tagore mobilize the people in the year 1905?
10. What instruments did Mahatma Gandhi used to gain freedom?

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

Worksheet 4

Freedom Struggle III

Fill in the blanks:

1. According to Gandhi ji without the united participation of __________ and ________ the freedom
struggle was impossible.

2. ______________ means Gods children.

3. Rowlatt Act was passed in ______________.

4. The British officer who was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh Masaccre:

a) Lord Curzon b) General Dyer c) Warren Hasting d) Lord Irwin

5. Rabindranath Tagore was awarded ____________________ by the British Government.

6. Dandi is situated on the __________ coast in the state of _____________.

7. Dandi march started from _______________.

8. Quit India Movement was launched on ______________ in the year __________.

9. Azad Hind Fauz was organized by _____________________.

10. The red letter day in the history of India is _____________

Match the following

Match the leaders who led the civil disobedience movement with the regions:

i. Khan Abdul Ghaffar i. North- East

Khan ii. South
ii. Rani Gidinlieu iii. North-west
iii. Chakravarti Rava

Short Answer Type

Why did Gandhi ji give so much importance to the villagers?

How did Gandhi ji come to know about the condition of the common man? What efforts did he make to help
them? Cite few examples from the chapter.

14. Why were the sales of Indian cloth industry going down?

15. Ravi lives in a posh colony in Delhi. His parents are working. Ravi doesnt have friends as most the
children nearby are elder to him. There is a slum near the colony. Every evening he sees the slum children
playing together. He feels like playing with them but his parents have warned him not to go near them. He

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Freedom Struggle of India-Revision Worksheet

has been asked not to go near the sweeper and his son who comes to his house every Sunday to clean the

What kind of social evil does the above situation reflects? Is it right to discriminate between people? Give
reason for your answer.

16. What is untouchability? Give few examples where you see it in practice in our society.

17. Why did people gather at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar on 13 April, 1919?

18. What was the result of Jallianwala Bagh Massacre?

19. Who initiated the Civil Disobedience movement? What do you understand by this movement?

20. Name 4 revolutionaries who resorted to violence, loot and bombing.

21. Write Short notes on

a) Dandi March

b) Rowlatt Act

c) Civil Disobedience Movement

d) Azad Hind Fauj or Indian National Army

22. Why was INA organized outside India?

23. What cost did India pay for independence?

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