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Change the verbs in the bracket into the simple present tense form.
Name :
Class :

1. Mr. Reza (teach) English at SMPN 1 Baregbeg.

2. I (study) English course at GLOBAL twice a week.
3. Ariel often (come) late.
4. He (be not) lazy boy.
5. I (live) in New York.
6. The Moon (go) round the Earth.
7. John (drive) a taxi.
8. He (do not) drive a bus.
9. We (meet) every Thursday.
10. We (do not) work at night.
11. Do you (play) football?
12. He (come) from Baregbeg.
13. I (come) from ciamis.
14. What you (read) every day?
15. How old (be) you?

Arrange the sentence with good choice :

16. do-you-Where-live-?-live-I-ciamis-in
17. week-campus-?-to-every-goes-walks-He-Mr.Yudhi-How
18. He-diligent-day-very-,-every-works-He-is
19. do-I-speak-well-very-english-not
20. My-father-works-eight-hour-in-every-day

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