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It is a superficial infection of the moist cutaneous areas of the body caused by

Candida (Monilia) albicans. The thrush is called "thrush" or thrush when it occ
urs in the oral cavity.

They are often attacked mouth, vagina,

urinary tract, and fold under the breast, axillary and perineal.
Sometimes the infection is observed among
fingers and toes, and at the base of the nails and around poorly fitting denture
It occurs mainly in children In children born to women with vaginitis
moniliasis. It is observed in adults with immunosuppression and those who take
steroids for a long time.
Clinical lesions are white plaques, confluent, superficial, inflammatory surfa
ce on a red and moist. Most of the patients are asymptomatic. Sometimes there
is burning, decreased taste. Cosmetic concern for the white curds on tongue. Ody
Moniliasis Acute produces white plaques
adherents like rennet, distributed irregularly in the oral mucosa. The plates qu
ietar a bleeding surface is bare. Intraoral lesions are usually accompanied by s
welling and cracking corners of the mouth and lip crusting.
Chronic moniliasis: a rare type of
Candida albicans infection, which causes a granulomatous lesion that usually beg
ins in infancy or childhood. Al progresar la enfermedad no solo participa la muc
osa bucal si no también las uñas y la piel de la cara y cuero cabelludo.
The granuloma
moniliasis is manifested by profound inflammation by production of granulation t
In most cases originates
death of pulmonary involvement with multiple abscesses, often accompanied by kid
ney damage.
C. albicans is part of the flora
normal oropharyngeal. Your overgrowth with resultant mucosal candidiasis occurs
when immunity is suppressed locally, as with the use of inhaled corticosteroids
or deep inmunodeficienica happens when disease progresses, HIV.
Malnutrition Candida esophagitis Candida spread of tract
bowel, lungs, skin and other areas
It is usually manifest by the plates
white characteristics based on inflammatory.
Differential DX
Oral hairy leukoplakia, condyloma acuminatum, geographic tongue, hairy tongue, l
ichen planus, bite irritation.
Laboratory tests
Crop Preparation KOH. Endoscopy

Topical therapy: Nystatin: vaginal tablets, 100 000 units 3 times a day dissolve
d slowly in the mouth, oral tablets, 2000 units, a pill five times daily, oral s
uspension, 1 to 2 tablespoons, are held in the mouth for 5 minutes and then swal
lowed. Clotrimazole, oral tablets, 10 mg, 1 tablet 5 times a day.
People with recurring outbreaks
of oral thrush or those who are at high risk of developing this disease antifung
al medications may be given prophylactic (preventive). If a baby is being breast
fed has thrush, the mother should also use a topical antifungal medication on he
r nipples to prevent continuous spread to the baby.
Systemic treatment:
Ketoconazole 200 mg
Four times daily for 1-2 weeks. Adequate absorption depends on gastric acid pH.
Fluconazole: 200 mg orally or IV, 1 time, followed by 100 mg daily for at leas
t 2-3 weeks. The recurrence is the rule, often requires maintenance therapy.

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