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Here, we see the differences between the terms CEREMONIAL,
PROTOCOL AND ETIQUETTE. CEREMONIAL - The set of procedures for public acts and s
olemn. PROTOCOL-diplomatic etiquette is the rule established by decree or by cus
tom. LABEL - It is a ceremony that includes the styles and customs to be observe
d in real houses in the government headquarters and public events. Regarding the
difference between the three definitions, we can observe that the CEREMONIAL is
a general term that encompasses both public and solemn act. Is CEREMONIAL that
creates the atmosphere for relations. TAG refers to styles and customs that are
part of solemn public acts. PROTOCOL relates to the diplomatic corps and sets th
e rules that should prevail in a ceremony. Another concept that we define is COM
PLIMENTARY. COURTESY - It is a demonstration or act to show care and respect for
ated to each other; is CEREMONIAL that prints the courtesy which should be dedic
ated to relations between people. WHEN ORGANIZING solemnly by ceremonies that ar
e organized and should be used when the ceremonial and protocol? In situations t
hat are present public authorities (ministers, governors, consuls, deputies, ald
ermen ...), and the occasion organized by a public or private entity, it is nece
ssary for the implementation of Decree 70 274 that regulates the hierarchical po
sition of involved. Also mixed in the ceremonies, where officials of public auth
orities are merged with private organizations. Therefore, whenever the type of e
vent requires the organization of a special solemnity, even without the presence
of public authorities, is of real importance that each of these has its hierarc
hy within the organization respected.
Usually, it is considered formal events possessions, inaugurations, graduations,
openings and closures of congresses, seminars, workshops and the like, the act
of unveiling plaques, the unveiling of portraits or busts. Anyway, any event tha
t called an authority. TREATMENT AND PRECEDENCE - Difference between the words -
The Treatment is a way of addressing people. Precedence, on the other hand, det
ermines the order or hierarchy of one person over another and / or from one stat
e over another. It relates to the primacy. The legal equality of states (which i
s a regulation) appears in Congress and states that each country is who dictates
its own rules of etiquette. Each state must define how you will get your visito
rs and will honor them according to their own protocols. There are other definit
ions of CEREMONIAL. Even so, several scholars of the subject that have used thei
r own terms to define what is the protocol. However, all agree, yes, in giving t
hese concepts a character of solemnity in the international activity or official
or public sphere of the States. For the dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy
, the CEREMONIAL is "a series or set of procedures for any public act or solemn.
" The same dictionary defines as PROTOCOL "rule ceremonial, diplomatic or palace
, established by decree or by custom." In other words, the PROTOCOL recognizes "
the hierarchies of the institutional order." In doing so, "category up to the au
thorities and the appropriate precedence." Catholic religious life we find good
examples of Ceremonial and especially PROTOCOL. In the Creed itself is said that
"Jesus Christ was ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God A
lmighty." However, we found in the Bible one of the best examples. In the Gospel
of Luke, verses referring to the text "The Invited to the Wedding", report that
Jesus, observing how they chose the first seats at the tables, the guests told
the following parable: "When you get invited to the wedding, do not based on the
first place, lest be invited ANOTHER MORE WORTHY THAN YOU, and what you been in
vited thee and him, you say: GIVE TO THIS PLACE, and then begin with shame to ta
ke the lowest PLACE. But when that which you asked, I say: PAL, go up higher the
n you have honor in front of the table who are with you. For whoever exalts hims
elf will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted "(Luke 14: 7-11)
. PRECEDENCE: Consider, first, that this word has meaning. According to the dict
ionary of the English language, PRECEDENCE (from the verb precede,€derived from
the Latin "preacedere" = go ahead or in front), is:
definition leads us to its exact meaning in the area of protocol in general and
the specific role of the protocol tables. But first, let us briefly the nature a
nd meaning of the term PROTOCOL because PRECEDENCE is the essential part of PROT
OCOL, so that without the prior PRECEDENCE is not possible to formalize the PROT
OCOL. To begin, we can define the protocol as the art of determination and estab
lishment of core standards for the effective implementation of all human activit
y, social, official and relevant. So we see that the defining character of this
activity are: Sociability should be performed in human society to action and inv
olvement of two or more people. His achievement should be an official activity,
ie it is a result of state action in any of their areas or levels. Should be car
ried out, therefore, within the state structure. Its relevance must be important
because a human activity, and the two previous features, do not reach a minimum
level of relevance, can not be the object of the PROTOCOL. As the action of the
protocol object will be performed by or involving two or more people, this requ
ires the establishment of an order prior to the activity to be developed so that
it is effective, this implies previous determination of their precedence. As a
result, and the optical PROTOCOL, we can define "PRECEDENCE is the prior establi
shment of an order among the people who perform or participate in an activity th
at affects the protocol, because of its preeminence, primacy, category, level or
relevance, within the structure of society itself and integrating the state, to
achieve maximum effectiveness in this activity. "This definition appears that t
he two interpretations can be given to PRECEDENCE: In the narrow sense, is the o
rder of people, because their level or class officer as established by legal nor
ms, traditions or use. In the broadest sense, is the order of people, with a vie
w to its real importance in society, sustained by the state. There is a clear an
d precise difference between the first and second type of precedence. It is howe
ver, a matter of etiquette of the tables, we must have regard for the following
reasons: As seen, the purpose of ceremonial or humans.
is the efficiency in the activities, actions
But to achieve this efficiency, it is necessary to define the reasonable order a
nd needs of people. That is, all things are in place. If people have their prede
termined place in an official relationship, no problem. There may be some disagr
eement, however, when the place of a person,
for its importance, even taking a prominent position in society, is not included
in a list of precedence. To explain: there are two classes of public figures: a
) Those who have established their place in an official or unofficial. b) Those
which, although important, have not been defined. Well, when the presence of peo
ple of these two classes coincide when performing an activity, what can you do?
Tactfully: Applying what is called "pentefino" or "merge" of people by organizin
g them according to a single precedence, although they stem from different class
es. The same solution should be given when it comes to people that, even given a
ll a precedence set, belong to two or more groups of different nature, with diff
erent precedences (eg, civil and military authorities or civilian authorities, m
ilitary and ecclesiastical) and these groups are, at the ceremony in question, a
proper place, separated and determined. Treatment pronoun

o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
President of the Republic Vice-President of the Ministers of State Chief of Arme
d Forces Chief of the Military Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic Head of
the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency of the Republic Chief General Counsel of th
e National Information Service Chairmen and Members of Legislative Assemblies Me
mber of State Governors and Deputy Governors Mayors Municipal Secretaries of Sta
te Senators Representatives Labor Courts, Judges and Judges of Election Law
o o o o •
Attorney General Ambassadors and Consuls Generals and Marshals vocative: Sir (Ex
m º. Sr) and Honor (MM) for judges
Use your Lord (V.S th) to:
o o o o
Senior officials trade organizations and private industry in general vocative: I
llustrious Lord (Ilm º. Sr.)

Use Your Eminence (V. On th) to:
o o
Cardinals vocative: Eminence (Emm º. Sr.)

Use YOUR Excellency (V. Ex ª. Rt th) to:
o o
Archbishops and Bishops vocative: Sir (Exm º. Sr.)

o o
Vocative Pope: Holy Father or Your Holiness

Use REVEREND (Revd º.) To:
o o o o
Priests Religious Clerics vocative: Reverend

Use your magnificence to:
o o
University Presidents vocative: Rector

o o o •
Emperors Kings Queens
Princes and Princesses
Attention. There are two ways of treating the authorities:
• •
YOUR - when we went to the Authority, as in "Your Excellency will travel tomorro
w?" HIS - when we refer to the Authority, as in "His Holiness tells audiences th
at grant."
er the arrival of the most important person (governor, minister, etc.). It is th
erefore important to combine with the advice of the guest arrival time, which sh
ould not exceed 15 minutes of my appointment to the top of it. When you do this
authority, the other guests may retire after she quit. The instructions with res
pect to the President and the governors can be used, by analogy, to other author
ities, when the charge of ceremonial and protocol it deems convenient. Any doubt
s about putting authorities must first be resolved by parties responsible for ce
ost important approaches of public ceremonial, with respect to protocol, are fou
nd in organizational events, while rationalizing its implementation and establis
h precedence orders that prevent the generation of conflicts. The formal aspect
of the relationship between people moved - if the scope of government to the bus
iness world. Today, no one admits to empiricism when professional reputation is
at stake in the business. This also affects the organization of meetings, whethe
r social, whether directed to resolutions of problems or to exchange information
and experiences. HIERARCHY ON BUSINESS Within organizations, especially those m
ore formal with a structured schedule, identifies - is, clearly, the position of
In a less formal, sometimes we have difficulties in organizing criteria for esta
blishing orders of precedence. When this occurs, the trader who is organizing an
event to remember that each company has its own hierarchical system, which must
be observed. Along with this fact, can lay down rules formalize the order of pr
ecedence, so of course, depending on the type of ceremony that will develop. The
host, usually the most important person in the company, is the starting point f
or the formation of the order of precedence. Some criteria may help in choosing
the members who will stand next to him: • Executives more connected to the cente
r of decision (eg, vice president, director) • Importência administrative areas
(eg industrial director, commercial director); • Charges equal - in this case, o
ne can establish precedence noting the topic that generated the meeting, the par
ticipants' ages or length of service in the organization; • If the person charge
d lower center stage as honoree, guest of honor, a special guest, author of some
work or work of art should be treated or placed in order of precedence next to
the host, since that time, his post or office are irrelevant to the purpose of t
he event. Other standards may influence the formation of precedence, such as: •
The precedence is given to someone from renowned expertise and high knowledge; •
Much used in Western culture, especially in social gatherings. • When a woman h
as an executive position, this provision should be disregarded because it will p
revail in the corporate hierarchy, the role it plays • One of the most practical
, being used for large groups (eg Olympic games, graduations). Pronunciation occ
ur in all events, the most simple, using a greeting to participants, to more com
plex, with the closing speech made by the most important guest. For such stateme
nts, some guidelines should be observed: 1. After the formation of the table, th
e master of ceremonies or the person designated to do so will open the meeting,
welcoming those present on behalf of the host will call the speakers by the book
, stating their names and positions;€this sequence is less important to the pers
on of the utmost importance, in various types of ceremonies, different procedure
s occur, such as: • Lunch and dinner: the statements are made after dessert, as
well as gifts, on these occasions, usually formal, speeches should be prepared i
n advance.
• Cocktail: it is a less formal event that can bring some gifts or acknowledgmen
ts, creating impromptu words, in which case the speaker should take care not to
make - if long-winded, tired listeners; • Graduations: within their own ritual,
usually speeches the valedictorian, and honored the patron, for they serve, equa
lly, the orientation of its phrases do not improvise; • Granting of titles and h
onors: the person previously indicated he will speak, welcoming the honored, whi
ch, in turn, reward attention; important that speakers do not improvise, using w
ritten speeches; • Possession: usually in a collective ownership, it is at the h
ighest level, speak the speech prepared in advance. At the risk of that improvis
ation entails discomfort to listeners, because it contains ramblings, incoherent
judgments or repetitions, the statements must be prepared. Your essay may be co
mposed of three parts: • Introduction: short, actually introducing the topic; •
Body of speech: in two or three parts, explains the central idea and purpose of
speech; • Conclusion: Following the initial plans, conducts to a final satisfact
ory and consistent. Clarity, objectivity, harmony in the text, politeness and co
rrectness, combined with the balanced use of adjectives certainly will produce a
satisfactory job, both for those drafts, and for those who will speak. With thi
s, the profits from guests who have their expectations met. In technical meeting
s, the terms need not be clarified because, in principle, are known by the parti
cipants. Mixed with the audience or layperson, whenever possible avoid using tec
hnical terminology, or by foreigners. If this is impossible, you need some kind
of explanation as to render the term understandable to everyone. ORGANIZATION FL
AGS While it contributes positively to the composition of an environment, climat
e and giving it credibility by suggesting to the event, the flags are not mere d
ecorations, but official symbols that must be respected. Thus, its use has to me
et criteria ranging from location to his own condition. The flags following the
same criteria of precedence of the people. When the flags are placed in even num
ber, nothing stands in the center. The first is placed to the right of center, s
econd left, third, the right of the first, fourth left of the second and so on.
Example.: Municipal flag flag flag state flag Institution Country
When the ceremony to use an odd number of flags, the first is placed in the cent
er, second right of center, the third left of center (left of first) and so on.
So house Condition: The flags are always placed to the right and left of the fir
st flag, when an odd number or right and left of the imaginary center, where an
even number of flags. The side considered the left and right is the flag, not th
e public. The flags are always facing the audience. They always occupy a promine
nt and easy viewing. This location is chosen, when in a closed environment, in o
rder: the right of the main table or in the center, behind the head table. Flags
are not decoration, they are symbols that deserve respect. Thus, it can be plac
ed in locations that remain hidden. FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE NATIONAL FLAG can
be used in any ceremony (official or private). It can be hoisted or lowered at
any time of day or night. Normally, it is hoisted and lowered at 8h to 18h. On N
ovember 19 (Flag Day), the hoist is at 12, with special solemnity. To be flown a
t night, the flag must be properly illuminated. When several flags are raised or
lowered while that of Brazil is the first to reach the top and the last to fall
. The flag never touches the ground when it is lowered, the ideal is that two pe
ople participate in the process so that, as it arrives near the ground, the seco
nd person to hold. Flags in a poor state of repair shall be delivered to militar
y units, where they will be incinerated in special ceremonies on Flag Day. Can n
ot be used flags of another country without the National Flag is on your side,€t
he same size and in a prominent position (except for diplomatic or consular). Fo
r a flag is placed at half mast, it is first hoisted to the top of the mast and
then lowered halfway. ORGANIZATION OF TABLES Tables directly called from all tho
se policies that bring together people who will coordinate an event. Country fla
g flag Municipality
The tables are composed Policies by the personalities present, by people who wil
l be honored, will be speaking, represent a public agency or private institution
, in short, all persons present at an event that deserves a special mention of t
he rest of the participants. There are some basic rules for structuring tables P
olicies, which are as follows: People are always placed at the table from the ce
nter, right and left of center. That is, the placement of people from the positi
on who is seated at the table and not on who is in the auditorium, looking at th
e front desk. A Policy Board is, as already mentioned, where the authorities are
present. Ideally, this table is not composed of a large number of people. A qua
ntity that can be considered ideal is 7 or up to nine people. The Board of Direc
tors, when absolutely necessary to compare it with large numbers of people depen
ding on the type or size of the event, can have two rows of chairs. In these cas
es, precedence is structured by organizing the first row of the center outwards,
and when this is complete, the second row also from the center outwards. The fi
rst row of the auditorium is an extension of the Board of Directors. If the plac
es are marked, to give precedence to the center to the sides, right and left of
center. During the same event, the table can be made more than once. This means
that we can have a board policy of openness, and close work. Whenever possible,
women do not occupy the ends of the table. Regarding the number of members, the
tables Policies can be even or odd. The willingness of the authorities is organi
zed according to this factor. TABLES ODD • The most important person (a) is in t
he center. • The second most important person (2) is on the right of (1). • The
third most important person (3) is to the left of (1). • The distribution contin
ues in that order. It is noteworthy that the willingness of people is always mad
e from the center of the table. Thus, the number two (2) is on the right of the
number one (1) not right as you face the audience. TABLES PAIRS • No one is in t
he center of the table. This is regarded as an imaginary line, from which we wil
l place the authorities. • The first most important person (a) is the right of t
he imaginary center. • The second most important person (2) is left of center im
agery. • The third most important person (3) is on the right of (1).
• The fourth most important person (4) is to the left of (2). • The others follo
w the same criterion. WHAT TO PUT IN THE DIRECTIVE BOARD • Microphones; • Blocks
for notes and pens; Ashtrays •, • Towels, • Water or Coffee; • Card marking; •
ers of the Bureau should receive in writing the name, position and placement of
each of the authorities that make up the table as well as the master of ceremoni
es; • When the controller and Ceremonial Protocol deems necessary, the component
s of food can get a brief resume of the others, or brief information on their la
test achievements. • What determines the degree of formality of an event is, amo
ng other things, the type of call. • The paper you choose, the envelope, the fon
t and color of these, the color and size or format of the call is going to bring
the guest, automatically, to an event more or less formal. Handshake By shaking
hands with a well-known it is a symbolic gesture of satisfaction. That's why so
meone makes a bad impression to give the hand soft or only the tip of the finger
s. Rudeness, even more, is very strong grasp. Who has the initiative of the hand
shake is always the woman. There are also occasions when the handshake is not re
quired. (Restaurants, Constr. Medical and Dental). CARDS VISIT Anyone who thinks
that business card is unnecessary or outdated, you're wrong. He also is a key t
ool in our daily life, besides being practical and elegant. Flores, are always m
ore sympathetic when accompanied by a personal card, accepting or refusing invit
Condolences, Communication of change of address; Following wedding gifts; NOTE:
Paper opaline pearl white or at most, with black letters, graffiti or azulmarinh
o are ideal for personal cards.€PROFESSIONAL CARD The card business is also very
important. In format, it is equal for men and women, with full name, title, add
ress, phone, fax, email, etc.. It is as useful as the business card. Ideally you
have both. Gestures Gesturing, in excess, can be a very unpleasant conversation
. Get hard as a stone, is even worse. LANGUAGE A language is clear and easily mo
re than half of the battle for a good understanding. If there is a huge cultural
gap between people who are talking, it is the most learned to make it understoo
d simply. The use of words in another language, should be avoided. EXPRESSIONS T
oday, fortunately, everything is more informal. So, do not use expressions excit
ed when greeting someone like: It's a pleasure to see him, is an honor. A simple
and objective: How are you? or Okay? are absolutely correct. KNOW HEAR Listenin
g is an indispensable quality is as important as knowing how to speak. Learn not
to interrupt people and listen to them carefully. KNOW WHAT TO TALK Staying inf
ormed is the first step to good conversation, but that's not all. Resist the tem
ptation to behave like the owner of the truth. Find a more universal subject whi
ch covers all the conversation. Speaking is a consequence of listening. Respect
religion, political opinion and taste of people. Do not discuss these topics whe
n you realize that you can give trouble. Do not tell a joke. Talk business in me
etings to own it. Prefer silence to speak ill of anyone.
Avoid borrow books. But if you do, make a point of honor to return them exactly
the same condition as received. Wife or husband: None. The right thing is to tel
l a husband or wife. A man should always give the front of the woman. She is the
first to enter the elevator, is the first to pass through a doorway, except in
places such as restaurants or theaters, for example. In such cases, the man who
runs the front desk or calling the place marked. To get someone in your home, tu
rn off the television immediately. If you are willing to receive a person must t
urn their attention to it all. It is clear that smokers must be concerned with t
he welfare of those who do not support smoking. But the meetings and festivals s
erve to exercise our sociability, not intolerance, and I never make comments abo
ut what kind of class you travel. In general, it sounds pretentious. Maybe trave
l, travels and how you can always strip the best advantage, with many or few res
ources. Never arrive at someone's house without warning, unless you've been feel
ing bad, exactly, on the doorstep of his friend. Likewise, intercom. Do not desc
ribe the car crash that almost gave you, but that did not happen. For a visit of
condolence, thirty minutes is enough. Even if you find that your presence is do
ing well, hold that ask you to stay a little longer. When finished, any visit, e
xpected to open the door for you. Do not go just putting his hand on the doorkno
b. Do not yawn. If it happens and you can not avoid, which is in total silence.
You no longer drink or smoke, how wonderful! But it need not humiliate anyone sh
owing how strong you are, full of willpower. Be modest. If a friend asks you a g
lass of water, never serve in the tray. Among friends, do not use the tray. Neve
r enter a room without knocking on the door before. If it is in your child's roo
m, or on your own, with her husband in there ever a hit before. When you find a
friend, visibly pregnant, careful not to say I did not know you were married, an
d maybe she did not. Ask how old a woman is a crime, just not yet foreseen in th
e penal code, even .. But if she revealed her surprise and youth, no whistle, co
mmenting: "But nobody would say. When entering an elevator, the man should hold
the door for women, the youngest to the oldest. Even in a hurry, nobody will los
e more than five seconds with this delicacy. Smoking in elevator or think. It, t
oo, you realize the danger of perfumes. You may be talking a thrilling subject.
He entered the elevator, silence. Resume only after the matter out.
Finally, it is absolute master of his life. Make it very interesting and somethi
ng that only belongs to you. And remember, in any industry, the problem is not w
hat it does, but how. AS gaffes The gaffes in meetings and business lunches are
very common, even among the most senior executives. The word "gaffe" comes from
the French Gaffeur, which is nothing more than the person who commits a gaffe. T
here are three types of people who commit gaffes: those who assume that the disg
uise and trying to remedy. Contrary to what many people think, do not try to fix
a faux pas. Gaffe committed gaffe assumed. Because, in trying to fix,€the trend
is worsening the situation further. They usually happen because of lack of good
sense or because one values things that the other does not value, or because it
neglects some detail what the other values too. That's why we say that prudence
and good sense are infallible weapons to avoid gaffes. "If you make a gaffe, it
is best to let it pass. Why is worse is trying to fix." ACTING WITH PRUDENCE ex
perienced executives tend to avoid the gaffes just striving for the good taste,
good education, not making comments of a personal nature, particularly when no k
now the person they are visiting or trading. Therefore, to have a good presence
in a meeting or interview, the ideal is to gather as much information about the
person with whom they will talk. So based on this information, you can select wh
at is interesting, convenient, relevant. There are several ways to obtain this i
nformation: 1 - Let's imagine that you are looking for a job. If a consulting te
am of professionals, we need to know how such advice as she works etc.. 2 - If t
he job interview is the very company that is hiring, so it's good to have more i
nformation about this company, people working on it etc.. You can get it through
his own consulting firm that is selecting the candidates, or people who know th
e organization. 3 - Enter the website of the company also works, at least to kno
w what products she sells, what is your philosophy, your area of expertise. Do n
ot leave to chance that chemical always hope to achieve in an interview or negot
iation. THANKING THE INTERVIEW To an executive, it is always good form to thank
the opportunities granted to it. Mostly, of course, thank the opportunity of bei
ng interviewed for a job.
This is a step often overlooked but can be decisive to win the job. In doing so,
you'll be showing gentle and polite, and also keep your name fresh in the memor
y of the interviewer. Do this: 1 - Send the letter one day after the interview.
2 - Check the name and title of the interviewer, and make sure the correct spell
ing. You can even request the card for this purpose, or check with the secretary
or the receptionist of the company. 3 - Be formal treatment, using "sir" or "ma
'am." You should only waive the formality if you already have a prior relationsh
ip, or if the interview has been relaxed and successful. In such cases, excessiv
e formality may sound like false. 4 - In the text, thank the interviewer for the
chance given to you to show your professional features. Describe some virtues o
f the interview, as the exciting exchange of ideas and good opportunity. 5 - Mak
e it clear you're very interested in the vague and open to other opportunities.
6 - Add a few sentences showing your interest. For example: "I was pleased to se
e the satisfaction of employees in the company, 'or' The sales numbers are impre
ssive." 7 - Describe your expectations. An example is the claim that will incorp
orate the visionary spirit of the company's president. 8 - Close your letter wit
h the closure of practice as 'carefully', 'sincerely' or 'grateful'. 9 - Check y
our spelling and print on good quality paper.
COSTUMES FOR EVERY OCCASION STYLE SPORTS (outdoor meetings, factory canteen, bar
becue) SPORTS FULL (breakfast and lunch in relaxed environments) MAN shirt witho
ut a tie, jackets, sweaters and sweatshirts, top-sider shoes or moccasins - tenn
is only in case of subsequent on-site sports blazer, shirt color or plain shirt,
tie optional for younger (woven mat), moccasin type shoe WOMAN Skirt and blouse
, trousers (not for official ceremonies in public), more closed sandals for summ
er and Tailleur low heels, skirt and blazer in different colors, type chemisier
dress, skirt and blouse, shoe moccasin. Scholarship in a ceremony in commercial
office hours, may be the usual
DRIVE / tenuis VILLE (cocktails of product launches, dinners, meetings nãosolene
s environments governmental) factory, barbecues) HIGH SPORT (inaugural acts most
solemn morning and evening)
Pants in different fabric of the blazer, suit Prince deTailleur, blazer, dress,
Wales, pied-de-poule. Shirt and shoe bag escarpin plain white or colored striped
little too soft. Always tie, dark shoes
Smooth or full suit jacket and dark pants mix, white shirt and dark tie finest s
uit, tie discreet, noble fabric (silk). Shoes and black socks, used for weddings
in the morning and evening
It is the same as tenue de ville,€but may include wedding hat and kid gloves mor
ning flat or two-piece dresses, noble fabrics (Crepes, taffeta, brocade, chiffon
, lace, jerseys). Shoe and leather wallet in metallic, suede or fabric dress sho
rt reception, long skirt and blouse, pantaloons in rich fabrics, dress in costum
e gala length (covering the foot), long dress without stones, with freedom to sp
arkles in fabric or jewels , high heel shoes preferably lined
ENTERTAINMENT (parties at night)
BLACK-TIE (dinners and parties Smoking sophisticated)
GALA (highest degree of formality Smoking)
ETIQUETTE IN ENTERTAINMENT, Lunch and dinner with certainty where most gaffes ar
e occurring in receptions, lunches and formal dinners. Such gaffes, however, cou
ld be avoided if the executive to obey some simple rules and easy to be memorize
d. Let us know these little rules: Business Lunch: - A business lunch will never
exceed two hours. This is the limit. - It must not be very fast, of course. A l
unch of 25 minutes is almost a snack, or a bad indicator. Probably the business
was bad.
- In a two-hour lunch between the appetizer, the food and dessert, there has bee
n an average of 40 minutes. If a self-service restaurant, time is even smaller:
30 minutes on average. So, there's more than an hour to discuss business. - Timi
ng is appropriate to discuss business after lunch. - Many people eat and talk bu
siness at the same time. This is allowed only if people know there is enough tim
e. There's no problem. Both know they have little time, then go straight to the
point, eating and laying down the business. But if it happens the first time tha
t the meeting should not do that. He is the host that should define when to ente
r on issues related to business. Is he telling the time, not the guest. Who invi
tes pays the bill: Another important recommendation: if a business lunch, who in
vites pays the bill. Unless it is a breakfast meeting between boss and subordina
te. In this case, the boss always pays, even if the child has convened the meeti
ng. It is a matter of delicacy, because the issue is work. Even when a group of
friends or girlfriends combines a lunch, brunch or dinner, the account should be
divided equally by the number of gifts. In this case, it is inelegant want to p
ay the bill alone. This is a rule of etiquette. Special care: - One should not a
sk for food more expensive just because he was invited and lunch will be paid by
the company. This is a gaffe. - Also one should avoid dishes "difficult". Too b
ad you ask for a meal and then find it does not like what you asked. - The ideal
is to ask for explanations of the dishes to the waiter, because the same dish c
an be prepared in different ways depending on the region or country where you ar
e. But if you asked, you have to eat. The use of the napkin: Often people become
hesitant about using cloth napkins at the restaurant, following the rules of et
iquette. Do so: - When sitting, the first thing you do is place the napkin in he
r lap. If ironing, leave it folded horizontally, by bending, so that will not sl
ip. - Whenever you bring the cup to his mouth, before passing the napkin on his
lips. - If you lift the table during the meal, remember to put the napkin on the
towel to the left of the plate without bending it. After the meal, after coffee
, do the same. How to eat chicken and pasta: Eating chicken with your hands is a
lack of etiquette. For more relaxed that the table is to always use the correct
knife and fork. In the latter case, if other people are not using cutlery and y
ou do not want to leave them embarrassed, you can catch a wing or a leg with the
paper napkin and eat with your hands.
Even when it comes to pasta, we consider the following: cut the spaghetti is a g
affe, especially in Italian restaurants. It is wise to roll the dough into the f
ork, making the rotating motion with the fork supported at its end. Thus, the ma
ss absorbs the sauce. You can also use the spoon as support. She is insured by t
he hand and the left fork leads to mass in the mouth. Drinks at a business lunch
: - Generally speaking, do not ask for alcohol at a business lunch. In some circ
les, you can even admit, they do not pass a single dose or glass of wine or an a
ppetizer. And yet, who should suggest to drink who is invited. - The host is lay
ing the breakfast will have alcohol or not. The guest should never ask. The same
goes for cigarettes. The gathering of the chair: At a restaurant, when someone
gets up, one should not push the chair towards the table. That task falls to the
waiter.€But if the meal is a residence and no waiter or waitress, then yes, you
should put it back into place. Tipping in restaurants: Tipping is a way to expr
ess thanks for good service and not an obligation. - At the restaurant, the firs
t thing you should do before you give the waiter a tip is to check if the accoun
t includes the service fee. - If not charged, you must give 10% if the service w
as reasonable, 12.5% if the service was very good and 15% if a service was unusu
al. It's the usual. - If the service fee is charged, you need not tip. However,
you can give a small amount to the waiter as proof of appreciation. Surely the w
aiter will remember it next time. "At receptions (official or not) or dinners in
private homes, under any circumstances give a tip to the waiter, however slight
EXISTENCE near unanimity that the new environment more modern work, and without
walls is good business and people. After all, the progressive abolition of rooms
serves to dilute the hierarchical rigidity, encourages group discussion and tea
mwork help share information and so on. SOME GOOD ADVICE COEXISTENCE When you ta
lk with your friends or are on the phone, often talking loudly as if under a wat
erfall, screaming to be heard. Beware, a tone above normal and much upsets colle
agues around. Lower the volume.
One of the most unpleasant situations in the workplace, is being forced to liste
n to your colleague use and abuse of expletives and obscenities. If you're on th
e phone with a client, he will think. This type of vocabulary can go unnoticed i
n a bar or in the football stadium, but never at work. Often, it is inevitable t
o hear the personal conversations of their peers, but that does not warrant comm
ent, question or make suggestions on what he just said. Disguise. Try to limit y
our personal conversations to a minimum. After all, nobody is obliged to listen
to a speech of half an hour about their problems. Before invading the space of s
omeone find out if that's a good time. Would you like to bump into someone, just
in time that just lost a big contract or after a discussion with your boss. His
room is not extension of the toilet. So nothing to comb his hair, touch up her
makeup, sanding the nails, floss, use throat spray and stuff. Work tables and sh
elving germinated require larger organization than it has at home. Proceed with
papers and belongings at the next table and leave the room leaving everything ca
n be messy point of contention with a colleague. Ideally, the gossip, the respec
t of superiors and colleagues, were avoided, but the business is coexistence of
humans and the comments are part of the game. Before making them, it is worth re
membering that there are distortions and the conversation goes too far and profe
ssionally it can be costly. When it comes to lending money, there is always a co
nstraint. A good measure is to not encourage the habit of fellow who is always a
sking for small sums. One day he stops paying and end a good relationship. The s
pirit of cooperation is a prerequisite for a good result in a workgroup and help
ful companion credits points in its favor. It takes responsibility, even to admi
t their mistakes without blaming others. Suggestion to improve MEETINGS • perfor
m them in the morning and not let phone calls interrupt the proceedings. • The s
ite should be pleasant temperature, because heat causes laziness. Comfortable ch
airs and have not let arms more freedom of gesticulation. • The meeting agenda s
hall be communicated in advance, so everyone get ready. Ensuring that all contri
bute to the discussion, but not put people in difficult situation. • Place the c
lock on the table for people to see that you intend to follow the schedule. • St
art on time and finished when he said it would end. • Remember that research sho
ws that the more time consuming for a discussion on a topic, the participants wi
ll use less information to base a decision. Boredom and fatigue are usually dele
te everything except the data easier to remember.
PROPER USE OF THE TELEPHONE The first and often the most lasting impression some
one gets of your company is through the phone. He is much more than a communicat
ions device, is the opportunity to establish a relationship with a customer away
from their competitors. The phone is not just a sales tool, but also of prestig
e.€We have something very important to sell all the time: our reputation. The wa
y to receive the calls can confirm or destroy the good name of an organization.
Smile. It may seem absurd, but it works. When we smile, the voice becomes more s
ympathetic. The effect of a smile is powerful, even when it can be seen. When a
connection is interrupted by technical problems, the caller does call back, and
also takes the initiative of farewell. Nothing is hard, in good ways, and one co
uld certainly apologize to the caller, claiming an appointment or the arrival of
someone in the office, closing the contact. Is annoying to hear the person talk
ing with others around you during the phone call, or even meet another device. W
hen you receive a visitor and phone calls, asked permission to serve you, and a
longer conversation, is postponed. During a conversation, you can not keep silen
t for long. The phone is important to small comments which keeps alive the commu
nication. Every complaint must be received with ease. The best way to calm the m
ind of the complainant's request that explains the problem well, speaking slowly
. The phone, a company, is for business contacts and connections, personal, shou
ld be brief. MOBILE PHONE The world lived millennia, without a cell phone, and i
t always ended up arranging. It is difficult to know how and when the need will
get the snobbery. But if you're fan, this electronic device, some tips to not de
monize the life of someone who is beside you: CAN ... • In cafés • In the car (p
referably alone and with car stopped) • In waiting rooms and rows of banking, et
c • • Alone in the bathroom at home with friends, attending and asking permissio
n • In a deserted island CAN NOT ...
• In restaurants (the board) • The hairdresser (aloud) • In the theater, cinema,
concerts (even in the waiting room) • Walking on the street • At parties, recep
tions or intimate meetings • On the beach (unless that is absolutely deserted) •
In the church (during Mass) • In business meetings proper posture in interperso
he beacon of our behavior depends on the perceptions of others in interpersonal
relationships . In organizations where communication is open and people can free
ly express their views to colleagues and superiors, the climate has a greater te
ndency is fun and fulfilling interpersonal relationships and productive. Experie
nce shows that the most valued business is not what it knows best, but what brin
gs the best results. To bring results, it is true that one needs knowledge. Howe
ver, the best result is achieved only with a good interpersonal relationship. Le
arn to relate is an art that requires discipline, training and dedication. All p
ersons who are in our lives, leave marks, they mean something. That something ma
y be, of course, too small or irrelevant. The important thing is not the size of
the action, but rather the awareness that something happened, that there was an
interaction with one another. GUIDELINES FOR A GOOD RELATIONSHIP All groups sho
uld be trained in verbalization, with positive attitudes, to describe the behavi
or of others, without trials, and the expectation that peers learn. Be as clear
as possible. Half-truths make people suspicious of you. Always smile, but withou
t affectation. The smile should be natural, not carved in her face. If you are n
ot willing, at least, do not frown. Listen carefully to what people tell you to
mind. Information is never enough. Use them in a comprehensive way, linking and
data points in common, but do not use, ever, the arguments against the people an
d yes, always in favor of process improvement. Remember important dates and even
ts in the life of all: the anniversary, the results achieved by the person to ch
ange jobs or the birth of first child, etc..
The best result is achieved by the professional who knows how to work your inter
personal relationships. RELATIONSHIP. Note that word. Moreover, the better: Deco
r. And to repeat a hundred, two hundred times a day. Therefore, the more you exe
rcise the meaning of this word, the more you will increase their employability.
TIPS FOR VALUE YOUR IMAGE • Be of good humor • Always say who you are • Practice
optimism • Greet people • Greet also know who does not know • Do not ask for fa
vors • Always pay your bills on time • Learn to say no • If you promise,€must al
ways meet • links • Return Prefer personal contact • Be nice to everyone • Activ
ely participate in your community • Be strictly punctual • Do not speak ill of o
thers • Do not count benefits • Be honest • Do not look and think aloud • No • D
o not whine if you get bored of grace • Give good examples • Believe in yourself
• Contact • Continue learning more than one language • Read a lot whenever you
can • Travel • Send Christmas cards • postcards • Send Email • Attend Telegram t
he greatest number of good local events • Frequent • Do not miss the humility •
When wrong, admit it was wrong
REFERENCES - LETTER, Alice. Nobody is perfect, but it can improve. Siciliano, 19
95. - CARVALHO, Marcelino de. Guide to Good Manners. Ed Nacional, 1977. - Columb
ine, Leticia. How to Share the cubicle and keep your privacy intact. Journal art
icle by USA Today Magazine You S. A. - DOBLINSKI, Suzana. Behaving as if Worldwi
de. Mandarin, 1997. - Kanter, Rosabeth Moss. The future depends on Relationships
. Management, May / June 2000. - LION, Danuza. In the Room with Danuza. Sicilian
o, 1992.
- Margerison, Charles J. Conserving make up. Saraiva, 1992. - MATARAZZO, Claudia
. Label without Freshness. Improvements, 1995. - Nunes, Marina Martinez. Ceremon
ial for executives. Of Sagra Luzzatto, 1996. - Ribeiro, Celia. Etiquette in Prac
tice. L & M, 1991. - Speers, Nelson. Ceremonial Office. - VIRGINIA, Barbara. Beh
avior. Loyola, 1992.

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