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Biblical Names
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Santas Letters Edition © Copyright - 2003 by Naasom A. Sousa
MEANING OF NAMES Alcimus - elevated by God. . Alpheus - God replaced. . Amman -
the great. . Amasa aided by God or God is strong. . Amaziah - the Lord is strong
. . Amminadab - you proved to be generous. . AminoMar - trustworthy. . Amirom -
God is sublime. . Ampliatus - increased. . Ana - full of grace. . Ananias - the
Lord has been merciful. . André - strong, virile. . Andronicus - winner of the
men. . Amraphel - the mouth of God spoke. . Antipater - the portrait of his fath
er. . Aode - glory. . Apollonius - sacred to Apollo. . Ã quilas - man of the north
. . Ahimelech - God is king. . Aquinoão - God is kind. . Akhior - God is light.
. Ahitub - my brother (God) is good. .
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Ariel - Lion of God. . Ario - dedicated to the air
, king of the war. . Arioch - noble. . Aristarchus - eminent sovereign. . Aristo
bulus - excellent counselor. . Archelaus - chief of the people. . Archippus - ma
ster-stable. . Artaxerxes - the great king. . Asa - God did. . Asahel - God did.
Asaf - was gracious God (for me). . Ashara - goddess of the shots. . Asyncritus
- incomparable. . Azael - God saw. . Azariah - you helped.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES B. Baal - owner, sir. . Baltasar - protect the kin
g or protect his life. . Benaiah - God has built. . Barak - ray. . Barjésus - s
on of Jesus. . Barjona - son of Jona. . Barnabas - son of consolation. . Barabba
s - the son of the master. . Barsabbas - born on Saturday. . Bartimaeus - son of
Timaeus. . Bartholomew - the son of Tolmai or Talmai. . Baruch - Blessed be God
. . Basem - balm. . Bethuel - man of God. . Berenice - that leads to victory. .
Barzillai - Iron Man. . Bezalel - in the shadow of God. . Bethany - house of the
poor. . Bathsheba - a lush. . Boanerges - sons of the storm. . Boos - there is
no force.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES C. Caio - happy, cheerful. . Caleb - dog. . Cephas
- Peter. . Cis - Sun Chloe - lush foliage. . Kore - the bald. . Crispo - curly
hair. . Christ - Anointed One (Hebrew) - Messiah .. . D -. . Dan - do justice. .
Delilah - docile woman. . Damaris - implored the people. . Daniel - God is my j
udge. . David - boss or loved one. . Deborah - bee. . Demetrius - dedicated to D
emeter (the goddess mother earth). . Dina and Dina - the trial. . Dionysus - the
son of Zeus (the god of wine). . Diotrephes - powered by Zeus.
THE MEANING OF NAMES AND BIBLICAL. Ebed - servant. . Edom - the redhead. . Ephra
im - fruitful. . Elkanah - God founded. . Eleazar - God helped. . Electa - elect
ed. . Eli - (Heli). . Eliakim - (Eliakim). . Eliakim - that God has established.
. Elijah - Jehovah is God. . Eliezer - God's aid. . Elimelech - God is king. .
Elizabeth - God is fullness or consecrated to God. . Elisha - God helped. . Elih
u - he is God. . Elohim - Yahweh is God and no one else but him. . Emanuel - God
with us. . Aeneas - hero of legend. Enoch - man. . Epaphras - reduced form of E
paphroditus. . Epaphroditus - the charming. . Epaenetus - the praise. . Erastus
- the beloved. .
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Esau - the hairy, the hairy. . Eshbaal - the follo
wers of Baal. . Ezra - God's aid. . Stachys - ear of corn. . Stephanus - who wea
rs a crown. . Ester - star. . Stephen - crown. . Ethan - the constant. . Eunice
- victorious. . Eubulus - good counselor. . Eutychus - the prosperous. . Eva - g
ive life or the mother of all living. . Euodia - Choosing a good way. . Hezekiah
- God is my strength. . Ezekiel - God strengthens.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES F. Facéia - God opened his eyes. . Phares - what
breaks. . Philemon - he loves. . Philetus - the beloved. . Philip - amateur hors
e. . Phinehas - Egyptian or Moor. . Phlegon - the fervent. . Fortunato - favored
by luck. . G -. . Gabael - Gabel. . Gabel - God is high. . Gabriel - sent from
God or God has shown to be strong. Gad - good luck. . Gamaliel - God did me good
. . Gideon - sword fighter. . Gershon - alien, pilgrim. .€Gedaliah - the Lord s
howed his greatness. . Goliath - transmigration, passage.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES H. Habakkuk - hug. . Hades - the unseen. . Haggith
- born at a party. . Hammurabi - the hot. . Hanani - God took pity on. . Hanom
- pity. . Hazael - Azael. . Heber - companion. . Hilkiah - God is my luck. . Hel
i - the Lord is exalted. . Heliodorus - gift of sun-god. . Heman - happy. . Heno
que - Enoch. . Hermas - donation of Hermes (Greek god). . Hermogenes - a descend
ant of Hermes. . Herod - a hero son. . Herodias - the daughter of a hero. . Hero
dion - Fiho hero. . Hiram or Hiromi - The brother (God) is sublime. . Hosanna -
Save us, pray. . Hur - white.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES I. Ichabod - the glory disappeared. . Elizabeth -
Elizabeth. . Isaiah - God is salvation. . Isaac - the divinity laughed. Isbaal o
r Ishbosheth - man of shame. . Ishmael - God hears. . Israel - which governs wit
h God. . J -. . Jacob - one that surpasses that wins. . Jael - wild goat. . Japh
eth - God gives you ample room. . Jair - the enlightened by God. . Jairo - Jair.
. Jachin - God gives strength. . Jason - healer. . Yahweh - the name of God in
the Hebrew Bible. . Jehoiachin - God gives strength. . Jedid - beloved of God. .
Jephthah - that God release. . Jethro - primacy. . Jeremiah - God is sublime. .
Jerubbaal - Baal show his greatness. . Jeroboam - the people to multiply. .
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Jesonias - God meets. . Jesse - Man of God. . Jesu
s - God is their help or their salvation. . Joab - God is father. . Jehoahaz - G
od holds my hand. . Joana - feminine form of John. John - God is gracious. . Joa
chim - high God. . Joash - God gave. . Jotham - God has shown to be fair. . Joel
- Jehovah is God. . Jona - dove. . Jonadab - God has shown to be beneficial. .
Jonas - Dove. Jonathan - given by God. . Joram - God is exalted. . Jehoshaphat -
God judges. . Joseph - who adds. . Josiah - God brings salvation. . Joshua - Go
d is salvation. . Judith - praised.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES L Laban - white. . Lamech - young strong. . Lamuel
- consecrated to God. . Lazarus - God is my helper. . Levi - united, come toget
her. . Lia - heifer calf. . Lino - flax. . Lysanias - one that frees you from wo
rries. . Lysias - that which liberates. . Lucas - light. . M-. . Maccabee - brav
e, honorable, warrior avenger. . Malalieu - God does shine your light. . Malachi
- my messenger. . Malco - king. . Menahem - comforter. . Manasseh - one that ma
kes us forget. . Mara - bitter. . Marcos - servant of Mars. . Mordecai - belongi
ng to the god Marduk. . Maria - sovereign lady or loved by GOD. . Martha - Mrs.
. Mattathias - gift of God. . Matthew - gift of God.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES. Matias - (reduced form of Mattathias). Maviael -
God gives life. . Melchizedek - King of justice. . Merari - robust. . Meribaal o
pponent of Baal. . Messiah - the anointed one. . Matusael - man of God. . Michae
l - (Michael). . Micol - (short for Michael). . Michael - Who is God. . Micah -
(variant of Michael.) . Misael - named after Michael. . Moab - the father. . Mos
es - to give birth, safe water. . Moloch - king (pagan god).
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES N. Naaman - the kid is nice. . Nabal - fool. . Nab
i - prophet. . Naboth - bud. . Nebuchadnezzar - Nabu protect the child. . Nahor
- the snorer. . Nadab - God proved to be generous. . Nathan - gift of God. . Nat
haniel - gift of God. . Nahum - God console. . Nazarite - devoted to God. . Nehe
miah - God console. . Naphtali - fighter. . Nicanor - winner of men. . Nicodemus
- who wins the people. . Nicholas - aque who wins the people. . Nile - (Egyptia
n) River. Noah - rest. . Naomi - my amenity.
THE MEANING OF NAMES The BIBLE. Obed - one who serves. . Ahaziah - God holds my
hand. . Ofni - (via Egyptian Hebrew) tree frog. . Onam - the robust. . Onesiphor
us - which brings utility. . Onesimus - useful. . Onias - God is gracious. . Ool
iabe - a tent is the deity *. . Hosea - God saves. . Osias - (Ozias). . Othniel
- Lion of God. . Oza - (Uziel). . Ozias - one of the variants deAzarias. . Oziel
- variant of Uziel.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES P. Parmenas - one who stays. . Patrobas - due to h
is father's life. . Paul - Short stature (small). . Pedro - stone, rock. . Persi
s - Persian. . Pilate - armed with a spear. . Prisca - crone, the venerable. . P
ublius - public, popular. . Pudens - Pudens, modesty, chaste. . Potiphar - given
by the sun. . Q -. . Cherub - God bless and God is praised.
BIBLICAL MEANING OF NAMES R. Rabbi - my Lord. . Raphael - God has healed. . Ragu
el - Friend of God. Rachel - ewe. . Rebekah - the linking, the linking. .€Rehob
oam - People dilated. . Rotate - pink. . Remaliah - God is sublime. . Reuben - B
ehold a son. . Rufus - The redhead. . Ruth - full of beauty or friend. . S -. .
Zadok - sacred. . Sapphire - gem. . Salman - sacrifice. . Salmon - light, splend
or. . Solomon - prosperity or peace. . Salome - safe and sound or peace. . Samue
l - heard by God. . Samson - like the sun. . Sara - sovereign. . Saras - Bethel
God protects the king. . Sarva - the scented putty. .
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Saul - the craving. . Saul - grecizada form of the
Hebrew Saul. . Zedekiah - God is my help. . Zipporah - Yahweh. . No - the name
famous. . Sennacherib - Yes God increases the number of my brothers. . Seven - c
ompensation. . Silas - grecizada form of the name Saul. . Silvano - Latinized fo
rm of the name Silas. . Simon - the same as Simeon. . Simeon - God heard. . Zeph
aniah - God protects. . Sopater - savior of his father. . Sosipater - savior of
his father. . Sosthenes - robust. . Shulamith - Shunem girl or woman worthy of S
olomon. . Susana - lily.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES T. Tabeel - God is good. . Tabitha - gazelle. . Th
addeus - the brave. . Tamar - palm tree. . Terah - goat. . Tebni - tests of stre
ngth. . Theophilus - loved by God. . Tertius - the third. . Tertullus - diminuti
ve form of Tertius. . Tiago - vernacular form of Jacob. Timon - the honored. . T
imaeus - Bartimaeus reduced form. . Timothy - honoring God. . Tychicus - the luc
ky. . Tyrant - an absolute ruler, a usurper of power. . Titus - (Latin) wild pig
eon, (Greek) God-fearing. . Tobias - God is good. . Thomas - twin. . Trophimus -
foster child. . Tubal - smith.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES U. Urban - civilized. . Uriah - God is light. . Ur
iel - God is light. . Uziel - shape-making Eleazar God helps. . V-. . Vashti - t
he most beautiful.
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES The meaning of each name of the Bible helps us in
interpreting their texts. Below are some names for you to know its meaning and o
Name: (source) The Meaning Aaron (Hebrew) ark, bright, light - 1 Chronicles 24:1
Abel (Hebrew) wind, steam or son - Matthew 23:35 and Matthew 4:2 Abigail (Hebre
w) my father is a source of joy joy or -1 Chronicles 2:16 Abimelech (Hebrew) my
father is king - Genesis 21:25 Abner (Hebrew) Father of light or lamp - 1 Samuel
4:31 Abram (Hebrew) exalted father - Genesis 11:27 Abraham (Hebrew) Father of t
he crowd - Genesis 17:5 Absalom (Hebrew) Father of peace, prosperity is God - 2
Samuel 3:31 Ahab (Hebrew) father's brother - 1 Kings 16:28 Ahaz : (Hebrew) he ha
s sustained - 2 Kings 16:3 Adam: (Hebrew) Man of red earth or red - Genesis 1:26
Adonijah (Hebrew) Jehovah is the Lord - 1 Kings 1:13 Haggai (Hebrew) joy, festi
ve - Haggai 1:1 Agrippa: (Hebrew) glory of the skin, heroic, or that was given b
irth with difficulty - Acts 25:13 Alpheus: (Greek) passenger, transitory - Mark
2:14 Ana: (Hebrew) packed Grace - Luke 2:36 Ananias: (Greek) answer from the Lor
d - Acts 5:1; (Hebrew) Jehovah has covered - Nehemiah 3:23 Andrew: (Greek) or ma
nly winner - John 1:44 Aaron (Hebrew) or bright serrano - Exodus 6:20 Ariel: (La
tin) or high lion of God - Ezra 8:16 Artaxerxes: (Greek or Latin) the great king
- Ezra 6:14 Azariah (Hebrew) who helped Lord - 2 Kings 15: 1 B Baal (Hebrew) lo
rd holder - 1 Chronicles 4:33 Baltasar: (Assyrian) or friend of the king to prot
ect his life Barak, (Hebrew) lightning - Judges 4:6 Barnabas: (Aramaic) son of c
onsolation - Acts 4:36 Barabbas: (Greek) son of Rabbi - Matthew 27:16 Bartimaeus
: (Aramaic) son of Timaeus, honorable son - Mark 10:46 Bartholomew: (Aramaic) or
Tolmai son of Timaeus or son to lift the water - Matthew Baruch 10:3: (Hebrew)
blessed - Jeremiah 32:12 Berenice: (Greek) victorious - Acts 25:13 Bethany: (Heb
rew) Dates house or house of the afflicted - John 11-18 Bible: (Greek) books
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Boaz (Hebrew) there is no power or strength - Ruth
4:1 Caio C: (Latin) or cheerful staff - Acts 19:30 Caleb (Hebrew) bold or cage
- Numbers 13:16 Cephas: (Aramaic) rock or stone - John 1:42 Cleopatra: (Greek) f
ather's glory - Genesis 10:57 Christ (Hebrew) Messiah, (Greek) Anointed - Matthe
w 16:16 Dan D: (Hebrew) judge, trial - Genesis 46:23 And Delilah: (Hebrew) gentl
e, soft - Judges 16:4 Daniel (Hebrew) God is my judge - 1 Chronicles 3:1 David (
Hebrew) Beloved - 1 Samuel 16:13 Debbie: (Hebrew) Bee - Genesis 35:8 Dinah: (Heb
rew) pronounced trial - Genesis 36:32 And Ephraim (Hebrew) be fertile or fruitfu
l - Genesis 41:52 Eleazar: (Hebrew) God has helped, (Latin) lazarus;€(Greek) La
zaros Exodus 6:23 Eliakim: (Hebrew) God established - Isaiah 22:20 Elijah (Hebre
w) whose God is Jehovah or Jehovah is my God - 1 Kings 17:1 Eliezer: (Hebrew) Go
d is my help - Genesis 15:1 Elimelech: (Hebrew) Jehovah is my King - Elizabeth R
uth 1:2: God of Seven, an oath of God - Exodus 6:23 Elisha (Hebrew) God is salva
tion - 2 Kings 2:15 Eloi: ( Aramaic) My God - Mark 15:34 Emanuel: (Hebrew) God w
ith us - Isaiah 7:14 Aeneas: (Greek) commendable, famous, healed - Acts 9:34 Eno
ch: (Hebrew) mortal man - Genesis 9:54 Esau : (Hebrew) hairy, hairy - Genesis 25
:25 Ezra, (Hebrew) aid, help - Ezra 7:1 Esther (Hebrew) star (Persian) situation
- Stephen Esther 2:7: (Hebrew) crown, garland - Acts Eunice 6:5: (Greek) winnin
g gloriously blessed - 1 Timothy 1:5 Eve: (Hebrew) life or the mother's life - G
enesis 3:20 Hezekiah (Hebrew) fortalexido by God, the power of God - 2 Kings 18:
1 Ezekiel (Hebrew) God has strengthened, God fortress - Ezekiel 1:3 Philemon F:
(Greek) lover or kissing - Philippians 1:1 Philip (Greek) tamer of horses - Mat
thew 10:3 Fortunato: (Latin) lucky - 1 Corinthians 16:17 G Gabriel (Hebrew) Man
of God or ambassador - Daniel 8:16 Gamaliel: (Greek) reward from God - Numbers 1
:10 Gerson: (Hebrew) ban, pilgrim - Exodus 2:21 Gideon (Hebrew) cutter - Judges
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Goliath: (Hebrew) exile, crossing - 1 Samuel 21:9
H Habakkuk: (Hebrew), which embraces - Habacuqe 1:1 Herod (Hebrew) son of heroes
, the glory of the skin or heroic Matthew 2: Hosanna 16: (Greek) saves us pray t
o the Lord (Hebrew) God hear - Matthew 21:9 I Isabel (Hebrew) God who makes cove
nant or oath of God - Luke 1:5 Isaiah (Hebrew) God's salvation or Jehovah save -
Isaac Isaiah 1:1: (Hebrew) or laugh he laughed - Genesis 21:3 Ishmael: (Hebrew)
whom God hears - Genesis 16:15 Israel (Hebrew) who struggles with God or that G
od governs with Genesis 32:28 J Jacob (Hebrew) supplanter, misleading - Genesis
25:33 Japheth (Hebrew) beauty, grandeur - Genesis 10:21 Jair (Hebrew) it will li
ght up, or he can bring it up Jairo Deuteronomy 3:14: (Greek) light diffuser - M
atthew 9:18 Jeremiah (Hebrew) Jehovah down - Jeremiah 1:1 Jeroboam, (Hebrew) peo
ple became numerous - 1 Kings 11:26 Jesus (Greek) savior (Hebrew) Joshua - Matth
ew 1:21 John: (Hebrew) grace, favor of God - Matthew 3:4 Joaquim: (Hebrew) Jehov
ah or Jehovah has set up - 2 Kings 24:8 Jonah (Hebrew) Dove - John 1:1 Jonathan
: (Hebrew) Jehovah has given us or gift from God - a Samuel14: 49 Joseph (Hebrew
) He adds - Genesis 35:24 Josiah (Hebrew) Jehovah or the Lord healed by sara - 2
Kings 21:24 Lamech L: (Hebrew ) powerful or strong young man - Genesis 4:18 Laz
arus: Greek form of Eleazar, God helped - Luke 16:20 Leah (Hebrew) mad cow (Angl
o-Saxon) similar shelter - Genesis 29:16 Levi (Hebrew) associated , united membe
rship - Genesis 29:34 Lydia: (Latin) derives from the word Read, its founder - A
cts 16:14 Luke: (Latin) light - Colossians 4:14 Malachi M: (Hebrew) God's messen
ger - Malachi 1: 1 Mara: (Hebrew) bitter, bitter, sad, (Syriac) lady - Ruth 1:20
Mark: (Latin) big hammer - Acts 12:12 Mary: (Hebrew) Miriam, exalted, strong -
Exodus 15:20 Martha: (Greek) lady, (Hebrew) who is bitter - Luke 10:38 Matthew:
(Hebrew) God's gift, man of God - Matthew 9:9
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Melchizedek: (Hebrew) king of righteousness - Gene
sis 14:18 Michael: (Hebrew) Who is like our God? - Daniel 10:21 Moses (Hebrew) t
aken from the waters, (Egyptian) son of Isis (Egyptian god) - Exodus 2:10 N Naam
an: (Hebrew) nice sweet, nice - JuÍses 15:41 BR> Nebuchadnezzar (Persian) Nebo
protects from misfortune or defender dosdir limits - Jeremiah 21:7 Nathan (Hebre
w) He gave - 2 Samuel 7:2 Nathanael (Hebrew) God's gift or God has given - Nahum
1:8 Numbers: (Hebrew) consolation compassionate - Luke 3:25 Nehemiah: (Hebrew)
Jehovah comfort or console - Ezra 2:2 Nicodemus: (Hebrew) conqueror of the peopl
e - John 3:1 Noah (Hebrew) rest, solace - Genesis 5:32 The Onesimus: ( Greek) us
eful, fruitful - Colossians 4:9 Hosea (Hebrew) salvation or saved - Numbers 13:1
6 P Paul: (Greek) small, little - Acts 13:1 Peter (Greek) stone, rock - John 1:4
2 Pilate (Latin) armed with a dart hat or two slaves, liberating - Matthew 27:2
Priscilla: (Hebrew) old or older - Acts 18:2 Cherub Q: (Hebrew) Heaven, God is p
raised - Genesis 3:24 R Rafael: (Hebrew) God healed - 1 Chronicles 7:21 Rachel (
Hebrew) sheep - Genesis 29-6 Rebecca: (Hebrew) with string tie, ie, maiden whose
beauty holds men - Genesis 00:15 Ruth: ( Hebrew) showy, beauty,€friend - Ruth
1:4 S Solomon (Hebrew) very peaceful - 1 Chronicles 22:9 Samuel (Hebrew) God or
hear the name of God - 2 Chronicles 35:18 Samson (Hebrew) small sun or son of th
e people - Judges 15:31 Sara: (Hebrew) princess sovereign - Genesis 17:15 Saul (
Hebrew) or asked by calling the desired - Genesis 36:37 Sergio: (Hebrew) a netwo
rk, (Latin) a servant or slave - Acts 13:7 Simeon (Hebrew) famous - 1 Chronicles
23:7 Susana: Lily Grace - Luke 8:3 Thaddeus T: (Hebrew) He that praises or conf
esses, (Aramaic) bold, (Syriac) the lovely Luke 6: 16 James: Greek form of Jacob
(Hebrew) supplanter - Matthew 4:21
THE MEANING OF BIBLICAL NAMES Timothy (Hebrew) who loves God or beloved of God (
Greek) that honors God - Acts 16:1 Titus: (Latin) commendable, honorable - Galat
ians 2:1 U Uel: (Hebrew) will of God - Ezra 10:34 Uriel: (Hebrew) God is light o
r fire of God - 1 Chronicles 15:5 Uziel: (Hebrew) God is my strength and power o
f God - 1 Chronicles 6:2 V Vashti: (Persian ) more excellent or beautiful woman
- Esther 1:9 X Xerxes: the fiery lion king, the same as Asuero - Esther 1:2 Z Ze
chariah (Hebrew) Jehovah or Jehovah remembers remembered - Ezra 5:1 Zacchaeus: (
Hebrew) pure - Luke 19:2 Zerubbabel: (Hebrew) was born in Babylon - Ezra 3:8
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