Information For Oversea New Hires 2016

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Institute Applied Technologys new hire staff arrival and

the first few days (Overseas)

Prior to your arrival you will have been sent details of your fight date, time
and departure and arrival airports, along with hotel arrangements. The
booking will be made for yourself (and dependents if approved).

Your hotel is booked for you for the first 10 nights following your arrival. The
hotel will be booked on bed and breakfast basis. It is essential that you bring
some money with you to cover for food and other essentials until you get
your relocation cheque.

You have also been sent a copy of your e visa. Please keep a coloured
photocopy of the visa with you and make sure to get is stamped by
the passport control officer in the immigration and get your
passport page stamped as well.

You have been given you the name and mobile number of an IAT Visa
Officer/Hotel should you have any issues along with a contact number if
there are any problems with your airport pickup.

After collecting your luggage you will exit through the arrivals hall into the
meeting hall and will be met by the usual sea of faces holding name cards,
one of the cards should have your name on it.

July 2016 IAT Arrival details. Human Resources. Page |

The first day of your orientation is concentrated on processing your visa,
medical and Emirates ID, along with other important HR issues you need to
be informed of.
Western Region ( Al Baynounah campus) candidates will stay for two nights
in Abu Dhabi to facilitate this process and then at the end of day 2 you will
be taken to the Western Region hotel for the remaining 8 nights.

It is really important that you bring the following on arrival to your


*370 AED to pay for your Emirates ID (Please bring the exact amount)
*Your passport
The stamped employment visa
Your attested marriage and birth certificates if appropriate
Your attested qualifications
*On the first day of your work you will be asked to give this to the Public relations Officer
who will take the money and documents including your passport to the required centre to
start the process. You need the EID application in order to apply for the visa

The Campus HR Coordinator will require you to sign a Joining Report this
document is confirmation of your arrival and is what triggers the start of
your salary payments. You will also be required to sign a copy of the
original contract of employment.

An outline of what the first week will look like:

Activities Morning Afternoon
On Arrival Arrive in the UAE:
Collected from Abu Dhabi or Dubai airport and taken to
your hotel in your campus Emirate (Except for WR
people who will stay 2 nights in Abu Dhabi)
You will be left to settle in and rest after your journey
1st week You will be taken to process your visa and Emirates ID.
(In either Abu Dhabi, Al Ain or Dubai)
This will mean travelling to a *medical centre. (You
may have some waiting around).
Complete joining papers, share documents to start visa
and EID application, open bank accounts and obtain
mobile telephone number (essential for opening bank
account), meet Real Estate reps to discuss housing
2 days will be dedicated to supporting you to obtain your
The campus HR and PRO will support along with a
number of Real Estate companies who will be available
to take you to view properties.
You are also free to research and view your own
chosen properties as you wish. (NOTE in Abu Dhabi
and Western Region Al Ain you are required by AD
Govt law to take housing which has Tawtheeq
registration (this is where it is officially approved by
the AD Govt). Housing allowance cannot be paid for
properties where Tawtheeq cannot be provided. You
will be collected from your hotel and taken to your
campus to meet with your HR officer who will discuss
the process of housing application from IAT (if you so
choose) and application for childrens Education fees
(if applicable)

*The medical has to be undertaken before we can apply for your

residency visa (or if we renew your residency visa). The screening
involves amongst other things, an eye test, chest xray, blood test,
height weight, blood pressure and a short history taken by a
doctor. The process is very efficient and results are usually
obtained within 24 hours.

During your orientation you will need to open a bank account within
your first few days. We have arranged for some banks to be
available on site on your first day of orientation for your
convenience. You need to provide a bank account number before
the end of the week so that your first salary payment can be made
to you at the end of August. You should note if you do not provide
an account then your next salary payment date will be end of
Most banks require you to have a residency visa to open a current
account, or else they will only open a savings account which can at a
later date be transferred to a current account.
The bank will require the following documents to open your account:
A copy of your passport (IAT reps can stamp on day 1 to say
your original is with us for visa processing)
A copy of your stamped entry employment visa (E-Visa)
A copy of your EID application (You can provide this to the
bank rep after day 2 of your orientation)
A local mobile number (See below)
When the bank account has been opened, you will be given a
certificate which gives your account details. This certificate should
be given to your HR Officer who will attach it to a Banking
Information Form that he/she will ask you to complete.
Do not delay in completing this document as failure to do so will
delay salary payments.

Once the account is opened the bank will provide you with an ATM
card, you can apply for a credit card if you wish and most banks offer
loan services and online banking facilities.

We have arranged for ETISALAT (UAE mobile phone provider) to be

at each campus so that you can arrange to get a mobile phone
number connected. This is essential as a bank account cannot be
opened without a mobile number.
(There are only 2 providers of UAE mobiles, Etisalat and Du.)

During your local orientation you will be taken to view

accommodation. This may involve the use of a rental agent and
may incur a cost. (5% of the rental value)
You are of course free to source your own accommodation.

There will be a lot to get through in your first few days, so be prepared for
a hectic time!

In addition to the above; as soon as you have secured suitable

accommodation you will start a shopping frenzy buying the basics for your
apartment i.e. bed, bedding, kettle, crockery etc.
Your campus HR Coordinator (or colleagues) will be able to advise you of
the best places to buy. Often very good items can be purchased at very
reasonable prices from expats who are returning home. Your campus or
department may have a notice board where items are posted, if not most
supermarkets have for sale boards located within them. And there are
many face book pages where items are sold. If you want to purchase new
items there are numerous furniture and household stores, Dubai and Abu
Dhabi have IKEA stores.

Welcome to IAT and the UAE.

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