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Ali Merritt Comp 8-2

Hst. P-8
Where Did My Clothes Come From?
Prepared By: Ali Merritt
Its a big country with many manufacturing plants. This is how our economy
Country: Number of Clothing was built and is growing. Each country is an exporter of many things such as clothes. For
example, China was my leading country for the amount of clothing made, they had 57% of my
China 34
clothing. China is a vast country which is majoring is productions and manufacturing. They also
Salvador 2
have a high population count which means they have more people working jobs. Industrial
Vietnam 20
laws affect countries with clothes manufacturing by not meeting safety laws, health codes, and
United States 2 the extent of labor used. Wage and labor are the major parts of manufacturing however you
Mexico 2 must not over work the people working, but this can be a common case for some countries in
need to export supplies. The United States use to make many clothes and many other supplies
during the Industrial Revolution but now we barley produce anything products. We make other
people do our dirty work now. Personally I think we should start producing more materials
instead of depending on other countries.

Where Did My Clothes Come From?

3% 3%

57% United States


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