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Indefinite articles

Articles are words that precede nouns, indicating gender and number. Mark and id
entify the noun, therefore we can say that can be classified into two groups. Th
e specific and definite. Thus, as in Spanish, we need to make use of the article
s (not saying home is on the hill, but the house is on a hill), also in English
are required and used when appropriate. English is the indefinite article a and
A boy
A girl
An apple
- It is invariable in gender and number. This means that serves the same manner
as for the male to female. A boy / a boy girl / A girl
- It has no plural. To express the meaning of some, some will use the adjective
some (few). - Used in front of words beginning with a consonant, aspirated by h,
or u, eu, ew when pronounced / ju: /, and before words that begin or when they
decide u (ie one). A chair / A chair A useful thing / One thing useful - an is u
sed before words beginning with a vowel or h is not pronounced (eg hour) An oran
ge / An orange USE In general, the indefinite article in English used for the sa
me functions as in Spanish. - Used to designate an ay people and things: A man /
A man A table / A An umbrella table / An umbrella An envelope / A on An heir /
An heir
- Used an ay front of professions (in this case, unlike the Spanish in the profe
ssion does not require a preceding article or one): I am an engineer / I am an e
ngineer He is a painter / He is a painter - is used to designate an individual o
r object as representative of a class: A car is Better Than a motorbike / A car
is better than a motorcycle indicated that the car or bike, in general, represen
t any car or motorcycle in its class. - Has a distributive use Twice a day / twi
ce a day - in front of names preceded by a title, when it translates the idea of
"one" There is a Mr. Smith at the door / There's a Mr. Smith in door - in front
of expressions that indicate a certain amount of things or people: A lot of / l
ots of A dozen / one dozen
- In the exclamations, before a singular noun: What a nice tie / What a nice tie
- in front of words that show action, price, etc.. in Spanish when they are fol
lowed by the preposition by or behind Such adverbs of quantity, half, etc.. Twen
ty Miles an Hour / Twenty miles an hour Such a thing / This thing A FEW / a bit
- The indefinite article can accompany a proper name, which becomes the common n
ame this way: A bottle of Porto / A bottle of Port A McMillan / (A member of the
clan McMillan) - The indefinite article is omitted: - In front of nouns in the
plural (in the case of a Spanish articles, some used the adjective some / any) T
here are oranges in the fridge Some / There are some (few) oranges in the fridge
- in phrases that indicate a philosophical sense:
Honesty is rare / rare Honesty is the definite article
In English, the definite article (the) has the particular advantage and covering
four of the articles: the, la, los, las. The world / the world The Worlds / Wor
lds The house / the house The houses / homes The cat, the girl, the books and th
e apples / The cat, the girl, books and apples, therefore, we can say that is in
variable in gender and number. As you see, good prospects with the definite arti
cle for us, Hispanic language speakers, although not all could be so simple ...
USES - Identify an individual or particular thing. In this regard, the importanc
e of article is essential because its presence depends on the speaker's knowledg
e of the object or person you are talking about.
Computers are expensive
The computers are expensive
Both phrases can be translated as "Computers are expensive." In contrast, in the
first instance, we say that computers are expensive in general (we mean that an
y computer is usually a costly). In the second example, we are talking about a p
articular group of computers. We purchased at our office about the latest laptop
s, the price is high. That is why the conversation a person says to another, ref
erring to such equipment, the computers (laptops purchased) are expensive. - Eve
n if you omit the article with proper names (1) (in this case a title is often u
sed), it is used the article when it comes to a geographical (2) (rivers, seas,
mountains, islands, etc.. ) and names of objects when they acquire a name as an
appellation (3) (ships, hotels, publications, etc.).
Mr. Brown (not the Mr. Brown), Dr. Gannon (not the doctor Gannon) The Thames,€T
he Mediterranean, The Himalayas, The Bahamas (3) The Queen Elizabeth, The Washin
gton Post, The Palace Hotel
(A) (2)
Omission of the article is omitted the definite article the in the following cas
es: - As mentioned before, when we refer to people. (Treatment is often used as
a precedent). Mr Epi / Epi Mr King Arthur / King Arthur Lord Craig / Craig Lord
- When we refer to countries or other geographical terms with proper names. Engl
and / England Sesame Street / Sesame Street New York / New York
- Not used when referring to churches, schools, prisons, hospitals and other pub
lic meeting places in their general use as such. She goes to school / She goes t
o school (a schoolgirl) He is in hospital / He is in the hospital (inpatient) -
In front of names of substances, colors and languages. Iron is hard / Iron is ha
rd to flashy color is Pink / Pink is a bright color is an interesting language E
spañol / English is a language interesting - Over the months, seasons, weeks, y
ears, etc when we take as reference the current time and day of week and hours I
Came in July / The meat She came in July in spring / She came in the spring On
Saturday / Half Past Saturday At five / At five and a half - When we talk about
breakfast , lunch, snack or dinner. Dinner is at seven / Dinner is at seven - Wh
en it comes to activities, crafts and games: Chess / Chess Fishing / Fishing - W
hen we talk about percentages: Percent Twenty / Twenty percent Architecture / Ar
- When using names of body parts that are used with the verb to have (have). My
daughter has blue eyes / My daughter has blue eyes Read these famous (and not so
famous) quotations and place the correct item 'a', 'an', 'the' or '-' (none). 1
. "It Is Better to ask Than Some of questions to know all answers." 2. "" C "stu
dents run world." 3. "To Succeed In Life, You Need Two Things: ignorance and con
fidence." 4. "Go to Heaven for climate, Hell for company." 5. "Do not let school
interferes with your education." 6. "Golf is good walk spoiler." 7. "Life is to
ugh, But It's Tough if you're stupid." 8. "It is day wasted unless You Have Lear
ned something new and made someone smile." 9. "It Is Better to Have Than to be p
ermanent Income Fascinating.." 10 "You can not be real country unless you Have b
eer and airline. It Helps If You Have Some kind of football team, or Some Nuclea
r Weapons, But You Need at very least beer.. "11 "Foundation stones for balanced
success are honesty, character, Integrity, faith, love and loyalty.." 12 "Tomor
row is Often busiest time of year.." 13 "President has all of Promises Kept I In
tended to keep.." 14 "Never accept failure no matter how Often it visits you. Ke
ep on going. Never give up. Never.. "15 "There is no love Than sincere love of f
ood.." 16 "Show me sane man and I will cure him for you.." 17 "Few Things are ha
rder to put up with Than good example.." 18 "Happiness is good health and bad me
mory.." 19 "I think There is world market for maybe five computers.." 20 "There
are only two Ways to live life. One is as Though nothing is miracle. The other
Though as is everything is miracle. "Solutions
1. the, the 2. the, the 3. -, -, 4. -, The, -, the 5. 6. -, 7. 8. 9. a, 10. a, a
, an, a, the, 11. the, a, -, -, -, -, -, 12. the, the 13. the, the 14. 15. - The
16. 17. 18. -, -, 19. 20. - A

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