Statement From Nestlé Waters North America

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more information, contact:

Alix Dunn
Director, Corporate Communications

Alan Upchurch
For Nestl Waters

Statement from Nestl Waters North America

A healthy, sustainable environment is a goal shared by Nestl and all of our employees who live
and work in the community. Michigan is fortunate to have so many of natures gifts. We
understand the obligation and the caring needed to ensure those gifts remain for generations to
come, and thats why we constantly study and monitor our wells and the surrounding
environment. We ensure our operations are sustainable by our extensive voluntary monitoring
program and we regularly share this information with local stakeholders.

We are pleased that the MDEQ has set the dates for the public hearing and extended comment
period. We respect and support the MDEQs commitment to a careful and thorough review of
the pending application and to allowing ample time for the public to review the science that
supports our pending application.

The current groundwater withdrawal laws in Michigan were shaped by input from diverse
stakeholders representing respected environmental groups, technical experts, non-
governmental agencies and many others. The resulting laws are protective of our environment
and our neighbors. Our pending application meets those applicable laws and is based on over 15
years of extensive studies and regular monitoring of groundwater, surface water, and the local
ecosystem. We are confident in the science and in the professional scientists both from inside
and outside the company - who collect and evaluate the data. The data we submitted in our
application and through the Site Specific Review demonstrates that the requested
additional withdrawal of water is sustainable and will not cause an adverse resource impact to
the environment.

Nestl Waters is committed to full transparency in our Michigan operations, which includes
ongoing discussions regarding our permit application with multiple stakeholders. We had
discussed the permit increase with local stakeholders prior to submitting the application to the
State of Michigan in July 2016. Since then, we have continued to give presentations and have
face-to-face discussions with stakeholders. In January and February of this year, we organized
and invited the public to three community open houses. At these events, Ice Mountain
employees, along with local environmental experts who have worked in Michigan for years,
made themselves available to discuss topics of concern and answer questions regarding our
permit application.

Nestl Waters and the Ice Mountain team have demonstrated a strong commitment to the local
community over the past 15 years. Community members who work with us whether they are
local governments, state regulators, or local conservation groups or businesses have seen for
more than a decade that NWNA supports a tremendous amount of work to help keep the
watershed and the community healthy. We are particularly proud of our support for watershed
stewardship from river and road clean ups to recycling programs, to much larger watershed



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