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When talks are on health agenda we call it health talks.

It is the most natural way of

communicating with people to share health knowledge and facts. Can be conducted with one
person or with a family or group of people or through mass communication

Lecture It is oral, simple, quick and traditional way of presentation of the subject matter.
Presents factual material in direct, logical manner Economical In most cases audience is

Selection methods for health education Consider the following things before choosing health
education methods. 1. How ready and able are people to change? 2. Your learning objectives. 3.
How many people are involved? 4. Is the method appropriate to the local culture?

4. What resources are available? 5. What mixture of methods is needed? 6. Subject matter 7.
Limitations of time 8. What methods fit the characteristics of the target group?

1. Health Learning Materials (HLMs) There are four types of health learning materials: 1.
Printed HLMs 2. Visual HLMs 3. Audio HLMs 4. Audio-visual HLMs 40By :ATG(BSc,MPH)
2. 39. 1. Printed health learning materials It is the production of multiple copies of an original
image usually using ink pressed on to paper. It involves the exchange of facts, ideas, and
opinions through a written instrument /materials. It can be used as a medium in its own
right or as support for other kinds of media. 41By :ATG(BSc,MPH)
3. 40. Print materials . Example of print IEC materials 1. Poster 2. flipcharts 3. leaflets 4.
booklets 5. cards 6. News paper etc. 42By :ATG(BSc,MPH)
4. 41. Poster Poster is a large sheet of paper ranging in size from large bill boards to small
notices. 43 But often it has a size of 40cm wide and 60cm high. By :ATG(BSc,MPH)
5. 42. Poster .. A poster consists of ; words and pictures or symbols that include a
message on it. 44By :ATG(BSc,MPH)
6. 43. Content of poster All words in a poster should be in language the community
understand or in two languages. The words should be few and simple to understand
slogan -contain a maximum of 7 words.

1. Flip chart Are a series of pictures that are bound together, usually at the top, and can be
turned over by the educator. A flip chart is made up of a number of posters on a related
subject that are shown one after the other. Are good to present several steps or aspects of
a central topic 57By :ATG(BSc,MPH)
2. 56. Flip charts Purpose To give information and instructions Content There should be a
single separate idea on a chart. The arrangement should follow a logical order. Five is a
good number of charts to put in a flip chart

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