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Binding Energy Curve:

The graph of binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number is shown in the figure.

Important feature of binding energy curve

1. The binding energy per nucleon is practically independent of atomic number for the nuclei of middle mass
number 30 A 170
2. The binding energy per nucleon is maximum of about 8.75MeV for A 56 and about 7.6 MeV for
A 238
3. Nuclei with A 30 and A 170 , the average binding energy per nucleon remain nearly constant and it
implies that binding energy is proportional to its mass number. This is good approximation of the saturation of
nuclear force.
4. For mass numbers ranging from A=30 to 170, B.E curve has broad maximum. Elements belonging to range are
highly stable and non radioactive.
5. After A 170 , Binding energy per nucleon decreases gradually. Coulombs repulsion between the protons
starts dominating the nuclear force due to existence of large number of proton in heavy nuclei. Thus, reduce the
binding energy per nucleon and hence heavy nuclei are less stable.
12 16
6. In the region of smaller mass numbers 2 He 4 , 6 C , 8 O have peak value of binding energy per nucleon
6 10 14
than those element 3 Li , 5 B , 7 N which are nearby. This shows that the nuclei having equal number
of protons and neutrons are stable. This also shows that nuclei having even number of protons are more stable
than those of odd number of protons.
7. If two light nuclei are fuse together to form heavy nuclei, there is a gain in binding energy. This indicate that
fusion of lighter nuclei is energetically feasible.
8. Simillarly, if a heavy nuclei is break in to two lighter nuclei, again there is a gain in binding energy. This
indicates that fission of heavy nuclei is energetically feasible.

Significance of binding energy curve

(1) More the binding energy, more the stability of nucleus and vice-versa.
(2) A large of amount of energy can be liberated if heavier nuclei can be split into lighter
nuclei. ( This process is known as Nuclear fusion)
(3) A large amount of energy can be liberated if lighter nuclei can be made to fuse to form
heavier nuclei (This process is known as Nuclear fusion)

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