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(Integrated skill)
(Midday Rachmawati/130210401046)

School : SMA
Subject : English
Class/Semester : Eleventh/1
Skill : Reading (integrated with grammar)
Genre text : Report
Theme : Ancient object
Time allocation : 15 minutes



5. Memahamimaknateksfungsionalpendekdaneseiberbentukreport, narrative dan analytical

exposition dalamkontekskehidupansehari-haridanuntukmengaksesilmupengetahuan



5.2 Meresponmaknadanlangkahretorikadalamesei yang

haridanuntukmengaksesilmupengetahuandalamteksberbentuk: report, narrative,
dananalytical exposition

3.1 Cognitive
1. Mentioningthe function of report text
2. Mentioning the generic structure of report text
3. Mentioning the language features (simple present tense) of report text
1. Identifying positive, negative, and interrogative sentences in simple present tense based
on the text

3.2 Affective
1. Answering the teachers question confidently
2. Responding the teachers instruction politely
3. Responding the teachers instruction enthusiastically
4. Working in group cooperatively


1. Students are able to mention function of report text
2. Students are able to mention generic structures of report text
3. Students are able to mention the language features (simple present tense) of report text
1. Students are able to identifying positive, negative, and interrogative sentences in simple
present tense based on the text

IV.2 Affective
1. Students are able to answer the teachers question confidently
2. Students are able to respond the teachers instruction politely
3. Students are able to respond the teachers instruction enthusiastically
4. Students are able to work in group cooperatively


1. Report text about dinosaurs

2. Questioning and answering information of report text

3. Generic structure and language features of report text

4. Structures of simple present tense


Approach :Genre-based Approach

Method : Small group discussion


Numbe Teachers activity Students activity Time

1 Set pre-instructional activities 4 minutes
1. Greeting 1. Responding the greeting
2. Checking students attendance 2. Responding to the teachers
3. Giving the students leading
calling out their names
questions and pictures of ancient 3. Responding by answering the
objects questions
4. Stating the learning objective 4. Paying attention
2 Main activity: 9 minutes
1. Facilitating the students about 1. Paying attention and
the function of report text answering the teachers
2. Facilitating the students to
mention the generic structure of 2. Responding the teacher
report text instruction by answering the
3. Facilitating the students to
mention language features 3. Paying attention and
(simple present tense) of report answering the teachers
text question
4. Facilitating the students to
4. Paying attention and
identify positive, negative, and
answering the teachers
interrogative sentences in simple
present tense
5. Responding the teachers
5. Directing the students to work in
instruction by making a group
of 4-5 people
6. Giving each group the 6. Paying attention to the
instruction to do the groups teachers instruction
7. Instructing the students to do
7. Paying attention and
individuals assignment
3 Closure :
1. Reviewing what we have 1. Answering, responding
teachers questions 2 minutes
learnt today
2. Asking questions if
2. Letting the students to ask
questions when necessary 3. Asking questions that deals
3. Giving instruction to what with the next assignment
assignment for next meeting 4. Praying and saying good
4. Praying and closing bye to the teacher
Media : Pictures, white board, board marker, students worksheet.
Resources :

a. Process assessment

Observation checklist of the students performance

Name of Goo
No goo fair Poor
student d

Note :
Very good = students are able to show
4 confidence, enthusiastic, politeness and

Good = students are able to show at least 3 good attitude

Fair = students are able to show at least 1-2 good attitude

Poor = students are not able to show any good attitude

b. Product assessment

Maximum score : correct answer x 100


Task 1: Group assignment

Fill the blank with correct verb of simple present tense which is available in the bracket!

Dinosaur (1)....(is/are)one kind of lizards. It (2) big, ferocious and extinct. It (3)....
(appears/appear) from about 230 million years ago. It (4)....(live/lives) on earth for about 140 million
years. In 1842, Sir Richard Owen (5)....(create/creates) the word dinosaur from Greek worddeino.s,
means terrible and sauros, means lizard. Scientists (6).... (agree/agrees) that the impact of asteroid,
choking chemicals from erupting volcanoes and climate change cause dinosaurs to extinct.

Task 2: Individual assignment

Identify the subject, verb, and object/complement of the sentences below!

1. Some of dinosaurs dont have feathers.

2. Does the impact of steroid cause dinosaurs to extinct?

3. Some of dinosaurs walk on four legs.

4. Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor eat meat.

1. Fill the blank with correct verb of simple present tense which is available in the bracket!

The most popular plant eater (1)... (is/are) Brontosaurs and the most popular meat eater is
Tyrannosaurusrex. Brontosaurus which is classified into Sauropods group is a four-legged
dinosaur and typically grows to enormous sizes. They (2)... (are/is) herbivores or plants
eaters. Meanwhile, Tyrannosaurusrex is classified into Theropods which mean beast foot and
they (3)... (are/is) all carnivores or meat eaters. Tyrannosaurusrex and other dinosaurs which
are carnivores moved on two legs and they are mostly scary-looking.
There are many kinds of dinosaurs classified into eating habit and anatomy. Fossils (4)...
(show/shows) that some of dinosaurs have feathers and can fly, like Archaeopteryx which is
the first bird-like dinosaur and some of them (5)... (walks/walk) on four legs, like
Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, and Brachiosaurus. Some of them (6)... (are/is) herbivores which
eat plants, like Brontosaurus and Diplodocus, and others are carnivores which eat meat, like
Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, and Allosaurus.

2. Identify the subject, verb, and object/complement of the sentences below!

a. The most popular meat eater is Tyrannosaurus rex.
b. They are extinct creatures.
c. Tyrannosaurs rex is the scariest dinosaurs.
d. Some dinosaurs walk on two legs.
e. Velociraptor looks like Tyrannosaurus.

3. Make the interrogative and negative sentence based on the sentences in number 2!

Task 2: Individual assignment

Identify the subject, verb, and object/complement of the sentences below!

1. Some of dinosaurs dont have feathers.

2. Does the impact of steroid cause dinosaurs to extinct?

3. Some of dinosaurs walk on four legs.

4. Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor eat meat.


1. Fill the blank with correct verb which is available in the bracket!

The most popular plant eater (1)... (is/are) Brontosaurs and the most popular meat eater is
Tryannosaurusrex. Brontosaurus which is classified into Sauropods group is a four-legged
dinosaur and typically grows to enormous sizes. They (2)... (are/is) herbivores or plants
eaters. Meanwhile, Tryannosaurusrex is classified into Theropods which mean beast foot
and they (3)... (are/is) all carnivores or meat eaters. Tryannosaurusrex and other dinosaurs
which are carnivores moved on two legs and they are mostly scary-looking.
There are many kinds of dinosaurs classified into eating habit and anatomy. Fossils (4)...
(show/shows) that some of dinosaurs have feathers and can fly, like Archaeopteryx which is
the first bird-like dinosaur and some of them (5)... (walks/walk) on four legs, like
Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, and Brachiosaurus. Some of them (6)... (are/is) herbivores which
eat plants, like Brontosaurus and Diplodocus, and others are carnivores which eat meat, like
Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, and Allosaurus.

2. Identify the subject, verb, and object/complement of the sentences below!

a. The most popular meat eater is Tyrannosaurus rex.
b. They are extinct creatures.
c. Tyrannosaurs rex is the scariest dinosaurs.
d. Some dinosaurs walk on two legs.
e. Velociraptor looks like Tryrannosaurus.

3. Make the interrogative and negative sentence based on the sentences in number 2!

Task 2: Individual assignment

Identify the subject, verb, and object/complement of the sentences below!

5. Some of dinosaurs dont have feathers.

6. Does the impact of steroid cause dinosaurs to extinct?

7. Some of dinosaurs walk on four legs.

8. Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor eat meat.


4. Fill the blank with correct verb which is available in the bracket!

The most popular plant eater (1)... (is/are) Brontosaurs and the most popular meat eater is
Tryannosaurusrex. Brontosaurus which is classified into Sauropods group is a four-legged
dinosaur and typically grows to enormous sizes. They (2)... (are/is) herbivores or plants
eaters. Meanwhile, Tryannosaurusrex is classified into Theropods which mean beast foot
and they (3)... (are/is) all carnivores or meat eaters. Tryannosaurusrex and other dinosaurs
which are carnivores moved on two legs and they are mostly scary-looking.
There are many kinds of dinosaurs classified into eating habit and anatomy. Fossils (4)...
(show/shows) that some of dinosaurs have feathers and can fly, like Archaeopteryx which is
the first bird-like dinosaur and some of them (5)... (walks/walk) on four legs, like
Brontosaurus, Diplodocus, and Brachiosaurus. Some of them (6)... (are/is) herbivores which
eat plants, like Brontosaurus and Diplodocus, and others are carnivores which eat meat, like
Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, and Allosaurus.

5. Identify the subject, verb, and object/complement of the sentences below!

f. The most popular meat eater is Tyrannosaurus rex.
g. They are extinct creatures.
h. Tyrannosaurs rex is the scariest dinosaurs.
i. Some dinosaurs walk on two legs.
j. Velociraptor looks like Tryrannosaurus.

6. Make the interrogative and negative sentence based on the sentences in number 2!

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