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Kade Bodine


Harris, Kier. "10 Theories On How The Universe Will End."

Listverse. N.p., 21 June 2014. Web. 02 Mar. 2017.



In the article 10 Theories on how the Universe Will End by

Kier Jones, the author states 10 ways that the universe could

end. The author states that one way the universe could end is

the Big Crunch, meaning that the expansion of the universe will

one day stop and gravity will pull it back into one singularity.

The author also says that one way the universe could end is if

the universe never stops expanding and each atom separates from

each other so far that the universe as a whole reaches absolute

zero. Another theory the author tells us is that the universe

could expand too fast for the universe to handle, thus creating

an actual rip in the time-space continuum that would eventually

encompass the entire universe. The author claimed that another

possibily is that the universe simply wont ever end.

This article was useful because it helped me learn about

our end. I learned that the universe could eventually stop


expanding outward and it could collapse, causing another

singularity and a possible second big bang. I also learned that

the universe could end because everything gets too far away. By

far the most mind boggling thing I learned was that the universe

may not ever end. It could simple keep existing and nothing

would go wrong.

This article had me wondering about the wellbeing and end

of our own planet. I plan on doing the next Annotated

Bibliography on the end of the earth.



McMillan, Amanda. "Global Warming 101." NRDC. N.p., 21 Dec.

2016. Web. 02 Mar. 2017.

In the Article Global Warming 101 by Amanda McMillan, she

gives a brief overview of what global warming is. She states

that global warming is the increase of average temperature

around the world due to human activity. The author says that all

but one of NASAs sixteen hottest years on record happened after

the year 2000. She says that the cause of global warming is

greenhouse gases being emitted into our atmosphere. The author

claims that these greenhouse gases keep heat in our atmosphere,

thus increasing the annual average temperature.

This information was very useful to me. I learned that global

warming is at the fault of humans. It seems that industry has

taken its toll on our earth as we can visible see it dying in

front of our eyes. One thing that i think the author left out is

the effect of cows on our environment and the greenhouse gases

that they let out in our agricultural land.

Next, I want to research how we can all put a halt to global


warming and help our environment through recovery.



Menchak, Melissa. "How You Can Stop Global Warming." NRDC. N.p.,

15 Dec. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2017

In the article How You Can Stop Global Warming by Melissa

Menchak, she gives an overview of what humans can do to help our

environment. She states that the first step to helping the

environment is speaking up about climate change and saving our

earth. She claims that renewable energy is a must if we want to

maintain our planets health. She says that solar panels are a

great form of renewable energy that one can have installed in

their place of business or home that will make a big difference.

The author then goes to state that we must invest in energy

efficient devices around our home and our travels. According to

the author, LED Lightbulbs, Using public transportation, and

hybrid/electric cars are all great ways to help the environment.

From this article I learned that helping the environment is

really not so hard. Aside from not littering and recycling, you

can help the environment by using solar panels, LED light bulbs,

and hybrid cars.

AFter reading this article, i want to know what the negative


effects of electric cars is on the environment.



Wade, Lizzie. "Teslas Electric Cars Arent as Green as You

Might Think." Wired. Conde Nast, 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 03 Mar.




In the article TEslas Electric Cars Arent As Green As You

Might Think by Lizzie Wade, she states that a Teslas impact on

the environment might be just as bad as a diesel fueled car. The

author states that if your areas power grid is supplied by coal

burning, then Tesla cars might actually be worse for the

environment than diesel cars because you have to use power from

coal burning to put electricity in your car. The author then

goes to say that though while there is no emissions directly

from the Tesla car, there is a great deal of emissions created

when making the Teslas battery.

The article was useful for me to read because it changed my

perspective on electric cars. It became apparent to me that the

use of automobiles is a lose-lose situation for the environment

when it comes to the dispute of electric or fossil fueled cars.

I learned that electric cars can be worse for the environment


than a diesel fueled car by way of the power grid. I also

learned that the manufacturing of batteries is very detrimental

to the environment.

Having read this article, I would like to know more about which

method of energy in automobiles is safest for the environment.



1. Kiger, Patrick J. "How Different Religions See God."

National Geographic Channel. Nat Geo, 05 Apr. 2016. Web. 17

Feb. 2017

In How Different Religions See God by PJ Kiger, the author

states that the different religions in the world have created

entirely different cultures and artworks. According to the

author, there is two core kinds of religion being monotheism and

polytheism. Monotheism is dealing with one god while polytheism

is more than one god figure. Kiger implies that of the five

major world religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all

monotheistic while Hinduism is polytheistic. The final of the

five major world religions, Buddhism, according to the author,

is neither polytheistic not monotheistic because it focuses on

spiritual growth of oneself rather than worshipping one figure

of god.

This article was particularly helpful by answering the

question of how many gods certain religions believe in. I

learned of monotheism and polytheism. Three of the five major

religions identify as monotheistic while one identifies itself


as polytheistic and the final of the five doesnt identify as

polytheistic or monotheistic.

After reading this article, it led me to ask another

question. What role do the followers play in these religions or

what does it mean to be a human within these specific religions?



Robson, Roy R. Think World Religions. Boston: Pearson, 2013.


In the textbook Think World Religions by Roy Robson, it

states that each religion has different explanations as to what

it means to be human. In the introduction, The author uses an

analogy having to do with South Park and Hello Kitty to explain

the overall question. He states that popular character Eric

Cartman of South Park symbolizes the worst in us while Hello

Kitty symbolizes the innocence and kindness within us, very

opposite from each other. He continues to conclude that we can

learn what it means to be human from our idolized view of these

characters through clarifying acceptable and unacceptable

behaviors. He later states that Hindus look at being human as a

stepping stone in the process of enlightenment. As a soul is

reincarnated, it moves up or down or down a ladder towards

moksha, which means full enlightenment. The author claims that

in Buddhism, humans can work towards enlightenment or nirvana by

following the Eightfold Path, which includes obtaining the right

virtue, wisdom, and meditation. Being a human in Buddhism means

to accept that everything is changing around you while your


mixture of characteristics passes from life to life. It is

stated that within Judaism, being human means to have free will

while being created in Gods image. Jews believe that they are

the chosen people as humans because they are followers of the

father of Judaism. The author says that Like Jews, Christians

too believe that humans were created in gods image. The humans

can reach heaven by not committing sin and repenting when having

done such. Islamic people, the author states, view being human

as an opportunity to incorporate their religion into their

social and political lives.

This book was extremely useful to my study. I learned what

different religions view being human as meaning.

Through this book, a new question arises; how do the

followers of certain religions worship or pay homage to their



Evans, Whitney. "5 major world religions: How do they worship?" Deseret News, 18 Mar. 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2017.

In 5 Major World Religions: How Do They Worship? By Whitney

Evans, it is explained what the sabbath looks like for different

cultures. According to the article, the Jewish sabbath is known

as the Shabbat and takes place from Friday evening, lasting

until Saturday evening. Most Jews will attend a special service

on Friday nights after a holy meal, then read their holy texts

on Saturday. Muslims, the author states, pray five times per

day. While they recognize no formal sabbath, men and women

gather to pray separately on Friday afternoons in mosques.

Within Buddhism and Hinduism, Evans says, there is no specific

day of sabbath but rather specific days of festival or ritual on

their lunar calendars. In the article it is states that the vast

majority of Christians recognize Sunday as their sabbath. Many

Christian churches pass sacrament during church sessions.

This article was useful in a sense of their weekly

calendar, but not as much on what goes on during their sabbath

or group worshiping sessions. I did learn that Hindus, Muslims,


and Buddhists have no sabbath while Jews and Christians do

indeed worship on specific days of the week.

I have learned that Religions view god in a number of

different ways. Monotheism and polytheism are the main two types

of religions.


Jenkins, Jerry, et al. "Getting the details right: religion."

Writer's Digest, Jan. 2017, p. 14+. Gale Biography In Context,

%7CA469849862&asid=17d66bc1e1884d9b7097dad0449295dc. Accessed 3

Mar. 2017.

In the article, Jerry Jenkins states that there are many

misconceptions about various religions. According to the author,

the saying that Christians do not believe in science is false

because there are many christian scientists who feel that

science can coexist with most bible doctrine. The author also

states that Sharia Law is not a set of extreme rules that

Muslims must follow because it is stated in the Quran, rather it

is a term for the vastly differing rules in the body of Islamic

Law. The author claims that saying Jews cant eat pork is a

misconception because only roughly half of Jews follow the

dietary laws.

This article was useful because I learned more about

misconceptions of three churches. It was important for me to

read this article so that I dont end up using stereotypes in my

IEP and genre translation. I learned that Some Jews do eat pork,

Sharia Law is nothing for people to fear, and that christians as

a whole do not reject science.

I will use this in my IEP to clear up things that i might

read in other articles. This article was important for me to

read because i can now analyze sources more in depth for truth.


Palermo, Elizabeth. "The Origins of Religion: How Supernatural

Beliefs Evolved." LiveScience. Purch, 05 Oct. 2015. Web. 17 Feb.


This article by elizabeth Palermo talked about the origin of

belief in the supernatural. The author claimed that the two most

widely accepted theories have to do with our natural caveman

instincts. The author claimed that the instinct we have to act

quickly laid the seeds for the belief in bod. The author said

that the way we saw predators and food sources was the same way

that we saw clouds, rain, and the sun. Palermo said that over

time, the way we looked at clouds and rain as something that

would require us to act turned into us looking at them as higher

beings than us.

This article was useful to my IEP. I learned that religion

started as a belief in the supernatural or just something

different than human. I learned that religion is thousands of

years old.

This article will be used in my iep because i plan to have a

section about how religion started and the origin of each

religion. The information that this article gave me can be used


as a kind of prelude to those sections.



"Youth should understand the importance of Religion- Swami

Umakantanand Saraswati." IPR, 18 Jan. 2017. Infotrac Newsstand,

78026506&it=r&asid=c7e8c598b2093bcf9f697810bc975d8e. Accessed 14

Feb. 2017.

In the article Youth Should Understand the Importance of

Religion by Swami Umakantanand Saraswati, it sheds light on why

us as humans should have an understanding of religion. The

author states that teaching the youth about religion (not

bringing them into a specific religion necessarily) is important

to creating an accepting world for our future. The author

compares fires nature to burn and ices nature to cool to a

person of religions nature to forgive, believe, and tolerance.

The author states that religion doesnt only mean praying,

chanting, and worshipping, rather it encompasses an entire

aspect of believing in something and letting it influence you in

a positive manner.

This article will be useful. I didnt necessarily learn from this

article, rather it put things in perspective for me as far as a

religious person. I have come to know that religious people are


not bad people who want to bring you into their faith because

they think you are going to hell but instead religious people

are people that believe in something above them and let it make

them a better person.

I plan to use this articles information in the first slide of

my genre translation. I want to aim my genre translation as a

reason that we should get to know each others religion for the

sake of humanity and creating a better and more understanding


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