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PREMIER OF MANITOBA ape Mano CANADA — February 21, 2017 ‘The Right Honourable Justin P.J. Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6 Dear Prime Minister Trudeau: Re: Increase in Refugee Claimants in Manitoba 1am writing to you regarding a matter of fundamental humanitarian concern. As you are no doubt aware, there has been a significant increase in the volume of individuals crossing the United States border into our province to seek asylum and claim refugee status. The number of refugee claimants entering Manitoba doubled between 2014 and 2015 and doubled again between 2015 and 2016. In recent weeks, this trend has accelerated rapidly. Since January 1, 2017, there have been at least 110 refugee claimants who have crossed into Canada near Emerson, Manitoba, outside of the official port of entry. Since April 1, 2016, the total number of refugee claimants exceeds 500. Media reporting has included the harrowing stories of a number of individuals who have made the journey in dangerous winter conditions, I know that you are deeply moved by their plight, as am I. The rising number of refugee claimants entering Manitoba is having a significant impact in a number of areas. In the context of social services, health care coverage falls outside of established and supported federal programs, while temporary and longer-term housing does not fit within current established federal settlement criteria, There is an increased need for direct employment and labour market suppor, in the form of initial and ongoing educational and training programming however, employment income assistance falls outside of the federal refugee assistance program, Finally, there has been a significant increase in the caseload of Legal Aid Manitoba, which provides legal assistance to the refugee claimants from the initiation of their claim to the completion of the process. ‘The available resources at our disposal are being severely strained. Ongoing capacity is becoming extremely limited and is well on the way to becoming fully overtaxed, With the number of those crossing the border likely to increase as the weather warms, a critical and better-coordinated response by our governments, working alongside our municipal counterparts and engaged non-governmental agencies, is urgently required. We must work cooperatively to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals seeking refuge in Manitoba. In furtherance of that objective, I request that the federal government urgently consider the following: Formalize protocols for information-sharing between provincial authorities and the CBSA and RCMP, in order to ensure a more seamless and coordinated response to refugee claimants; inhance supports and reimbursement of associated and transitional costs, including augmented emergency shelter and related needs; Extend the duration of the agreement allowing Manitoba to recover the costs of legal aid services related to immigration, which is set to expire on March 31, 2017; and Work with our government to arrive at a comprehensive agreement that will ensure all refugees and refugee claimants arriving in Manitoba have access to the core services they require. Thank you for attention to this urgent situation. I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest opportunity. Sincerely, in Pallister Honourable Ahmed D. Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Government of Canada Honourable lan Wishart, Minister of Education and Training, Government of Manitoba

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