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Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

Assignment 2
COMP 1260 Winter 2017
DUE DATE: February 27, 2017


1. To complete this assignment you will need a Google account. You can
either use your already existing Google account (if you already have one),
or create a new one (you do not have to provide your real information
while creating it if you do not want to).
2. Prepare a Word document with the specifications listed below. Use
FamilyName_FirstName_A2_Vx.docx as the filename (e.g.,

You will prepare a 6-page sampler of great 19th century (i.e., 1800s)
books, demonstrating many word processing features (illustrations,
Dropcap, multi-column text, special characters, pull quotes, etc.) This
document will enable you to try out many features of Word. Then you will
import this document into Google Docs/Drive, which does not support
many of these features. At this point you will reformat the document as
well as you can to make it attractive, though simplified. You will also
prepare a cover letter in this assignment.

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

Page 1 of your document should be a cover letter explaining what the
rest of the document contains.

Page 2 of your document should be a table of contents for your


Page 3 (which will be labelled page 1 because it is the first page with
your content) should have the first book you picked.

Page 4 (labelled page 2) should have the second book you picked.

Page 5 (labelled page 3) should have the third book you picked.

Page 6 should have the bibliography of the books you used.


1. Cover Letter
The purpose of a cover letter is to give the recipient a reason to read the
attachment, whether it is a rsum, a proposal, a manuscript, or anything

Use letter size paper and portrait orientation.

You can use a letter template provided by Word, or one that you find
elsewhere. If you do this, you will have to cite the source where you
obtained it in the bibliography at the end. Hint: template documents
often set unusual defaults (e.g., a border on every page) that might
cause difficulties later; it is often better to type your letter in a simple
blank document.

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

There should be a date field, and it should be one that automatically

shows the current date.

You must fill in full addresses on the letter (but you may use a fabricated

In the body, you should make a bulleted list of the books in your

This page should have no text in either the header or footer.

The cover page should have a Center vertical alignment.

Sample cover letter Sample Table of Contents

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

2. Table of Contents
Hint: If you use Heading styles consistently, Word can generate a Table
of Contents for you. When you are first creating this document, you
should leave this page blank, as you obviously cannot generate the Table
of Contents until the headings are in place.Details:
After you have done everything else in your document, come back to
this page and insert your Table of Contents. If you make changes
afterwards, you will need to right-click on it and regenerate it to
bring it up to date.

This page should have no header or footer.

Add a multi-line border around this page only.

This page (and all the rest) should have a vertical alignment of Top.

3. First Book
Insert an excerpt from your first book selection, which should be an
illustrated book. You can get the text and illustrations of popular old
books from sites like Project Gutenberg (, or Google
books ( Details:

Hint: As you get information about each book, add the title, author, year
of publication, publisher, etc. to a list of sources (References ... Manage
Sources) so that you can later create a bibliography on the last page. Also
include the URL where you got your text and illustrations.

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

Use a legal size paper (21.5935.56cm) and landscape orientation for

this page with three columns and full justification for text on this
page, but have a major heading that spans the columns at the top.
Make the width of the gaps between columns 1.5 cm and add lines
between columns.

Make the margins 2cm on all sides on this page only, and adjust the
position of header and footer accordingly.

When you use text from one of the indicated sources, update it to be
consistent with typical text in a word processor. For instance, the
quotation marks on the sample page were originally straight quotes
like this: "" and they had to be re-inserted to make them smart
quotes like this: . (Hint: do a find and replace of a double quote
by the same double quote to re-insert them everywhere.) Also,
Project Gutenberg uses this notation _very_ to show emphasis,
which has to be changed to italics: very. Do not adjust archaic

Use Normal style for your font on this page. Adjust the style (either
through Themes, or by changing the style directly) so that it uses 11-
pt text. Either the Normal style should have a serif font and the
Heading styles should use sans serif, or vice versa. That is, headings
and body text should not use the same type of font.

You must have at least 3 subheadings on the page, insert extra

headings, if necessary.

Insert an illustration from the original book into one of the columns.

Use a drop cap on the initial paragraph of text. (Do the same thing on

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

pages 4 and 5.)

Put the name of the book into the header, centered and italicized (on
pages 3, 4 and 5).

Put the page number, starting at page 1 on this page, in the footer. Use
the same footer on all the pages from here on.


4. Second Book
For the second book use an illustrated book that has a wide illustration
that is not too high. Once again, insert text according to the following
This time use a letter size paper and portrait orientation for the page,
and two columns of left justified text. Return the margins to the

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

Once again have a major heading that spans the two columns at the top
of the page. Put a horizontal line after the heading above the two
columns. (See the sample.)

As on the previous page, put the name of the book in the header (make
sure it is centered) and the page number in the footer.

As on the previous page, add extra minor headings if necessary to get

three of them, and use a drop cap on the first paragraph.

Add the wide illustration mentioned for choosing this book, and place
it horizontally centered on this page. It should intrude partway into
the left and right columns. Ensure that the text wraps around it.
Second Book


Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

5. Third Book
This book does not have to be illustrated. Then fill in the page according
to these details:

Use letter size paper and landscape orientation for this page. Use only
one column of text, left justified. Once again begin with a major
heading and ensure there at least three minor headings on the page.
Insert the drop cap on the first paragraph.

Adjust the font size on this page so that the body font is at least 14 pt,
and so that the heading fonts are larger.

Insert a pull quote into page. A pull quote commonly breaks up the
monotonous look of straight text, and attracts the interest of the
reader. Put the quote into some kind of container (e.g., a shape), and
adjust the word wrap so that text wraps tightly around the quote. Use
a script font for the text in the pull quote, and change its colour and
other attributes to make it unique. Define this combination of
formats as a new style, and name it after yourself. For example,
Charles Wong might call it Wong Script Style.

If you have a word with special characters (accented characters, for

instance, or characters in another language) in the text selection,
make a footnote at that location to point it out. If you dont have
special characters, add a footnote anywhere that has special
characters in it.

Make the page dark by creating a dark rectangle and inserting it in the
header, positioning it to cover the entire page, behind the text.
Change all the text on the page to a light colour so it stands out.
Hint: separate headers and footers on this page from pages before
and after before changing the colour, or you will affect them too.

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017


6. Bibliography

On the last page of your document insert an automated bibliography using

the Bibliography tool. Details:
This time use a letter size paper and portrait orientation for the page.
Add a Works Cited or Bibliography to this page. It should include
all the fields you stored (author, title, year, publisher and also the
URL where you found it.) Use any of the formats (your choice).

Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

Header / Footer: the header for the last page should be empty, and the
footer should be the same as on previous pages (except being dark
again instead of light-colored as on the previous page.)

Under the bibliography insert a table with one row for each of the books.
Have three columns, labelled Title, Year and Price. In the Price
column put the current price of an old first edition copy. You can
make this number up. Put an outline around the table, and separate
the column headings from the data with a different color, but use no
other borders.

Under the table, prepare another copy of the same table, except this time
use tabs instead of a formal Table to line up the columns. Use a tab
leader on the tab for the Year column.

In both tables, line up the prices using a decimal tab.


Assignment 2 COMP 1260 Winter 2017

7. Google Drive
Google Drive has several Google Docs applications, including a word
processor. When you are finished the Word document, perform the
following steps.
Create a Google account as described on page 1.

Put a copy of your Word document onto your Google Drive, and open
it in Google Docs, which will attempt to make sense of the

Reformat it in Google Docs to try to retain the sense of the original. It is

OK if not all the images are present. It is OK if you do not have
drop caps. It is OK if all the pages are the same size and in portrait

Keep the number of pages the same. Try to fit everything on, but if that
is not possible, then you can remove some text.

The marker will check for a 6 page document, with the cover letter
intact, a table of contents, three pages with text and images from
the appropriate sources, a bibliography, and two sets of pricing
tables, with contents lined up. To enable the marker to see this
document, right-click on it in Google Drive online and choose to
share it. Put the link to the Google Doc as a comment in your
submission in UM Learn.

8. Submitting the Assignment

Log in to UM Learn website and use the Dropbox feature to upload your
assignment as a .docx file. Files other than .docx will either receive a
grade penalty or will not be graded. Also remember to include the link
to your Google Doc as a comment.


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