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Lauryn Zerr Teacher Professional Growth Plans November 9, 2015

Action Plan:
Learn about the students in my class i.e.
how they prefer to learn, if there are any
IPPs, etc. Indicators & Measurers of
Research instructional strategies to meet
the needs of various learners and students
with learning disabilities Students and/or teacher mentor tell
Ask TA and other teachers how they me that I did a good job at meeting
design their lesson plans to fit the needs students needs
of their students Students seem engaged and
Unpack the learning outcomes outlined by attentive with the material
the Alberta POS and develop SMART presented in the lesson
objectives that are specific to the students University consultant agrees with
in my class the differentiation techniques
Include differentiation techniques by included in my lesson plans
changing the content, process, or product Students exhibit learning as a
of the lesson result of differentiating my lesson
Include a variety of activities that appeal plans to meet their needs
to different types of learners i.e. reader-
writer, audio-visual, kinesthetic, etc.
Goal #1:
As a PS1 student teacher,
I hope to develop
effective and engaging
lesson plans that meet
the needs of my
Timeline: Nov 16 Dec 16
c) The purposes of the
Learn about students Nov 16- Guide to Education and
20 programs of study
Research instructional germane to the
strategies Nov 9-Dec 16 Colleagues/Ment specialization or subject
Ask TA for advice Nov 16 ors & Resources: disciplines they are
(continue to always ask prepared to teach
questions) University
Unpack learning outcomes & e) All students can learn,
albeit at different rates
creating SMART objectives Greg Ogilvie
and in different ways
Ongoing Teacher
Include differentiation Mentor Linda f) They also understand
Ongoing (in every lesson plan) Baron the need to vary their
Include different activities Other plans to accommodate
Ongoing (in most, if not every, teachers at individuals and groups of
lesson plan) the school students
Include back-up plans
i) There are many
Ongoing (in most, if not every,
approaches to teaching
lesson plan)
and learning
Lauryn Zerr Teacher Professional Growth Plans November 9, 2015

Action Plan:
Introduce myself and allow the students
an opportunity to introduce themselves to
me Indicators & Measures of
Learn the students names and seating Achievement:
arrangements as quickly as possible & use
Students ask me questions (related
names when addressing students
to both their school work and daily
Use ice-breaker activities to create a
positive environment
They greet me and smile at me on
Exhibit positive body language i.e.
a regular basis
moving around the classroom, eye
They trust me with problems they
contact, smiling, etc.
may be having (related to their
Develop trust with students i.e. tell them
school work or daily lives)
stories about myself, discuss reasons why
They laugh at my jokes or use
they are doing a particular assignment,
humour when talking to me
They also exhibit positive body
Establish an open line of communication
language i.e. smiling, eye
by making myself available when they
contact, etc.
need me
Students tell me that they enjoyed
Develop lessons that are engaging and
having me in their class
effective for all types of learners
Goal #2:
As a PS1 student
teacher, I hope to build a
good rapport with all my
Timeline: Nov 16 Dec 16 KSAs:
Introductions Nov 16-18 e) All students learn, albeit
Learn students names Nov at different rates and in
16-20 (using names is Colleagues/Mentors different ways.
ongoing) & Resources: g) Students needs for
Ice-breaker activities Nov 16-
University physical, social, cultural,
20 & Ongoing
Consultant Greg and psychological security
Positive body language
Ongoing Ogilvie h) The importance of
Develop trust and Teacher Mentor respecting students
relationships Ongoing Linda Baron dignity
Open communication How to Talk To
Ongoing Kids so They Will
Effective lesson planning - Listen & Listen so
Ongoing Kids Will Talk by
Elaine Mazlish &
Adele Faber
Online resources
for ice-breaker

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