Jordan 2009 Sustainable Mineral Resources Management

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Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1502-y


Sustainable mineral resources management: from regional

mineral resources exploration to spatial contamination risk
assessment of mining
Gyozo Jordan JRC PECOMINES Project

Received: 4 June 2007 / Accepted: 21 July 2008 / Published online: 26 August 2008
 Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Wide-spread environmental contamination Keywords Contamination  Environment 

associated with historic mining in Europe has triggered Impact assessment  Mining  Risk assessment
social responses to improve related environmental legisla-
tion, the environmental assessment and management
methods for the mining industry. Mining has some unique Introduction
features such as natural background contamination asso-
ciated with mineral deposits, industrial activities and Since most of the elements used by the society come from
contamination in the three-dimensional subsurface space, mineral extraction (76 out of 90 frequently used elements),
problem of long-term remediation after mine closure, mining of mineral resources provide essential raw material
problem of secondary contaminated areas around mine for sustainable development (COM(2005) p. 670). Mining,
sites, land use conflicts and abandoned mines. These however, leads to severe impact on the environment,
problems require special tools to address the complexity of including contamination by toxic metals. A significant
the environmental problems of mining-related contamina- portion of polluted lands and waters in Europe are asso-
tion. The objective of this paper is to show how regional ciated with historic mining (COM(2003) p. 319). In Poland
mineral resources mapping has developed into the spatial alone 2,841 mineral deposits have been exploited, Slovakia
contamination risk assessment of mining and how geolog- has inventoried 17,260 mine sites, Hungary has 15,008
ical knowledge can be transferred to environmental mine pits registered, while in Bulgaria alone there are 391
assessment of mines. The paper provides a state-of-the-art uranium mine sites (Jordan 2004a). For example, mining
review of the spatial mine inventory, hazard, impact and areas cover 271,000 ha or 2.4% of the total area of
risk assessment and ranking methods developed by national Bulgaria and about 88,000 ha of agricultural land was
and international efforts in Europe. It is concluded that destroyed by mining and quarrying until 1990 in the
geological knowledge on mineral resources exploration is country (Gubev and Trendafilov 2004). Another example is
essential and should be used for the environmental mining in the Upper Silesia Coal Basin in Poland affecting
contamination assessment of mines. Also, sufficient meth- an area of 6,650 km2 (about 3% of the total area of Poland)
odological experience, knowledge and documented results with about 4 million residents (Nowicki 1993; Rybicka
are available, but harmonisation of these methods is still 1996). According to Rambousek (2004), at least 25% of the
required for the efficient spatial environmental assessment population of the Czech Republic lives in areas of a geo-
of mine contamination. logical environment classified as highly degraded by
mining. Pollution by acid mine drainage (AMD) from ore
and coal mining is the outstanding and most important
source of mining-induced environmental pollution. Youn-
ger et al. (2002) estimates that more than 90% of the total
G. Jordan (&)
polluted drainage in the UK can be accounted for dis-
Geological Institute of Hungary (MAFI),
Stefania ut 14, 1143 Budapest, Hungary charges from polluted mine voids. Some 400 km of
e-mail: watercourse are currently degraded by abandoned coal

154 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

mine discharges, with a further 200 km or so similarly These methods can be used to map, categorise and rank
contaminated by abandoned metal mine discharges in the mine sites in terms of contamination hazard, impact and
UK, for example (Younger et al. 2002). For the EU 15 risk.
Member States these could be in the order of 2,000 There is a substantial gap in consistent information on
3,000 km of watercourses polluted by coal mine drainage, mining environmental conditions at the European level,
and 1,0001,500 km polluted by metal mine discharges what their major hazards are, where the sites generating the
(Younger et al. 2002). Significance of contamination risk greatest hazards are located, and how mining impacts the
posed by mining is also highlighted by mine accidents such environment. Presently, no reliable synoptic picture of
as those in Baia Mare, Romania in 2002 and in Aznalcollar, number, extent, distribution and emission quantities from
Spain in 1999 (Jordan and DAlessandro 2004). mining sites exists in the EU. Since the assessment of
These figures show that although mines are essentially mineral potential, natural reserves and their protection was
point pollution sources, associated environmental contam- politically motivated in the Central and Eastern European
ination has to be approached from a regional perspective. Countries in the past, elaborated and detailed national
Around the mine site, soils and surface water in the inventory of mineral deposits exist everywhere. As these
receiving environment are often contaminated with harmful programmes were centrally coordinated, data is highly
elements or compounds. These contaminated sites act as standardised and uniform and they are public. Similar
secondary sources for pollution, especially at historic sites standardised methods have been developed and imple-
(Jordan and DAlessandro 2004). Natural background mented for spatial environmental assessment of mining in
contamination often present in mining areas due to under- these countries.
lying mineralisation adds to the complexity of the The objective of the paper is to show how regional
environmental assessment of contamination at mining sites mineral resources mapping has developed into the spatial
(MEND 2001). Regional mineral deposit maps developed contamination risk assessment of mining and how geo-
for mineral exploration can be used for environmental logical knowledge can be transferred to environmental
screening and assessment: location, size and type of the assessment of mines. The paper presents a number of
deposit can hint at the location of abandoned, active and unique examples from the Central and Eastern European
future mines, the possible natural background contamina- Countries for approaches to the main methodological
tion, and for the physico-chemical character of mine wastes problems related to the regional inventory and spatial
and contamination. On the basis of geological charac- environmental assessment of mining. The paper summa-
terisation of deposits, for example, the United States rises some of the results of the PECOMINES Project of the
Geological Survey (USGS) has developed the geo-envi- European Commissions Joint Research Centre in the
ronmental models (GEMs) method to predict contamination support of the new EU Mine Waste Directive (Directive
hazard and potential impacts of mines (Wanty et al. 2002). 2006 /21/EC), with the intention to enable both the
Large volume of wastes produced, long-term pollution researcher and the practitioner to obtain broad view on the
release, land use and natural resources (groundwater, for state-of-the-art of spatial contamination environmental
example) use conflicts, natural background pollution at assessment of mining on the regional scale. Examples are
mineral deposits, and secondary impacts posed by the pol- provided for trans-boundary approaches and on-going
luted surrounding lands, together with the trans-boundary international efforts developing harmonised assessment
nature of mineral deposits are also characteristic to mining methodologies that are relevant to spatial environmental
(Jordan 2004b). Due to the above environmental charac- hazard, impact and risk assessment of mine sites and
teristics of mining, environmental assessment has to be related mine-polluted lands. Due to space limitations,
carried out in a spatial context. instead of giving an in-depth introduction and evaluation of
Three environmental assessment methods are consid- these methods, a thorough overview of approaches and
ered in this paper. Hazard assessment (HA) that addresses results is provided with abundant references.
the presence of potentially harmful substances such as
heavy metals. This is essentially contamination source
characterisation. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) Regional mineral deposit mapping
studies the impacts on the receiving environment thus it is and mine site inventory
essentially a receptor characterisation method (Directive
2001 /42/EC 2001; Wood 1995). Finally, contamination Regional mineral deposit surveys provide essential and
Risk Assessment (RA) studies the combined effect of the readily available information on the geological and envi-
probability of contamination and the significance of toxic ronmental characteristics of mines, the mined commodities
impacts along the contamination sourcepathwayreceptor and produced wastes (Jordan 2004b). One example for
chain (SENES 2000; van Leuwen and Hermens 1996). regional mineral resources exploration and mapping is the

Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169 155

Fig. 1 Mineral resouces map, an example. Map of Mineral white circle and box petroleum, ore and coal deposits, respectively.
Resources in Romania (Borcos et al. 1984), simplified. a Key: Rectangle shows location of map in Fig. 1b. b Local map for the Baia
medium grey zone in the east Quaternary sediment; hatched area Pre- Mare ore deposits. Key: hatched area andesite; grey shading piroxene
variscian rocks (Dobrogean Depression); wavy pattern Neogene andesite; cross pattern Miocene-Pliocene sediments; wavy pattern
sediments (Transylvanian Molass Zone); dark and light zones with Paleogene sediments; black dots ore mines; dotted lines mineralised
dotted pattern Cretaceous and Paleogene sediments (Carpathian areas. Original map has a topographic base (major streams and
Flysch Zone), respectively; dark and light zones with cross pattern settlements). Note the spatial grouping of mines and mineral deposits
Neogene igneous rocks (Inner-Carpathian Volcanic Belt) and Paleo- corresponding the geological formations that may imply potential
zoic metamorphic and seidmentary rocks, respectively; dark patch mining-related regional environmental problems. See text for details
Paleogene rocks; light grey patch Apuseni Complex; black triangle,

Romanian survey resulting in the 1:1,000,000 scale Min- From data present in geological maps and databases like in
eral Resources Map of Romania that shows 1,289 deposits the Romanian example, information on mineral and
together with detailed geological descriptions (Borcos et al. chemical composition (Cox and Singer 1986) can already
1984). Geological units related to the most significant tell the physico-chemical composition of (potential) mine
zones with mineral resources are represented in additional wastes and pollution at local and regional scales (Plumlee
33 detailed maps (Fig. 1). Besides mining and mineable and Logsdon 1999). For example, a porphyry copper
deposits, exploited or abandoned deposits, also prospecting deposit in a diorite body intruded into carbonate host rocks
targets and small occurrences of special interest have been is unlikely to produce acid drainage underground due to the
included. Therefore, all significant occurrences can be buffer capacity of the surrounding carbonates (Wanty et al.
found in the map. For each deposit, the map shows mineral 2002). However, waste rock dumped on the surface can
commodities, genetic type, host rock type and deposit exert serious AMD impact on the surface environment
morphology. Detailed description gives information on (1) (Jordan et al. 2003; Somody et al. 2007).
main and secondary constituents, genetic type and age, (2) A good example for nation-wide mine and mine waste
geographic location, (3) geological, tectonic and petrogenic inventory based on a harmonised checklist method is pro-
units, (4) host rock formation, (5) orebody morphology, (6) vided by the Hungarian National Inventory of Landscape
chemical composition, (7) mineralogical composition, and Wounds and Quarries (LWQ 2003). Based on preliminary
(8) selected references. The structure of the map and studies, the inventory did not use remotely sensed images
explanatory text gives the possibility of easy reorganisation because lot of the abandoned quarries are covered by
of information according to the needs of various specialists. vegetation or filled by ponds. Instead, the inventory was

156 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

based on 1:25,000 scale topographic maps that were topographic data including all road types, streams, lakes
derived by high-resolution aerial photographs and field and ponds, quarries, and forested areas around the mine
observations, thus they show most of landscape wounds, sites. It also has the boundaries of protected areas, resort
i.e. quarries and mine pits. Of the total 15,008 inventorised areas, administrative boundaries, and boundaries of
sites 5,300 have been field-investigated for more than 70 authorities such as regional water, geological survey and
parameters for each site (Fig. 2). In the first section of the environmental authorities. All protected areas of high pri-
inventory form (checklist), basic data including location is ority have been separately inventorised in detail and 600
found. Section two includes (1) general data (site status, quarries and mine pits were found in them. The objective
presence of landfill), (2) mineral extraction parameters, (3) of the inventory was to develop a ranking system for pri-
data describing the mine site, (4) data on excavated pit, (5) oritisation to support tenders for remediation and
waste rock dumps information, (6) spatial data on tailings, alternative uses of quarries. This quarry and mine pit
(7) data on quarry pond, and (8) other hazards existing on inventory database is perhaps unique in Europe and pro-
site. This section delivers the geological knowledge on the vides the basis for national spatial planning and waste
exploited deposit, including rock types and mineralogy. management for mining areas.
The third section gives environmental data as follows: (1) The Inventory of Abandoned Mines in Slovakia pro-
presence, type and activity of landfill on site, (2) infor- gramme was carried out by the Ministry of the
mation on surface and groundwater, (3) presence and type Environment between 1992 and 1997 (Janova and Vrana
of air pollution, and (4) notes on general environmental 2004). It contains an inventory of abandoned mining sites
conditions. The fourth section gives information on nature (including galleries, shafts, tailings, mining waste deposits,
and landscape protection: (1) type and percentage of veg- etc.), a list of abandoned mines proposed for remediation
etation cover of site, (2) presence of protected plant and based on hazard and impact prioritisation and proposal for
animal species, (3) presence of values of geology, land- remediation. Altogether 17,260 sites were inventorised,
scape, social or industrial history, (4) if the surface mine is including 10 tailings ponds and 6,418 waste rock or tailings
located in protected area, and (5) recultivation status of dumps. An on-going effort aims at the remediation of
mine site. The fifth section gives data on the land use on closed and abandoned mines based on risk-based prioriti-
and around the site: (1) percentage of surrounding land use sation, using criteria such as the character of problem,
types, and (2) land use on mine site. Finally, significance ecological conditions and economic factors (Janova and
weights for all these factors are given as scores from 1 to 5 Vrana 2004). The process includes (1) inventory and
based on expert judgement, and the final sixth part sum- evaluation of active mines, (2) inventory of abandoned
marises and evaluates field survey data for each site and mines (completed in 1997), (3) inventory and evaluation of
gives a proposal for the possible uses of the site. The impacts, (4) preparation of national monitoring system of
accompanying GIS database contains 1:25,000 scale the most risky sites (hot spots), and (5) proposal and

Fig. 2 Hungarian National

Inventory of Landscape
Wounds and Quarries. The map
and database contains more than
15,000 sites, mostly sand and
gravel quarries (LWQ 2003).
Note higher point densities;
these are associated with larger
urban areas and approprite
geological conditions. See text
for details

Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169 157

realisation of remediation activities. Data collection and geological hazards are shown in the map. Background
site mapping is based on existing geological information on colours show processes of large area distribution like plane
exploited deposits and environmental ranking of mine sites erosion or shallow groundwater fluctuations. Overlapping
uses this information (see below) for scoring based on processes are also shown in the map. Point hazards at the
expert judgement (Janova and Vrana 2004). scale of the map are shown with point features. Geological
These examples show how standardised regional min- risk assessment is facilitated by showing population den-
eral resources mapping can form the basis of standardised sity, settlements and major infrastructural elements,
mine site inventory for environmental assessment. Exam- industrial zones, natural and historic objects in small scale
ples for the interpretation of inventory of mineral deposits maps. Hazards associated with mining shown in the map
and mining-associated impacts, polluted lands and waters are mine collapse, surface subsidence (slow, intensive and
follow below in the context of hazard, impact and risk sudden collapse), surface subsidence due to intensive water
assessment. pumping, clay swelling in underground mines, spontaneous
coal combustion, explosive gases, water burst into mines,
quarries, industrial waste heaps, radioactive waste hazard,
Spatial hazard, impact and risk assessment of mining and water contamination (surface and subsurface). These
mine-related processes exert a considerable geological
The 1:500,000 Geological Hazard Map of Bulgaria, hazard at the national level in Bulgaria (Broutchev 1994).
published together with detailed explanatory text (Brout- Figure 3 shows a mining area with various underground
chev 1994) is a good example for regional-scale spatial mine hazards, quarry landscape wounds, waste rock dumps
analysis of geohazards, including mining contamination in a region with earthquake hazard, natural radioactivity
hazard. Geological hazard is an integrating definition hazard and high salt content groundwater. This synthetic
including all types of destructive process in the lithosphere. picture of destructive processes provides a possibility to
This work also defines geological risk as the possibility of determine regional mining environmental management
arising social, economic and environmental consequences priorities. Simultaneous analysis of various hazards makes
of destructive processes. Hazard investigation and mapping possible the assessment of cumulative hazards, such as
of natural hazard has received increasing attention world- mine contamination hazard in an area with earthquake
wide. Most of the existing geological hazard maps reveal hazard, like the area shown in Fig. 3.
only one or a few processes of the most important in a As early as in 1992, The Czech Geological Survey pro-
region. This map may be unique in that it provides a com- duced the 1:500,000 scale Impact of Mining on the
plete picture of all the destructive processes endangering the Environment of the Czech Republic map and explanatory
countrys territory and its population. It is intended to serve text (Reichmann 1992). The map illustrates the degree of
for estimation of geological risk in the country for spatial damage inflicted upon the environment in the Czech
planning. The map produced by the Bulgarian Geological Republic by past and present mineral exploitation. The
Survey is based on previous geological, engineering geo- accompanying text includes explanatory notes to the map as
logical, hydro-geological and geophysical maps, integrating well as a table which classifies mineral deposits plotted in
their geohazard information content. the map and specifies the negative impacts of their exploi-
Various models exist for the classification of geological tation. Its purpose is to point out the areas and localities in
hazards. This approach horizontally identifies natural the country where the influence of mining activities is
(endogenic and exogenic) and technogenic (anthropogenic) excessive and unbearable in long-term perspective. It is a
hazards on a genetic basis. Vertical classification is based first attempt to summarise mine impacts in a systematic way
on the duration and presence of risk elements such as based on individual factors. The map tries to present the
processes with sudden or recurrent action (earthquakes, whole set of factors that operates during the whole mine life
landslides, etc.), processes with permanent action such as cycle from exploration and exploitation, and persists even
soil erosion and weathering, and the third group containing after the deposit is exhausted or abandoned. The main cri-
processes with permanent action leading to sudden chan- teria for the choice of deposits were (1) the extent of mining
ges, such as karstic processes, subsidence, loess collapse, activities, (2) the material exploited, (3) its chemical com-
etc. The structure of geological hazard is supplemented by position and (4) dressing methods. In some cases, other
some other features like risk categories (disaster, catas- factors such as proximity to settlements, nature reserves and
trophe, accident, incident), affected area (global, zonal, protected nature monuments were also considered. Type,
regional and local), speed of occurrence, degree of pre- size and economic significance of deposits were not con-
diction, etc. Ranking of hazards is based on degree of the sidered. Only four basic categories such as ore minerals,
consequences, frequency of occurrence and possibility for nonmetallic minerals, coal and hydrocarbons were distin-
prevention or decreasing of impacts. More than 60 types of guished. In spite of this simplification, the map shows how

158 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

Fig. 3 Environmental hazard map. This simplified extraction from linear erosion; E-shaped symbol landslide; arch symbol underground
the Geological Hazard Map of Bulgaria (Broutchev 1994) empha- mine (dark shading spontaneous coal combustion hazard); solid dots
sises mining hazards in relation to other natural hazards. Key: dark, quarry; Large and small fan-shaped symbols radioactive waste and
medium and light shading high, medium and low sheet erosion; brick natural radioactivity, respectively; cross-hatched ellipse symbol
pattern karst area; cirle pattern groundwater with high carbonate industrial waste. Original map has a topographic base (major streams,
content; grey strip deeply cut river valley with slope instability; solid roads, settlements, topographic contours). Note the cumuluative
line active fault; dotted line earthquake hazard area; solid arrow hazards in the densely populated capital area. See text for details

specific is the environmental damage caused by exploitation anthropogenic seismicity and risk of landslides, and
of individual deposits (Reichmann 1992). Active, closed anomalous radon risk.
and abandoned mines are all considered in the survey. The
Impact levels were expressed in three categories: high,
bases of the map are (1) a geological map with deposit
low and no impact, based on expert estimation. Figure 4
boundaries and mining areas, and (2) topography showing
shows the Abertamy uranium mine, Jachymov polymetallic
major rivers, settlements and infrastructure (Fig. 4). Alto-
deposits, Sokolavska panev coal mines, and Horni Slavkov
gether, 169 sites and their various impacts are presented in
uranium and tin mines. For the polymetallic and coal mine,
the map. Using the geological map with boundaries of
almost all environmental impacts are significant. The Horni
deposits, mining districts and underground mining, a
Slavkov uranium mine is situated in the middle of a highly
methodology was established for assessing the following 13
protected natural reserve.
types of individual impacts:
The Polish Geological Institute has developed the high-
surface water contamination by mining waters, resolution 1:50,000 scale Geological-Economical Map
surface water contamination by dumps and processing of Poland geo-environmental map series featuring
plants, environmental risks associated with mining (Geological-
groundwater contamination, Economical Map of Poland 2000). The map series are a
changes in groundwater regime, cartographic representation of mineral deposit distribution
impact on mineral water sources, and development against selected elements of mining and
changes in river system, mineral processing, engineering geology, nature, landscape
changes of relief by mining and dumping, and cultural monuments. The aim is the presentation of:
threat to ecological stability centres,
perspectives and prognosis of deposit occurrence,
contamination of rocks and soils,
classification of mineral deposits and state of their
dust generation by mining, transport and processing,
hazardous noise,

Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169 159

Fig. 5 Environmental risk map. Simplified extraction from the

Geological-Economical Map of Poland (Geological-Economical
Map of Poland 2000). Key: dark shading protected green area;
medium and light shadings agricultural lands (arable lands and
pastures, respectively); diagonal hatch forest; dotted and checked
patterns sand and gravel quarries; dotted line area of conflicting
resources (mineral and agricultural/food production resources in this
case). Original map has a topographic base (major streams, roads,
Fig. 4 Environmental impact map. Simplified extraction from the settlements, topographic contours). Note that the map is a direct
Impact of Mining on the Environment of the Czech Republic decision support tool for resolving natural resources conflicts. See text
(Reichmann 1992). Key: plain dark and light shadings Tertiary and for details
Proterozoic-Paleozoic volcanic rocks; diagonal and vertical hatches
metamorphosed Paleozoic rock and granodiorites, syenites, respec-
tively; cross pattern granite; dark, medium and light shaded dots coal, protection systems, and (5) the mineral deposits digital
ore and nonmetallic deposits, respectively (ore mines are emphasised database. Thematics of the map series is the following: (1)
by large dots); petals around dot the 12 impact factors listed in the general (administrative borders), (2) mineral deposits, (3)
corresponding Sect. 3 in the text (petal size: low and high impact of environmental classification of mineral deposits, (4)
mining); dotted circle around dot anomalous radon risk; dotted line
around the coal mine undermined area; dotted line around the exploitation, mining and mineral processing, (5) water, (6)
nonmetallic mine boundary of mining district; solid line protected conditions of building basement, (7) nature, landscape and
area (national park); 1 Horni Slavkov uranium and tin mines; 2 historical monument protection, and (8) sea coast zone.
Sokolavska panev coal mines; 3 Abertamy uranium mine; 4 Based on the detailed source and receptor information,
Jachymov polymetallic deposit. Original map has a topographic base
(major streams, roads and settlements). Note the spatial relation of environmental risk assessment is carried out by delineating
deposits to the protected area. See text for details areas with non-conflicted, conflicted and very con-
flicted resources. This simple scheme enables the
identification of areas where mining put the surrounding
present and potential natural hazards connected with
environment at risk and is in conflict with other land and
the mineral deposits, their exploitation and mineral
natural resources uses. Figure 5 shows an example where
mining is in conflict with agricultural and forest land uses.
selected hydrogeological elements for the groundwater
This example shows how geological knowledge and
protection purposes,
existing mineral resources maps can be developed to spa-
objects and areas protected by law,
tial risk assessment of mine contamination.
subsurface conditions for construction.
In spite of the results and approaches presented in the
These maps are intended for territorial planning pur- above examples, it seems that mine inventory, ranking and
poses and might be used by the local and regional environmental assessment methods are country specific.
administration. The map series consist of (1) the main The two examples below are given to show that there is a
sheet, (2) comprehensive explanatory text, with tables and need for the development of harmonised methods for trans-
complementary maps, (3) physiographic units, geological boundary environmental assessment of mining and asso-
conditions, major groundwater basins, (4) European nature ciated environmental problems. The atlas of 1:500,000

160 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

Fig. 6 Trans-boundary geo-environmental map. Geology for the zones along highway Via Baltica and along expected heavy traffic
Environmental Protection and Territorial Planning in the Polish- road, respectively; area with solid line and diagonal hatch pattern
Lithuanian Cross-border Area map (Slowanska 1997) with some natural groundwater contamination; solid dot groundwater monioring
features emphasised. a Map of Geo-potential. Key: solid black line well; empty box waste deposit site; thick dashed line major tectonic
country border; dark and light transparent shadings mineral prospect lineament; large cross-hatched area in the background uppermost
areas and protected areas, respectively; small dots mines (two white unconfined aquifer. Both maps show topographic base (major
dots emphasise iron mines); small boxes producing groundwater streams, lakes, roads, settlements, topographic contours) in the
wells; grey shading and contour lines in the background aquifer background. Note the interaction of the two maps: the potential
yields and water table depth, respectively. b Map of environmental conflict of geo-potential and hazards, such as mineral prospects and
hazards. Key: solid grey line country border; solid dark lines major road development
highways; light and dark transparent grey shadings 15km buffer

scale Geology for the Environmental Protection and use have been interpreted. The Map of Environmental
Territorial Planning in the Polish-Lithuanian Cross-border Hazards (Fig. 6b) illustrates natural threats due to human
Area was prepared by the geological institutes of the two activity, hazardous object, selected natural hazards, and
countries (Slowanska 1997). This atlas contains (1) geo- surface and groundwater pollution. The Map of Envisaged
logical, geomorphological and neotectonic maps, (2) Environmental Conflicts indicates measures to reduce
partial and total multi-element geochemical maps for soils negative human impact (Slowanska 1997).
and water sediments, (3) radioecological maps of gamma Another example for international harmonised spatial
radiation dose, uranium, thorium, potassium content, environmental assessment methodology is provided by the
cesium and radon concentrations, (4) groundwater maps Danube Region Environmental Geology Programme
with aquifers and monitoring network, and (5) geo-eco- (DANREG) whose basic aim was to arrange the geological
logical maps containing mineral deposits and mines, and geophysical data of the border zone of the three partner
protected areas, land use and environmental hazards. The countries, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia, in a unified
objective of the atlas is to support spatial management and framework, in particular, along the River Danube where the
use of natural resources in an area which is particularly rich three capitals, Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest, are situated,
in mineral resources and has unique natural value in a still and to undertake their uniform interpretation to provide
unpolluted environment. The most relevant are perhaps the assistance to the decision makers dealing with the man-
concluding eco-geological maps. The Map of Geo-poten- agement and sustainable development of the region (Csaszar
tial contains data on mineral and groundwater resources 2000). It was its objective to serve as an example for similar
and areas protected by law (Fig. 6a). Also, changes in land international trans-boundary environmental programmes.

Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169 161

The project succeeded in providing solutions for the difficult low (rocks of medium permeability covered by thick
problems of (1) harmonising different cartographic projec- aquiclude or low permeable rocks covered by thin
tions and (2) synthesis of geological data that have been aquiclude or without cover),
produced by national survey activities of widely different very low (low permeable rocks covered by thick
goals. The map series include a range of various geological aquiclude or aquiclude on the surface).
thematic maps, neotectonic map, geophyical maps, geo-
Again, this complex trans-boundary geohazard map
thermal potential map, hydrogeological map, engineering
enables the study of mine contamination hazards in inter-
geological map and environmental geohazard map. The
action with other hazards such as aquifer pollution
Map of Environmental Geohazards is a complex and
sensitivity. The result of the whole programme is a set of
multi-purpose map supplemented by an explanatory text.
thematic maps and their explanatory notes, providing an
Coloured planar, linear and point symbols are used to dis-
example of co-operation in a region that is divided into
play relevant geological hazards of the Danube region,
three parts by state borders but is coherent from geological
including (1) natural hazards such as hydrological and hy-
and environmental point of view (Csaszar 2000). One of
drogeological phenomena (e.g. flood hazard, high
the main conclusions of the co-operation is that, data har-
groundwater fluctuation), mass movements, seismicity,
monisation and the systematic use of international
erosion and accumulation, and (2) anthropogenic hazards
standards are essential for efficient support of trans-
such as waste deposition, mines, and surface subsidence
boundary environmental assessment and mineral and
(Fig. 7). All available information about the selected haz-
environmental resource management in Europe.
ards, in the form of various maps at different scales (ranging
from 1:25,000 to 1:200,000) or as databases, aerial and
satellite images, together with other DANREG map layers
Multi-media multi-element environmental assessment
have been used for the geohazard map. The sensitivity of the
of mines at the local, regional, and international scales:
environment (groundwater) to mine pollution is pointed out
geochemical mapping in relation to mining
in the map by the five hazard categories:
very high (permeable rocks on the surface), The basis of local and regional risk assessment of mining
high (permeable rocks on the surface covered by thin contamination is the multi-scale, multi-media mapping of
aquiclude or less permeable rocks), contamination baselines in soils, waters, sediments and
moderate (permeable rocks covered by thick aquiclude biota. Geochemical maps have been instrumental in
or less permeable rocks covered by thin aquiclude or describing spatial risk to human health and ecosystems.
rocks of medium permeability), Well-documented case studies have proven the need to

Fig. 7 Trans-boundary geo-environmental map. Danube Region spade symbol abandoned mine; white and black boxes dangerous
Environmental Geology Programme (DANREG; Austria, Hungary, waste and mine waste, respectively; transparent polygon with dotted
Slovakia), Map of Environmental Geohazards (Csaszar 2000), line active subsidence due to undermining. Original map has a
simplified extraction. Key: shading from dark to white groundwater topographic base (major streams, roads and settlements). Note
pollution sensitivity from very high to very low; letter V and K: cummulative hazards in areas with mines and flood risk at River
volcanic and karstic rocks, respectively; solid dark line stream; thick Danube or high groundwater pollution sensitivity
dotted line tectonic lineament; thin dotted line flood area; inverted

162 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

view geochemical mapping and health issues in global establishment of harmonised methods for sampling,
relations (e.g. Thornton 1993; Tan et al. 1988). Geo- analysis and data management,
chemical maps have also been instrumental in the collection and analysis of geochemical materials
investigation of ecological effects of natural geochemical throughout Europe,
background on vegetation (Thornton 1983). Maps show- preparation of a standardised reference dataset of
ing the distribution of elements on a regional scale have geochemical baseline data.
been fundamental in recognising empirical associations
According to the recommendations of IGCP 259
between trace elements and morbidity patterns in plants
(International Geological Correlation Programme: Inter-
and animals (Thornton 1993). For example, Irvin et al.
national Geochemical Mapping), Europe was divided into
(1988) proposed a spatial link between multiple sclerosis
160 by 160-km grid cells. Stream water, minerogenic
cluster in Sasketchewan, U.S.A. and excess lead, zinc and
stream sediment, minerogenic top soil and subsoil and soil
nickel in the soil. Piispanen (1989) compared geochemi-
organic layer samples were collected from five randomly
cal maps of Finland to cancer maps. Tan et al. (1988)
selected 100-km2 catchment areas in each grid cell. Cor-
found spatial correlation between high incidences of Ke-
responding minerogenic floodplain sediment (the
shan and KaschinBeck disease and selenium depleted
uppermost 25 cm) was sampled from one 1,000-km2
areas as shown by the regional geochemical maps. Sim-
catchment area that includes the 100-km2 catchment areas.
ilarly, Haglund et al. (1996) found a spatial correlation
This nested sampling scheme enables the analysis of pro-
between childhood diabetes risk and zinc depleted
cesses on various scales. Field work was carried out
drinking groundwater. However, actual health risk of
according to the commonly accepted published Field
metals is dependent on several environmental factors such
Manual (Salminen et al. 1998). Samples were analysed for
as soil organic matter, metal speciation, pH, etc. (Plant
more than 50 elements and other parameters such as pH
and Thornton 1985; Selinus 2002). Therefore, local and
and grain size. Nine laboratories of European geological
regional-scale multi-media environmental and geochemi-
surveys carried out the analytical work, one sample type
cal baseline mapping is essential for the contamination
was analysed in one laboratory using one method. Alto-
risk assessment of mining and mining wastes. Manage-
gether some 400 geochemical maps describing the
ment of polluted lands around mine sites requires
distribution of elements throughout whole Europe have
knowledge on the distribution of potentially harmful
been prepared based on the 4,363 samples collected and
chemicals, such as radioactive isotopes and heavy metals,
analysed. All the results and field observations were
as well as the chemical composition of natural environ-
organised in a common database and the maps were pub-
ments. Such information is routinely obtained from
lished as Geochemical Atlas of Europe in 2006 (Salminen
environmental geochemical maps (Darnley 1993; Darnley
2006). All the sampling sites were photographed and this
et al. 1995). Local-scale geochemical maps are used
photo archive, together with detailed field observation
primarily for environmental impact assessment of indus-
database is also available. Samples are archived for pos-
trial activity and waste disposal on soils, surface and
sible future need at the Slovak Geological Survey.
subsurface waters. The trans-boundary nature of recep-
Results show that emerging large-scale geochemical
tors of mine contamination emission calls for harmo-
patterns both in surface water and in minerogenic materials
nised international collaboration to support regional risk
are mostly caused by a combination of geology and climate
such the low pH in the stream waters in the Nordic coun-
The EuroGeoSurveys European Environmental Geo-
tries causing high Al concentrations (Salminen 2006)
chemical Baseline Atlas and Database project is the
(Fig. 8a). At the European scale, the distribution of ele-
European contribution to the IUGS/IAGC Global Geo-
ments in the surface environment is clearly governed by
chemical Baselines Programme (De Vos and Tarvainen
natural processes, and anthropogenic contamination plays a
2006; Salminen 2006). The goal of the Programme is
minor role for most elements, NO3 being an exception in
establishing a land-surface global geochemical reference
stream water (Fig. 8b). This study has shown that natural
network, providing multi-media, multi-element baseline
element concentrations in the different sample materials
data for a wide range of environmental and natural resource
may vary by up to 4 orders of magnitude on the European
applications. The European project grouped geological
scale such as in the case of U in topsoil (3 orders of
surveys of 26 countries under the auspices of the Associ-
magnitude variation) (Fig. 8c). The Geochemical Atlas of
ation of European Geological Survey [EuroGeoSurvey;
Europe map series demonstrate that it is impossible to
formerly under the Forum of European Geological Surveys
define one common good quality value for Europe. Some
(FOREGS)] to provide the high quality European envi-
elements show for example much lower element concen-
ronmental geochemical baseline atlas and database. The
trations in northern than in southern Europe including As in
main aims of the project were:

Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169 163

Fig. 8 EuroGeoSurveys European Environmental Geochemical Baseline Atlas and Database (After Salminen 2006). a pH in stream water.
b NO3 in stream water. c U in topsoils. d As in stream water

stream water (Fig. 8d). It is concluded that regional-scale The 1:2,500,000 Polish National Geochemical Atlas is
geochemical patterns are essentially defined by geology, based on about 10,000 samples for each media of soil,
including mineral deposits. Geochemical maps, therefore, surface water and water sediments in the country (Lis and
are instrumental in the identification and distinction of Pasieczna 1995) analysed for multi-element content, pH
contamination levels due to natural background, including and radiometric properties (Fig. 9a). This survey by the
mineralisations, and those associated with mine sites. Polish Geological Institute concluded that geochemical

164 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

Fig. 9 Multi-scale environmental geochemical survey (Cu) in Silesia (Lis and Pasieczna 1999). Background shading Cu concen-
Poland, with features related to mining emphasised. a National tration increases from light to dark shading. Note how the regional
survey: Geochemical Atlas of Poland (Lis and Pasieczna 1995). b contamination anomalies (Fig. 9a) are resolved to areas around
Regional survey: Geochemical Map of Legnica-Glogow Copper specific contamination sources such as mines and smelters in Fig. 9b
District (Lis et al. 1999). c Local study: Geochemical Map of Upper and c

composition of each media is determined by underlying and smelting area of the Glogow-Legnica Copper District
rock formations that distinct geochemical patterns between was carried out at the 1:250,000 scale (Lis et al. 1999). The
the northern and southern regions of the country. More collected 5,677 soil samples along a 1 9 1-km grid were
important is that the mapping identified the regional Pb analysed for multi-element content, pH, particle size,
ZnCd anomaly of the Upper Silesian mining area and the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and radiometric proper-
regional Cu anomaly in soils of the Glogow-Legnica ties. Various soil depths were also analysed around
Copper District as distinct pollution features (Fig. 9a). smelters and mines. For data interpretation, geological,
Based on the national screening survey, a follow-up land use and land development (mining and other industry)
regional soil geochemistry study for the copper ore mining maps were used. This study has shown correlation between

Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169 165

Fig. 10 Multi-scale environmental geochemical survey, an example the Matra Mts, Hungary. Key: 1 drainage basins; 2 location of the
in Hungary. a Regional survey: Geochemical Atlas of Hungary, As detailed investigations; 3 abandoned ore mines; 4 low-temperature
content in stream sediments (Odor et al. 1997). Key: grey shadings 1 hydrothermal mineralization zone; 5 poorly prospective; 6 prospec-
and 2: background levels; grey shadings 3 and 4: medium and high tive; 7 proven ore mineralization or strongly prospective (Odor et al.
anomalies. Empty and solid boxes show location of maps in Fig. 10c 1998). d High-resolution geochemical survey at a mineralization.
and d, respectively. b Geochemical Atlas of Hungary, regional Natural As anomaly at the Korom Hill, Hungary (Horvath et al.
element associations in stream sediment (Odor et al. 1997). Key: 1 no 1999). Key: background shading concentration increases from light to
association; 2 Co, Cr, Ni; 3 Ca, Mg, Sr, (and SO4); 4 Ag, As, Au, Cu, dark shading; small aligning symbols sample locations along
Pb and Zn. Empty and solid boxes show location of maps in Fig. 10c transects. Note the change of scale from Fig. 10a and b, to Fig. 10c
and d, respectively. c Greochemical anomaly map of the stream and d. See text for details
sediment survey based on Pb, Zn, As, Cu and Cd at mineralisations in

heavy metal pollution and grain size and it concluded that geochemical background (Fig. 9c). Geochemical risk maps
elevated contents of some elements (Al, Co, Cr, Mg, Ni, constructed for land uses such as arable lands, childrens
Sc, Sr, Ti and Va) are connected, above all, to the structure play grounds and sports fields and parks as sensitive
of geological substratum defining the natural background. receptors were also derived (Lis and Pasieczna 1999).
Some elements, As, Fe, P, Pb, S, and Va are concentrated The 1:500,000 scale Geochemical Atlas of Hungary
in organic rich sediments due to secondary processes. With shows As anomalies in stream sediments that correspond to
respect to mining, it is concluded that heavy metal pollu- natural contamination or industrial pollution in catchments
tion is primarily due to dust emission from smelters as (Fig. 10a) (Odor et al. 1997). In the Great Hungarian Plain,
reflected in elevated concentrations in top soils only As content in groundwater is naturally higher than the
(Fig. 9b). Another follow-up local soil geochemical survey 10 lg/l EU standard due to As-bearing Pleistocene rock
for Upper Silesian PbZn and Coal Mining Area was also formations deep below surface (Csalagovits 1992), as also
carried out (Lis and Pasieczna 1999). The collected 1,279 reflected by stream sediments in Fig 10a. Catchments
soil and 318 surface water and sediment samples at the along the eastern border with elevated As in stream sedi-
1:25,000 scale were analysed for multi-element content, ment are polluted, however, by upstream trans-boundary
pH and particle size. Various soil depths were also ana- ore mines. This is also shown in the element association
lysed around smelters and mines. Here too, geological, land map derived by principal component analysis; the same
use and land development maps were used for interpreta- catchments correspond to typical ore mining heavy metal
tion. While pollution in the top soil, surface water and association (Fig. 10b). This geochemical survey also
sediment of large rivers was dominated by mining and identified polluted lands in catchments due to industrial
smelting pollution, lower soil horizons represented natural pollution in the north (Fig. 10b). Note that the regional

166 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

multi-element maps also differentiate between regional Category II includes localities and mining sites of
geochemical background of siliceous and carboniferous transitional characteristics with partial knowledge on
lithologies (Fig. 10b). A follow-up higher resolution multi- the sites and extent of impacts, but due to specific
media (surface water, stream sediment and soil) multi- factors (e.g. type of ore and natural conditions, changes
element catchment-based geochemical mapping pro- in technology, mining closure) threat of damages is
gramme identified natural heavy metal anomalies in the either not so critical or requires supplementary inves-
Matra Mts, (Fig. 10c) (Odor et al. 1998). Results of this tigation to clarify the situation (with possibility to re-
study provide the bases for post-closure monitoring and categorise the mining site),
assessment of natural and mine-induced metal pollution in Category III includes localities and mining sites with
historic mining areas in the Matra Mts (Odor and apparently low or minor impact on human health,
McCammon 1999). Finally, a high-resolution geochemical environment and property due to different factors like
survey is shown to demonstrate polluted land assessment in historical mining, temporarily suspended mines, etc., if
mining regions by geological surveys. Based on the pre- there are satisfactory existing national monitoring
vious larger-scale investigations, the Geological Institute of systems for impact identification or specific conditions
Hungary carried out detailed geochemical soil survey exist for management of accidents.
(upper 1530 cm layer) along 200 9 40-m grids because
Environmental impact of mining activities is evaluated
some metal anomalies could not be interpreted at the larger
on the bases of the following criteria: (1) status of mining
scales. Figure 10d shows an area with As anomaly. Based
or ore processing, (2) utilisation of chemicals, (3) size of
on this investigation the Institute suggested the area for Au
undermined areas, (4) geodynamic deformation, (5) other
exploration; the area now is in concession for Au mining.
negative impacts on relief, (6) hydrogeological and water
More important is the environmental interpretation of the
management conditions, (7) mine waters, (8) hydro-geo-
survey. Despite the occasional 2,810 g/t As content in the
chemical anomalies, (9) litho-geochemical anomalies, (10)
soil, vegetation is thriving in the area because As is not
biogeochemical anomalies, (11) waste rock stockpiles, (12)
available for plant uptake here (Horvath et al. 1999).
tailings, (13) land use type, and (14) monitoring (Janova
and Vrana 2004). Ranking system of impact intensity
involved 489 sites including 231 with the highest impact
Environmental evaluation and ranking of mine sites category. Based on the ranking system, localities of Cat-
egory I were denoted as hot spots.
The objective of regional mine site inventory is to facilitate Finally, an example is shown for the harmonised engi-
the ranking of mine sites for prioritisation for efficient neering risk assessment of tailings dams. Even in the case
environmental control and financial resource allocation. of engineering risk assessment, a thorough understanding
Ranking can be based on hazard, impact or risk charac- of the contained geological waste material is necessary for
terisation, as seen above. Most of the countries have the assessment of potential contamination impacts on the
developed their own systems for ranking. All of these receptors (humans and ecosystems). A ministerial order in
efforts are country specific, so a synoptic picture on multi- Romania establishes importance categories of the dams of
country level cannot be made. Some are based on expert mine waste deposits, for example (Veliciu and Stratulat
judgement, others use various data and criteria for ranking. 2004). The category of risk is determined by a ranking
The scope of the System of Evaluation and Monitoring of system including the following criteria:
Impacts on Environment Originating from Mining Activi-
technical characteristics of works, information supplied
ties of the Slovakian Ministry of the Environment cover
by the owner,
the territory of the whole country, all types of historical and
the mode in which the dam was designed, built,
current mining activities, all aspects of environment
exploited, repaired, affected during exploitation,
(engineering-geological, hydrogeological and geochemical
if the dam was periodically checked, kept under
aspects) and prioritisation of mine sites according to their
exploitation, suspended or abandoned,
environmental impacts (Janova and Vrana 2004). As a
the mode in which water/industrial liquid waste is
result, mine sites were classified into 3 categories using
stored in the tailings or deposit,
scores by expert judgement:
necessity of inhabitant, property and environment
Category I includes mining sites where remediation is protection against potential consequences in case of
required to prevent acute damages on human health, giving up these facilities,
environment (water, soil, biota), and property. Known the size of the potential damages that could be brought
impacts have been documented and damages are of by an accident to the dam,
large extent, social-economic impacts of a dam failure.

Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169 167

Engineering risk assessment of dams in this scheme uses for mining and associated contaminated land assessment
indexes based on (1) the characteristics of the dam or the that can be transferred beyond the borders of the EU.
deposit (i.e. size, type, dischargers, importance level), It can be concluded that the comparison of trans-
location (nature of the foundation and seismicity of the boundary and country specific efforts shows the basic
area) and the conditions of the pond or the waste, (2) status differences in approaches. The countries have established
of the dam (active or abandoned, conditions of waste and the problem-oriented methodologies for regional invento-
monitoring system, maintenance works, data on their sta- ries and ranking, based on their specific problems and
bility), and (3) the consequences of dam or waste deposit research traditions. The approach used in one country
failure (possible casualties, effects on the environment, cannot be easily converted into another. Systems of envi-
social-economic effects, etc.). Each index is quantified by a ronmental ranking of mine sites have been established in
system of scores based on sub-criteria. Total score of a some of the countries. These ranking systems have been
criterion is given by the arithmetic sum of sub-criteria developed for certain types of objects or mined commod-
scores. Depending on the thus obtained value of risk index ities (e.g. tailings dams in Romania, old metal mines in
associated with the dam or waste, these are classified in one Slovakia, uranium mines in Bulgaria). Also, definition of
of the following categories of importance: (a) dam of hazard, impact and risk, and their mapping and evaluation
exceptional risk, (b) dam of particular risk, (c) dam of are country specific. For the inventory, risk assessment and
average risk, (d) dam of small risk. Provided that the value ranking of mine sites there are several approaches available
of the risk index associated with the dam or the deposit is but none of them alone can satisfy the needs of mine
higher than 1, the risk is unacceptable and the dam cannot environmental assessment. It is therefore necessary to
be used. harmonise results of international programmes, general
methodologies and national approaches in a uniform
approach that can address the problem of standardised
Conclusions inventory and risk-based assessment and ranking of mine
sites, including the assessment of old abandoned mines.
The paper reviewed some significant attempts on how data Reviews of state-of-the-art methods and applications like
and information of regional mineral resources mapping can the one presented in this paper should facilitate the
be used for the spatial contamination risk assessment of development of a harmonised methodology for the spatial
mining and how geological knowledge can be transferred to environmental assessment of mining contamination in the
environmental assessment of mines (Jordan and Szucs European Union, according to the new Mine Waste
1997). Examples from national and trans-boundary pro- Directive (Directive 2006 /21/EC).
grammes for inventory, ranking and environmental
assessment of mining discussed in this paper show that there Acknowledgments The assistance of the USA. Fulbright Program
grant, the Hungarian-American Enterprise and Scholarship Fund grant
have been significant efforts and results of complex and the Bolyai Janos Research Grant of the Hungarian Academy of
approaches to the spatial environmental assessment of Science are gratefully acknowledged. Help from Dr. Laszlo Kuti and
mining. Common in all of them is that they strongly build technical assistance from Renata Varga of the Geological Institute of
on existing information from previous mineral exploration Hungary are recognised. Obtaining the great variety of source mate-
rials for this review paper was made efficient by the National
mapping, they study mining in the broad context of envi- Geological Library, Geological Institute of Hungary.
ronmental hazards, impacts and risks, and they integrate
mining and environmental data in a consistent way on
geological bases. The reviewed examples analyse mines Appendix
and mine waste in the context of the extractive industries as
a whole. There are examples for the consideration of data
and knowledge uncertainty in risk-based ranking, and for *JRC PECOMINES Project
the consideration of potential impacts of prospective
deposits. These aspects are often neglected in similar (1) Joint Research Centre: Giovanni Bidoglio, Marco
approaches. They all agree in that mines have to be studied D0 Alessandro, Tamas Hamor, Stefan Sommer, Panos
together with deposits and the spatial aspect of hazards and Panagos, Marc van Liederkerke, Anca-Marina Vijdea.
impacts is one of the most important aspects of environ- (2) International Steering Group: Ognian Gubev (Min-
mental assessment of mines. Together with trans-boundary istry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria), Valeri Petrov
programmes and the EuroGeoSurveys Geochemical Atlas Trendafilov (Ministry of Environment and Water, Bulgaria),
of Europe results, these examples show that European Peter Rambousek (Czech Geological Survey), Marc Dusan
geoscientists have a long experience in harmonisation of (Ministry of Environment, Estonia), Peeter Eek (Ministry of
environmental data collection, interpretation and evaluation Environment, Estonia) (Ministry of Environment, Estonia),

168 Environ Geol (2009) 58:153169

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