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Ellucian Degree Works Report

Student View AA04AW0f as of 03/03/2017 at 19:32
Student Rogers, Vernel O Degree Associate of Arts
ID 900939224 Major General Studies
Email Transfer Pattern
Undergrad GPA* 3.36 Cumulative GPA* 3.36
1st Acad Review At 12crs Hold
Program Progress

Academic Year: 2015-2016 Credits Required: 60

Degree in Associate of Arts
GPA: 3.36 Credits Applied: 14

Unmet conditions for this set of requirements: A minimum of 15 credits must be earned at CCBC.
60 credits are required. You currently have 14, you still need 46 more

General Education Requirements Still Needed: See General Education Requirements section

General Education Diversity Requirement Still Needed: See General Education Diversity Requirement section

ACDV 101 Requirement

Major Requirements Still Needed: See Major in General Studies section

Remark: Click here to access the College Catalog to see a suggested sequence of courses.

Academic Year: 2015-2016 Credits Required: 34

General Education Requirements
GPA: 3.33 Credits Applied: 12

34-36 credits are required. You currently have 12, you still need 22
Unmet conditions for this set of requirements:
more credits.
Recommendations for General Education Electives may be available for your major in the college catalog. Courses taken prior to Fall 1999 will
not automatically be used to fulfill General Education Requirements in the audit. If you have taken coursework prior to Fall 1999, please email from your CCBC student email with a subject line of 'GE Legacy Review' to have your transcript reviewed and
audit updated.

Fundamentals of Communication Still Needed: 1 Class in CMNS 101*

1 Class in ARTD 104* or 105* or 106* or CMNS 150* or

DANC 135* or 147* or ENGL 201* or 202* or 203* or 204* or
205* or 206* or 207* or 218* or 219* or 224* or 243* or 250* or
260* or 262* or FAPA 101* or HIST 150* or INTR 101* or 121* or
MCOM 111* or 150* or MUSC 101* or 102* or 109* or NAST 207*
Arts and Humanities Still Needed: or PHIL 101* or 103* or 240* or THTR 101* or WLAR 101* or
102* or 201* or 202* or WLCH 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or
WLFR 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or WLGR 101* or 102* or 201*
or 202* or WLIN 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or WLJP 101* or
102* or 201* or 202* or WLRU 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or
WLSP 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or WMST 224*

2 Classes in AASD 101* or ANTH 101* or 102* or ARSC 121* or

Social and Behavioral Sciences Still Needed: CRJU 101* or 202* or ECON 163* or 201* or 202* or EDTR 103*
or GEOG 102* or 111* or GLBL 101 or HIST 101* or 102* or 111*
Ellucian Degree Works Report

or 112* or 116* or 127* or HUMS 122* or NAST 127* or LGST 101*

or POLS 101* or 111* or 131* or PSYC 101* or 103* or 105* or
SOCL 101* or 102* or 122* or 141* or 202* or 230* or SSCI 112*
or WMST 101*

Biological and Physical Science Still Needed: Choose from 2 of the following:
Remark: Biological and Physical Sciences must come from two different disciplines or be two
sequential courses (courses labeled I and II in their titles) from one discipline.

LABORATORY SCIENCE Still Needed: ( Choose from 1 of the following: ) and

( 1 Class in BIOL 104* or 106* or 107* or 108* or 109* or 110*

Laboratory Science Still Needed: or 111* or 126* or ERSC 101* or 131* or PHYS 101* or 151* or
251* ) or

Astronomy Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in ASTM 101* and 102* ) or

Chemistry and Its Role in Society w/ Lab Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in CHEM 100* and 102* ) or

Fundementals of Chemsitry Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in CHEM 107* and 108* ) or

General Chemistry I Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in CHEM 121* and 122* ) or

Enviromental Science Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in ENVS 101* and 102* ) or

Physical Geology w/ Lab Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in ERSC 121* and 122* ) or

Oceanography w/ Lab Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in ERSC 141* and 142* ) or

Oceanography w/ Lab Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in GEOG 141* and 142* ) or

How Things Work w/ Lab Still Needed: ( 2 Classes in PHYS 105* and 111* )

( 1 Class in ARSC 103* or 104* or ASTM 101* or BIOL 100* or

104* or 106* or 107* or 108* or 109* or 110* or 111* or 126* or
Addt'l Biological and Physical Science Requirement Still Needed: 160* or CHEM 100* or 107* or 121* or ENVS 101* or ERSC 101*
or 121* or 131* or 141* or GEOG 101* or 141* or PHYS 101* or
105* or 151* or 251* )

1 Class in MATH 125* or 132* or 135* or 153* or 163* or 165* or

Mathematics Still Needed:
243* or 251* or 257* or 259*

College Composition I ENGL 101 College Composition I (E) B 3 Fall 2015

College Composition II ENGL 102 College Composition II (E) B 3 Fall 2016

Wellness and Health HLTH 101 Health and Wellness (I) A 3 Fall 2016

Information Technology CSIT 101 Technology & Info Systms(I) REGS (3) Spring 2017

Academic Year: 2015-2016

General Education Diversity Requirement
GPA: 0

One General Education course must be a Diversity course. This courses can also be used to satisfy another General Education requriement.

1 Class in AASD 101* or ARSC 121* or ARTD 104* or 105*

or 106* or CRJU 101* or CSIT 120* or DANC 135* or 147* or
Diversity Requirement Still Needed: ENGL 205* or 206* or 207* or 218* or 219* or 224* or 260* or
262* or GLBL 101 or HIST 116* or 127* or HLTH 120* or 126* or
HUMS 122* or INTR 121* or MUSC 109* or NAST 127* or 207*
Ellucian Degree Works Report

or POLS 131* or PSYC 105* or SOCL 122* or 141* or 230* or

SSCI 112* or WLAR 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or WLCH 101*
or 102* or 201* or 202* or WLFR 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or
WLGR 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or WLIN 101* or 102* or 201*
or 202* or WLJP 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or WLRU 101* or
102* or 201* or 202* or WLSP 101* or 102* or 201* or 202* or
WMST 101* or 224*

Academic Year: 2015-2016

ACDV 101 Requirement
GPA: 4

ACDV 101, Transitioning to College, is a one-credit orientation requirement for all credit certificate and degree seeking students who are new to college.
It must be taken the first semester at CCBC. Course topics include the culture and expectations of higher education; academic success skills such as
study skills; life skills such as time management and financial literacy; technology skills related to learning online; and college and career goals. In the
course, students work with their instructors to create an academic plan for future semesters.

Transitioning to College ACDV 101 Acdmc Dvlp:Trnstn College A 1 Fall 2016

Academic Year: 2015-2016 Credits Required: 24

Major in General Studies
GPA: 3.5 Credits Applied: 2

24-26 credits are required. You currently have 2, you still need 22 more
Unmet conditions for this set of requirements:
Students must have at least 60 credits for an associate degree. Students who choose to take 3 credits of Mathematics and 7 credits of Biological and
Physical Sciences, rather than 4 and 8, may need to take an additional class in order to reach at least 60 credits.
ACDV 101 Acdmc Dvlp:Trnstn College A 1 Fall 2016
PEAQ 100 Swimming Level I B 1 Fall 2016
General Studies Electives
Still Needed: 22:24 more Credits

In Progress Courses Credits Applied: 3 Classes Applied: 3

CSIT 101 Technology & Info Systms(I) REGS 3 Spring 2017

MATH 081 Pre-Algebra REGS 0 Spring 2017
MATH 082 Introductory Algebra REGS 0 Spring 2017

Not Counted Courses Credits Applied: 0 Classes Applied: 4

ENGL 052 Basic Writing II A 0 Fall 2015

Maximum classes exceeded: -

MATH 081 Pre-Algebra REGS 0 Spring 2017

Maximum classes exceeded: -

MATH 082 Introductory Algebra REGS 0 Spring 2017

Maximum classes exceeded: -

RDNG 052 College Reading II A 0 Fall 2015

Maximum classes exceeded: -

Complete Complete except for classes in-progress T Transfer Class
Not Complete Additional requirement needed. See Advisor. @ Any course number
(IP) In-Progress Course

This is not a real-time audit. Coursework changes are updated every night. This is NOT an official evaluation. You are encouraged to use this degree
audit report as a guide when planning your progress toward completion of the above requirements. This audit is not your academic transcript and it
is not official notification of completion of program requirements. For credit students: For more information on how to obtain a copy of your transcript,
please visit: You can view your unofficial transcript in SIMON. Student must officially apply for graduation
at the Enrollment Services Center on one of the three campuses. Student must apply by the official deadline. For more information about how to apply
for graduation, please visit: The Office of Academic Advisement may be contacted for assistance in
interpreting this report.

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