March Wizardofoz Calendar

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Wizard of Oz Calendar March and April

March/ 2017 6 Monday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 1-4

March/ 2017 7 Tuesday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 5-10

March/ 2017 9 Thursday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 11- 15

March/ 2017 15 Wednesday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 1-4

March/ 2017 16 Thursday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 5-10

March/ 2017 17 Friday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 11-15
(Munchkins with Mrs. Williams)

March/ 2017 20 Monday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 1-15 Everyone!

March/ 2017 21 Tuesday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 1-15 Everyone!

March/ 2017 23 Thursday 3:15- 5:00 High School Commons- Scene 1-15 Everyone!

March/ 2017 27 Monday 3:15- 5:00 Gym- Scene 1-15 Everyone!

March/ 2017 28 Tuesday 3:15- 5:00 Gym- Scene 1-15 Everyone!

March/ 2017 30 Thursday 3:15- 5:00 Gym- Scene 1-15 Everyone!

April/ 2017 3 Monday 3:15- 5:00 Gym- Scene 1-15 Everyone!

April/ 2017 4 Tuesday 5:00-8:00PM JCC Auditorium, Scene 1-15 Everyone!

Cast needs to be there 5-8PM,
Please eat before you get there.

April/ 2017 6 Thursday 6- 9:00PM JCC Auditorium, Performance starts at 7 PM,

Audience can be seated at 6:30 PM.
Main Cast members are at JCC at 6:00 PM.
Everyone else arrives at JCC at 6:15 PM.

April/ 2017 21 Friday 6- 8:00PM NCS GYM, Cast Party!

Role(s) in Wizard of Oz and Dressing Room Assignment
Dressing Room A- Girls (20)
Dorothy- Greyson Dunn (Scenes 1-15) Jitterbug, Munchkin, Ozian- Serenity Bean (Scenes
Miss Gulch/ Wicked Witch- Reagan Heavey (Scenes 4,7,8,14)
1,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,13) Apple Tree, Ozian- Madeline Stevenson (Scenes 6, 14)
Jitterbug, Munchkin, Ozian- Kinsey Williams (Scenes Apple Tree, Ozian- Willow Justice (Scenes 6, 14)
4,7,8,14) Apple Tree, Ozian- Kylie Miller (Scenes 6, 14)
Jitterbug, Munchkin- Tot (in Pink), Ozian- Jane Ivey Crow, Ozian- Larisa Armenakyan (Scene 5, 14)
Johnson (Scenes 4,7,8,14) Crow, Ozian- Emily Williams (Scene 5, 14)
Jitterbug, Munchkin, Ozian- Juliann McFatter (Scenes Crow, Ozian- Paige Lee (Scene 5, 14)
4,7,8,14) Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Mikayla Cusack (Scene
Jitterbug, Munchkin, Ozian- Sophia Mae Sipes (Scenes 4,10,11,13)
4,7,8,14) Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Sabrina Brownlee (Scene
Jitterbug, Munchkin- Tot (in Pink), Ozian- Alyssa Rocchio 4,10,11,13)
(Scenes 4,7,8,14) Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Meliana Gantt (Scene
Jitterbug, Munchkin, Ozian- Savannah Stretch (Scenes 4,10,11,13)
4,7,8,14) Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Elizabeth McGinnis (Scene
Jitterbug, Munchkin- Tot (in Pink), Ozian- Claire Atkisson 4,10,11,13)
(Scenes 4,7,8,14)

Dressing Room B- Boys (12)

Uncle Henry, Winkie- Kennith Raba (Scene 1,2,12,13,15)
Hickory/ Tin Man- Ian Davidson (Scenes 1,2,6-10,12-15)
Zeke/ Lion- Griffin Lloyd (Scenes 1,2,7-10, 12-15)
Hunk/ Scarecrow- Terrel Staten (Scenes 1,2, 5-10, 12-15)
Professor Marvel/ Great and Powerful Oz- AJ Boyce (Scene 2,9,14)
Nikko, Ozian- Kraig Hanafin (He can not be a Winkie and Nikko.) ( Scenes 10,11,13)
Winkie- Brady Jackson (Scenes 12,13)
Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Hayden Sicilia (Scene 4,10,11,13)
Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Hunter Brogden (Scene 4,10,11,13)
Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Hudson Schwartz (Scene 4,10,11,13)
Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Greyson Sicilia (Scene 4,10,11,13)
Winged Monkey, Munchkin- Felix LeBron (Scene 4,10,11,13)

Green Room- Cast members that do not need to change outfits. (33)
Aunt Em/ Rocking Chair- Emily Stevenson (Scene Munchkin- Carley Ramsey (Scene 4)
1,2,3,15) Munchkin- Gabbie Majia (Scene 4)
Toto- Braeden Evans (Scenes 4-14) Munchkin- Hailey Murphy (Scene 4)
Glinda- Taylor Horne (Scene 4, 14) Munchkin- Wynston Daughtry (Scene 4)
Mayor- Landon Hall (Scene 4) Munchkin- Molly Roberts (Scene 4)
Barrister- Michael Lee Sherman (Scene 4) Munchkin- Jillian Casey (Scene 4)
City Father #1- Silas Ittenbach (Scene 4) Munchkin- Janiah Concepcion (Scene 4)
City Father #2 (mother)- Lynn Hinson (Scene 4) Munchkin- Kailey Lambert (Scene 4)
Munchkin #1- Sloan Mann (Scene 4) Munchkin- Grace Deans (Scene 4)
Munchkin #2- Stephanie Armenakyan (Scene 4) Ozian- Grace Booker (Scene 8)
Coroner- Sofia Edwards (Scene 4) Ozian- Ella Rozier (Scene 8)
Three Tough Kids- Maverick Coor (Scene 4) Ozian- Leah Eaves (Scene 8)
Three Tough Kids- Ethan Fisher (Scene 4) Ozian- Kelsea Herring (Scene 8)
Tot- Kiersten Wellbrook (Scene 4) Ozian- Kennedy Holloman (Scene 8)
Tot- Gabbie Hawk (Scene 4) Ozian- Sara Benson (Scene 8)
Munchkin- Grace Gockerell (Scene 4) Ozian- Olivia Aoyagi (Scene 8)
Munchkin- Jenian Rodriguez (Scene 4) Apple Tree- James Atkisson (Scene 6)

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