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Volume 25, Number 4 • July & August 2010 • A publication of the Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo


Day With
August 14th  |  Mission Plaza  |  10am - 5 pm
2 Women’s Press Women’s Press July & August 2010

Courtney’s Quill Women’s Press would not be still going

strong, as well as all the other great things Cover Artist
Summer is in full swing, and I’m loving
they do for the community.
Yelena Kozlova
it. My tomatoes are starting to ripen, my Also, a reader sent me in a thought provok-
zucchini is overwhelming my actual love of ing question for this issue’s Voices Around Yelena Kozlova is from Sunnyvale,
squash, and little eggplants are starting to the Table: Do you think the institution of CA in the Bay Area. She’s a
form. My garden is what keeps me refreshed marriage is outdated? I’d love to hear your student at Cal Poly. She was first
every summer, and though I’m no master responses, so please send me them at wom- interested in traditional drawing
gardener, I love how much I learn each year enspress.slo@gmail.com. You can find this and painting, creating beautiful
about the life process of plants. It’s also a months Voices responses on page 18. work that was pleasing to the eye,
good reminder about life in general—birth, but later became attracted to using
growth, mistakes, disease, and eventually And finally, this is our annual creative issue, art as a form of communication and
death. I feel like I understand the universe so please take a look at pages 8 and 9 to see sending a message to the viewer. In
so much more after summer ends. all our great entries. I love receiving all of her work, she combines elements of
this. It makes me realize how many talented traditional fine art and the clarity of
But the end of summer is not near yet, and women and men we have in this commu- design to make the work aesthetically
this summer we at Women’s Press want nity. pleasing while being able to convey a
to remind you once again of Day With clear message. In her poster for the Day
Creative women, being held August 14th Enjoy your summer. Enjoy gardening. Enjoy With Creative Women, she highlights
in Mission Plaza. It is surely a day you watching the life cycle. And please enjoy our the great contributions many talented
don’t want to miss. Please see our spread in women provide to the art field. The
this issue. And come out and support the little Press. event is a wonderful way to showcase
Women’s Community Center, who puts those contributions.
this event on for the community. It’s their
biggest fundraiser, and without the WCC, Courtney Brogno
Women’s Press • Voices, views and visions of the women of San Luis Obispo County, California • 6000 free copies distributed in SLO County • Subscriptions are available

• Managing Editor / Courtney Brogno / womenspress.slo@gmail.com • Layout & Design / Ashley Kircher & Benjamin Lawless • Advertising Team /
Staff Robin Rinzler / medee8@aol.com • Website Administrators / Sonia Paz Baron-Vine & Benjamin Lawless

• Sonia Paz Baron-Vine • MaryAine Curtis • Inglis Carre-Dellard • Ruth Cherry • Jeanie Greensfelder • Laura Grace • Judythe Guarnera • Hilda Heifetz • Lisa
Pimental Johnson • Lisa Jouet • Angie King • Heather Mendel • Jen Mowad • Berta Parrish • Robin Rinzler • Adele Sommers • Jill Turnbow • Andrea Zeller
• Berta Parrish • Jane Hill • Judith Bernstein • June Beck • Kathleen Deragon • MaryAine Curtis • Monica Rosecrans • Shairee Collins • Shantel Beckers •
Suzanne Delinger • Renee Sante

Volunteers Articles, essays, opinion pieces, letters, artwork, poetry wanted & appreciated. The Women’s Press reserves the right to edit all submissions for content, clarity &
length. Contact womenspress.slo@gmail.com or call 805-544-9313. Submissions will also be posted online at www.womenspress-slo.org. The opinions expressed in
the Women’s Press are those of the authors & do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Women’s Community Center. The Women’s Community Center does
Submissions Welcome not necessarily endorse products or services advertised in the Women’s Press.

The Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo County, founded in 1974, under the name Women’s Resource Center, exists • to educate,
enlighten, and empower women and their families in San Luis Obispo County by helping them seek new ways to express and develop them-
selves • to be a center for the repository and exchange of information of interest and concern to women through workshops, seminars, classes
and other outlets; • to facilitate communication with other women’s resources both locally and nationally. WCC produces the Women’s Press in
WCC furtherance of these goals.

Women’s Community Center of San Luis Obispo County • A 501(c)3 not-for-profit public corporation • PO Box 15639, San Luis Obispo CA 93406 •
Office located at 4251 S. Higuera St., #800, San Luis Obispo CA 93401 • (805) 544-9313 • wccslo@gmail.com • www.wccslo.org • wccslo.blogspot.com

• Business Card (3 ½” x 2”) / One Issue: $65 / Six Issues: $295 • 4” x 5” / One Issue: $125 / Six Issues: $565 • Quarter Page (5” x 7”) / One Issue: $175 / Six Issues: $790
• Half Page (10 ¼” x 5”) / One Issue: $270 / Six Issues: $1215 • Full Page (10 ¼” x 10 ¼”) / One Issue: $470 / Six Issues: $2115 • Business Profile (Logo / photo
Advertising Rates and 250 words) / One Issue: $190 / Six Issues: $855 • Workshop Listings (3 ½” x 2” / 50-75 words) / One Issue: $35 / Six Issues: $160 • Website Leaderboard
(Top of page / 468 x 60 pixels) / Two Months: $60 / One Year: $270 • Website Sidebar Square (300 x 250 pixels) / Two Months: $50 / One Year: $225
Contact Robin Rinzler (805) 801-3235 to set up an ad today.
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Body & Soul 3
By Inglis Carre’-Dellard, M.F.A.

I am sitting quite still and contemplating in the white calla lily, but ultimately, we
an elegant white calla lily that is sharing a are left with a mystery, without which our
vase with some other flowers on the table world would be dull and cold. Each of us
in front of me. Over the past several days carries within us a vocabulary of images,
it has begun to slowly relax its tight green sounds colors, and scents that seem to
and white scroll, which still conceals the have the power to transport us into a state
glowing yellow rod at its center. I am mes- of awe. Perhaps our object of contempla-
merized by the lights and shadows created tion is acting as a catalyst to bring about an
by its sensuous folds and the complexity of intimate encounter between our divine core
its network of fine veins. I love the way it and the great ocean of divinity that flows all
reaches upward, claiming the space around around and between us.
it in a dynamic way that commands my eye
to follow its spiral all the way out to the Think of an ink painting by a Zen master
delicate spur at its apex. consisting only of a small bird on an arcing
blade of grass, balanced by a large blank
I jump when the phone rings and glance at area. The main content of the painting is
the clock. A half hour has passed beyond my not the bird, but rather the vast emptiness
awareness. I had been wrapped in a blanket beyond, into which the bird invites us to
of stillness that silenced my yammering venture, acting as a sort of “guide,” as the

What Are Your Lilies?

internal voice and drew the flower and I lily was for me. What are your “lilies”?
together into a sacred dimension of awe.

What is it about certain forms, colors,

sounds, and scents that is powerful enough Inglis Carre’-Dellard, M.F.A. is a Los Osos
to make us pause, transcending our ego-self artist, teacher, and creativity facilitator. For
for a short time so that we can have an information on creative block removal or a free
experience of communion? Our intellect copy of her creativity newsletter, contact her at
Photo by Marco Michelini can analyze all of the associations, arche- ingartist@yahoo.com or call 805.534.9693.
types, traditions, and symbolism embodied

Got Passion?
By Ruth Cherry, PhD

Years ago I viewed the movie Pay It best every day. We learn about forgiveness lives divide us. Accepting the challenge to to any human sensitive to the challenges
Forward in which a teacher assigns the and the courage to move ahead. We see Pay It Forward, I have involved myself in of being human. I also recommend it to
class a project to make the world better. self-hate transform into self-acceptance small but needed ways in a few acquain- anyone wanting to enlarge her experi-
One student’s suggestion: Do a favor for and then extend into acceptance of those tances’ lives—a ride to the doctor, a trip ence in the world. If you have met your
three people, each of whom does a favor who hate. to the grocery store, washing some dishes: goals in life and are open to being shown
for three more, continuing forever. Last all simple tasks but impossible for the greater depth, this is the book for you.
week I read the book. Not only does Hyde enlighten our current recipients to perform on their own. Want some joy? Pay it Forward. Need
situation, she inspires us to be ourselves some connection? Pay It Forward. Want
Our local author, Catherine Ryan Hyde, more fully. Hyde’s genius lies in the fact In these small acts, I have found comfort to be more than you’ve ever been? Pay it
has written more than 15 books, but Pay that she does not ask us to reach heights in experiencing my oneness with others. Forward. Today and every day. The com-
It Forward has achieved the greatest of accomplishment to further societal It’s not based on acceptance or approval. mitment to live open-heartedly in caring
national attention. I started reading her goals. She simply asks us to awaken--fully, It’s an acknowledgement of the realiza- service will bring a passion to your life
books when I needed a fiction break from with depth and with presence. She chal- tion that we are in this together. And that you haven’t imagined.
reality. But her books carried me deeper lenges us to live consciously every second, consoles. Any one of us is not alone and
into what it means to be a human. Life in every decision, in every interaction and our struggles are not singular and incom-
(in her books as well as in the world) con- with integrity in our solitude. prehensible. By moving to that basic level
fronts us with challenge—pain and loss of humanity, I am confirmed. I confirm Ruth Cherry, PhD, is a clinical psychologist
and disappointment and yearning and Perhaps Pay It Forward touches us because another when I recognize her in her in private practice in San Luis Obispo, CA.
unexpected love. In her books, Hyde it is so simple and so immediately appli- humanity. Her human needs, after all, are Her specialty is midlife when psychological
acknowledges these trials and artfully cable. Today each of us can do a favor not different from my own. and spiritual dynamics merge. Her five books
depicts humans accepting their chal- for someone who needs help. This simple and guided meditation CD are available at
lenges. We read about individuals who exercise teaches us that we are all con- I recommend Pay It Forward to anyone her web sites, midlifepsychology.com, medita-
find heroic strength within themselves nected, that we share a humanity which who struggles, to anyone who needs to tionintro.com, and God-Life-You.com.
just by being themselves and doing their unites us more than the details of our find meaning in the minutes of her day,
4 Body & Soul Women’s Press July & August 2010

Photo by Marek Bernat

Standing In The Stillpoint Of The Opposites

By Barbara Atkinson heaven/earth; perfect/imperfect; good/ bad; whole changes our perception but doesn’t mean our own foibles and pitfalls, to see our whole-
question/answer; me/you; birth/death—are the we are blind to the perception of duality around ness and move out of the mainstream of thought
“When you make the two one, and when two sides. us. We acknowledge the emotions of happy and is an act of courage. It’s one thing to intellectu-
sad, the judgments of good and bad, but we no ally get the concept of non-duality--that you
you make the inner as the outer and the Neither side of the coin of Life makes up the longer align or identify ourselves with either. We are whole now, just as you are. It’s usually quite
outer as the inner, and the above as the whole coin. Yet what do you get when you align and identify ourselves with the Stillpoint another to truly embody that concept by living
acknowledge and combine the two sides? at the center of the opposites, which is Divinely it, and it’s not an end you can work toward;
below, and when you make the male and You get Divine paradox because the sum (the inspired and full of paradox. In this Stillpoint, there is an act of grace involved. Yet this evo-
female into a single one — then shall you Stillpoint) is greater than its parts. which accepts each moment as it is, we partic- lution of consciousness is our heritage. It is a
ipate with Life because everything is a part of process as real as the physical evolution of our
enter the Kingdom.” Jesus in the Gospel Combine right and wrong and you find God, in God, and participates as God. Even so, bodies and brains. Side by side, the physical
of St. Thomas Compassion. God is more than the sum of Its parts—Divine and unseen have shared a process of evolution-
Add love and hate and you come to paradox again. The ultimate duality is God/ ary learning—expanding in conscious wisdom
“The human mind rarely sees beyond
Forgiveness. Self; transform consciousness and this duality and expanding in physical adaptation based on
these opposites to the Greater Unity Combine good and bad and you arrive at becomes a unified whole—you are not separate that consciousness. There is a genetics of con-
that necessitates them. But the mind Non-judgment. from the Divine, from All That Is. When we sciousness just as real as our physical genetics,
Combine male and female and you achieve pray to something, we pray to that part of our- and this radically effects our awakening process –
can awaken to Greater Unity, and in Balance. selves of which we are not yet conscious. Standing how we experience Spirit is within the context of
this lies the purpose of Creation and of Give your will to Divine Will and you in the Stillpoint, your life can be the prayer. our individuality. Nevertheless, the goal is the
birth Creative Expression. same—to stand in the Stillpoint of the oppo-
humankind.” Reb Yerachmiel ben Yisrael Combine hope and despair and you Our usual concept of who we are includes sites, fully accepting ourselves and Life as it is in
discover Trust. duality; this causes struggle as we identify with each moment. This is an act of Love that opens
one side of the coin or another: we are in resis- the door to a lifetime of Love and you have the
Over and over again we hear or read about Bring Heaven to Earth and you find Peace. tance. Yet, we can make the choice to allow key, now.
the term duality in certain spiritual litera- The nature of the Divine is couched in this what is and acknowledge Love, the Divine, in
ture. Intellectually, we understand what the paradox and told in the language of mythol- each moment.* In that Stillpoint we awaken *This isn’t about passivity – clearly you vote for
word means, but we may not fully internal- ogy. This is why we can become befuddled in to the fullness and joy of Life. We continue one or another candidate, may be working towards
ize its meaning. The unabridged edition of our attempt to understand everything with learning as consciousness continues to expand, making the world a more equitable place for all,
the Random House Dictionary of the English the intellect. But with this nature, Spirit is not but we no longer learn through struggle. Our and working to change something in your life. This
Language states that duality (as a state of being captured within one definitive belief system, but purpose is to recognize and accept the whole- is about accepting what is in any given moment
dual) means having a two-fold, or double, char- provides for many paths. Regardless of our path, ness of each moment, to remember Spirit in this, even as you work for any desired change.
acter or nature. Note that in this definition, the we honor Spirit by “showing up for Life,” i.e., our sacred and symbolic life. Odd as it sounds,
“character or nature” of something is single, one being present as we accept what is, including there is nothing you need to “do” really, no
thing, while dual describes this oneness as being all parts of ourselves. We can choose to see only practice, because you are whole now. You are
two-fold. In other words, two sides of the same one side of the coin at any given moment, or wonderful now. Barbara Atkinson can be reached at batkin-
coin. Using this metaphor, Life and wholeness, we can begin to see the coin as a whole, in toto, son2@earthlink.net for questions or comments.
is the coin, while all the aspects of duality that and reap the benefits of Divine paradox. The I’m not suggesting this happens with speed and
we associate with mundane life—right/wrong; choice is ours and ours alone. To see Life as a ease, although it can. To look within and accept
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Body & Soul 5

Photo by Janusz Gawron

The Heart Way

By Ashley Howard, M.Ed

A friend of mine wrote to me this morning After writing for months about what it the heart of the whirlwind. The dust was not ing our ego and emotions (a.k.a. pain body),
and started the email out with, “Long means to be living in the stream of life, and settled and hindsight had not yet provided which in my experience have proven to not
time no news!” This is the same friend following your heart, I had a brief relapse, any clarity for me to share. I had plenty to be aligned with my true hearts’ desires, and
who encouraged me over a month ago to and must admit that I followed my head. write about, though my thoughts were not my purpose. 
continue to write even during the times that The last few months abroad most definitely a reflection of the four agreements that I
I’m less than motivated to do so. My life has served a purpose, some of which is clear in was and am actively, and whole heartedly, I hope that this inspires you to continue
been a whirlwind since the New Year began, this moment and more of which I’m sure pursuing once again. This is the reason for to follow your heart and not your head.
and inspiration to write has been few and will be revealed in hindsight.  the ‘long time no news.’  When in doubt, remember that your heart
far between. My friend’s friendly reminder will show you the most efficient and enjoy-
spoke to me this morning, and as a result, This reminded me of one of my favorite Time is an illusion, and words such as able way; while your mind will show you an
this entry was born.  books called The Four Agreements by Don seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, alternate, less easy, and less breezy route! So
Miguel Ruiz. One of those four agree- months, and years are simply reference points the choice is yours: do you feel like floating,
Last issue I wrote about falling in love again ments is to be impeccable with our word; for all that there really ever is: The Now. or fighting the current through this stream
with San Luis Obispo (SLO) County and while the others are to always do our best, In this moment, right now, the whirlwind of life? Do you enjoy being immersed in
with myself. In my opinion, falling in love to not take anything personally, and to not is over. The dust has settled in my life, and the whirlwind where you can’t see the light
has got to be the most amazing feeling! I make assumptions. Practicing all four agree- I can see more clearly. I can see that every because you are blinded by the dust? 
can recall consistently being in a euphoric ments on a momentary basis is ideal, though experience is, in fact, as it should be and does
state during my stay in SLO County last sometimes simply adopting one of the four serve a purpose whether the experience feels From this moment forward, I hope that you
fall. Every moment seemed serendipitous, can be a challenge. In my case, all four of bitter, sweet, or somewhere in between.  will join me in consciously, and consistently,
life was as easy as the breeze, and opportuni- these agreements were practically thrown by choosing what I would like to call, The Heart
ties and new experiences were in abundance!  the waste-side in my recent past. As I write One of my dearest friends recently told me Way. Sure, there may be relapses along the
this, I feel as though I’m publicly telling on that his heart knew what his mind could way, but we all know that the experiences
I can recall feeling and vocalizing that my myself; however, I know that the lessons not yet comprehend. I found his statement that stem from a relapses serve a purpose
heart felt as though I was choosing to leave that were learned through this experience to be quite profound not only in the context too. In this case, the purpose was confirma-
SLO County prematurely. Within weeks of are worth sharing.  that he was referring to, but also in reference tion– that my heart did, in fact, know what
my stay, this county felt like home. My heart to life in general. It is my belief that our my mind could not yet comprehend.
said to stay and my head said to go! My From my past writings, people have told heart is guided by our spirit, and our spirit
heart felt at peace, while my head created me that I have been inspiring and educa- is guided by our Creator who ultimately
a sense of urgency to go, do and see more, tional. This is precisely one of the reasons knows best. Our mind, on the other hand, is
more, more!  that I haven’t written recently. I was still in influenced by many external factors includ- www.body-temple.com
6 Body & Soul Women’s Press July & August 2010

Going with the Flow

Photo by Ivan Vicencio

By Laura V. Grace language, but the “Way” seems to be one Where do you need to “get yourself out of tend to resort to shallow breathing. Breath,
translation. According to the Tao, life is the way?” In what area(s) of your life are being the life force that flows through us, is
“Follow the Tao and live in harmony. dynamic, not stagnant; life is like a river, you blocking the natural flow of life? When a precious gift.
constantly flowing and forming new currents do you feel you’re pushing too hard, or,
Cultivate character and develop your and patterns. To follow the Tao is to be fluid perhaps, preventing yourself from receiving The 29th verse of the Tao states:
highest potential. and flow with the current, like a river. the opportunities or resources the universe
wants you to have? “…Trying to control leads to ruin. Trying to
Te and Tao are the way of life. There is a flow and cycle for all things grasp, we lose.
Abandon either and the Tao including life itself: birth, death, and For example, when I’m not allowing life to Allow your life to unfold naturally. Know
abandons you.” rebirth. Emotions, creativity, and our bodies flow through me, I might sit down to write that it too is a vessel of perfection.
all have their own cycle, too. In the world, only to end up with paragraphs of ideas that Just as you breathe in and breathe out, there
– 23rd verse from the Tao te Ching signs direct us on our way in life. Traffic I eventually delete. The deadline may be is a time for being behind;
lights tell us to walk (or not), geese fly south tomorrow and not even the first paragraph a time for being in motion and a time for
In many spiritual treatises, mostly written ushering in the coming winter, and our soul is written. If frustration surfaces for a length being at rest;
A few times a week while walking to my urges us to follow its calling in any given of time, I know it’s time to get up from a time for being vigorous and a time for
favorite café, I have the privilege of crossing moment. We know how to read these signs my desk and take a long walk, preferably being exhausted….”
paths with someone who resembles a wise of nature, weather, and spirit; they help to barefoot, along the beach. And often, after
Native American elder. This woman pos- guide us on our journey. an hour of listening to the crashing waves, Trust that you are connected to a divine
sesses the look of infinite peace within her feeling the salt air against my face and the flow that is leading you to higher ground.
eyes and face. When I ask her, “How are I am currently experiencing a “soul shift,” sand beneath my feet, I’m refreshed and There’s no need to push, and there’s no
you today?” she always smiles serenely and and it’s something I’ve experienced at every inspired. Back at the computer, my fingers need to rush. Imagine how much simpler
replies, “I’m going with the flow.” turning point or meaningful passage in my type, the words flow, and the task before me your life would be if you trusted that every-
life. When we allow ourselves to sink into is successfully completed. thing that is happening are guideposts along
“Going with the flow, hmmm...” This is the natural rhythm of life, we know it. We a path that is naturally true and correct.
something that is difficult for some of us feel more connected with our soul, more Most often than not, we need to get quiet Remember that you deserve to feel aliveness
because there are times when we struggle alive, even though the changes we are experi- so the natural flow of life can move through and harmony in your life and that requires
maintaining our peace of mind, keeping our encing may be challenging. This reminds me us. Spending time in nature and practic- being in the flow.
balance, and feeling connected to our higher of the uplifting movie The Legend of Bagger ing deep breathing can be very effective in
selves. With a myriad of external diversions Vance. Although the golfer, Randolph (Matt getting centered and becoming grounded.
confronting us from every direction, flowing Damon), believes he has “lost his swing,” The word te in the Tao te Ching may be
with our soul’s natural rhythm and with the his caddie, Bagger, who also represents his translated as “nature” and Lao Tzu looked Laura V. Grace is the Spiritual Leader for
universal current can be very challenging, higher self (Will Smith), reminds him that to nature as the ultimate example of how to the Circle of Spiritual Enlightenment in
indeed. he could get it back if he would only stop be in the flow. San Luis Obispo (www.spiritualcircle.org),
trying so hard and let it flow naturally. This, an interfaith spiritual community. Laura is
It has been said that the Tao te Ching of Lao he pointed out, was how he would experi- Getting grounded allows you to receive also a teacher and spiritual director, and a
Tzu is one of the most frequently translated, ence his “authentic swing,” the swing that is the energetic flow of love and support that member of Spiritual Directors International.
widely read, and deeply cherished books desirous of finding him (not the other way is yours to have. It enables you to remain A syndicated columnist for more than twenty
in the world. It has been said that the Tao around); the very swing that is inside all of us balanced and fully present. It also teaches publications, Laura has penned 200 articles on
possesses the answer to every single one of and connects us to one another. Bagger’s wise you how to become aware of your own spiritual growth and is the author of the books
life’s challenges and questions. The word advice encouraged Randolph to remember natural cycles of energy. When we’re caught Gifts of the Soul and The Intimate Soul.
tao has no similar relation to a word in our one simple truth: to get himself out of the way. up in “pushing” to “make things happen” we
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Body & Soul 7

Nurturing Wabi Sabi

By Jeanie Greensfelder 1400’s when Murata Shuko, a Zen priest, to smile at my flaws and those of others,
changed the traditional tea service from gold value fleeting moments, and attend to life’s
Ring the bells that still can ring. and jade to simple wood and clay. stages of birth, aging and death.

Forget your perfect offering. Today the Japanese tea ceremony captures The words wabi sabi feel like good company,
There is a crack, a crack in everything. the wabi sabi spirit when cherished, aged fun to think and say. Most of us have
pots and cups are used. Friends sit and sip, favored cups, worn and beloved clothing,
That’s how the light gets in. share stories of imperfect lives, take time to objects from childhood, and other valuables
— Leonard Cohen connect with one another, and remember that are simple, modest, and mysterious in
that life is uncertain. their appeal. They can become symbols and
My sister Ginny introduced me to wabi sabi, reminders.
the Japanese tradition that values the beauty In our hectic consumer culture, noticing
of imperfection. My sister smiled and said, and nurturing wabi sabi provides balance. Notice and nurture the precious imper-
“Now when we look in the mirror, we can fections intrinsic to life. Take time to
say, ‘Wabi sabi!’” Even in Japan wabi sabi has been compro- connect with people, places and things that
mised by a corporate style of beauty that are meaningful to you. Most important,
Wabi suggests rustic simplicity and sabi the ignores the polarities of life and mortality. treasure yourself.
beauty that comes with age. With origins in
ancient Chinese Tao and Buddhism, wabi Developing a wabi sabi attitude and seeing
Photo by Ali Farid sabi shaped Japanese culture in the late the beauty in imperfection, I’m encouraged http://www.dancinginthefootstepsofeve.com

Spirituality Matters
Living In the Moment
By Heather Mendel stay awake, and once you have made the Net of which you are a part. Bask in watch as the light from your heart flows
that commitment, think of, cast, and its calming presence. It holds you at the along the strands of the Net. It will
As we watch, seemingly powerless, at what hold the Net of Light— hold it deep same time that you hold it. Now think follow your command and continuously
greed and corporate insensitivity does in and wide. Amplify its reach to pen- of magnifying your union with us. move forth. As soon as you think of it,
the ongoing tragedy in the Gulf, we have a etrate the waters of the Gulf and dive it will happen. We ask you to practice
perfect opportunity of rethinking our own deep beneath the crust of Mother Earth. We, the Great Council of the this for only a few minutes at a time,
vision for the planet and the human family Anchor it at the earth’s core and as you Grandmothers, are with you now, and but to repeat it throughout the day and
and realize the power of our thoughts. I hold it there, ask it to unify with the all those who work with the Net of night. We promise that this work with
would like to share the some of the ideas I mineral kingdom of this planet. Light are also with you. There are thou- the Net of Light will do untold good.
received a few weeks ago in an email of the sands, even millions now connected We are calling you to service now. You
message from the Indigenous Grandmothers, It will do this and will harmonize with in light. Along with this union, call are needed. Do not miss this opportu-
an esteemed council of 13 holy elders repre- all the solid and liquid mineral states on forth the power of the sacred places on nity. We thank you and bless you.”
senting diverse prayer lineages around the earth-including oil and gas. The Net of earth. These will amplify the potency
world: Light will call these minerals back into of our joint effort. Then call on the We can choose to watch, silent and
harmony. Whatever human beings have sacred beings that have come to prevent powerless from the sidelines, or step
“You are desperately needed now. We ask damaged, human beings must correct. the catastrophe that threatens to over- forward to be part of a movement that
you to cast, anchor, and hold the Net whelm your planet. We will work will make a difference. The choice is
of Light steady for the Gulf of Mexico. This is the law. You cannot sit back and together. Think of, cast and magnify ours. 
This crisis is affecting the entire world, ask God to fix the mess humanity has the presence of the Net of Light in the
and humanity is asleep. Wake up! created. Each of you must throw your Gulf of Mexico. See, imagine or think L’shalom
Animals are dying, plants are dying, shoulders to the wheel and work. We are of it holding the waters, holding the In peace
and your Mother is writhing in agony. asking for your help. Step forward now. land, the plants, the sea life, and the
If you hold the Net of Light steady at This is the Net of Light that will hold people, holding them all.
this time you will help stave off further the earth during the times of change
catastrophe. You have been lulled into a that are upon you. First move into your The Net of Light is holding them http://www.dancinginthefootstepsofeve.com
false sleep, having been told that others heart and call on us. We will meet you steady; it is returning them to balance. http://www.wordartist.com 
will take care of this problem. This is there. The Net of Light is lit by the Let the love within your lighted heart http://sacredfemininematters.blogspot.com/
not so. And this is not the time for you jewel of your heart, so move into this keep pouring into the Net of Light and http://twitter/celebratingeve
to fall into oblivion. Determine now to lighted place within you and open to hold, hold, hold. Calmly and reverently
8 Day With Creative Women Women’s Press July & August 2010

This year marks the 36th year

of Day with Creative Women,
sponsored by the Women’s
Day With
Community Center of San Luis
Obispo County and joined
this year, by the SLO County
Creative Women
Commission on the Status Saturday, August 14th 2010
of Women. Applications for a M ission P laza
vendor booth are now available 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
and space is filling up fast!

Visit wccslo.org on the web and click

on “Creative Women” to download
the application form. If you do not
have access to the Internet, please
call 544-9313 and leave your name and
mailing address so we can send an ap-
plication to you. WCC welcomes the
return of our regular vendors this year
and looks forward to meeting new
creative women who are joining us for
the first time! At press time, the fol-
lowing vendors have already registered
for this signature event:

Music is always a large part of this event. Long time attendees of this event will
copper wire dragonflies by Opening the fabulous entertainment
margie ashley remember Francesca Nemko, who returns to
lineup will be the fabulous Motown- perform her inimitable style of spoken jazz
handmade vintage style jewelry by ers, a local Cayucos group who love their with bass accompaniment, and rounding out
barbara millburn music! Cheryl Aiona, the lead singer with the afternoon is Swing and Rock music band
her very powerful natural contralto, is a Chick Tuesday, led by singer Buffy Doran.
handcrafted jewelry and bead Hawaiian who grew up in the Bay Area.
work by susie reese of firelight Listen to the harmonies of their female
creations Day with Creative Women provides an
singers, known as the Wall of Women, or opportunity for women artists and artisans
hand blown glass art by diane WOW! Returning to the Mission Plaza to display their talents and sell their wares.
miller of lucky ducks amphitheater stage for a repeat perfor- This event has graced the Mission Plaza in the SLO County Commission on the
mance will be the Central Coast Celebra- San Luis Obispo on the second Saturday in Status of Women, serving as the voice for
wire art jewelry and crocheted
water bottle covers by tion Chorus, an a cappella women’s four August for the last 36 years. If you create women to the County Board of Supervisors.
pamela newman of harmony part harmony choral group that encour- art or hand-crafted items, you are invited For more information, check the website
creative designs ages community participation as they sing to display and sell your works. Non-profit http://www.wccslo.org, call 805-544-9313,
in the Barbershop tradition, the “Fun organizations are invited to provide the or email wccslo@gmail.com.
wickless candles, offered by Flutes”, led by Bonnie Richan, and our
sandy walton community with information about their
own local drumming group, led by Kath- services. Business women interested in pro- As with all major events open free to the
fused glass yard art and jewelry by leen Deragon. moting their services may also secure a spot public, lots of volunteer work is needed
rosi lusardi
The music turns to jazz with pianist for this celebration of all types of creative behind the scenes to make the event a
jewelry by marilyn dannehower of Dawn Lambeth, whose specialty is dance- women. Booths are still available but are success. WCC also welcomes your help
mad dreams designs able music, and who has performed at the disappearing fast! If you want to be part of as a volunteer – either now as we make all
Monterey Jazz Festival, the New Orleans this event, call the Women’s Community the arrangements and also on the day of
a woman owned mobile car Jazz and Heritage Festival, the Smithsonian, Center now at 544-9313 or download the the event itself. Volunteers are needed to
mechanic – julie polak
and clubs throughout California. The after- application from wccslo.org/ staff entrances and direct traffic, relieve
and margot silk forrest’s noon line up also includes Maheyla and the the vendors as necessary, staff the WCC
ever popular sassy feet shoe Ritual, performing a wide variety of roots Day with Creative Women is a fundraising able, act as runners and troubleshooters,
embellishments and custom and genre music, Middle Eastern belly event to benefit the Women’s Community and lots more! Volunteers get a T-shirt to
painted shoes
dance and world music performers, and a Center of San Luis Obispo County, dedi- help people recognize them if there is a
duo of Steel Drums. cated to the empowerment of women, and problem during the day.
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Day With Creative Women 9

By Jeanie Greensfelder

Seed! Teeth holes in the bird feed—

a delicious day turns to turmoil.
I shift from being benign to murder.
At the check-out counter, the woman
commiserates, offers her two cats.
Artwork by Patti Sullivan
Tonight I feel my green friends,
who raise kale, cabbage and cucum-
who compost and bake flax-laced
By Barbara Atkinson crackers,
play You could’ve, You should’ve
A gentle rustling breeze as I lie awake thinking of the mouse
Breathing in my ear. who thought he’d found heaven
Singing an aroma,
A whisper I can hear.

The tenderest of lovers I SAW YOU...

Caressing with their leaves;
The rites of Spring’s flirtations By Ginny Conrow
Gently tugging at my sleeve.
Driving into town, I saw you, this morning,
Long and stretched to greet them, a woman peddling her heart out:
My body as a loom; white, lumpy thighs,
Trees weave their mysteries round me plain helmet,
In nature’s undulating womb. inexpensive bike.
A good half course behind the sleek,
the muscular,
faces salt water running down her form, I have seen her in my lover’s eyes, the swift, the experienced riders,
with glistening breasts and nipples taut, eyes that have shared the visions of our lives, you peddled on,
By KH Solomon her smile and joy infectious — wild. of children grown and married, and I blessed you in my heart.
She is at once the epiphany of life grandchildren born and growing,  
I met her first along a darkened beach, and its creatrix. eyes that just now From my kitchen window, I saw you,
her softly shining face seen through the mist beckon me late this afternoon,
as she cast silver highlights on the sea. and promise. your stride was painful,
Since then I’ve come to know her manifest I have seen her in a nurse’s passion determined,
and learned her many names, taking on another’s hurt I have seen her in the woman slow,
and I have seen and seen her face again to share, perhaps dilute their pain, who’s bared her breast to knives, barely a jog/walk.
in the faces of her daughters. and in her anguish her skull to poisons — The bored high school volunteers at our gate
for each human soul that lies submerged but tonight who walks for life merely glanced your way, thankful to be
I have seen her in the pink-haired girl beneath a tangled mind, round a candle-lit track, relieved of their
in trendy clothes who fends off and in the silent tears that later come. pushing before her lonely post at the furthest station
oppressions of teen life the wheelchair of a sister. from the finish line.
long enough to work hard I have seen her in a mother’s love I blessed you in my heart.
at things her own and in the giving, always giving — I have seen her in the poet  
— poetry and singing — first birth and suck, speaking sounds and images From my deck, I saw you, on the dirt road,
for it is her season of the waxing crescent. then lessons, setting limits — that seduce the mind, a single mile to go.
finally freedom suspend the intellect, Noticeably absent were the fans,
I have seen her in a woman’s and push if need be, so we listen the volunteers offering water,
child-like sense of awe to become the new. with our hearts and fellow triathletes.
welling up raw and unrestrained as she tells pieces of her own. Alone, yet brave, you persevered,
before nature’s grand or strong, I have seen her in the teacher virtually unnoticed.
or merely exquisite, who shapes young minds I met her first along a darkened beach, But, I saw you. I blessed you
the sites of our forbearers, with scissors and colored paper, her softly shining face seen through the mist and thanked you from my heart;
the holy or the plain. and spins webs as she cast silver highlights on the sea. grateful for your gift to me of...
of nascent community in the corners And I have seen and seen her face again courage.
I have seen her in the sea-nymph of playground games in the faces of her daughters.
stepping from the blue with hair slicked back, and reading groups.
10 4251 S. Higuera Street, Suite 800, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 | 805 544-9313 Women’s Community Center


OF THE WCC IS: Supervised Visitation Action Committee
• TO maintain an accessible center to Building Enduring Ties That Dealing With Divorce
collect and exchange information of Enrich Relationships 3rd Wednesday of each month – 7 PM
interest and concern to women Our newest project and one we are very Jan 20, Feb 17 and Mar 17
• TO organize and facilitate work- proud to offer to the San Luis Obispo $10 donation
shops, clinics, seminars, classes, and County is the BETTER Supervised
support groups on subjects of interest Visitation Program. We provide trained Self-Represented Litigants’ Clinic
and need 4th Tuesday of each month – 5:30 PM
Supervision Monitors for non-custo-
• TO engage in and facilitate interac- Upcoming:
tion among local, state, and national dial parents on a sliding scale with fees as
low as $10 per hour, allowing children to Jan 26, Feb 23 and Mar 23
agencies and organizations working
spend good quality time with their non- Reservations required.
to benefit women
custodial parent. $40 donation

Calling All •

Cell phones
Ink Jet Printer Cartridges
A Nomination
(or most) Used • Laptops & Notebooks By Robin Rinzler
• MP3 Players
• Digital Cameras (still & video) Sonia Paz Baron Vine joined the Women’s Women’s Press in articles and poems, and

Tech Equipment •

Radar Detectors
GPS Devices
Radar Detectors
Community Center in 2008 and has
been a valuable asset to the organization.
She and her two children, Tatiana and
has created the wccslo.blogspot.com web
page for the WCC.
By Robin Rinzler • Kindle & Sony Book Readers Dmitri, have helped with our Day With Through her foundation, Mellow Swan,
Creative Women, both in the planning she has adopted children from Russia,
Our newest fundraiser involves collect- These items can be working or not, and implementation of the event, making victims of Chernobyl, and saw to it that
ing items that would otherwise pollute damaged or not. Drop off your item sure that it was a huge success. She vid- they received the medical attention they
our landfills. These items listed below or items at the Women’s Community eotaped and posted to the WCC blog needed. It is for this and other selfless
will bring money to The Women’s Center, 4251 S. Higuera Street (where the Day With Creative Women as well contributions that she has been nomi-
Community Center, and will be recycled Los Osos Valley Road dead ends into as our Christmas party. She has acted as nated for the Isabel P Ruiz Humanitarian
properly or fixed and resold. Don’t throw S. Higuera Street) and we can turn a translator for our Pro Per Clinic and Award. We are very hopeful that Sonia
these in the trash, call us now and see if that into $$ for our many projects! put in too many hours to count in our will be recognized for her outstand-
we can turn them into much needed cash Call 544-9313 if you have any questions! office, answering phones and working on ing humanitarian accomplishments and
for the WCC! Thanks for your support! the computer. She has contributed to the honored with this prestigious award.
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Motherhood 11

San Luis Birthing Surprise

Photo by Joan Kocur

By Renee Sante` women will have a choice of how they use It has also given women the creative pos- to need interventions, and therefore safer for
that money. They can choose to have a sibility of how to birth; water births have mother and child.
Certified Nurse Midwife attend them in become an option and a norm at many
There have been some exciting new devel- a hospital or at a birth center. This doesn’t birthing centers now. There is an aesthetic With her husband, she has begun the
opments recently in our town which just represent more freedom for women to value (light, color, beauty, sound, aromas, remodel of a 3,000 square foot facility in
will broaden the choices for women and choose the birth they want, it also repre- privacy) that is important to the well-being the San Luis Business Park. “We are excited
families. A long-standing desire by mothers sents a huge cost savings to the Medicaid of the mother, which has come from home to be a part of bringing this to our town.”
and midwives is coming to fruition: a new budget. The average hospital birth with a births and has inspired the transformation She has opened the facility up to midwives,
birth center is in the works at the San Luis doctor costs approximately $20,000. It sky of hospital birthing spaces. practitioners, and educators. There will
Business Center where Higuera meets Los rockets to $60,000 for cesarean section. The be a library, living room, kitchen, three
Osos Valley Road. Dr. Tiffany Dietrich and average cost at a birth center is $5000. If Dr Tiffany Dietrich has come to our com- birth suites with birthing tubs, as well as
Edana Hall are teaming up to provide what only 5% of women choose this option it will munity from Washington with a background a classroom and office space. It will be a
is essential to healthy birthing for mother mean millions of dollars each year saved. in midwifery and as a naturopathic physi- family-friendly space where all can partic-
and child with all the comforts and warmth cian. She has been practicing at birth centersipate at whatever level they choose. They
of home. Edana Hall has been practicing mid- for 10 years and feels that the time has come are currently planning a fundraiser for
wifery in SLO county for 26 years. She is a for our community to embrace this effort. August and a grand opening the beginning
In researching the trend in birth, Jennifer Licensed Midwife and a CPM at a national “We have 15 freestanding birth centers in of September, 2010. The combined efforts
Stover, President of the Birth & Baby level. As a midwife, she believes“we get to the state of California. The mission of the of many from our community are working
Resource Network, says, “For the 20 years nurture the mothers, help them nurture San Luis Birth Center is to provide care and to build this long-hoped for facility. If you
that I have worked in our community as a their children, teach them about nutrition, support to women and their families in the would like to be a part of the effort, there
doula and birth educator, I have heard over become an intimate part of the family life, areas of pregnancy, birth, childbirth, educa- will be a wish list on the upcoming website:
and over from expectant moms, ‘Why don’t and provide a continuity of health care from tion, doula services, breastfeeding support, sanluisbirthcenter.com.
we have a birth center here? I’m not confi- prenatal to postpartum. There is a closeness parenting classes, and holistic health care.
dent to birth at home but I don’t really want which forms with the families that in turn We envision a center where the primary
to go to the hospital either. I would love to sparks a connection with other mothers in goal is to provide safe and conscientious
birth at a birth center.’” In her recent article the community. The quality of care extends care through both education and commu- Renee Sante` renesante@gmail.com For
for the New Times, Jennifer researched far beyond labor and birth.” nity outreach programs, “she believes. In more information you can call 548-0606. And
the cost of birth and the how that will be her experience in birthing centers, “women see photos of the lovely birth suites at Andluz
impacted with the Health Care Reform Bill Having had Edana’s expertise at both my choose the smaller, more intimate spaces” to get an idea of the aesthetics at
just signed by Pres. Obama. children’s homebirths and the friendship to labor in. When the mother is relaxed, www.waterbirth.net
that’s grown over 22 years, I can say that secure, and has privacy, then birth flows in a
Did you know that 42% of all births in the midwifery brings a dimension of compassion natural way. It make labor easier, less likely
US are paid for through Medicaid? Now and warmth that I will cherish for a lifetime.
12 Local Perspectives Women’s Press July & August 2010

Unsung Heroine On Becoming

Sarah Rudd-Lawlor 60
By Linda Smith
Facilitating This year I turn 60, and as I look in
the mirror, I wonder where did all the
Inter-generational years go? Forty came and went, then
50, and now 60. Jeez, I didn’t notice
Mentoring those gray hairs there before; where
did they come from? And those extra
pounds? Is that really me?

So what if my young girlfriends dress

up in skimpy cocktail dresses to go
to the movie to see Carrie and her
friends in “Sex and the City.” That
doesn’t hurt my feelings one bit;
instead I’ll slip on my robe, grab a
mug of hot chocolate, turn on the TV,
and watch Betty White in a rerun of
the “Golden Girls.”

For my birthday, my daughter gave

me a copy of What We Know So Far:
Wisdom Among Women. This book
follows my reading over the decades
of books like It’s Only Too Late If You
Don’t Start Now: How to Create Your
Second Life after 40 and Fifty on Fifty:
Wisdom, Inspirations and Reflections
on Women’s Lives Well Lived. What’s
with the “well-lived” at only age
50? My aunt Willow Mae in South
Carolina lived to be 103 – now that’s
By Berta Parrish things, the most important things in life.” at relating to their parents and peers. But well-lived!
most of all, they love having a special friend
Big Brothers Big Sisters of SLO County serves who is just for them!” Congrats, 60 and retired. Well, now I
There are some pretty awesome Bigs with an important need for boys and girls between can get that long awaited Senior Club
some equally wonderful Littles. Plus, there the ages of 6-18 as well as offering a rewarding The future of both BBBS and Sarah looks Card over at Home Town Buffet, but
are fantastic staff members who recruit, experience for adults. Its mission is to help very promising. The community continues that retired part, hmmm… Whoever
train, screen, pair, and assist them. Then, children reach their full potential through to generously support BBBS through fund- said that a woman retires, should have
there are the dedicated volunteers and one-to-one, professionally supported, and raisers such as this summer’s Big Event Wine said that a woman “tires.” I wonder
donors who support all of them in so many safe mentoring. Since 1995, over 1300 children Tasting and Auction, Golf for Youth Classic, where I put that bottle of Geritol?
essential ways. Fortunately, there is the com- have been involved in a mentoring relation- and British Invasion concert. Always seeking
mitted and energetic Sarah Rudd-Lawlor ship or in one of the school-based programs. personal as well as professional improvement, So time to get some hair coloring,
who encourages, inspires, and manages At Sinsheimer and Nipomo Elementary Sarah is working toward a Masters Degree jump on that Thigh Master, and
everyone. These people come together at Schools, high school and college students in Public Policy from Cal Poly, specializing swing by Victoria Secret. Seventy is
the award-winning Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor pupils during weekly supervised activ- in social policy and community responsibil- not that far off!
(BBBS) of San Luis Obispo County, a ities and at alternative high schools, mentors ity. Knowing the immense benefits of having
fabulous youth mentoring organization. guide students through employability skills a mentor, she plans to intern with a Cuesta
training and career shadowing. College instructor next fall.
Starting as a volunteer, then as a Program Linda Smith is retired and lives and
Specialist, Sarah became Program Director As Program Director, Sarah has lots of Every since moving here from the Bay Area plays in San Luis Obispo. Like Erma
in 2007. Naturally, she is also a Big Sister. warm and fuzzy stories: “It’s a time to be in 2005, Sarah feels that it has been “one Bombeck, she believes that “If you can
“Spending time with my Little brought back a kid again for the Bigs. Go for an adven- positive, amazing thing after another.” At laugh at it, you can live with it”.
memories of the people who believed in me ture. Be playful. Rediscover activities that the same time, she has facilitated many
and lifted me up,” she explains. “I wanted to you loved as children and share them with positive, amazing things for the youth,
do that for someone else. In addition, being someone now. The Littles,” she adds, “get schools, volunteers, and the communities in
with my Little helps me focus on the little better at school and at decision making and our county.
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Local Perspectives 13

Going to the the bus from Pittsburg last night; it seems veil. I tried jabbing my elbow into his ribs to anniversary of our meeting. In two years, we

Chapel he split his pants seam. loosen his grip. It didn’t work. We recessed
as a sweet-looking couple, my head on his
I’d stayed with friends on Riverside Drive shoulder.
celebrate our Golden Wedding Anniversary.
Time flew with the speed of a humming-
bird’s wings, but details remain etched
By Kathy Bond for the last two weeks. I’d worked nights in memory as clearly as autumnal light.
the month before, and the school adminis- We ate lunch in a dining room at the We had three children, survived a fire and
September 29th 1962, 10:30 a.m. We marry tration chose that time to paint our dorm Cathedral House. I didn’t eat much since I a flood, moved seven times, returned to
in a gray stone gothic cathedral two football rooms. I rode the subway to 110th Street, still felt nervous about the large wedding. school, changed jobs, and spent 25 years in
fields long in New York City. Bishop Horace and slept in our apartment during the day, My family didn’t go in for big celebrations. one community. Those children grew up,
W. B. Donegan stands at the high altar while Jeremy worked at St. John the Divine. Jeremy tells me we had cupcakes because married, and had children of their own. One
looking resplendent in cope and miter. We ate dinner together. Then he drove me as recently-graduated students, we couldn’t of our children died.
Choir boys sing and the state trumpets through Central Park to Bellevue, so I could afford a wedding cake. We changed and
startle people when they emanate from the finish my student hours. then prepared to leave on our honeymoon. I view today’s photos and see our gray hair
back of the building. and wrinkles. Last spring, I told our 18-year
My father makes it to the service. He’d
We’d paid a dollar for a pale blue 1950’s old granddaughter that I met her grandfa-
Jeremy and I met two years ago at a birthday missed my official graduation ceremony four
Plymouth sedan with a solenoid problem. ther at her age. She and her friend looked
party at the General Theological Seminary months earlier when he got stuck in traffic.
The car came from a seminary profes- speechless. The locales may have changed
in Manhattan. We had a New York City For our wedding we had a standby waiting
sor, essentially a gift. The dollar satisfied from New York to California, with a
courtship, our schools across town on to give me away, just in case. legal registration requirements. Starting 40-year hiatus in central Pennsylvania, but
two different rivers. Today, I meet my two it involved Jeremy popping the hood and the central characters feel the same inside as
bridesmaids and maid of honor in Jeremy’s I remember making our vows, looking jumping said solenoid. they did then.
office to dress. I’d brought the borrowed directly into Jeremy’s eyes as we did. We
gown to the cathedral earlier in the week. knelt during the Eucharist, and proceeded Our family, friends, and wedding party had I told her that one day she may tell her
Our wedding day dawned brightly. Indian out to Handel’s Water Music, originally assembled to send us off. We had a Vermont grandchildren the same thing.
summer had arrived in the city. It may written for Henry VIII to ride the royal farm destination, and the car a hole in the
swelter later; for now we enjoy cool air. barge down the Thames. flywheel, so the group probably said a few And I tell others about the perils of going to
more prayers for us. birthday parties.
My bridegroom called at 7 a.m. to locate the On our first walk as newlyweds, Jeremy
sewing box. His younger brother Brian rode took my arm and inadvertently snagged my Looking back, this October marks the 50th

Imagine That Nothing Stands in Your Way...

By Adele Sommers tion that powerfully communicates your or services in related industries. If they osition (USP)? Do you know how to
business vision to others. produce complementary wares, they convey the benefits of your products
might become affiliates or collaborators. and services?
If asked about your greatest obstacle to 1. What are your “business success 4. Do you know your Strengths, In conclusion, once you’ve completed these
business or professional success, would you criteria”? Do you have a crystal clear Weaknesses, Opportunities, and exercises, you’ll have a powerful business
say, “funding”? I often suspect that our idea of the types of business undertak- Threats? You can determine the internal manifesto. It will contain a set of guiding
finances aren’t our greatest barriers, but ings that align with your gifts, talents, factors under your control (your principles to inspire financial backers and
perhaps imagination and insight are. passions, and strengths? business strengths and weaknesses) prospective employees, partners, or clients.
2. Do you know who your target audience and external factors (opportunities and
For example, if you currently have a business is? Do you know which audiences are threats) via a “SWOT analysis.”
plan that was written to attract seed money, best suited to, or are already seeking, 5. Is your business navigating in a highly
how useful is the content? Many plans are what you plan to offer? competitive ocean? Are you planning to Adele Sommers, Ph.D. is a business perfor-
static, formal documents that are meant to 3. Who are your competitors, compa- do business in a domain already filled mance consultant who helps entrepreneurs
impress potential financial backers, but do rables, and potential collaborators? with competitors, where there’s only align their life passions with their business
not necessarily serve as living, breathing Competitors consist of other companies a small chance of thriving? If so, read purpose. She also guides organizations through
roadmaps. And if you already have sufficient currently offering the same or similar Harvard Business School’s Blue Ocean “tactical tune-ups” and “strategic makeovers”
funding, should you skip the business plan products or services, companies that Strategy. in individual or group sessions. Contact her
altogether? could offer the same or similar products 6. What are your vision, mission, values, today for a free initial consultation at Adele@
or services in the future, and also com- and core beliefs? Have you identified LearnShareProsper.com, or 805-462-2199.
For either situation, below are seven essential panies that could remove the need for a purpose, visionary goals, and a set
exercises to contemplate. You can incorpo- your products or services. If you have of guiding values to aim your business
rate the answers into a traditional business no close competitors, look for compara- endeavors toward the right targets?
plan, or create an adaptable slide presenta- ble businesses offering similar products 7. Have you crafted a unique selling prop-
14 Local Perspectives Women’s Press July & August 2010

Photo by Aleksandra P.

The Case Of The

were all the same basic style. I pulled two Feeling proud of myself and my appear- feet are stuck in your pants, you can’t fall
pair, different sizes, off the racks —two ance, I didn’t hesitate. These babies were gracefully. So, you thud.
sizes, because, as the young mother of four mine! Did I mention ‘premature smugness?’

Controlling Pants children, the size I wore varied by style and

sometimes by how much chocolate I had
consumed in the last month or so.
Unsnapped, the pants refused to make the
return journey down my body. Here I was,
in a dressing room with the spanking new
As I lay on the floor, moaning in pain, the
cramp gradually eased. I sat up and managed
to tug the pants off one foot and then the
By Judythe A. Guarnera blue jeans stuck tight to my body. other, all the while hoping that no one had
In the dressing room I slid my shoes off, heard the thud.
I took a speech class at City College when slipped out of my skirt, and stepped into the I can do this. I just need to do everything in
I was in my 40’s. All the students in the first pair of pants. They were barely over my reverse. I took another deep breath and Did I buy those pants? They did fit and
class appeared to be in their teens or early ankles when they refused to go any further. sucked in my stomach again. I wouldn’t say they did look good, but was I willing to go
twenties. I wanted to tell a funny story, but Since I consider myself a realist, I knew I the pants slid down, but I was able to wiggle through that kind of a struggle each time
wasn’t sure if what I saw as funny would had about as much a chance of reaching the them down past my tummy and hips. I wore them? And what if they shrank and
connect with these young people and make end goal of buttoning them around my waist got even tighter? Should I try a larger size
them laugh. Appreciation of humor seems so as I did of being the first woman astronaut Little did I realize that the battle had just which might be easier to get on and off, but
generational. on the moon. I managed to get the pants off begun. The material had bunched around wouldn’t look good when they stretched and
without too much difficulty, since they had my calves and would go no further. As I sagged?
Perplexed as to what topic I should choose, rebelled at the beginning of their journey. tried to bend over and tug the pant legs from
an incident provided the fodder for what I the bottom, my leg began to cramp; that put By then, thoroughly humiliated and
hoped would be my funny story. I was not The second larger pair made it past my a halt to my efforts for a few uncomfortable depressed, I donned my skirt, hung the
one of those women who had to have a ankles with ease. Encouraged, I straight- minutes. offenders back on the rack, and slunk out
regular fix of shopping on a regular basis. I ened up so that I could work them the rest of the store. I think I’ ll just wait until the
usually succumbed when my clothing needs of the way up my legs. Ah, this is more like Okay, time to try again. I can do this. My styles change again. After all, nothing in life
had reached a critical mass (or lack, thereof). it. My relief was short-lived as each inch the little pep talk seemed to be working and I is certain except death, taxes, and changing
The day my last good pair of jeans split at pants navigated the unfamiliar terrain of pushed them a little further down my legs. styles.
the seams when I bent over, I knew that I my body where they encountered more and Once more progress halted. Trapped again. I
had reached that point. more resistance. Tug, tug, and finally, they tried to balance on one foot and reach down The jeans had won; they were in control.
slid over my hips. I made it, I crowed. to pull the jeans off the other one, which
My favorite style pants were bell bottoms resulted in a foot cramp this time. By then Case closed.
because throughout my whole life, muscle Once more, my smugness proved premature. I was dancing/hobbling on one foot, trying
and joint pain has plagued my existence. Although I tugged some more, I couldn’t get to get the raised foot flat onto the floor to P.S. I got an “A” on my speech because my
Their wide legs suited my inflexibility. So, I the gap between the sides of the zipper close relieve the cramp. young classmates were rolling on the floor
thought, no big deal, I’d just go back to the enough to zip. I took in a mighty breath, laughing the whole time I was talking. (They
same store where I had purchased that com- sucked in my stomach to the point of pain, If you have ever struggled with panty hose, should laugh; they have to lie on the bed or
fortable pair of bell bottoms. and the zipper closed smoothly. I brought which capture your two feet about six the floor to get their jeans up.)
the two sides of the snap together and I was inches away from each other as you try to
To my dismay, changing styles had taken in. I let out my breath. Everything stayed in work them up your leg, you can imagine
jeans from the wide and comfortable (the place. I began to turn in front of the mirror how ineffective my efforts were. Still
sublime) to the narrow and fitted (the ridic- to admire my profile. Not bad. Four kids and cramping, I lost my balance and thudded
ulous.) My first look told me that the jeans I still look good in a pair of jeans. to the floor. I discovered that when your
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Local Perspectives 15

Stop pleasing
others, just
be yourself
By Hertha Wolff-Arend

Many women, especially in a business envi-

ronment, seem to believe that they have to
play certain roles to achieve certain goals.
Photo by Bill Davenport Women often want to please, and they
definitely don’t want to disappoint other
people’s expectations. The effort to please
We play with each other through words and others usually results in disappointment and
How many toads innuendos, titillating our senses safely from
home. He may not even be a prince, but he
frustration for the pleaser. We are giving
and giving, but we still have the feeling of

does one have

writes as though he is. Of course I respond not being fully respected and appreciated.
as though I am his Princess, his goddess, his What is wrong with us? Why don’t we get
delicate flower. Who will ever know? I can the attention and the respect we deserve?

to kiss? be anyone I wish to be.

It’s all in my mind after all.

The answer is simple. The more we please,
the more we lose our identity and personal-
Photo by Paolo Ferla
By MaryAine Curtis ity. If you are not able to say “no”, you do
Oops. I fell in love, revealed my heart, and not leave space for yourself to unfold your live the life you want to live, and accept the
Once upon a time there was a young he disappeared just like that. Poof! As I fall, personality. If you deliver everything in a fact that you cannot always please others.
maiden with a gentle golden heart waiting it all vanishes. Now my heart is broken, and manner that is expected, you do not leave Once you acknowledge that you are not
to be swept up onto the magic carpet of her I resolve to discover me and romance myself room for surprises. Imagine a life without perfect, that you are not just a copy of an
dreams. The tale of the magic toad was told or forever tuck my heart safely away. Simple surprises? Isn’t that a boring and uninspired ideal picture, and that you have edges and
to me, and it seemed to be the only means play, it doesn’t stay. picture? Now imagine that this is who you scratches, and even show some signs of
to get to the beloved, that one holding my are. You are predictable, always delivering aging (or patina), once you fully embrace
heart throughout time. But alas, there are so Once I had a lover on the internet; it’s like without questioning or arguing. I know you who you are, you will get all the respect and
many toads. How do I find the one that may modern day frog picking. I’m saddened by hate this image, but this is what happens attention you desire. If you want to be loved
be my prince? Perhaps the painting on my my loss, feeling jaded and gullible after all. when your main intention in life and in par- and respected for whom you are, you have
wall of The Frog Prince will give me a clue. We never met. An entire life time romanced ticular in business is simply to please. You to love and embrace yourself first. People
Is it really there to remind me of the many in a matter of days, cast away. lose your authenticity, which means you are notice when they are dealing with a woman
wishes that my hopeful heart has wished? not developing your personality with all the who is authentic or if they are dealing with
But then perhaps it’s foolishness to dream I am wandering along the path of self discovery edges and scratches that make a person a a woman who is simply playing a role,
this dream once more. and reminiscing. How do I love with complete personality or simply authentic. whatever that role might be.
abandon and continue to love myself when I
How many toads does one have to kiss fall. Is this how my soul journeys through this Come back to the question, “What is wrong In a business environment, especially in
to find the prince? The heart of a hopeful life dancing as if no one is watching? Is love of with us?’ The answer is that nothing is competition with men and other women,
romantic like me will always ere on the side myself all that really matters? wrong, but there is artificial and authentic maintaining authenticity leads to success.
of potential. There is so much. Is it him? Is behavior. Playing the role others impose on Being the way you are takes less effort and
it me? I listen to the most romantic music To have the love and attract even more is us is an artificial act, while choosing to be energy than pretending to be somebody you
and stirrings in my heart for The ONE creation. Following my heart in shameless who we want to be and acing accordingly are not. Furthermore, someone who is real
that uplifts me and makes me whole. Great abandon may be the key to all that is me. reflects an authentic behavior. Of course, I is more believable, while someone playing a
passion to become the most that I can ever The music holds me and bends, encouraging assume that we are talking about behavior role struggles and wastes a lot of energy not
be fills me. The love enhances every cell. the passion as I fall. My mind misconstrues and actions that take place within the system to make any mistakes that might disturb
the meaning of the moments and pursues a of laws and the ethical rules. The answer is the picture she is trying to present. Just as
Once I had a lover on the internet. He was lifetime. Listening to the music, each song as simple as that: What is more appreciated you like to look at your favorite original in
a knight in shining armor. Truly. He played has an ending no matter how beautiful the and respected? The original or the copy? a museum or gallery, you will enjoy your
knights in the Renaissance Faire. Oh, his melody, no matter how much my heart rides You pick the original, because it is real and life as a real person but not by trying to be
flowery speech prompted me to fly away the highs and softness and the power, it ends. valuable. If we translate this metaphor to a mere copy of what you believe others want
into such bliss. The words, the music were so you and how you act, I want to encourage you to be.
captivating and so sensual as he played my And I’m left once again with me. you to be real – be the original.
ethereal body. Betraying my resolutions, my
body responded like a finely tuned violin to You do not have to be perfect to be success- If you want to find encouragement and
the love-filled words spoken. www.maryainecurtis.com ful in life and business, but you have to be empowerment, I invite you to visit my blog:
authentic. Allow your personality to unfold, www.beawomanandactlikeone.com
16 Local Perspectives Women’s Press July & August 2010

The Real FACTS: was a large cover-up afoot in her case. I sub-
sequently wrote a letter to the editor of the
Sacramento. But he continued to have a
burning desire to tell the stories from the
he became a Court Commissioner hearing
family law cases, he had not realized how
A book review Amador Ledger about how county staff
often engages in cover-ups when they’ve
badly botched a case. I spoke in generalities
Foothills, in an effort to spur action to bring
the system into balance. Out of Balance, his
current book, is the result.
political domestic violence is. He said he’d
always thought that if you did the crime,
you should do the time. He indicated he’d
By Sue McMeans
rather than mentioning specific cases. learned very quickly that his simplistic belief
While his book is written as fiction, much simply was not true. There are too many
Author Michael Arkin is a former Perhaps I should mention here that I worked of it is based on actual cases. Some of these double standards and exceptions in the
Independent State Hearing Officer who was for San Luis Obispo County for 20 years; cases have been published in the L.A. Daily system, particularly for those in certain lines
appointed to hear and determine contested most of that time as the Chief Deputy Journal in the past. I still have copies of of work who commit domestic violence.
cases between school districts and parents as Public Guardian/Conservator. During this some of these L.A. Daily Journal articles. Michael does a great job of addressing these
part of the Special Education Hearing Office time I saw many cover-ups because of poor specific concerns as well as many others in
in Sacramento, California. A former United decision-making processes and actions, or Out of Balance may be somewhat slow his book.
States Department of Justice trial attorney in lack thereof, of incompetent and/or uncaring reading initially because it explains how the
Washington, D.C., he engaged in a private employees. system works for people who are not well There are many of us who are hoping that
law practice, first in Southern California versed with the law, domestic violence, and Michael’s book will be widely purchased,
and later in the Mother Lode country of After my letter was published in the Amador how the courts operate, but it quickly picks read, and discussed so that it will help create
which he writes. His Northern California Ledger, I received a call from the office of an up the pace and reads like a psychological mainstream knowledge of problems within
law practice was balanced among provid- attorney I’d never heard of before--Michael thriller, keeping you on the edge of your seat the system so that many more people will
ing legal services as Chief Trial Counsel Arkin. I subsequently talked to him and to the conclusion of the book. Quite frankly, become interested and involved in seeing
to Child Protective Services, as special found we had many concerns in common. once I started the book, I could not put it that needed change occurs.
counsel to the Superior Court for children My husband, Andy, and I made arrange- down. I have seen other reviewers say this
in high conflict child custody cases, and as ments to meet with him during one of my also. One reviewer from Southern California A Glimpse Inside a Broken System:
counsel for battered women referred by the trips to Amador County to support Karen said, “As entertaining as the book was, I was “Out of Balance,” by Michael Arkin
Women’s Crisis Center. He received under- in court. educated about a world beyond my comfort (PublishAmerica, Baltimore, MD., $19.95).
graduate degrees from George Washington zone --- abusive parents, victimized children Out of Balance can be purchased at Amazon.
University and the University of Oklahoma After Karen’s court hearing, we drove to and the intimate scenes of life on illegal com, BarnesandNoble.com, ABEbooks.
with a major in psychology, and minors Angel’s Camp, where Michael’s office was drugs. Any reader of this book will want com, Hein and Company (Jackson,
in sociology, philosophy, and English. He located in a beautiful old building on the to be more of a watchdog in his neighbor- Ca.), Sustenance Books (Murphys, Ca.),
received his law degree from the University main street right in the heart of town. It was hood and looks for signs of abuse. I predict Bookworks (Albuquerque, NM), Frontier
of Oklahoma. around 5:00 p.m. when we arrived. Michael that it will become required or at least rec- Mart (Corrales, NM), directly from the
had many things he wanted to discuss with ommended reading in courses on domestic Author (signed) at 1041 Angel Road,
I first met Michael Arkin by coincidence. I us and we had many things to discuss with abuse. Five stars for a book that opens your Corrales, NM 87048, and from all book-
and other grandparents and foster parents him as well. Because of the political climate eyes and makes you want to make the world stores (on order) through Ingram Book
formed a group many years ago know in Amador County, he did not want to be a better place.” Distribution Company.
as, “The Real F.A.C.T.S.,” or “Forum on over heard by any county staff. He there-
Abused Children and the System.” Our fore invited us to his beautiful home in the The book does a great job of pointing out real
group was developed to address concerns foothills for a wonderful home cooked meal problems within the court system and county
about problems within our county’s Child with his wife and kids. agencies that deal with abuse and divorce.
Welfare System and Family Law Courts.
We spent a great deal of time educating our- After dinner, the kids were sent off to do It is not only Michael’s hope, but mine as
selves and networking with others who had, home work and get ready for bed. We well, that people will begin realizing the
and still have, similar concerns. spent hours exchanging information, doc- scope of problems within these systems and
umentation, and concerns about what we the extent of damage that they do unnec-
I came to know Michael Arkin through a all considered to be a very poorly run sys- essarily so that better solutions for families
somewhat circuitous route from networking tem--a system that served itself rather than can be found. Much of what goes on in
with others around the state. Somewhere serving the persons entangled in it. He told the whole system today is simply taken for
along the way, I met Karen Anderson us that whenever a mistake was made or granted or ignored and many of those in
and Connie Valentine of the California harm had been done, it was covered up and the system don’t want the “boat rocked.”
Protective Parent Association in the Davis/ the people involved were effectively silenced. There are too many people making too
Sacramento area. Karen is the founder of the Michael talked about having been threatened much money from participating in this dys-
organization known as “Courageous Kids.” by Amador County staff to stay away from functional system. To them, a closer look
When I first met Karen, I learned from certain cases unless he wanted them to make resulting in any change would be bad.
her of her own divorce and custody case sure he never worked anywhere again. He felt
and how horribly it had been mismanaged then that his hands were tied because he had Most of us know that the way domestic
by staff and the Court in Amador County a large family to support. Michael and his violence is treated varies from person to
to the extreme detriment of her children. wife, Laura, have ten children between them. person. It is more political than not, and
There was a strong appearance that her case therein lies one of the big problems with
had intentionally been mismanaged. From Eventually Michael was appointed to adju- how it is handled within the system. One of
actual evidence I saw from the Amador dicate special education cases and his our county’s former Court Commissioners
Sheriff’s investigation, it appeared that there home base changed from Angels Camp to whom I’d known for years told me that until
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Local Perspectives 17

Commission as provide valuable solutions for women’s

on the Status issues and concerns to our Supervisors. It

is your voice that is important. It is your
voice that we want speaking through us.
of Women Please take a moment to go to the website
(www.slowomen.org), download the survey,
and FAX (805 788-2007) it directly to the
By Paulette Claire Commission. Your anonymity will be
respected and your answers will be an impor-
The San Luis Obispo County Commission tant link to your Board of Supervisors.
on the Status of Women is an advisory
group that submits a yearly survey of the Go to the Commission’s website, slowomen.
needs of the county’s women to the Board org, be sure that you are on the home page,
of Supervisors. It is during the next four note that towards the center of the page
months that you will see Commissioners you will see “SLO County Residents,” and
out into the community with clip boards click the “English Language” or “Spanish
and surveys in hand. Women of the county Language” survey, download it onto your
also have an opportunity to download computer, print it, fill it out, and FAX, 805
the survey directly off the website (www. 788-2007, or mail it to the post office box
slowomen.org) and FAX (805 788-2007) it listed below. You can also call (805) 788-3406
Photo by Marina Avila to the Commission. Your survey answers and a survey will be sent to you.
are an important part of the yearly presenta-
tion to the San Luis Obispo County Board If you would like to become involved with

Old Dog Comfort name and his age. I can imagine his life
from touching him.
of Supervisors. San Luis Obispo County’s Commission
on the State of Women, join us at our next
During monthly meetings, the needs of meeting, July 1, 6:15 p.m., Coast National
By Kate Updike O’Connor It’s a simple, full life. A morning walk and women in the county are addressed. Over Bank Board Room, 500 Marsh Street, San
an evening walk sufficiently meet his needs, the past two years, the needs of women Luis Obispo. Your voice in our county is
“How’s the old boy doing?” I ask as I drift to especially since his master strolls leisurely have been primarily financial concerns and important.
a stop alongside Riley and his owner. I am out a few paces ahead, never in a hurry, always health issues. These issues have been the
for a morning bike ride and Riley is out for his happy to accompany him for one more day focus of numerous discussions, Women’s
morning walk. I’ve met up with him before. at least. Dinner is kibble and a glucosamine Way to Wealth presentations, and collabora- Where to find us:
tablet to ease the arthritis. His master has tion with other organizations also concerned San Luis Obispo County Commission on the
“He’s doing great!” the handsome man provided a suitable bed, firm yet soft, to rest about women’s issues. These are often times Status of Women
whose name I do not know answers with a his old bones in, and Riley spends much of the same issues that women face throughout
huge grin. the day there. He no longer needs to bark California as well as throughout the nation. Post Office Box 15116
at the mail carrier. But he’s up and running San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
I love dogs. I especially love old dogs. I to meet his master when he hears the car in With your help, the commission can meet
always stop to say hello and share a moment the drive. They both look forward to a quiet their objectives and support the equaliza- (805) 788-3406
with the owner’s permission. This man tells evening at home together. tion of women in our community, gain cosowo@gmail.com
me, with both pride and incredulity, that knowledge of women’s needs, collaborate slowomen.org
Riley will be seventeen on December 5. The I had the pleasure of an old dog’s company and use resources in our community, as well
old dog’s short legs plod as if each step is once. His twice-daily walks were the high
earned and his joints are stiff. His hearing’s points of his day, too. He was all dog on
gone, the owner tells me, but Riley can still his walks, no matter how slowly he eventu-
see through cloudy eyes. He walks without ally moved up the hill homeward. I took to
a leash and stops every few feet to sniff his carrying my cell phone that last year because
favorite spots, and displays the kind of con- I worried he might collapse. Actually, I
fidence of a dog who walks the same route worried a lot about losing him. Riley’s owner
every day. Another bigger dog, on a leash, says his old dog has seen him through good
approaches, and Riley’s posture lifts and his times and bad. I know what he means.
tail wags briskly. I barely know Riley but I
can see that he’s a happy, friendly dog. My old dog did the same for me.

I set my bike down and walk slowly toward A happy old dog has nothing to prove. He
him. I crouch and put myself in his line of saves his energy for his walks and his loved
vision. I want to pet him, but I don’t want ones. So I feel honored when Riley stops to
to startle him. He stops and gives me a ten- acknowledge me and lets me pet him. He
tative kiss, lets me run my hand over his must sense my need. He knows I still miss
back. I don’t know what breed he is. I don’t my old boy.
care to ask. It’s enough for me to know his
18 Local Perspectives Women’s Press July & August 2010

Edana Hall Licensed Midwife


New office and

Birth Center opening:
San Luis Business Center
Where is the most peaceful place @ Higuera & Los Osos Valley Rd.
San Luis Obispo, CA
to visit on the Central Coast ?

Photo by Benjamin Lawless

Melanie Reese Senn Jen Kaplan

Nighttime, the picnic  table in my own  At any one of our beautiful wineries, drinking
backyard, sans children. wine with friends.

Leslie St. John Berta Parrish

The Hydrolucinogen room at the sanitarium When I need a peaceful place to seri-
in SLO--cool blues, purples, white-silvers; ously ponder life’s challenges, I go to Sweet
watercolors, thick linens, a deep metal tub; Springs in Los Osos.  It is a beautiful and
and the room has a private deck. It’s an oasis serene environment with paths for wan-
in town, a quiet place to reconnect with my dering, birds for watching, and benches
own voice (all the other “should/should not” for sitting.    The  freshwater ponds,  the salt-
voices are momentarily shushed). There, she water marsh, and the Monterey cypress
speak in poems, paintings, dance...  and eucalyptus groves  create a  womblike
ambiance which provides shelter and inspi-
Christine Dewart ration. When I cross over the bridge, it’s like
entering sacred space.
Morning hikes up Bishops during the
week were a great way for me to find some MaryAine Curtis
peace of mind. I also enjoyed night drives
out to Avila to swing on the swings, lis- I have several oak trees that I like to hike
tening to the tides roll in. Just taking a to in the county that are very peaceful and
walk downtown in the mornings is peace- rejuvenatig places for me to re-connect to
ful--whether you’re passing by the cute old my spirit. This is where my inspration comes
men taking an espresso break from cycling from.
at Uptown(which I still cannot call Black
Horse), or it’s a Wednesday morning and The top of any of our gorgeous mountains
you hear the children clapping and singing brings me great joy as I look over the beauty
from inside Boo Boo Records. of our earth.

Michelle Butera
Next month our Voices
Most peaceful place for me is in Big Sur. around the Table question is:
Limekiln is beautiful as well as the spot where
the the big sur lodge is. The fresh air and quiet Do you think the institution of
beauty is the best.
marriage is outdated?
Please send responses to
Women’s Press July & August 2010 NOW News 19
This Page Presented by the National Organization for Women
The purpose of NOW is to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society NOW !

NOW Calendar
NOW Chapter # CA 565
PO Box 1306, SLO, CA 93406
July SLONOW @ kcbx.net
• July 2: Civil Rights Act signed into law, 1964
General Meetings
• July 2: Amelia Earhart’s plane is lost in the Pacific Ocean, 1937
GALA office, now located at 1060 Palm St., SLO
• July 4: In Baltimore, where she is the only printer, Mary Katherine Goddard Third Tuesday of every month at 6 pm.
publishes the Declaration of Independence,1777.

• July 9: birthday, June Jordan, poet, civil rights worker, 1936 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm
• July 15: Jocelyn Burnell discovered pulsars, 1943, for which her supervisor received
Nobel Prize in physics NOW Goals
• July 18: Geraldine Ferraro nominated vice president, Democratic Party, 1984 • Support reproductive choice
• Work to eliminate ALL violence against women
• July 19: first Women’s Rights Convention, Seneca Falls, NY 1848 • Fight against sexual harassment
• Encourage tolerance and diversity
• July 20: NOW regular meeting, 6 PM • Promote feminist issues
• Commemorate Roe v Wade (Jan 22)
• July 21: birthday, Janet Reno, 1938 • Celebrate Women’s Equality Day (Aug 26)
• Participate in Farmer’s Market
• July 24: birthday, Bella Abzug, 1920 • Support feminist politics

• July 29: birthday of Jacqueline Onassis, 1929; established White House Historical
Association, 1994 Get Involved — Join NOW!
August San Luis Obispo Chapter #565
• Aug 3: birthday, Maggie Kuhn, founder Grey Panthers, 1905 National Organization for Women
• Aug 6: anniversary of Hiroshima; Women’s Peace Day Every woman doesn’t have to join NOW,
• Aug 6: Voting Rights Act outlaws literacy tests; suffrage finally extended to African just the 142 million who are discriminated against!
American women, 1965

• Aug 7: birthday of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, labor organizer, helped found ACLU, 1890
Name: ________________________________________________
• Apr 10: birthday, Dolores Huerta, 1930; co-founder United Farm Workers
Address: _____________________________________________
• Aug 13: birthday, Lucy Stone, pioneer for women’s rights, 1818; kept her own
name at marriage City/St/ZIP: __________________________________ _________
Phone: ________________________________________________
• Aug 14: Day with Creative Women, Mission Plaza
Regular Dues ….$40, Sliding Scale…..$15-39
• Aug 17: NOW regular meeting, 6 PM

• Aug 23: Fannie Farmer opens Boston cooking school, introducing standard
Send your check and this form to
measurements for recipes, 1902
PO Box 1306
• Aug 26: Women’s Equality Day SLO, CA 93406
• Aug 28: Martin Luther King, Jr’s March on Washington, “I have a Dream” Chapter # CA 565
speech, 1963 slonow@kcbx.net Amount enclosed: _______
20 NOW News Women’s Press July & August 2010

Coordinator’s Corner Women’s

By Angie King

We’ve already had two elections this spring, The numbers of women registered to vote • to incorporate the principle of equality
Equality Day is
and we’re gearing up for the “big” one in
November. I hope women realize their
votes can make the difference in how this
are decreasing, not increasing. The numbers
of women in representative positions in gov-
ernment are decreasing, not reaching parity
of men and women in their legal
system, abolish all discriminatory laws
and adopt appropriate ones prohibiting
August 26th
state and country is governed. One hundred with men. And many of the primary rights discrimination against women; Let the Whole Community
years ago, women in America were protest- women fought for are being eroded every • to establish tribunals and other public know!
ing the fact that they could not cast a vote day, like the right to quality affordable institutions to ensure the effective
on their own. It was often said, by men of health care and child care and equal pay for protection of women against discrimi- Here’s some news of note about mothers
course, that the women’s opinions were reg- equal work, and…. the list goes on. nation; and and August 26th marks the day the
istered by their husband’s votes. But who • to ensure elimination of all acts of dis- 36th state legislature ratified the 19th
knew how true that was? No one asked the One way to make sure our rights are pro- crimination against women by persons, Amendment to the US Constitution,
women! The groundswell for women’s right tected is to work for ratification of the organizations or enterprises. making it official: all women have the
to vote increased when the world went to CEDAW. This groundbreaking document, right to vote. Beginning in the 1840’s as
war in 1914, when men were gone, fighting, the Convention on Elimination of all Countries that have ratified or acceded to a whisper among women abolitionists
and women ran things at home. A precur- forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention are legally bound to put its and temperance supporters, women took
sor to the same groundswell of progressive was adopted in 1979 by the UN General provisions into practice. They are also com- the tactics and strategies developed in
change after World War II; this protest in Assembly, but has not been ratified by mitted to submit national reports, at least those fights and used them to advocate for
the early part of the last century finally the United States. It defines what consti- every four years, on measures they have taken suffrage for themselves. However, it took
brought suffrage for women in 1920. It tutes discrimination against women and to comply with their treaty obligations. 72 years from the First Women’s Right
may seem we don’t need to remember our sets up an agenda for national action to Convention in Seneca Falls, in 1848,
herstory any more, with women in the end such discrimination. By accepting the In countries where the treaty is in effect, until that date in 1920 for our goal to be
senate and the state governors’ mansions, Convention, governments commit them- the lives of women have improved dramati- realized.
with women running major governmen- selves to undertake a series of measures to cally. Mortality rates in childbirth have gone
tal agencies and advising presidents. But end discrimination against women in all down; wages have increased to allow women Since 1971, August 26th has been cele-
those who forget history, as Santayana once forms, including: the means to care for their families; laws brated as Women’s Equality Day, a chance
famously said, are doomed to repeat it.
Continued in Coordinators Corner, p. 21 Continued in Women’s Equality Day, p. 21

NOW News of Trustee to reinstate the team and avoid

future violations of this sports equity law.
Stay tuned for further developments when
Constitution giving women the right to vote.
SLO NOW will be at Farmer’s Market on
August 26 to bring community awareness to
CEDAW on these pages, or visit now.org.

NOW assisting FBI to define gender

Cuesta College Tennis Team Title the OCR report is made public. this important right – so timely this election based crimes: For a long time, it seemed
IX violations: We held a very successful year. Don’t forge to register to vote and to violence against women was so “normal”
event on May 6 presenting the timely issue SARP’s Walk a Mile in her Shoes: This change your registration if you have moved that officials were loath to single out crimes
of Title IX violations at Cuesta College. annual event brings out the best in fashion or changed your name. against women as a special category. But
Title IX, passed in 1972, requires all educa- footwear – and the men really do walk a times change, and society has evolved in
tional institutions receiving federal money mile in high heels. NOW had a booth at Ratify Women: Thirty years after the its understanding that women are often
to ensure that women receive equal oppor- the event, selling t-shirts, as shown in the passage of the Convention on Elimination attacked merely because they are women. It
tunity to participate in sports. Cuesta picture! of all forms of Discrimination against took over 20 years, but there is now a federal
has been in violation of this requirement Women (CEDAW), the United States has law prohibiting gender-based hate crimes.
before, in 1994, and made changes to its Up coming local events: SLO NOW still not ratified this international treaty, The Hate Crimes Prevention Act, passed
athletic programs to bring it into compli- will have a table at the WCC’s Day With making it the only industrialized nation last year, expands the scope of the Justice
ance. However, in January 2010, Cuesta Creative Women on August 14. Come not a party to it. NOW’s Global Feminist Department’s ability to investigate and
abruptly cancelled the women’s tennis team, visit us and learn more about NOW. We Strategies and Issues Committee asks all prosecute bias motivated crimes based on
despite the acute interest and participation will also volunteer again at the Morro Bay feminists to sign an on-line petition to ask a victim’s actual or perceived sexual orien-
by the players and their coach. The Office Harbor Fest on October 2-3. If you would President Obama to place ratification of tation gender, gender identity, or disability,
of Civil Rights of the Department of Justice like to help us (we receive a donation for our CEDAW before the Senate. Go to www. and authorizes the collection of data on
is currently investigating. SLO NOW col- efforts), let us know at slonow@kcbx.net. ratifywomen.org. Until the US is officially these crimes. NOW has met with the FBI
laborated with the SLO branch of AAUW a signatory, we can hardly ask other coun- to help define the terms in implementing
in presenting a panel of Title IX experts, the And, don’t forget August 26, Women’s tries to live up to their obligations under the data collection requirement.
tennis coach, and one of the players on the Equality Day, commemorating the ratifi- the treaty, or claim to be a leader in the
team. We continue to urge Cuesta Board cation of the 19th amendment to the US fight for human rights. See more about
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Bulletins 21
“Coming to Consciousness,
the Experience of a Lifetime” Coordinator’s Corner
A workshop at Cuesta College SLO
Campus, Building 4700, Room 4760. Six Continued Where to find Women’s Press
All Libraries and the following exceptionally fine establishments!
Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to noon
beginning 8/14 and ending 9/25 (no class on Continued from page 20
• NORTH COUNTY: Atascadero – The Coffee House and Deli, Starbuck’s
Labor Day weekend). Fee: $76. at Von’s Plaza, Green Goods, Player’s Pizza, Harvest Health Food Store, North
prohibiting violence against women have
Using her prize-winning book (Searching become stronger and better enforced. While County Connection, Senior Center, Women’s Resource Center/Shelter Office,
for Soul; A Survivor’s Guide)  as a model conditions for women in the US were already Curves. Paso Robles – Cuesta College North Campus, Café Vio, Curves, DK
for bringing one’s life to consciousness, and better than in many other countries, we still Donuts, Panolivo French Cafe, NCI Village Thrift Shop, Paso Robles Health
borrowing liberally from the work of psycho- have many areas where our lives could be Foods; Templeton – Twin Cities Hospital, Templeton Market & Deli, Affinity
analyst C. G. Jung, author Bobbe Tyler will improved. The new federal hate crimes law Chiropractic, Kinship Center, Jobella’s Coffee; Santa Margarita– Santa Margarita
lead participants in reading, discussing and recently passed by Congress expands the def-
writing to a deep and meaningful level of initions and circumstances in which violence
the psyche as they respond to six key “inner against women is treated as a hate based • NORTHERN COAST: Baywood – Coffee & Things; Cambria – Cambria
life” questions awaiting serious consider- crime. The Lily Ledbetter bill, passed last Connection, Cambria Pines Lodge, Chamber of Commerce, Gym One, Azevedo
ation.  Personal stories will not be discussed. year, expands the time limits to register wage Chiropractic, Lilly’s, Alloco’s, Cambria Drug and Gift, Bob & Jan’s Bottle Shop,
discrimination complaints. But there is still Linn’s, Donna’s Nail Salon, Cookie Crock, Rainbow Bean and Coffee Shop;
Bring writing materials and the book to discrimination against women. Cayucos – Cayucos Super Market, Kelley’s EsPresso & Dessert, Ocean Front Pizza,
every class; book available for purchase first
meeting only ($15).  Website: bobbetyler.com.   National NOW will be directing its efforts Chevron Station, Mobile Balloons; Los Osos – Starbuck’s, Baywood Laundry,
toward ratification of this treaty in the Cad’s, Carlock’s Bakery, Chamber of Commerce, Copa de Oro, Garden Café, Los
Questions?  Call Cuesta College Community coming years. Our chapter will have a table Osos Deli Liquor, Volumes of Pleasure; Morro Bay – Backstage Salon, Coalesce
Programs: (805) 546-3132. at Farmer’s Market on August 26, Women’s Bookstore, Coffee Pot Restaurant, The Rock, Southern Port Traders, Sunshine
Equality Day, celebrating our right to vote Health Foods, Two Dogs Coffee, La Parisienne Bakery.
and providing literature on CEDAW. Join
Learn the Language of Your Dreams • SAN LUIS OBISPO: Broad St. Laundry, Cool Cats Café, La Crepes, Edna Market,
us and learn more about what you can do to
When: Saturday, August 28th ensure equality for women Booboo Records, Creekside Center, GALA, Marigold Nails, Palm Theatre, Susan
Time: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Polk Insurance, Utopia Bakery, Unity Church, Zoe Wells, Naturopath, Cal Poly
Price: $55.00 Library and Women’s Center, Center for Alternatives to Violence, Chamber of
Facilitator: Dorothy Segovia,
certified Life Coach Women’s Equality Day Commerce, Cuesta College Library, EOC Health Services Clinic, HealthWorks,
Healing Alternatives, Laguna Laundry, Linnaea’s, Monterey Express, Natural
Be Well Center Continued Foods Coop, New Frontiers, Nautical Bean, Outspoken Beverage Bistro, Phoenix
Books, Planned Parenthood, West End Espresso & Tea, San Luis Obispo Housing
8810 Morro Road, Atascadero
805 460-9907 Continued from page 20 Authority Office, SARP, The Secret Garden, SLO Perk Coffee, Spirit Winds
www.BeWellLiving.net   Therapy, The Studio Fitness for Women, Uptown Cafe, Yoga Centre, Ahshe Hair
for us to remind ourselves of the power of Salon, Apropos Clothing, Soho Hair Salon, Hempshak, YMCA, KCBX, Salon on
Imagery from your dreams is the language the ballot. A chance to celebrate the changes
Monterey, Jaffa Café, Med Stop (Madonna Plaza), World Rhythm and Motion,
of your soul. Discover how your dreams in our society brought about by the influ-
are teaching you to live a more energetic, ence of women voters. Steynberg Gallery, Correa Chiropractic, High St. Deli, Sunset N. Car Wash,
balanced life. All you need is an under- Jamaica You, United Blood Services.
standing of your own symbolic images. And it is also a chance for us to reflect on • SOUTH COUNTY: Arroyo Grande – Mongo’s, Act II Boutique, Central
Learn to develop your dream recording what women can do and must continue to Coast Yoga, CJ’s Restaurant, Curves-AG, Cutting Edge, EOC Health Services
skills. Through collage, movement, and do for the future. Clinic, Girls Restaurant, Grande Whole Foods, Chameleon; Avila Beach– Avila
reflective journaling you will learn to access
your dreams. This year. NOW celebrate Women’s Equality Grocery, Custom House, Sycamore Hot Springs, Inn at Avila, Joe Mamma’s;
Day, August 26, by having a table at Farmer’s Grover Beach – Back Door Deli, Cindi’s Wash House, Nan’s Pre-owned
Market displaying the Statue of Liberty Books, Therapeutic Body Center, 30-minute Fitness; Halcyon – Halcyon Store;
V. I. P. symbolizing women’s struggle for equality, Nipomo – Anna’s Creekside Coffee House, Healing Touch Spa, Curves, La Placita
Vegetarian Inclined People Come join us for culminating in the 19th amendment. Come Market, Healthy Inspirations, World Gym, Trendy Sister Salon, Senior Centers;
a wonderful time of great food, fellowship visit us and sign the various petitions to
Pismo Beach – Honeymoon Café, Pismo Athletic Club, RETurn to JOY!; Shell
and fun! You are invited to an all vege- bring about true women’s equality – support
tarian potluck and guest speaker the 4th for CEDAW, equal pay for equal work, an Beach – De Palo & Sons Deli, Seaside Cafe, Steaming Bean.
Wednesday of each month at the Arroyo end to violence against women and sexual • SANTA MARIA: Café Monet, Hunter’s Landing, Library, Curves on Main and
Grande Women’s Club Located at 211 harassment, access to quality child care for on Broadway, Lassen’s.
Vernon St From 6-8pm. Bring vegetarian working women, access to full health care • ORCUTT: Loading Dock, Oasis Spa.
dish to share, own place setting and a dollar options for women, and all the other items
to help cover costs. Call Nicolette for more on our agenda that YOU know we need. See
details: 805-710-3090 you there!
22 Resources Women’s Press July & August 2010

ABUSE Drug & Alcohol Services MOMS Club of South SLO county Creative Mediation
Adults Molested as Children Support 781.4275 473.2548; www.southslomomsclub.org 549.0442
Group (AMAC) Rape Survivors Support Narcotics Anonymous Partnership for Children Dealing With Divorce
Group, SLO 549.7730 and 800.549.7730 541.8666; ask for Beth 544.9313
Support Group for Sexual Assault Overeaters Anonymous Real F.A.C.T.S. (Forum on Abused Depresson and Bipolar Support
Survivors Children) Alliance Group
545.8888 541.3164
SCA, SLAA & SAA (Sex, Love & Romance 460.9016 927.3703
Center for Alternatives to Domestic Addictions) Social Services Divorce Discussion Group
Violence 781.1600 489.2990, saintbarnabas@sbcglobal.net
781.6406 461.6084
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Support for Kids Coping with Eating Disorders Support Group
North County Women’s Shelter & Domestic Violence 546-3774; free, meets weekly in SLO
Resource Center, 929.1789 www.tops.org
Women for Sobriety 473.6507 Grief Drop-In Support Groups
(inc. domestic violence support groups) 544.2266, multiple meetings avail.
461.1338 215.536.8026 www.womenforsobriety.org EMERGENCY/CRISIS
Project Lifesaver
SARP (Sexual Assault Recovery & CHILDREN & FAMILIES Hotline 548.0909 www.projectlifesaverofslo.org
Prevention) Birth and Baby Resource Center www.slohotline.org 800.549.8989 Safe and Sober Support Group
545.8888 or 800.656.HOPE (4673) 546.3755 www.bbrn.org Sexual & Rape Prevention (SARP) 473.6507
Women’s Shelter Program of SLO Childcare Resource Connection 545.8888 or 800.656.HOPE (4673) St. Barnabas (Depression/Divorce/
781.6401 www.womensshelterslo.org 541.2272 or 800.727.2272 Temporary Restraining Order & Victim Grief)
Court Appointed Special Advocates Witness Program 781.5821 489.2990 www.stbarnabas.ag.org
ADDICTIONS Transformations Counseling Center
AA Meeting Free monthly workshops 541.7908
541.3211 “A child’s voice in Court in SLO County” A.D.A.P.T. (Aid in Divorce Adjustment
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) 541.6542 Problems Today) FINANCE/BUSINESS
Children’s Services Network 543.0388
498.2176 Consumer Credit Counseling Services
Al-Anon 781.1847 Alzheimer/Dementia Resource Center
First 5: Children & Families 800.540.2227
534.9204 800.443.1236
Commission Alzheimer’s Association GAY & LESBIAN
Cambria Connection (12 step support)
927.1654 781.4058; ask for Susan Hughs 547.3830 Gay and Lesbian Alliance of the
Homeschooling in SLO County (HSC) CALL–Concerned Agoraphobics Central Coast
Casa Solana
Women’s Recovery Home 481.8555 462.0726; ask for Barbara Learning to Live 541.4252
La Clinica De Tolosa 543.3764 PFLAG.Parents & Friends of Lesbians &
Chemical Dependency intensive
outpatient program 238.5334 Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Gays
La Leche League 542.0577 (SLO), 927.1654 (Cambria), 438.3889
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous, H.O.W. 489.9128 466.8600 (North County) SOL (Single Older Lesbians)
Concept Migrant Childcare Program Community Counseling Center Mostly socializing! Call 474.9405
546.1178 www.ceahow.org 544.4355 and 466.3444 543.7969
Women’s Press July & August 2010 Resources 23
HOSPICE 892.5556 READERS/WRITERS Self-Realization Fellowship
Hospice of SLO County, AIDS Cancer/ Breast Cancer Support Groups Adult Literacy Sunday Services 995-1599
Bereavement Group 543.1481 ext. 3 for information 541-4219
Caregivers of Aging Parents WOMEN’S CENTERS/SHELTERS
544.2266 and 434.1164 Creative Writing Group
Homeless Shelter
Hospice Partners of the Central Coast 543.7969 748-2676; contact Gloria
782.8608 Celiac Disease Support Group Nightwriters 781-3993
226.9893 Housing Authority
549.9656; contact Shirley Powell
JOBS/CAREERS Endometriosis Association Sisters in Crime 543.4478
AARP www.endometriosisassn.org North County Women’s Resource
http://SinC-CCC.blogspot.com Center, Shelter
788.2643 Enhancement, Inc. (for breast cancer
Cal Poly Foundation survivors) SENIORS 461.1338
Jobline 756.7107 www. 771.8640 www.enhancementinc.com Adult Day Care Prado Day Center (for the homeless)
calpolyfoundation.org EOC Health Services Clinics 489.8894 (Arroyo Grande); 786.0617 www.pradodaycenter.org
Cal Poly University no or low cost reproductive health 434.2081 (Templeton); 927.4290 Women’s Community Center, SLO
http://calpolyjobs.org 756.1533 services (Cambria) 544.9313
Cuesta College 544.2478 (SLO); 489.4026 (Arroyo Adult Protective Services Women’s Shelter Program of SLO
http://www.cuesta.edu Jobline 546.3127 Grande) 781.1790 781.6400 – 24 hour crisis line
The Creekside Career Center Healthworks of the Central Coast Caring Callers www.womensshelterslo.org
788.2600 or 237.3014 www.slocareers. No or low cost reproductive health 547.7025 x 17 OTHER WOMEN’S
org services Computerooters: ORGANIZATIONS
Department of Rehabilitation 542.0900 Computer help: 489.6230 Altrusa International, Inc.
549.3361 Hearst Cancer Resource Center Department of Social Services:
Mission Community Services In-Home Support 781.1790 481.1039; Cici Wynn, President
542.6234 American Association of University
Corporation IC Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Nursing help for the terminally ill
Women’s Business Partners Women
Bladder Syndrome 781.5540
595.1357 www.mcscorp.org 781-0922 Karen www.aauw.org
3rd Thursday, SLO, 7 -9 pm 464-0564 Elder and Dependent Adult Advocacy Camping Women
Private Industry Council (PIC) Long-term Care Ombudsman Services of and Outreach – Victim Witness
www.jobhunt.org 788.2601 SLO County Assistance Center 440.2723 www.campingwomen.org
LEGAL 785.0132 781-5821 543.9452
Lymphedema Education & Support Foster Grandparents.Senior
California Rural Legal Assistance
Group Companions OTHER GROUPS &
2nd Monday, 4-5 pm, 782-9300 782.9200 GATHERINGS
Core Mediation Services Parkinson’s Support Groups Senior Peer Counseling
544.6334 medeee8@aol.com Central Coast Peace and
466.7226 (Atascadero/Templeton) Free, trained in.home counseling for 60+ Environmental Council
Creative Mediation 481.7424 (Arroyo Grande) 547.7025 ext. 15
549.0442 544.3399 or 783.2383
541.8633 (SLO) Uplift Group Singing and Support
District Attorney’s Office – Victim Planned Parenthood SPIRITUAL
Witness Center Awakening Interfaith Spiritual Sunday @ 6pm, at the Senior Center
SLO 549.9446 1455 Santa Rosa.
781.5821 Stroke Support Group Community
Family Law Facilitator Meditation, Sunday Services, Classes.
471.8102 (SLO)
788.3418 Caregivers of Stroke Survivors Open to all. 772-0306
Lawline awakeninginterfaith.org
544.2266 (SLO)
788.2099 The Wellness Community - Cancer Support Circle of Spiritual Enlightenment Please send additions, corrections or
Lawyer Referral and Information 541.1963; www.spiritualcircle.org
Service 238.4411 deletions to: womenspress.slo@gmail.
Women’s Support/Therapy v (general) Hungry Hearts Spiritual Community com or leave a message at the WCC:
541.5502 534.1101 RC liturgy with womanpriest 546.8672
Pro Per Divorce Workshop New Beginnings Church 805.544.9313. Last update 7/7/10.
Women’s Healthcare Specialists
544.9313 544.4883 Every Sunday, Coalesce Bookstore, MB
Senior Legal Services
543.5140 POLITICAL
ALS Support Group (Lou Gehrig’s www.codepinkslo.org; ososousaville@ Mira Vista Apartments
Disease) charter.net
227.4785 or 674.4162 Commission on Status of Women 11153 El Camino Real
Alzheimer’s Support 788.3406; www.slowomen.org Atascadero CA 93422
Democratic Women United
547.3830, 534.9234 (SLO/Los Osos) 541.4252 ph/fax 805.461.1143
888.488.6555 League of Women Voters
American Cancer Society
543.2220 www.miravistaapts.com
San Luis Obispo 543.1481, 238.9657 NOW (National Organization for
Templeton 434.3051 Women)
Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Support www.kcbx.net/~slonow/
Group Safe • Clean
slonow@kcbx.net Quiet • Non-Smoking
Arthritis Foundation
Women’s Community Center
PO Box 15639
San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 325

805 544-9313

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