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International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research,

Int J Physioth Res 2013 (3):58-62. ISSN 2321-1822

Original Article
Vipin Kumar 1*, Manu Goyal 2, N. Rajendran 3, Dr. Narkeesh 4
M.M Institute of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, M.M.University, Mullana, Ambala, Haryana,
India1,2 & 3 . Department of Physiotherapy, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India4.
Background: Neural mobilization techniques leads to facilitation of nerve gliding, reduction of nerve adher-
ence, dispersion of noxious fluids, increased neural vascularity and improvement of axoplasmic flow. It has
pronounced effects on monosynaptic H-reflex, which is an electrically induced reflex analogous to mechani-
cally induced spinal stretch reflex. Thus, it is a reliable tool for the assessment of muscle tone through the
excitability of AMNs. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out with 30 male and female subjects from
MMIPR, MM University Mullana. H-reflex was taken before and after neural mobilization. Results: Significant
effects on monosynaptic H-reflex were shown after neural mobilization with a mean difference of decrease in
H-reflex latency (28.432.13 ms to 26.911.99 ms; t-value 13.24) and increase in H-reflex amplitude (4.272.18
mv to 5.252.50 mv; t-value -5.13) and increase in H/M ratio (0.420.21 to 0.520.25; t-value -5.22).
Conclusion: Neural mobilization has direct effect on nerve conduction as measured by electrophysiological
testing, thereby providing evidence to include neural mobilizations as an intervention in altered neurodynamics
of the peripheral nerves.

Address for correspondence: Vipin Arya, 189-B, Police line, Barlana road, Sirsa-125055, Haryana.

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Quick Response code International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research

ISSN 2321- 1822
Received: 13 June 2013
Published: 11 August 2013
Accepted: 20 June 2013

INTRODUCTION movement between neural structures and

adjacent nonneural tissues and they are
Neural mobilization techniques are passive or executed in a non-provocative fashion. Tensile
active movements that focus on restoring the loading technique is to restore the physical
ability of the nervous system to tolerate the capabilities of neural tissues to tolerate
normal compressive, friction and tensile forces movements that lengthen the corresponding
associated with daily and sport activities. It is nerve bed. It is important to emphasize that
hypothesized that these therapeutic movements tensile loading techniques are not stretches;
can have a positive impact on symptoms by these neurodynamic maneuvers are performed
improving intraneural circulation, axoplasmic in an oscillatory fashion so as to gently engage
flow and neural connective tissue viscoelasticity resistance to movement that is usually
and by reducing sensitivity of abnormal impulse associated with protective muscle activity.1
generating sites.1
Regardless of the underlying construct, it is vital
It consists of gliding and sliding techniques. that the nervous system is able to adapt to
Gliding techniques or sliders, are neurodynamic mechanical loads, and it must undergo distinct
maneuvers that attempt to produce a sliding mechanical events such as elongation, sliding,

Int J Physioth Res 2013(3):58-62. ISSN 2321-1822 58

Vipin Kumar et al. Effect of neural mobilization on monosynaptic reflex a pre test post test experimental design.

cross-sectional change, angulation and compres- Procedures H-reflex was evaluated before and
sion. If these dynamic protective mechanisms after the neural mobilization with Nerve
fail, the nervous system is vulnerable to neural Conduction Study Apparatus (Allengers Scorpio
edema, ischemia, fibrosis and hypoxia, which - 2/4 EMG, NCS, EP system, manufactured by
may cause altered neurodynamics.2, 3 Allengers Global Healthcare (P) LTD).

Neural mobilization is used for treatment of H-reflex evaluation 14:

adverse neurodynamic, to restore the dynamic
balance between the relative movement of Preparation of the skin - In order to reduce the
neural tissues and surrounding mechanical skin impedance, the skin overlying the sites of
interfaces, thereby allowing reduced intrinsic the recording electrodes were shaved if
pressures on the neural tissue and thus necessary, the skin was rubbed lightly with sand
promoting optimum physiologic function4-6. The paper to desquamate the surface and finally was
hypothesized benefits from such techniques rubbed with alcohol.
include facilitation of nerve gliding, reduction of Position of the electrodes and their application
nerve adherence, dispersion of noxious fluids, - The recording electrode (R1) placed over the
increased neural vascularity and improvement soleus and the reference electrode (R2) placed
of axoplasmic flow.4-9 over the Achilles tendon. Although the H-reflex
can be recorded over any portion of
Neural mobilization has pronounced effects on
gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, the optimal
H-reflex, which is an electrically induced reflex
location that yields the largest H-reflex was two
analogous to mechanically induced spinal stretch
or three fingerbreadth distal to where the soleus
reflex. Its arc is similar to spinal stretch reflex
meets the two bellies of the gastrocnemius. The
except that it bypasses the muscle spindle, and
tibial nerve was stimulated in the popliteal fossa,
therefore it is a valuable tool for assessing mono
with cathode placed proximal to anode and
synaptic reflex activity in spinal cord. Thus, it is
beginning at very low stimulus intensities.
a reliable tool for the assessment of muscle tone
Ground electrode (G) placed at half distance
through the excitability of AMNs.10
between stimulating and recording electrodes
H-reflex is originally described by Paul Hoffmann Silver chloride surface electrodes were used and
in 1910 and later given his name, the Hoffmann the recording electrodes was fixed to the skin
reflex (H-reflex). It is one of the most studied by adhesive plaster, which must not be so tight
reflexes in humans and is the electrical analogue as to impair contraction or the circulation of the
of the monosynaptic stretch reflex. It is elicited muscles (Figure 1).
by selectively stimulating the Ia fibers of the Position of the patient during recording - The
tibial nerve by using slow (less than 1 pulse/ H-reflex latency was recorded while the patient
second), long-duration (0.5-1 ms) electrical was laid down comfortably in prone lying
stimulation of the afferent nerve.11 The H-reflex position on bed in a quiet room. The head
is an estimate of alpha motor neuron (AMN) maintained in mid position to control the
excitability when pre-synaptic inhibition and possible effects of asymmetrical tonic reflex. The
intrinsic excitability of the AMNs remain examined leg was placed mid-way between
constant.12, 13 abduction and adduction at hip joint. The knees
MATERIAL AND METHODS was slightly flexed 20 degrees by placing a small
cushion under the knee to relax the
Subjects: 30 male and female subjects of age
gastrocnemius to reduce any depressive
25-40 years and BMI 19-25 Kg/m2 were selected
influence on the H-reflex and ankle was freely
by means of convenience sampling. Exclusion
positioned in planter flexion outside the plinth.
criteria were any recent surgery of back, hip and
Stimulation - The H-reflex was elicited by
knee, subjects with neurological symptoms, any
stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve at the
recent systemic disease and musculoskeletal
popliteal fossa little bit to lateral aspect by
conditions, inability to comply with the study
stimulating electrode as shown in Figure 1.
protocol due to cognitive impairment.
Int J Physioth Res 2013(3):58-62. ISSN 2321-1822 59
Vipin Kumar et al. Effect of neural mobilization on monosynaptic reflex a pre test post test experimental design.

The level of significance was set as p <0.05.

Figure 2 Procedure of Neural Mobilization.
(a) Distal slider, hip and knee flexion with ankle
dorsiflexion and finger extension.
Figure1: Elec-
trode place-

Neural Mobilization (a)

(b) Proximal slider, knee extension with ankle
Gliding technique is used as the neural
planter flexion and finger flexion.
mobilization procedure to the subjects for
posterior tibial nerve1-3.

Procedure Patient in supine, the leg was

supported so that the hip was in approximately
45 flexion and the leg horizontal. The foot was
held so that the therapists fingers can control
the ankle, forefoot and toes. Dorsiflexion/
Eversion of the ankle and forefoot and
dorsiflexion of the toes are the first movements
and these should be taken as far as practicable RESULTS
into the range. Then knee extension was the next Demographics: 30 subjects were taken with
movement and while stabilizing the ankle joint mean age 31.365.47 years and height
and the rest of the limb, release of dorsiflexion 1.730.05 m and BMI 23.331.96 kg/m2.
of the forefoot and toes was the final movement
to release distal tension from the digital nerves
and allowed the tibial part to displace in a
proximal direction (Figures 2 a & b). Again the Figure 3:
hip was flexed to approximately 45 and the leg H-reflex
held horizontal as the starting position. This was before neu-
to release proximal tension and allow distal ral mobili-
sliding. The foot and toes were moved into zation.
dorsiflexion/eversion and the toes into
dorsiflexion to move the nerve distally in its

The same procedure was repeated again and

again for approximately 10 minutes for the one
session of neural mobilization.15
Figure 4:
Data analysis: Data analysis was done using SPSS H-reflex af-
16 software package (Version 16, SPSS Inc. ter neural
Chicago, USA). Mean and standard deviation m ob i liz a -
were used as descriptive statistics. A t-test was tion.
used to evaluate the effect of independent
variable (Neural mobilization) on dependent
variable (H-reflex).
Int J Physioth Res 2013(3):58-62. ISSN 2321-1822 60
Vipin Kumar et al. Effect of neural mobilization on monosynaptic reflex a pre test post test experimental design.

The mean H-reflex latency before and after the hypoxia and reducing the associated
neural mobilization were 28.432.13 ms and symptoms and increase the nerve conduction.
26.911.99 ms respectively (t-value is 13.24). Our results support this premise and shows
The mean H-reflex amplitude before and after significant reduction in H-reflex latency after
neural mobilization were 4.272.18 mv and neural mobilization (Table 1).
5.252.50 mv respectively (t-value is -5.13). The
According to Bove et al18 possible explanation
mean H/M ratio before and after neural mobili-
can be that strong stretch of the connective
zation were 0.420.21 and 0.520.25 respec-
tissues due to neural mobilization around the
tively (t-value is -5.22).
nerve roots activates sensory fibers in the
Before After p-value related dorsal root. So, there is a greater amount
Variables t value
(MeanSD) (MeanSD) (0.05) of Ia afferent inputs resulting in summation at
H-reflex Significant the spinal cord and a greater response from
28.432.13 26.911.99 13.24 AMNs. Hence, nerve conduction would be
Latency(ms) 0
H-reflex Significant improved leading to decrease in H-reflex latency.
4.272.18 5.252.50 -5.13 It is logical that stretch receptors with high
Amplitude(mv) (0.00)
Significant thresholds should exist in the nervous system
H/M ratio 0.420.21 0.520.25 -5.22 because this would provide an ideal means of
Table 1 Mean, Standard deviation, t value and protecting the nervous system against excessive
p value of latency, amplitude and H/M ratio of mechanical stress.
H-reflex. Changes in the amplitude of the reflex can be
DISCUSSION explained by atleast three possibilities: first is
alteration in the excitability of the motor
The findings of the study indicated that neural
neurons, second is variation in the amount of
mobilization had significant effect on
neurotransmitter released by the afferent
monosynaptic H-reflex as measured by
terminals and third is variation in the intrinsic
electrophysiological testing. The concept of
properties of the motorneurons.19
nerve gliding plays a major role in formulating a
treatment plan for nerve mobilization. Shacklock Kerr et al 20 studied the response in AMNs
theory of neurodynamics shows the excitability of subjects with altered neural
interconnection between nerve mechanics and tension. They found that the group with altered
physiology. Mechanical factors like tension, neural tension demonstrated statistically
compression or traction of the neural tissue significant increase in AMNs excitability in slump
influence physiological responses in intraneural with neck flexion that is consistent with the
blood flow, axonal transport, mechanosensitivity findings obtained in the present study which
and sympathetic activation. In this study the shows significant increase in amplitude due to
attempt was made to measure the effect of neural mobilization (Table 1).
nerve mechanics, following a technique
theorized to affect nerve physiology as measured Knikou et al21 stated that the possible neuronal
by H-reflex3. Tissue mobility, blood circulation mechanisms might be related to the recruitment
and axonal transport, which are necessary for of excitatory interneurons or dis-facilitation of
the functional and structural integrity of a inhibitory interneurons projecting to excitatory
neuron, will be increased after the neural interneurons in Ia afferents. However, given the
mobilization16. This comes in agreement with indirect nature of the current experiments, a
Cleland et al17 who mentioned that when the specific neuronal mechanism cannot be
nerve root was compressed microcirculation was assigned. The results of our study are in
compromised and the pressure received by the accordance with study done by Nidhi et al22 who
nerve will affect the edema and the also found significant increase in H-reflex
demyelination. Neural mobilization was amplitude and elongation of H/M ratio but not
sufficient to disperse the edema, thus alleviating upto significant level after spinal stimulation by
medium frequency current (Table 1).
Int J Physioth Res 2013(3):58-62. ISSN 2321-1822 61
Vipin Kumar et al. Effect of neural mobilization on monosynaptic reflex a pre test post test experimental design.

CONCLUSION 13 Palmeiri. The Hoffmann Reflex:

Therefore, it is investigated that neural mobili- Methodological Considerations and Applications for
zation has a significant effect on monosynaptic Use in Sports Medicine and Athletic Training
reflex. Clinical significance of the study is that Research. Journal of Athletic Training. 2004;
neural mobilization was shown to have an
excitatory effect on - motor neurons excitabil- 14 Sahar M Adel. Efficacy of Neural
ity in normal subjects. Therefore, conditions Mobilization in Treatment of Low Back Dysfunctions.
Journal of American Science. 2011; 7(4):566-573.
where there is a pathological decrease in alpha
motor neurons excitability; they may benefit 15 Sarkari, E. and Multani, N.K. Efficacy of
from the use of neural mobilization. Neural Mobilization in Sciatica. Journal of Exercise
Science and Physiotherapy. 2007; 3(2):136-141.
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