Mud Irene Fornes

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Mud @ play in 17 scenes ‘Maria ene Fores 4 “The fist draft of Mad was created and performed at he 6b Pads Hill Festival, Claremont, California, in July, 1083, Te was directed and ‘ea you. You'l jst lay there and ot (She on.) Tm going doin owt a white sheets. You heat? (She looks front) Clee fe, I Jetios, That's ow Fm going to dl. 'm ging to die esa. 'm ging foachoo nd Tm learning things. You've stupid. Pm nt. When ai ‘ehool I'm leving, You hear that? You can tay io the mud, (he {rons) Did you pick the cor? or, What ora? AE The cor T tad you to pek. Maria rene Fornes 20 Lor, Ther sno com, NAF low oome there eno con, How The groundho ate anes You let hoa ow. dda ae, You didn’ watch {LowprTeae int sheep. Thad to ep ‘MAE You an lenp in the eld {Wow Tes wot dere! Its col Tm slekl You soe there! Mars T work ere; oti the fl ow. TIl work bere, You work ther. MAE: (Harsh) Tish you went to the doctr.—You've no going to get ‘well f you don't. When Tleave youl starve r29¥Ds ind food ‘at, Where? LOW, Anywhere, There's ond. ar: Where Low. There’ pisop. MAE; What pglop? There woa't be any pgslop. Not if you dont grow Something to pt nit Powe) uo Tdi to ety Nas: Yow di ow, Yeah. —1 felt bad, —My head hurt —I went ther, She's nie She Tes meen er fod. ld Wo hee-T go up ot ein eral the sway. tad’ hart a No ding. {how Ie dat hurt. NA. Yow dont ck pg. tow She ike! i Na: bet LOW. What do you mean? AE Did you get clean before you ld it? Low: What for? Tim eeu, MAE: No youre not, You stink. ‘ow, She didnt mind. AE: (She placer he ironing boord alone the right weal and place the {armen thes prased ontop ofthe other preted clothes Taking {hse up now. Weil walkt the clini, You have tose doctor. (She Sorts patting on her shes.) Put on your hoe, Lloyd. walk here with you. Tow you won't get there if don't goth you, Get mow Mud at Ing, Lloyd (She take the clothes and goer othe dor.) Come on, (He ‘dem moc) Let's, Toy (He tnd ond oe forthe a. He olds {hea are watts or her to sit) Youre nt going tothe clini with an LOW: (He goes tothe cei ill holding the axon st.) Why not. ‘Mae: You can seen 2 Mee takes « brown paper ag from the mantelplece, opens the right ior, stepson the treshold and tre front sf she had ua ome rom ‘the cutie. She has an alt of sre. Lloyd seo the lf. He ap pearance har wormed. aE: went tothe clini, Loyd, And I told thets wht you have {LoD What did you tll them? MAE (Stepping into the room.) T tld her yout lk. And I tld them ‘what you have. LoD, What did they sey? MAE: They sid you have to go there, (At she gets the cha from the left ‘omer ad placer teeter) You have to go tothe elie They wont {ve yon medline tl you go uubtp Tm not going MAF: They have to ive you atest. They can’ give you madi til they ind out what you have. They eld you may have vomething bd. oro. What, MAE: (She sts) They did’ say (She take a pamphlet ont ofthe poper bag) They gave me this book. Lovo: What dow 89? MAK: (She places the poper bag onthe mantelpiece.) could’ eat. 1 tried to real tut Tea got Heary to real for you, He's outed, ‘zor: Why eat you read? ‘Mak Tes too aif. ‘Wow All that tie a schol ad you cant read ‘Mak Tre ord ie and twas too fit. That's why got Hesry to read ft becuse twas too dial for me, If ndvanoed. Tena anced yet, Tm intermediate. I cam read s lot of things but nt Maria Irene Forme 22 ‘his tm going to let Henry in 1oxb, (Reproachjully) 1 wish you could have reat. Az Me too. Iwi I could have read it. She opens the door ond was {to the li of the center chet.) Come in, Hem. (Henry entre and and bythe frploce. He lace his eft hand onthe mantelpioce) St ‘Born, Hoy (ieny als om the comer chet Mac clan the dave.) Heres Henry, Lloyd. He's going o reed fr you. wena; Are you drunk, Loyd? You lok dru, ak (Sting om the rg.) He's sk, He basa fever, tenn Has be been dnkingt toto Tam not drunk, LENIN, What wrong with hin Maz He ok "HENRY, Remember Ron, what happened t im. ‘orb: What happened ohm? [ENRY: He died.“ And what di he die off Lov, He dren til be did. ‘MAE Hi ver filed tmewnt, Why did bis liver fall him? Alcohol.—Why dd be drink? He rank because he owned aleobel. And why did he own alobal? He ‘ovnod alcohol because ho owned a pharmacy. And why did that ead a man to drinking? Because he kept leol in the pharmacy. —There ‘ourave two things alobol and time to donating. So what happens? You drink yours to death. So, you have aleohl, you drink l- You on'thavesleabol, you dot deak i You have money to Buy aeabol, you buy i You dont have mone to buy I, you dnt buy It—Does oy ave alcobel, Mac? aE: He has no money to buy it ‘MEH If Lloyd had money he would drink He bea drank MAE Ye, he woul. [HENRY be’ nota drunk fs because bes por. Lhe: He .~This sth Book, Henry. ‘nbn (Henry patron hs les. He reads each eton fst fo himself in ‘line coe, Then he reads tout loud stumbling through the word at igh spa Prostatitis and Prostata. Acute and chronic bacterial in fection ofthe prostate gland: symptoms, diagnosis, and treriment (Ge oats igor and tures the page.) Common spon of weve Prostatitis and” becterial prostate are fbele nes, Duck pans, Detnesl pain, iative viding, aching of the perineum, sexual ala, ‘rial poten, punfl ejaculation, and Intermittent dsuresh, ot bloody jaclation ‘10wb, What does thet meant Mod 23 say T don't know what meses, Lloyd, Thos re medial terms. 1 ‘eds study. Tis may neque the we of «detonary—« seca de onary. One that has modal terma-tecinial terme probably Aictonary that would have al ins of techie terme From har ‘ware and comtruetion terme to entific terme ike physic, "There reeah dtinarse (Short pore) You lnk allen, Lloyd az Hei swoon, "enn And your color is poor. at Show him your tongue, Lloyd. His tongue e white and bis breath ‘lls be, (Cloyd opens he mouth. Henry loks at Loy’ tongue) HENRY, What i wrong with you? Ae want him to g othe doctor but he won'. "ena: Why wot you goto the defor, Hoya Lon dont want tog, MAE: He il stay here and 0 owpel woot rot. Tse Td go. You said coldest yo NA le wanted to go up with ana, He's an anna. You dont go tothe ‘lini with an x. Yon cant do tha. ey: Why would you do that, Loyd? Elo ald do tT never went [HENRY, He doe sll bad. MAE: Hes rotting awey and he wont do anything sont it. You better dig {Your grave while you ean, Lloyd, Beate Tim not going todo it for ou. Told him to find usot apd dig I tle «trong person to ig {hat deep. Lear do tI would’, even if Teotld. Powe} Would yous ike some bread, Henry? T got sme batter. suena Ye, thank you Sku: Would you like some dinner? We ave soup. "MENHY, Ye, thank you. MAE: Stay then, havent started yet ‘bxnyT ol hank yoo, (Thay freeze.) Seene3 Mae places the pampiilet on the mantelplee, then takes the pot, pate ‘end tpeons and places thom on the table. They each tke «mpm end Maris Tene Fornes 24 late hen they pas hem to Ma, tho holds the plates inher honds af {he were about to put thom aay. Llod he on the floor, wndar the tele, Jocing front. Honry meses hs chair slighly to the lft. He end Mae hace ‘en talking. They both speak with phlosephicel objectivity cterthing wil be wed only once. We wil te thing once ‘We will ned fo do that a oar time willbe of valve an wil ot be featle Co spend i earing for thing washing them, mending them, repairing them. We will se aca til breaks down. The, see wil ‘scart, A radio or any machine or applance wil be dacarded as {oom asitbreaks down, We wll make acallon the lephone anda ew ‘one wile delivers. Already wr se place tht ue pepe cope, paper plats, paper towel. -Our He wil ot be wasted and we wil chose ow to spends ats don think Tbe wanted in sch « world, se, Why not? Maes.» Oh (Pune. in sch « wold person must be of value enn, Ob? Sikes fel Tam hollow and offensive. (At Mee place the dishes on the mantelpiece.) smexay. Why that? Mae think most people are [HExnY; What do you mean?—Explln whet you meen Nag doe eink ean Fyn am ot ofersve I dont tink Iam offensive thnk am a de- ats You ate decent, Henry. know you ate, and sols Loyd in i own HENRY: Then, what do you mean when you sey we are offensive? Mags moun dat we at base, and that we spend xt ves with small thing. {MENT ow’ fea do that, MAE: Dot be offen, Henry. You are nt base. OF all the people I “now you ae the finest You are the person Trespoct snd T fel most proud to kpow.-(She begins foot wt hm fay, peso by er- far) Uae none to tll to And sometime el hollow nd base ‘An fel T don't havea min. But whea tal to youd, {fel Thave {ind Why Is that? (She move lover tin.) Why it that some people ako you fel stupid end some people make you fel mat. Not {tart brea |x not mar. Bt sme people make om fel hat on Ihave omething ide you Ine your head. (She mover closer) Why Sit thet you ean tal, Henry, and Lloyd cannet talk? Why i that? ‘What saying, Henry that {watt you. That I want you bere with Mud 95 sme, That Love you ‘ay: Mag, hss unexpected, Mae Tt enespectd, Henry. HEN, Tave nothing to offer you Na Yes, you do. Twant you, a (She vars to move her head toward him soy and intensely) | “want your mind. sen My mind? NNAE (St moving her head tossard him.) Cant i, (She Rr him tn temaly. Thay loo ot each other.) say: Did you fea my mind? ke Yes Td. (Ghe Maes him agin) 1d. I wat you hee een Hove? NU: I want you bre "en To live hore? MAE I yo wl. (They froze.) Somme 4 Henry ets. Mae plots the ypoons ond pot onthe menelplce. Then, he {ake off hr shoe, ples ptr of trouers on the ironing board and pus cout the ironing board. Lod ets the box with the string from the [replace an eonds down let halding Mae rons. Dine, Just put it down, (He sande sll. She continues toning.) Pat it ‘dw Lloyd, (fe nde il) Henry gong to stay here with as Hes ting olive here. He needs a place and I want him ostny her. You (un Ieara from Henry. If yeu want to, he can teach you ove to ea. Pat the bor down, Tl tke t up tothe badroom. Henrys qaingto deep in the bedroom, He has «bad back sod he eds to seep inthe be. ‘You can loc here-—Get papers from the shed and Ly thm an the Ago, TH et you a blanket Tl ake I up now. (She faker the Bo from Lloyd and exits jt. He datraught. Heats on the chat on the Iejend ere Hep hs hd onthe abi and feces) seen 5 loos the toning Bord asin! the wall. Lloyd places the ptcher of Ma rene Forme 26 til ond the plate wlth bre on the table, Mae gets the plates and ‘ont. She place the moons in the cote aly ach pleat of er ny enters anda conter Lg lo ae er ke son ch lar reed not pen, a ikon here ‘ea co pattem, who pone one olay and kop thes Sor inact Ne tT rea. Heer krm he cm MAE: Do you say grce before sel, Henry? Fenn 1 do smetines ae AE Would you say grace? ax. Jou wat met, ar I do ‘our: (Crane hands) Oh, give thanks onto the Lon for he ood: for his mercy endures forever. For he stl the loging sou, fd ls the henry sul with good Ati We never sd race ths house, My father never did end 1 never learned how and nether did Lloyd —Llyd dd you bea ha? ley sll enemy hea ind hin if ad ut gone insie my heart. What wa you ei, Hemy? What were these words don retan the word I never do. find hard oan words lara. Its hard for metodo the work a snl. Teen werk on ‘yf al day atthe ironing board. Yan make myst do, even ‘0 red. Dat Teannot ake myself retain what [lar have no ‘emy. The teacher sas 1 have o memory. And it tue do. T Setar ig a rl a oh a ce wth the knowledge heat No veryhig, bu ment thing, make me el ofl, Bo von fal tat way, Hen” smeyny Tam ot sure. like to know tings Bet dn ronember what learned I dont think T'would fe any pleasure if T edet erembe hing, T would fo hat 1 don Sth ike lear thing 501 ean lve according to them, according tomy Knowle What would be the woof Knowing things if they dn seve you they dont help you shape your Ife-—Lleyd, do You take ena la learning yu forget wha you have eared? (Cloyd tks ot Mac, then at Henry again.) Mae: Lloyd dow ke leening things, "Loy, ike fearing things. ‘MAE: Why dont you then? [LLovo; What iT haven learned? (Nac and Henry lok teach other) Moa 7 az: Henry, would you sy grace again? "HENRY Agni? Mars ht wrong? Fey No, Obs ve thanks unto the Lard, for he ood fr ie mercy cures fovever, For ho steer the lng soul, and ile Ue bung ‘Sut'with goodness (hoe sob.) Why’ ane you eying? Dagan hungry woul am longing soul Tar an empty sul She ‘rics Tey with foy,Tssiafia me thea words hat spe oTovingly tomy smal (Mee eats Lloyd eos, Henry watcher Mae.) Dont be ‘doa tent rom our dhe, Henry. They are clea, (hey freeze.) scene 6 Loy places his plat and spcon ever Henry’ Henry place the pitcher ‘nd bread plate onthe mantelplece and exits. Mae places the plates and Spoons on the mantelpiece and ets the tetbvok. She ss conte and eos {2th aifiulty, She Jollee the writen word withthe fingers ofboth Hanah Her reading i pied. lo Usten to her and stares atthe rook ‘uae: The dari san animal, no sh. He is called fish beeaue he ives inthe water, The tat cannat ive oat of the water. I he Ino ed nthe shade he maybe abet iv tof the water for ud. ‘Serf et old and dead sa animal. They kee the water clean. A ‘atch a five arms kata, Thats why ies ealled static Bach 1 the arm of the arf hasan eye the end. These jes do ot lok The our oes, Asani’ eye cannot se. Bu they can tel tis nght or tay a rihanna can row anew one This ake aout ‘Year, Ataf ean lve fve or ten years or perhaps more, no oe realy inows (Lloyd slaps the Book ofthe able. Mae saps Lloyd. They fez.) seen 7 log pike up the book and place onthe down-et comme ofthe table He places th let chai agaist the ell end it. Ma tke o notebook ‘and penel from the manele. Sh tak the Book and ands on thew Mara Tree Fores 28, righ sde othe table copying from the book. Henry enters and stands on (he upp comer. "MENHY. What is Lyd to you? (There a pause) He's man and he's pot 1 blood relative So what is be to yout us tse ee hes HENRY: But he snot Everyone kaos ei not, What Disk: I dont know what you call what he. fT were fo stk myself T ‘would not Know what to sarwer, He's aot with me. You know he ot: Heleep down hee, [MENHYLfel Tam offending him. And he offending me So what ihe. Yar (Siting onthe sight fcing font.) What can I doy Henry, T dont ‘want you tobe offend. There's nothing lean do end there’ nothing You can do and there is nothing Lloyd ean do. He’ alvays ben hte, snc ne was ite. My dad recht hi. ie sa hat Lloed oas ‘0d boy and that he could laep me company He sald he wero and fired and he dda’ understand what a young pers ike pe waste, ‘That he had no patios lft and he war woaty of fe and he had no ‘more desire to make things work. He didnt want to lien to me talk sn he fel sorry oe me a and only He dit wart tobe mea to te, bt he did't have the patience. He as sick. My dad was god but ho wat sad and hopeless and wien my mom did he went to he with Iie: He got sick and did and he lft Lio here and Loyd and T took are of each other. 1 don tow what we sr. We ae related but ont know what to eal, We are at brother and sister, Wear ike animals who grow up togter and mate, We were materi you came here, bt not since then could ot bes mete aga, not while you se bere. Lam not an animal. Toate about thigs, Hen). do. Thaw some things that I never learned eft that I n't kno what ty te. Teannot grasp ther, (She goer on her kes ashe et shoul leans on the corner of the table) dont want to live Ike dog. (Pause) Lloyd is good, Heary. And this his home, (Pause, Sh looks 4p.) Whea you came here ought heaven had come oth place, hd Tl Feels. How can there be offense here for you (hey frocze) Seen § Lloyd places his chair by the table and ents. Mae place the notebook, ‘enc ond textbook onthe mantelpiece. She plces the ih ch tng Deane center and sits. She enape beans, Henry walk behind Mec and Mud 29 overs her eyes. He takes a emall package fom pocket and pul itn the Bout ‘Mae, What i? (He omcoces her eer. She emaps the package, Ie Tipstck)Lipsick «(eng pss the Htc out of the tube. He lakes anv out of ts pocket and hols fro of her) Aor (She hols he miror and pats om tek. She puchers her te. He ase her.) Oh, Henry. (Phy fees.) Scene 9 plac the pc, mir, and dh with string bromo the monic. She placer te trot citer nd a wy pcr the ‘Save nd lac ever the manips, etka the nawpeer Toru the ef cht rd the dou et corer nd a toad, ang. Miabow on he tale: Loyd ton he for, dono he nt Cat (rok sor lening on vas ending) This earn, cll hermit case he vin my hela oe loge to tren When hes the hes oral in the lf waters: When be go rere nt. be vere cere in Stall Stes hws the slot ther ho rab ie thea ig Somer i car lspll ot Smet Towner wi day mil ap tot Hany, He mothe sane Mas ant tera ods hens Hy Heoy fr ok a Mathes he (ik Ld ey es) Maria ene Fornes 30 AcT Two seene 10 “Henry enter lft arryinga notebook, pencil ond fo bile, Hes lft. “He trosfer figures fom the Billet the lodge. Loyd enter night. He ttands up-eontr. He reaches into hs pocket for a modial preripion ‘and stretches his arm in Henry's direction. He st 10 the right. The alts word representa stated, {oT They ve me thi, "in: Read chats on the paper while stil in Loe’ hand. e returns 10 ht poper) Thats dhe prsription for your medcne. Lxowb. They sald Tshould bay thn (Powe) They sid I should buy ENAY. Did you? vn: Why no LOD: I went to the clin, 'MEWRY. (Without Tooking at him.) Fm glad yo di {orb tack a while Thought they hept me long tne, Twent erly od ust came back rire, How do you feel? {Hot | don't fel tier. —L fel wore. ‘Mena: Why that? {WLOW. Thoy have ferumonts thre. They stuck ntruments in me. HENRY, What did they sey? ow, Uhave to take mediclne—pl, have to buy thems, They sd ave to noel the pls, vst Tm gid you went ow: Sietches hs arm fo show Henry the prsripton ) They gave me ‘th. Thy said T should buy this (He pul the proriptin om the feble) The sid T should buy Mesa (Wih contained anger} You should ge the medline, Lloyd You Mud 31 should take t and gett over with, You shoud tak the mediation and ft well You sould not wall around with an lines that's etog your Eds. et the medicine, Do at you are tl (They freeze.) see 11 “nny ets, Lloyd taketh bor of pil rom the mantelpiece and empties. ‘ton the table, He ts center. Mae enters ight, siping her wet hands seth her skirt. She as right. Loyd putea pill his mouth. & moment eter he pts ar: What are they? tow. Pill MAB: Lloyd.. What ae you doing? (te cleen his tongue.) Doss ites bad? oT. Yeah ati (She plls up the pill ands) Try Ie again. (He put 4 hi ‘mouth, Swallow it. (He eollous and choker. She ands by hn and ‘pushes the pl down is throat. She lok at him.) Did yo wal? (She ook a him) What do you fel? (He maker a foo. She son ts the pls nthe bo.) How did you et ther? 10m, (Defenicely) I boaght them. ook the money.—From Hens) “Prom his touses.~T took the money from his touser.—T don't ‘ure. He owes me mones.—For rnt.-For my bed.—He tok my bed.—Like a erab.—He got ito my bed ikea ereb.—1 took tT Ai steal, Because belonged to te. —Boenuse I nee to gt my ‘medicine And he over gure ste what e owed! el had fo ak 1m for And he never gave to me.I sted him And he never fuveittome.-Andiecamehere only to take things om mo.—Liko a ab (Bly enters et He en is undersoer. He caries Ne pant oer his lefearm. He holds a change purge in height and. He walk dove let cou lands there, He rata) rw Someone tok money Frm my pare. —Ther les money here ‘than [should have.~Sore ofthe money Thad i: gone sax: Loyd ook "HENRY (He ft) Wel, ell hm to give back MAE: He tool it for hi mode, Maria rene Forme 32 [HENRY He went to my purse and took it? LINE: He sede money for his medicine. (Pawe.) Would you let Loyd ave that money? ‘MeN Have Lloyd have my money? Powe) ie Het pay bak ‘ar: How le pay ack? Was (To lod) ny. (yd tok ot oe. Io py bl. How ld et mony to pay me Sct feme) How mich money ie take? mcs ptt er Td Ew ow mach ok ‘tu, How wil poy back ihe do’ now how much he okt ‘Pane al Re want fo ow bow mich ho ook nro 1 went to tm liie-And they pot tho nme tn tre —And they si ed oy tat men And Teel find ‘inet cip he buy that ein 1 wot to the pare had they dh py for e~Ad Hoy hd omy ut Pe soul py fran oa mye Ar ea ta oy hn ‘eran from me And That buy that med S01 nk he tony rom fim sy Ak we took i. trovo Tek t whi so tt How ch i oe? (Powe) NAB: Lloyd can’ count, Henry rem (ie takes money ou of the pure, pus it onthe table and counts {tHe dows mental subtraction.) Tel hm he took one By four. (Mae looks ot Lloyd) Is that what he spent? Does he sil have any ofthat ‘money? (Lloyd reaches nt hs pocket.) Tell him to potion the table. (Loy dos: Henry counts the money, then does mental subtraction, “He puts the ois I the purse and goes othe door) Tall him he oes ‘ne one thinty eight, And tll him wish bel pay Bek, (een, ‘Mae gosto the door andloks inthe ection ery hes walked. They freee) Mad 33 Scene 12 Moe puts a pair of trousers on the ironing board end puts the ironing bo nl pecs the or of pl on the mantelplece and sands on top of te table Low. There sa setson why Jt happened to him and nt to me. Nag: T wish had happened to you. [ow Halll couldnt have happened tome. Im trong He's weak and ‘ld. That's why he fll. (Dolng en exaggerated demonstration of omeone walling on dangerous ground. can walkon wet stones bd Shon fall Look can run on wet ones. Ten stand on my own two feat Lok (te mpl the floor and stands with hs eet apart) Ty tnd posh me. Gon. Push me, (She gnres him. He ump on the table Ia pron prion with hi log croed dh has under his hed.) Tie had drowned, ish he hed fallon in the water and drowned Hv cl His logs cola old ht, That's why be ell. (Be um to the flor nd rans across jmplng up tn the at making sounds os he f1e up ond doen, He doer ths sceral mes, shen Bode an athletic pe.) Ca he do that ‘uae Stil toning) No, be can Hes paralyze. He may be ripple. ‘Yu know he can d that! upto (Lis onthe fable with Ms hands wnder hs hed.) He coulda do {t before he fell. Thats why he fel, He's old. He as fling eper. "Thats why he fl, Now he can't even move.—Looll (He does several ‘cartiheal) Can ho do that? MAE: No, he ean, {ow (Strom table with i arme and esi a body ude’ pow.) ‘eas no masee,Twouldo fall fT had to walk on wet stones. can zn on met ones Like ths, (ie demonsretn.) T sh he had ell a the water. [ wilh be ad drowned. So now he can't walk. (Short par) Whos glng to ake car of his? (Lyd ests ight, The ound of eomling ts head, She fez.) Scene 13, Mae puts the ironing board alone the wall. oe enter lf withthe ‘Cp with oatmeal end the spoon: He place the ight char away from the {abies Henry enters. He sis onthe chatrto the right. Hits left ide paralyzed and deformed. Hs troaer are rolled to he knees He tba Maria rene Forse 3 cheted and wear altchen towel oa bib, He wear necieunder the {owel. He hava in cup of milk nlf hand. Loyd perch aginst the table next to Flory. le fds otmeal to Mim Henry moves the ‘atmeal around his mouth then he Tots Mt dribble out othe mits Henry's speech is tacomprehensble, ‘orp: Stop I cooping the spill ate from Henry’ chin ond bib ‘and putting it back i he mouth.) Stop doing that-~Don' do tht, (tery let the oatmeal out) You just ql that.—Cheve Swallow 1. (Henry lets the aimee! out Hod tert scooping) Stop eat ‘Stop dang hat! You better top that, Henry. (ey lets the oatneel ‘ut) Quit that. You fst quit that, lemy slap the cup of ik and ‘pits onthe lor) That it, Henry. (Taking Hey Bb off) You Bt your own food saogn Ie spill How. You did ton purpose, ny piled [Lon Noy It dt. You spied HENRY. Clean i How. No, T won. You clean it saw you do it You lean evn: Clean Hor Two lean. You clean HENnY. Clean Low. You sean it! TENRY, Mac (use) Mae. | (Powe) Mae, «1 as (ter, She care endl of athe ad cloning rag) Whats HENRY: (Pointing to the ml) Look at: What happened? (Mae puts the clothes onthe bench and stands by Henry withthe rg.) ‘manny He spilled tt ‘wom I it pil it He spilled daz, So cea io deny, Clean it Low. Tm going t kil him, Dike: Kl ht I you want— He ca’ talk strsght any more. (She sare ‘eiping the ootmecl of Honry.) Clea up the mil enn Clean (Cyd ahes Henrys ib ond stots wiping the milk) Mar: Did you fed the pi? how Yah. Mod 35 ar Did Henry et? {Low He spilled the milk NAE: Did he eet! (Lloyd down enwwer) Did he eat! (Powe.) Did ip Ha ate Why dnt yo any heat. (Mae wall tothe eft dor and ‘opens i) zon Tm going to Kl him. ‘Mae (Sana on the Weal and eure to Lloyd) Sl hn (They freeze) Moe ets. Lloyd places the Bi, the oatmeal cup ed poon, and the tn cup om the mantelpiece. He rakes the tertbook and sts center. He {mp to read. Heit make the sound of the letter Then, he peaks the ‘a ofthe letter and toc ith singer om the abe. "Then, he pus {the sours ofthe letter tether. Henry sto the right facing front. He ‘mimics Lloyd’ efort ond laughs alent coneutos Liow:s. mesa. How, St. feexn TS tot: A. Lav Stop that own. 11010 Sop, Heary! ENR. How. Ar Lior, Sa FE Sta, How Sta, (he lft door opens. Mae stands outside and Took in.) en Sea. ow F. ent F ‘Maria ene Fornes 96 ow. LB. wenn ow §. Fi EN 8. Fle LOD: Stop it, Cutt ou, Fh iar, Fish (Woe entrlft. She cares a bundle of lathes.) 10%» Fr ‘or Fh NE: Someone tok my money. Who dl (Neder looks athe.) Who ‘did! —Did you Lloyd , broad Fish, ‘yah AE, Did Henry? Di you take the money, Henry? (She cle the dior.) “Answer te. Dd you take the mony! Somes ook I You taf {yi Han oer. wow Ide take NAB Hand over toro Te take a 2 Who ok the ‘dow eay took MA Lp} He do take, He cant wa, {owe hecan You kaow be can Wal, Het, Show Mee how ‘can walk, Walk! He can walk. on ~ sus (Enraged) Wall Ft ee wal {ow Yonex walt Mat: Don't nye can walk Loyd He cat wall He dd tke the ‘mony. (She nis he Book) Whee you dog with ny bok Ue leer thn She pepe) What are you Stn? (he oes the ‘ok end hols prtetely) Do’ nes my bok smn te was mest (lug) Ma Sht op, Henry. Ibn He was sang “Fh” (He “MAE: Everything turns bad for me, ae (They freeze) Mod 37 Sene 15 Loyd exits. Mae place the Book on the mantlpece ond tans bythe ‘dowreright corer ofthe table. Henry ells othe lf and tl had ‘inte fly He handles ise. vem Mac, [stil el deie.—L am serual.—I have not ls my sexol {y.—Mae, make love to me. (Mae deem’ annwer. He continues ‘ching hse) You ae my wife want you ed these dss el the sume nods havent changod. (He holds on othe table and begs to stand) Mae, Ihave ot stopped wanting You.—T can make love to youl ean satisfy you. (Supporting himelf onthe table, he slides toward hor) I'am potent —I san make you bapry. Kise me Mac. (He grab her ers. Tell me yo al lowe me. Kime Lt me foal you clase to me You think» eile har no fing I'm mot Crippled io my pars. —Te gots hard (He puts he right am around her tear) Mae, Tlove you. (He holds her igher. He tans moving Mie pelvis agin her.) Tm coming, «(He slat siding down tthe floor) Tm coming... Tm coming... Tm coming.» Tm com: Ing (Ue coll. She fal om the chai. She stands and Vans agaie he tele) war You ean walk, Henry. You tok my money (hey freeze.) sien 16 Me ext eft. Henry an the lor trying tot on the cat. Lloyd enters ght. He Help Henry up an elves fly. Mae enters wth Henry ox nd yt ap n thea Henny, Don't Mae, Ake: (Throwing the borat Mim.) Get ot! (Cloyd ext rahe) ‘MEN. Don't throw things at mo, Mee! MAE: Yoo took the mone! ‘May: You hurt me, Mae! You thew tht bor at me and hurt me! ar You tonk the, fon 1 dia take aE: You tok it! Where st? (She move towerd him.) Maria rene Focres 98 ‘MENT dnt take (Qdae reaches i i right pocket. She pulls out wad of bl She grab hs ecu, ture back ad pale doen. Lloyd puts hs heed te through the loft door and Begins to enter. Mac and Lloyd! peak the folling ‘poco at thename time) ‘Mir: [feed you and I tae care of LLOYD: Kil him, Mae Kill hint oul And you seal frm te? KU hl (He dimby onthe table Youeat my food and yousleepin on all fours.) He' no god! Kill amy bed and you sta fom mel him, Mee! Hes no good! He’ You're pig, Hemy. You've the! swore then Loyal (Uenry fll of the chat. Ma fallsom her ner net oi. Loyd fps off the able. He lets out «hysteria ough) 1M.0WD Look be’ bleeding! (He chants end dance.) Henrys bleding! Henry’ bleoding! Heary’s bleeding! ats Shut wp, Lloyd (there lence.) ‘mewn It was my money. Loyd never pald me, He never pid me, He over pld me what he owed ne. aE: You could have let hi have. Just becase be abe are of you "You cold have lat hm have your money” He takes cre of you HENRY He nver pad me Ma (She Took up tthe sy.) Cant T have a decent le? (There i @ pose) 10%: But I ove you, Mae. HENRY Tove yo, Mae (They freeze.) sien 17 “oy place the box nid the freplce. He cles the left oor, Mae gts the empty box from the fireplace and placer it om the rght chair. She places the bundle ef women's cloths fom under the bench on the table Se pcg ern he or yd ands pt He woth hr leary lft Mua MAE: (Ashe packs.) 'm leasing, Lloyd. Ym going somewhere ds. im leaving you and Henry. Both of you are no god. gt rotten lack. T ‘work too bard and the we of yo ep sven my Blood Tm ging look for a beter place tobe. (Lloyd son the hair upstage ofthe {able} Justa pace where the two oyu are not sucking my blood. ‘Where T don't have my blood sucked, 10¥D. Dont, Mes. sent, Dont go. ‘MAE: Tn ging and thats hat. Lovo: Where are you guy? Nap don't kaow, Lloyd im ust gong. {ov Tl do what you sy. Naz: don eave what you do, (Cloung the box) You do what you wat. "Henry too. I don't ear what be dow. tow Stay, Mae town Piet Nassim going. You take cae of Henry, Loyd (She gow to the door) {oe Don't go, Mec. ent. Pee MAE: Coody (She exits trough the ight door and closes the door, Loyd tol for {fe seconds Hethen sto the door knocking down hs chal. He ext.) owp. (Shouting) Mac... (Henry makes «plaintice sound.) Mae. 1 ex Moe LOND. (Offage.) Mae... (Henry maker a palate sound.) Stop, Mact rasan Sop! (Lloyd enters running. He takes the rifle. Henry makes incoherent sounds Log exits running) iow: Mae. | Stop... 1 Stop, Mae EMR Me. LOW: Mee, op. 1 wen Mae. Tov, Mae! Mas! Mae! (Ashi heard. There lence. Another shots herd) Henne Plintoely) Mae Masia Irene Forme 40 (Lloyd appear threshold carying Mae, Shs denched in bled and smconetow. Lloyd tars to Henry.) 110 She's nat leaving, Henry (ry anne ng ae Mw ee. Mac bin A Like the start, ive inthe dark nd my eer se only a ut ght, Tes fait and yet i conrames me.I long for hit fort 1 would die foi. Lloyd Cam dying (Mae claps. Loy sobs. Henry let outa plaintive ery. Thy freeze.) The Danube

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