Statement of Deviations or Variations For The Quarter Ended Dec 31, 2016 (Company Update)

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Aniqnl Portldnd Cemenl Lld AI{JANI

{A sub6ididry of ch.iindd c.h.ii co'p.rciioi tin d)

nie BsE Ltd.,

Corpof ate Relationship Depanhenr
Phnozeieejeebhoy rowe6,


sub: St rnent of d.viarionkl o. EdattonG

sEBl luttlna obli!.rtons and Dis.tosure Re R.rularloB, 20rs ror
o{ endd Ocember 31. 2016,

Pursuantto Regulation 32 ot the 5E3t 0kting obti3atio.s and Disctosure

R"8rlafo,,f0l5. we *6h ro'.,o r voL lhar lh. enr,e qranlum of lurds .a6ed
th'oLeh lh. RShl! hrue hdve b.en fL v ut,t,zeo b*a.ds rrts pu
the Olier do.umenr and there have been no deviarions or varialions in the use
proceeds .aked from the Sights hsue,

Funheras srated in rhe offerdocumentth budgeted cost sti stands at Rs.86,65 crores
dnddepovTerrof aoproinartvRj.jlror.r s{it p.-dns
we requstyou to kindlvlak rhe sam. on recod.

ror Anjani Portland Cemenr Ltd.,

l llr-.

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