Extreme Perception and Animal Intelligence

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The article states that animals with extraordinary sensory can

perceive things and predict events with further than human being but
it is not a reason to be named as smart specie; however if they
develop and perform their skills to decipher intricate problems by a
voluntary cognition, they will sketch a real intelligence. Hereby,
showing an examples of the first Idea, the writings describes how
forensic dogs are 3 times better than x-machines to look for illicit
drugs or explosives, but that dogs are not able to discriminate and
discern which of them are illegal or why are banned. Another example
for the second statement is that people who suffer for seizure can be
damage by themselves, for them there is a trained pet called seizure
respond dogs which are able to react after the attack have started;
notwithstanding, not only can artful dogs go beyond of just response
to the Illness, also can they foresee the symptoms by their acute
sense of hearing or smelling. It is what Ms. Connie Stanley says about
it,they predict about 80 percent of their seizures, and dogs
apparently were trained as seizure alert dogs before they came to
her , but Most seizure alert dogs were trained to respond to seizures
not predict seizures.

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