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TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation

Product Overview SAILOR TT-3000E

add-on kit

TT-3000E mini-c GMDSS 28-12-2006 2

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS commission
Before use of the TT-3026C mini-C
transceiver on the Inmarsat-C
system it must be registered to the
system, which involves a little paper
work. This is done using the SARF
(Service Activation Registration
Form) supplied with the mini-C.
In addition to the general
information like name, address, etc.
the ISN of the mini-C MES must be
specified. The ISN is located on the
bottom of the mini-C.
When the mini-C MES is registered
at the ISP it is ready to be
used on the Inmarsat-C network.
The ISP has returned a
Mobile Number for the mini-C MES
and prior to operating the
mini-C MES it must be configured
with this Mobile Number.

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation


Outside view of TT-3616C Inside view of TT-3616C

The TT-3616C is designed to be mounted on a flat surface anywhere inside a

vessel and to be located up to 50 meters away from the TT-3026C mini-C
Transceiver and up to 20 meters away from the TT-3606E Message Terminal.

Grounding of the TT-3000E system
The best grounding is made by screwing the chassis directly on to the ships
structure (provided its made of metal). If proper grounding can not be made this
way, then connect the pre-mounted grounding wire to the ships structure. Find an
appropriate location as close as possible to the TT-3616C and shorten the
grounding wire accordingly. Terminate the grounding wire with the yellow ring
terminal found in the accessory kit.

The grounding wire delivered with the

TT-3616C has a length of 1 meter and
a wire cross section of 4mm2.

Grounding using 4mm2 wire.

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation

Power cable connections.

Connect the positive supply wire to the terminal
denoted DC+ and the negative supply wire to the
terminal denoted DC-. The Remote On/Off terminal
To help inserting wires into located next to DC- must be connected to DC- in
the terminals, a special tool order to turn on the unit. By combining this Remote
is delivered as part of the On/Off with the similar signal on the TT-3606E
accessory kit. Message Terminal and making the connection to DC-
via a switch, then all equipment except the printer can
be switch on and off by a simple low power switch.

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation

Connecting the 20m or the 50m cable to the TT-3616C.

In order to prepare the transceiver cable for mounting, start
by removing 20 cm. of isolation.

Finally connect the individual wires to

the 18 pole terminal block. It is labelled
by wire colour. Connect the Transceiver
cable as directed by these labels.

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation

RS232 cable connection.

Mount the RS232 cable supplied with the TT-3606E
Message Terminal. An extended serial
communication cable must not exceed 20 meters.

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation
Alarm panels can be connected to terminal
block J901, J902 and J903. The labelling of the
individual terminals corresponds to the labelling
in TT-3042C. To connect the TT-3042C Remote
Alarm / Distress Box, use up to 100 meter of
shielded cable with 8 wires and a wire cross
section of at least 0.25mm2.

In order to prepare the cable for mounting, start by

removing 12 cm. of isolation.

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation

CONNECTING Alarm Panel AP4365
TO TT-3616C.
The Alarm panel can be connected to terminal
block J901, J902 and J903.

Alarm Panel 3616C

Pin 2 (GND)----------------------------------GND

Pin 4 (RX ALARM IN)------------------I/O 2 (3616C)

Pin 6 (TX ALARM IN)-------------------I/O 0 (3616C)

Pin 7 (TT ALARM OUT)----------------I/O 4 (3616C)

Pin 3 (IN/OUT 1)-------------------------I/O 1 (3616C)

Pin 9 (VCC A IN)---------------------- +9V DC (3616C)

Remember +24V DC at the Alarm Panel X1 Pin 6 and

7 from a power supply.
The AP4365 starts beeping, if you bring the Sat-C into
test mode via the 3606E.

TT-3000E SSAS option Installation
The test button and the alert
buttons must be connected
to the TT-3616C
Interconnection Box. The
test button must be
connected to J1001 and the
two alert buttons must be
connected to J1002 and
J1004 respectively.
Match the wire colour code
with the label on the PCB.

TT-3000E SSAS option Installation

An installation with three alert An installation with four alert

buttons. Note the jumper W1002, buttons. Note that the contact
where the contact elements are elements of both jumper W1001
horizontally aligned in order to and W1002 are horizontally
enable an extra button on J1005. aligned in order to enable extra
buttons on both J1003 and J1005.

TT-3000E SSAS option Installation

Enabling of the SSAS option.

The SSAS functionality can be enabled and disabled by
entering the SSAS option code.

Remember there will NOT be light in the test button,

before the SSAS option is enabled, and the system
is rebooted

add-on kit

TT-3000E Troubleshooting

With the command ru l you will get the status of all connected
devices and show their status.

TT-3000E mini-C GMDSS Installation
3616C OK LED:
For normal operation the 3616C OK LED should be steady on when the system is powered.
A flashing 3616C OK LED indicates a software update in progress or a missing application.

The 3026 OK LED:

Should be steadily lit to indicate, that error free communication is detected between TT-3616C and TT-
3026C. After power up this LED will be flashing until correct communication with TT-3026C is
established (duration approximately 10 seconds). If the 3026 OK LED flashes continuously, then:
1) Check that the TT-3026C mini-C Transceiver is actually powered on by checking the 3026 on LED.
2) Check the Transceiver cable, especially the following
wires: Black/Blue, Grey, Black/Yellow & Black/Gray.

This LED is controlled by software and can only be trusted provided the 3616C OK LED is steadily lit.
If the SSAS option is not installed, the SSAS OK LED will be flashing. If the SSAS option is correctly
installed, the LED will be steadily lit.

This LED is controlled by software and can only be trusted provided the 3616C OK LED is steadily lit.
When one or more distress alarm panels are installed, the GMDSS OK LED should be steadily lit. In
case the GMDSS OK LED is flashing, then:
1) Check that the alarm panels are correctly wired.
2) Check that the +9VDC is not overloaded (shorted) by measuring more than 8V between +9V DC
and GND on each of the connectors J901, J902 & J903. If so, remove the overload. Each of the
connectors J901,
J902 & J903 are equipped with an self reset able fuse, thus after removal of the overload the voltage
should get back to normal.

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