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Talanta 52 (2000) 353

Book review

Analytic Methods in Physics by C. Harper. Wiley- of the book, on a web page or by e-mail from the
VCH, Berlin, 1999. 439 pp. ISBN 3-527-40216-0; author. No such information is given in the book.
45.00 Not even a complete address of the author is
The author writes in the preface that the book The problems at the end of each chapter are
is intended for undergraduate students in physics, rather simple at the beginning and more advanced
applied mathematics and engineering and that the at the end. The author does not seem to make any
goal is to provide essential mathematical back- distinction in the numbering of the examples and
ground for understanding fundamental physics. the exercises. The book also contains many print-
From an applied mathematical point of view, most ing errors in the examples, which may confuse the
of the mathematical topics are also interesting for reader. In chapters 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 no or very
chemists (physical chemistry, quantum chemistry, few physics related topics are exemplified in the
crystallography etc.), especially the sections on problems.
vectors, matrix algebra, Fourier series and tensors. Furthermore, statistical mechanics (probability
The author tries to cover as much as possible of theory, quantum mechanical distribution of laws,
different mathematical tools in a very concise way. Gibbsian ensembles, etc.) and group theory (crys-
Some chapters and sections are fairly detailed with tallography and quantum mechanics) which are
some very interesting and useful background. Also very important and indeed fundamental subjects
the historical footnotes of the mathematicians are in physics, are not covered or very sparsely treated
interesting and good. However, a majority of the in the book.
chapters are too briefly explained. The book is Taking into account the above mentioned criti-
very much a mixture of a dictionary like Beta cism, the over-all rating of this book cannot be
Mathematics Handbook by L. Rade & B. West- more than three stars of five possible where five is
gren (Chartwell-Bratt Ltd. (1988) ISBN the best rating. If you want a dictionary and a
0862381401) and some of the much more compre- more comprehensive book in applied mathematics
hensive books like, e.g. Mathematical Methods for I would rather recommend Beta Mathematics
Physicists by G. Arfken & H.J. Weber (Harcourt Handbook by L. Rade & B. Westgren and some-
Brace & Co. (1995) ISBN 0120598167). Unlike the thing like Mathematical Methods for Physicists
latter book, Analytic Methods in Physics lack for by G. Arfken & H.J. Weber instead.
pedagogical strength in many aspects. Some exam-
ples are given in each section, but where are the 2 March 2000 K. Andersson
answers to the problems? It is an absolute neces- Chemistry Department,
sity to have answers to the problems or at least to Glasgow Uni6ersity,
mention where to find them in order to learn the Glasgow G14 8QQ,
concepts. In a modern book written in 1999 one Scotland,
would expect either to find the answers at the end UK

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