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Why include levels of Performance

1. Clearer expectations

- It is very useful for the students and the teacher if the criteria are identified
prior to completion of the task.

- Students know what is expected of them and teachers know what to look for in
student performance.

- Students better understand what good or bad performance on a task look like if
level of performance are identified.

2. More consistent and objective assessment

- In addition to better communicating teacher expectation levels of performance

permit the teacher to more consistently and objectively distinguish between
good and bad performance or between superior, mediocre and poor
performance when evaluating student work.

3. Better feedback

- Identifying specific levels of student performance allows the teacher to provide

more detailed feedback to students.

- The teacher and the students can more clearly recognize areas that need

Type of rubric you can choose to create or use

A. Analytic rubric

- Most rubrics like recitation rubric mentioned, are analytic rubrics.

- Analytic rubric articulates level of performance for each criterion so the teacher
can assess student performance on each criterion.

- Using the recitation rubrics a teachers could assess whether a student has done
a poor, good or excellent job creating ambiance and distinguish that from
how well the student did on voice inflection.

B. Holistic rubric

- A holistic rubric does not list separate levels of performance for each criterion.

- Holistic rubrics assign a level of performance by assessing performance across

multiple criteria as whole.

The analytic research rubric above can be turned into a holistic rubrics:

3 - Excellent Speaker

. included 10-12 changes in hand gestures

. no apparent in appropriate facial expressions

. utilized proper voice inflection

.can create proper ambiance for the poem

2 - Good speaker

. included 5-9 change in hand gestures

. few inappropriate facial expressions

. had some inappropriate voice inflection changes

. almost creating proper ambiance

1 - Poor Speaker

. included 1-4 changes in hand gestures

. lots of inappropriate facial expressions

. used monotone voice

. did not create proper ambiance

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