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Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Minggu ke-1 (4x45 menit)

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015 Jam ke-1 s/d 4 07.00 10.00 kelas XII Pbn
Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015 Jam ke-1 s/d 4 07.00 09.20 kelas XII KI
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2015 Jam ke-1 s/d 4 07.00 10.00 kelas XII MM

Task 1
Complete the dialogue using the words in the box, then practice it in pairs in front of the class!

Desi : Hi, Andi. Its been a long time since I saw you. How are you doing?
Andi : Im very well, thanks. How about you?
Desi : Im fine, thanks. Ive ........ (1) right now. By the way, what do you do?
Andi : Well, I was ......... (2) for years, Desi. Now I work in the special order deparment at the auto
Assembly plant.
Desi : It sounds great. What hours do you work? You work ......... (3) dont you, Andi?
Andi : Yeah, thats right. I work all night and go to bed when .............. (4)
Desi : Doesnt that .................. (5) you? Staying up all night and sleeping in the day time?
Andi : ........... (6) I like working at night.
Desi : It sounds like you really enjoy your work, Andi.
Andi : Yes, I do, Desi. I really do ............... (7) your job?
Desi : Well, yes in a way. I work as .............. (8) at City Hospial, and I do enjoy contact with patients.
Andi : Wow, what .............. (9) I think you will be a great doctor someday.
Desi : I hope so. Thanks. Good luck with your job, Andi.
Andi : Ok, thanks. ................ (10) to you, Desi. See you.
Desi : Bye.

a. Good luck f. Got a job

b. An auto mechanic g. The sun comes up
c. Third shift h. A hospital aide
d. Dont you enjoy i. Not at all
e. A great job j. Brother

Task 2. Answer the following questions based on the dialogue above!

1. What was Andis job? ........................................................

2. What does Andi do right now? Does Andi work at second shift? .............................................
3. When does Andi go to work? How long Koes he work? .................................................
4. Does Andi love his job? Why? .........................................................
5. What is Desis job? Does she enjoy her works? Why? ......................................................

Task 3. Look at the passage below, then answer the questions!

(Surya Sentosa Sejahtera)
Interoffice Memorandum
To : All Department Supervisors
From : Oka Wiryawan (Personal Officer)
Sub : Summary of3/24 training session on improving performance
Date : April 1, 2011

Employess work best if they are happy. As a superisor, Three are things you can do to increase
employees job satisfaction. Make sure your employees understand what they have to do. Give
them proper and through Training so they can do well, and Give them opportunities to bring that
Training up to date. Make sure that employees have freedom to exercise their own judgment, to
offer their suggestions, and to point out problems. Most of all make sure that you tell them they
are dong a good job, not only during special assignments but when they maintain a high standard
of routine work.
Answer the questions in the table below.
How to increase Employees job satisfaction
1 Make sure your employees understand what they have to do
2 ............................................................................................................
3 ............................................................................................................
4 ............................................................................................................
5 ............................................................................................................
Task 4 Read this advertisement!

Enjoy our beautiful beaches!

Come and see the art Shop, Prambanan temple, and Ramayana dances!
See Mount Merapi!
Visit Sultan Palace!
Buy beautiful souvenirs!
Come and try our restaurants!
Call Savari Travel at 0274-832997

Task 5 Write an advertisement about your city or your Island!

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI tkr Minggu ke-1 (3x45 menit)
Selasa, 18 Agusutus 2015 jam ke- 6-8 11.00 13.30

Task 1 Fill in the blanks with the words provided in the box!
Draw toss a coin gymnasium crowd
Team captains Amateurs referee
Track suits players train match

I play Football for my Local ............... (1) against other sides in the area. Of course, the ............ (2)
arent paid, were just .................. (3) but anyway we ................... (4) very hard in the evenings and
were lucky because we can use the ................ (5) of a local school. On the day of the ....................
(6) we arrive Early, change, and put on .............. (7) to keep warm. Then the .............. (8) dressed
Black, calls the two .................... (9) to the center to ................. (10) to decide who will play in
which direction. Not many people come to water the game. We usually have a ................ (11) of
only one or two hundred. But we enjoy it, wheter we win, lose or ....................... (12).

Task 2 Match the words and expression with the meaning!

No A B
1 guest a. Membatalkan
2 What kind of you b. Kotor
3 Immediately c. Mengecek
4 Offering help d. Saya mohon maaf
5 Have a seat, please! e. Ada yang bisa saya bantu
6 Filthy f. Menawarkan bantuan
7 Customer g. Saya ingin bicara dengan
8 To cancel h. Memperbaiki
9 Would you care for some drink? i. Anda baik sekali
10 Mistake j. Silahkan duduk
11 Id like to speak to k. Pelanggan
12 I do apologize l. Apakah Anda mau minum?
13 Check m. Tamu
14 How can I help you? n. Segera
15 Fix o. Kesalahan
Task 3 Arrange
these jumbled words into good sentences!

Waitress : Good evening. (1) I What you can for get?

Guest : (2) see menu May the I wine?
Waitress : Certainly, here it is. (3) minutes over would like you a to look it few?
Guest : Yes, thanks.
(a liittle later)
Waitress : (4) you have decided?
Guest : I think so. (5) by these the come Glass do?
Waitress : Yes, (6) for except Champagne the
Guest : OK. Ill have a Glass of the Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio and my companion here, (7)
of the would Beringe like a Glass Pinot Noir.
Waitress : Perfect. (8) to you Ill them bring right.
Guest : Thank you.

Answer :
1. ..................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................
3. ..................................................................................
4. ..................................................................................
5. ..................................................................................
6. ...................................................................................
7. ...................................................................................
8. ...................................................................................

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI tkr Minggu ke-2 (3x45 menit)

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015 jam 5-7 10.45 -
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015 jam ke- 6-8 11.00 13.30

Task 1 Answer the questions below in a short answer ( + and - )

1. X : Do the children help their mother?
Y : ...........................................................
2. X : Are they your friends?
Y : ...........................................................
3. X : Are you a secretary?
Y : ...........................................................
4. X : Is the family happy?
Y : ...........................................................
5. X : Does he always act on the film?
Y : ...........................................................

Task 2 Complete the questions using WH-questions (Who-Where-When-Why-What-How). If you

finished it, discuss the answer with your friends!
1. .............. will you go next Sunday? (to Jakarta)
2. .............. do you want to visit? (My sons family)
3. .............. will you go to Bali? (on Monday next week)
4. .............. do you want to see Miss Andrea Flew? (I want to discuss about the book)
5. .............. are you going to travel? (by plane)
6. .............. will you stay in Ambon? (on Jl. Patimura)
7. .............. days will you be in Palembang? (May be about Three days)
8. .............. will meet you at the Airport? (My sister, Ani)
9. .............. dont you go by bus? (its too tiring for me)
10. .............. will you bring for her? (Ill Give her this painting)

Task 3 Add the question tags to the following statement!

1. They cant play volleyball, ......... ?
2. Dont move this vase, ......... ?
3. Mother cleans the room, ......... ?
4. My parents permitted me to go a picnic, ......... ?
5. The criminal are taken to the Prisons, ......... ?
6. Im a doctor, ......... ?
7. Lets join an English course, ......... ?
8. He should pay this house, ......... ?
9. We often jogging in the morning, ......... ?
10. Crocodile likes chicken, ......... ?

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Minggu ke-2 (4x45 menit)

Senin, 24 Agustus 2015 Jam ke-1 s/d 4 07.00 10.00 kelas XII TKR B
Selasa, 25 Agustus 2015 Jam ke-1 s/d 4 07.00 10.00 kelas XII TKR A
Rabu, 26 Agustus 2015 Jam ke-1 s/d 4 07.00 10.00 kelas XII Pbn

Task 1 complete the missing expressions to make a good dialogue by using the following
Good afternoon - And your name
Made a reservation - thank you
Would you like a singlet room - room boy will take you
For Three nights - not very much
May I have your passport? - here is your key

A : Good afternoon, Sir. Can I help you?

B : (1)....................................... . (2) ..................................... ?
A : Yes, Sir. Have you (3)....................................?
B : No, I havent. I just walk in.
A : I see. Well, never mind, Sir. (4) .................................. or a double room, Sir?
B : A singlet room, (5) ..............................., please.
A : Yes, Sir. (6) .......................................... , sir?
B : Brown. James Brown from Los Angeles.
A : (7) ............................................. , Sir. Your room No.227 on the second floor. The
(8).................... to your room. Have you much luggage?
B : (9) .................................. , only one suitcase.
A : (10) ............................ , Sir.
B : Thank you.

Task 2 Match the following words with their equivalent in the right column.
Left Column Right Column
1. Reserving a. type of flood
2. Drugstore b. booking in advance
3. Cuisines c. chemists shop
4. Suite d. complete set of room
5. Service charge e. some hotels add a service charge to bill
6. Rate f. charge

Task 3 read some professions below, then describe their jobs with your own words!
1. Accountant = .................................................................................................................
2. Receptionist = .................................................................................................................
3. Dentist = .................................................................................................................
4. Computer Programmer : ......................................................................................................
5. Engineer = .................................................................................................................
6. Electrician = .................................................................................................................
7. Oculist = .................................................................................................................
8. Salesman = .................................................................................................................
9. Director = .................................................................................................................
10. Architect = .................................................................................................................

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