DL LV 5 6 Final Vocab List

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Dynamic Listening levels 5 - 6 Class Word Set

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1. Abbreviate to make (something) shorter; to reduce 17. Research [noun] a detailed study of a subject in order to
(words learn new facts about it; careful study that is
etc.) into a shorter form done to find and report new knowledge about
2. According to as stated, reported, or recorded by something
(someone 18. Revise to make changes especially to correct or
or something) improve (something)
3. Additional something more than usual or expected; 19. Similar almost the same as something or someone else
something added 20. Specific clearly and exactly identified or defined;
4. Announcement a written or spoken statement that tells precise
people about something or exact
5. Anticipate to think of (something that will or might 21. Strategy a plan or method of achieving a particular goal
happen in the future); to expect, predict, or usually over a long period of time
to 22. Submit to give (a document, proposal, piece of writing,
look forward to
etc.) to someone so that it can be considered or
6. Article a piece of writing included with others in a approved
newspaper, magazine, or other publication 23. Summarize to tell (information) again using fewer words
7. Compare to look at (two or more things) closely in
24. Synonym a word or a phrase that means exactly or nearly
the same as another word or a phrase
to see what is similar or different about
them 25. Technique a skillful or efficient way of doing or achieving
or in order to decide which one is better something; a way of doing something by using
special knowledge or skill
8. Effective producing a result that is wanted : having an
intended effect
9. Emphasize to give special importance or attention to
(something) in speaking or writing
10. Focus [noun] a subject that is being discussed or
studied : the subject on which people's
attention is focused; a main purpose or
11. Instructions a statement that describes how to do
12. Lecture [noun] a talk or speech given to a group of
people to teach them about a particular
13. Organize to arrange or order things so that they can
be found or used easily and quickly; to
arrange and plan
14. Purpose the reason why something is done or used :
goal or intention of something or someone
15. Related connected in some way; belonging to the
16. Requirement something that is needed or that must be
something that is necessary for something
to happen or be done

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