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New Mexico Treasure Hunters Association

Constitution and Bylaws

The New Mexico Treasure Hunters Association was formed in December 2009 the purpose outlined in Article II of the
Association Constitution and Bylaws. 
Metal detecting is a rewarding and beneficial sport/hobby to be shared by any individual or family.  Its rewards are not
only material: because it is primarily outdoor sport/hobby it is a healthy pursuit and finds also contribute to historical

New members and detectorists are able to learn much from the success and errors encountered by the more
experienced members.  All are encouraged to protect and promote the advantages offered by Association


Adopted March 28, 2010. Subsequent Amendments are incorporated in the text and noted as Amendments with the
date enacted.

Name: The name of the organization shall be the New Mexico Treasure Hunters Association. 

Purpose: New Mexico Treasure Hunters Association is a friendly, collegial organization supporting and preserving
recreational metal detecting activity and providing fellowship among members through the responsible use of hobby
metal detectors. 

Section 1.  
The membership will be open to any person of reputable character willing to abide by the Constitution and the Bylaws
of the Association.

Section 2.  
Full membership dues (per calendar year) shall be $20 per year.  Secondary membership dues for a
spouse/domestic partner and Children (shared residence) of a member are $5.  Secondary memberships do not
include FMDAC membership, but members may opt in to the FMDAC for an additional $5 per membership. No
refunds are given for membership dues for any reason. Members are responsible for any fees charged to the
Association for any checks or payments not honored by the bank. 

Section 3.
Increases in dues: If necessary, an increase in the cost of dues may only occur at the beginning of a calendar year at
the discretion of the Executive Committee. 

Section 4.  
A. Dues for the 2010 calendar year are due April 17, 2010 and must be received no later than June 1, 2010. 

B. Effective December 31, 2010, membership dues for the current year shall be paid on or before January 31st and
no later than the monthly meeting in March of each year.  Members making membership renewal payments after the
March regular meeting shall be subject to a $10 penalty to retain their membership in good standing.

Section 5.  
Membership in the Association may be forfeited in the following manner:

A. Nonpayment of dues: Effective December 31, 2010, if dues are not paid before the March regular meeting, the
member will be dropped from the Association roster effective April 1st of that year and will lose all rights of

B. A member may be expelled for conduct bringing the Association or the hobby into disrepute, for breach of
Association rules, or any act considered to be not in the interest of the body of the membership. A member under
threat of expulsion will be given notice of the nature of the complaint, and have the right to reply to the Executive
Committee. Executive Committee may then meet in private session to consider the case before making a
recommendation. Decision of the Executive Committee is final.
Section 6.  
Member Referral Reward: To encourage new memberships, any member in good standing who recruits a new
member that joins the Association will be credited $5 (no cash value) per new member towards their own
membership. Only one credit may be awarded per new member (i.e. if a new member is a friend of Bill and Sue, the
new member much choose either Bill or Sue to receive the credit, but not both.)  For the referring member to receive
the credit, their name must be written on the new member's membership form when it is submitted, no exceptions.  A
maximum of a $25 credit can be earned per year and is non-transferable. To qualify as a new member, they may not
have ever been a previous member of the Association.

Section 7.
All communication with the club will be done electronically through e-mail and the NMTHA website.  If a member
requires meeting notices and other communications to be mailed via the Postal Service, there will be additional
$12/year surcharge to the membership fee.

Section 8.
Persons who have attended three (3) regular meetings or casual hunts within a 12-month period will be required to
become a member to continue to participate in Association activities.

Section 9.
At the discretion of the Treasurer, membership dues can be paid with an equivalent in bullion value of good condition
90% silver U.S. half dollar coins to be used for prizes.  Value of coins is set on the date the coins are delivered to the
treasurer using the Silver Coin Melt Value Calculator (or another similar standard at the
discretion of the Treasurer, should this specific valuation resource become unavailable).

Section 10.
A current and complete membership form and waiver of liability must be completed and kept on file for each member.
We will not sell or share this information and it will only be used in the course of Association activities and
communications.We may disclose personal information when we believe in good faith that we are lawfully authorized
or required to do so or that doing so is reasonably necessary or appropriate to comply with the law or with legal
process or authorities (e.g., a lawful subpoena, warrant, or court order).

Officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Robert Rules of Order will be followed as necessary and only a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer
shall be elected.  The President will appoint Chairpersons for any committees the Officers designate.

The Association shall be governed by an Executive Committee of four (4) Officers.  Officers for the 2010 calendar
year shall be selected by the President.  At the discretion of the Executive Committee, elections for officers, open to
the general membership, may be held in subsequent calendar years. Officer positions becoming vacant during a
calendar year shall be filled or remain vacant at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

Officers and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee:

President:  Shall preside at all meetings.
Vice President:  Shall assume the duties of the President in his absence and act as Program and Membership
Chairman and shall retain all membership records including contact information for members.
Secretary: Shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings. Secretary shall be responsible for
general Association correspondence, e-mail and any Postal Service mailing requests.
Treasurer: Shall be custodian of the funds of the Association, such funds to be deposited in a bank and paid out only
upon authorization by two of the following members:  President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer. Treasurer
will administer any PayPal, Google Checkout or similar belonging to the Association. The Treasurer shall keep an
itemized account of receipts and expenditures and present a full report at the monthly meetings of the Society.
Treasurer will oversee any fund raising activities, raffles, sales and the like and report same. Treasurer will also be
custodian of any awards or prizes procured with Association funds, donated or paid into the Association. Treasurer
will administer or oversee any raffles or fundraising activities which benefit the Association.

There may be the following chairmen and/or standing committees and such others as may be necessary from time to
time to promote the object and interests of the Association.
Research:  Obtain information pertinent to any project to be undertaken by the Association.
Group Hunts:  Locate and make arrangements for group hunts or field trips.  Seek permission of property owners in
fulfillment of current projects.
Photographer, Recorder and Custodian:  Care of any scrapbook, pictures or video made on projects or field trips
and of articles and pertinent information pertaining to activities and findings.
Public Relations:  Handle all publicity and correspondence for the Association.
Editorial: Oversees any newsletter, production and distribution and website design and content.
Librarian:  Shall have custody of the Association library.  Keep books in good condition, keep accurate records of
books loaned to Association members, and bring books to monthly meetings.

The Association will meet at least once a month during the months of March through November at a regular family-
friendly public place, date and time to be designated by the Executive Committee. Meeting dates and locations will be
published on the Association website.

All procedures not covered in the above articles will be governed by the ordinary rules of parliamentary procedure.

Section 1.  
Members shall be responsible for the conduct of their invited guests as well as the items found by their guest.

Section 2.  
Persons under sixteen years of age must be accompanied by a responsible member, parent or guardian while
attending any Association function.

Section 3.  
No individual member acting alone may use the name of the Association to enter or gain access to any property or to
evade responsibility for his actions while on the property of another.

Section 4.  
Only Association members may participate in closed group or planted hunts. Events other than regular meetings may
also be restricted to members only at the discretion of the President.

Find of the Month contest is a monthly meeting activity to see the finds of others and learn about their experiences.
Contest will be held monthly, January through November at regular meetings.  If there is no regular meeting in a
given month, no contest will be held.

1) There are four categories for Find of the Month: Coin, Jewelry, Relic and Good Samaritan.  Coin, Jewelry, and
Relic entries must be found with a metal detector or while using a metal detector in the calendar month preceding the
contest (i.e. at the September meeting the contest is held for August Find of the Month, and that item must have been
found in the month of August). If a meeting is not held, there will be no contest for that month. "Stockpiling" of item(s)
found for entry at a later meeting is not allowed.  

Coin and jewelry categories are self-explanatory.  The relic category encompasses any other finds made while using
a metal detector - tokens, locks, buttons, marbles, bottles, etc.  In the case of a "cache" or pocket spill of coins, while
the items were discovered together, only one item from the find may be entered.

Good Samaritan of the month may be awarded to up to two members in any given month.  Eligibility for award is
evaluated and recipients are selected by the Executive Committee. Good Samaritan is awarded for verified acts of
public service either while using a metal detector or other volunteer service in the name of the New Mexico Treasure
Hunters Association.  Examples include volunteering at a soup kitchen, organizing a park cleanup, or helping to find
lost keys or jewelry items for individuals. Members may enter the Good Samaritan contest during the month the act of
service was completed or the month immediately following.

2) All Officers including President and/or presiding officer and members in good standing may enter one item per
category.  Member must be present at monthly meeting to enter and win. Submitting items for others is not permitted.

3) Winner in each category is determined by a majority vote of members in good standing present at the meeting.
Only one vote is permitted per category, per member. Voting may be conducted by show of hands or paper ballots.
President or officer presiding over the meeting shall abstain from voting unless there is a tie, in which case the
presiding officer will cast a vote to break the tie. 

5) Only one item may be entered per member, per category and no item may be entered in more than one category.

6) No finds that were seeded or planted to be found in any organized or competition hunt may be entered.

7) It is the responsibility of members placing finds on the table for judging to have a slip of paper with the item
identifying: the category entered (coin, jewelry, relic), the member's name and a description of the find. Other
placards, cards or a display detailing the find are allowable. Be prepared to discuss how and where you made your

8) President or presiding officer shall determine the deadline for all entries to be completed and a time for voting
during each meeting.

9) President or presiding officer is final arbiter of any irregularities or disputes arising from the Find of the Month

10) At the discretion of the Executive Committee, if the Find of the Month contest becomes contentious and
troublesome it will be terminated.

11) Participation in Find of the Month is voluntary and on the honor system. Misrepresentation or submitting entries in
violation of the contest rules will be grounds for forfeiture of Association membership.

"No whining" Policy: Whining is defined as “complaining or protesting in a childish fashion.” This type of criticism is
not in the spirit of the Association nor does it advance our mission. We seek to create solutions and build unity.
Members identifying problems or areas for improvement should be willing to volunteer to work towards solutions to
the challenges they identify. Members making the greatest contributions of volunteer time to the Association will have
the most influence in guiding the character, policies and activities of the Association.

After December 31, 2010, Amendments must be presented to and voted on by a the members present at a regular
meeting. Each member and officer in good standing present at the meeting shall be entitled to one vote. For the 2010
calendar year, majority vote of the Executive Committee will be sufficient to make Amendments and Revisions to the
Constitution and Bylaws as they deem necessary and proper.


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