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Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS, INTRODUCTION implants extend above the bone
Chairman and through the soft tissues dur-
redictable formation

Jack Hahn, DDS ing early bone remodeling.46 This
of a direct bone-to-
Kenneth W. Judy, DDS surgical approach has been called
implant interface is
Jack E. Lemons, PhD a 1-stage or nonsubmerged im-
a treatment goal in
Leonard I. Linkow, DDS, MDS plant procedure because it elimi-
implant dentistry.
Jamie L. Lozada, DDS nates the second-stage implant
The 2-stage surgical
Edward Mills, DDS uncovery surgery. As a result,
protocol established by Brane-
Craig M. Misch, DDS, MDS the discomfort, inconvenience,
mark et al1 to accomplish os-
Henry Salama, DDS, MDS and appointments of the surgery
seointegration consisted of
Mohamed Sharawy, PhD and suture removal are elimi-
Tiziano Testori, MD, DDS several prerequisites, including nated. In addition, the soft tissue
Hom-Lay Wang, DDS, MDS (1) countersinking the implant is more mature before fabricating
below the crestal bone, (2) obtain- a final prosthesis.
ing and maintaining a soft-tissue
covering over the implant for 3 to
6 months, and (3) maintaining IMMEDIATE LOADING
a minimally loaded implant en-
vironment for 3 to 6 months. The Literature review
primary reasons cited for the Immediate loading of a dental
submerged, countersunk, surgi- implant not only includes a non-
cal approach to implant place- submerged 1-stage surgery, but it
ment were (1) to reduce and also actually loads the implant
minimize the risk of bacterial with a provisional restoration at
infection, (2) to prevent apical the same appointment or shortly
migration of the oral epithelium thereafter. Immediate loading
along the body of the implant, was the initial protocol suggested
and (3) to minimize the risk of with dental implants. These im-
early implant loading during plants yielded a wide range of
bone remodeling.1 After this pro- clinical survival.711 A direct bone
cedure, a second-stage surgery interface, on occasion, could be
was necessary to uncover these developed and maintained for
implants and place a prosthetic more than 20 years.12
abutment. Predictable, long-term, Initial studies of immediate
clinical rigid fixation has been loading, with a primary goal of
The Immediate Function Consensus
Conference was conducted on November 7, reported after this protocol in a direct bone-implant contact,
2003, at the Westin Diplomat Resort and patients who were either com- have been proposed for overden-
Spa in Hollywood, Fla, as part of the 52nd pletely or partially edentulous.2,3 tures in patients who are com-
annual meeting of the AAID. During the past 15 years, pletely edentulous. These studies
Address correspondence to the committee several authors have reported have shown encouraging results.
Chairman, Carl E. Misch, DDS, MDS, at that root-form implants may os- In 1986, Babbush et al13 reported seointegrate, even though the on patients who were completely

Journal of Oral Implantology 283


edentulous with overdentures. replacements in the esthetic zone. with no direct occlusal load with
Four threaded implants were in- Both authors suggested that the in 2 weeks of implant insertion
serted in the anterior mandible temporary restoration remain out and is primarily considered in
and splinted together with a bar- of direct occlusal contact while patients who are partially edentu-
and-clip system 2 months after the bone interface matured. All lous. Nonfunctional early restoration
implant insertion. The authors implants in those initial reports describes a restoration in a patient
reported an 88% implant survival survived during the evaluation who is partially edentulous de-
over an 8-year period with 1739 period. livered between 2 weeks and 3
implants. In 1997, Chiapasco months after the implant insertion
et al14 reported on 226 consecu- (Table 1).
tive patients with mandibular
overdentures with 904 implants
inserted between the mental INDICATIONS FOR IMMEDIATE
foraminae and an average of 6.4 Immediate restoration of dental RESTORATIONS
years of function with 96.9% implants not only includes a non-
As a general rule, the delayed-
implant survival.15 More recent submerged 1-stage surgery, but it
healing approach is the most
reports by Gatti et al16 and Chia- also implies that the occlusal
predictable for osseointegration
pasco et al17 about the use of surfaces and implants are loaded
in implant dentistry. It depends
overdentures have continued to with a provisional or definitive
less on patient cooperation rela-
demonstrate implant survival restoration. Discussions have
tive to diet, maintenance, and
rates above 96%. evolved whether a restoration
parafunctional habits. Therefore,
Immediate loading for com- must be delivered at the time of
if the patient is able to wear a
pletely edentulous mandibles for surgery for this description. Be-
removable restoration and does
fixed prostheses was reported by cause the restoration is not truly
not have a concern relative to the
Schnitman et al18 in 1990, who loaded immediately after implant
delayed-treatment approach, it is
used 28 screw-shaped implants in insertion, regardless of the tech-
prudent to use the long-estab-
10 patients. Later, in 1994, Henry nique, an agreement should be
lished protocols of delayed load-
and Rosenberg19 performed a pro- established as to what guidelines
ing. However, these 2 options
spective clinical trial to evaluate and language may be acceptable
delay the fabrication of the final
immediate loading for patients to a majority of the profession. In
restoration by 3 to 6 months.
who had completely edentulous this report, the immediate occlusal
Some patients cannot tolerate
mandibles. In 1996, Biglani and loading protocol is an implant-
a removable prosthesis. Many
Lozada20 did a retrospective re- supported temporary or defini-
others are able to wear the device
port of 4 patients who were tive restoration in occlusal contact
but are not comfortable or dislike
completely edentulous after 3 to within 2 weeks of the implant
the movement during function or
6 years of function. This article insertion. Early occlusal loading
speech. Others do not wish to
found a 100% implant survival. In refers to an implant-supported
wait for 3 or more months before
1997, Tarnow et al21 presented 10 restoration in occlusion between
receiving teeth to replace their
patients who were edentulous in 2 weeks and 3 months after im-
missing dentition. Given the op-
both the maxilla and the mandi- plant placement and may use the
tion, these people desire a fixed
ble over a 1- to 5-year period with time period in parentheses (ie,
transitional or final prosthesis as
a 97% survival rate for implants, early [5-week] occlusal loading).
soon as reasonable after the im-
which were immediately loaded Delayed or staged occlusal loading
plant insertion.
and splinted together to also refers to an implant prosthesis
The suggested contraindica-
support a full-arch prosthesis. with occlusal load after more than
tions, in general, for consider-
The initial reports for imme- 3 months postimplant insertion.
ation of an immediate loading
diate loading in partially edentu- The delayed occlusal loading ap-
protocol include the following:
lous and single-tooth implants proach may use either a 2-stage
are more recent. In 1998, surgical procedure that covers the 1. Severe metabolic disease
Misch22,23 reported on 10 consec- implants with soft tissue or a 2. Inadequate bone volume for
utive cases for both single and 1-stage approach that exposes a correct implant placement
multiple adjacent missing teeth. portion of the implant at the initial 3. Very poor bone density (D4)
In the same year, Worhle24 evalu- surgery. Nonfunctional immediate 4. Severe parafunction (eg, brux-
ated 14 consecutive single-tooth restoration is an implant prosthesis ing, clenching, tongue thrust)

284 Vol. XXX / No. Five / 2004

Carl E. Misch et al

5. Noncompliant patient types TABLE 1

(eg, diet limitations, gum Immediate loading terminology
1. Immediate occlusal loading
 Occlusal load to an implant prosthesis within 2 weeks of implant insertion.
2. Early occlusal loading
 Occlusal load to an implant prosthesis between 2 weeks and 3 months
SUGGESTED GUIDELINES after implant placement. The actual time may use the number of weeks in
parentheses (ie, early [5 weeks] occlusal loading).
There are 4 different patient 3. Nonfunctional immediate restoration
groups for the immediate occlu-  An implant prosthesis in a patient who is partially edentulous delivered
within 2 weeks of implant insertion with no direct occlusal load.
sal loading protocol:
4. Nonfunctional early restoration
1. Patients who are completely  An implant restoration delivered to a patient who is partially edentulous
between 2 weeks and 3 months after implant insertion.
edentulous desiring a fixed
5. Delayed or staged occlusal loading
 Occlusal loading to an implant restoration more than 3 months after
2. Patients who are completely implant insertion.
edentulous with an implant 6. Two-stage delayed occlusal loading
overdenture  The soft tissue covers the implant after initial placement. A second-stage
3. Patients who are partially surgery after 3 months exposes the implant to the oral environment.
7. One-stage delayed occlusal loading
edentulous replacing several  The implant is positioned slightly above the soft tissue during the initial
teeth with a fixed prosthesis implant placement. The implant is restored into occlusal load after more
4. Patients who are replacing than 3 months.
a single tooth
Each of these patients may addressed in the literature. The The fixed prosthesis in the
present a different benefit, risk suggested guidelines for a man- maxillary arch for the patient
factor, and clinical approach. dibular implant overdenture are who is completely edentulous
Ideally, the immediate loading presented in Table 2. has been evaluated in the litera-
protocol should be limited to ture for only the past 6 years. As
patients who have the most to such, a more cautious approach
Fixed restorationcompletely
gain and the least to lose. The is warranted. The panel agreed
patient who is completely eden- this procedure was in the low
tulous and unable to tolerate a The benefit-risk relationship for
removable restoration is an a patient with completely eden-
example. To the other extreme, tulous mandibles who desires TABLE 2
the single tooth missing in the a fixed prosthesis is high. The Immediate loading suggested
guidelines for overdentures
mandibular second molar region patient who is completely eden-
has little benefit for immediate tulous for a fixed restoration that 1. Completely edentulous
loading and therefore has a lower has adequate bone in the mandi- 2. Abundant to moderate bone
benefit-risk ratio. ble for at least 1 implant in the height and width.
bilateral posterior regions and 3. Prosthetic space 12 mm.
4. Opposing a maxillary denture.
another in the anterior region 5. At least 4 implants inserted
Overdentures has been evaluated for more than between the mental
In general, patients with com- 13 years. A biomechanical ap- foramenae.
6. Screw-type implants 10 mm
pletely edentulous mandibles re- proach to reduce implant-bone long and 4 mm wide at the
stored with an overdenture are at interface overload is to load 5 or crest module.
the least risk of occlusal overload more implants to support the 7. When possible, the implants
should engage the opposing
for immediate loading protocols. immediate restoration. Regard- cortical plate.
This approach has been presented less of whether the protocol loads 8. Splint implants together with
15 years ago and, along with all the implants inserted or loads a bar or a fixed bridge.
9. Minimum cantilever on bar
more recent reports, suggests 4 specific implants by location, size, (1 3 A-P* distance).
or more implants splinted to- and bone quality, at least 5 10. Sleep without the prosthesis.
gether to support the restoration. threaded implants .10 mm are 11. Severe bruxism contraindi-
To this date, maxillary overdent- suggested for the final restoration
ures have not been adequately (Table 3). *A-P indicates anterior-posterior.

Journal of Oral Implantology 285


TABLE 3 the patient because of psychologic

Suggested guidelines for immediate loading complete
or abutment-support reasons. In
edentulous fixed prostheses* these patients, the benefit-risk
Surface-area factors
ratio is increased. This procedure
has only been evaluated only
1. Implant number
 Eight or more splinted implants for the completely edentulous maxillary
since 1998 and has the fewest
arch and 5 or more splinted implants for the mandible. More implants if clinical studies. The patient who
the bone is poorer in quality (D3) or force factors are greater (eg, crown is partially edentulous and miss-
height, mild to moderate parafunction).
ing several adjacent teeth should
2. Implant size
limit the use of immediate resto-
 At least 10 mm long and 4 mm wide.
 Larger-diameter implants in the posterior molar regions of the mouth. If
ration to the esthetic zones, where
larger diameter is not possible, greater implant number is suggested (eg, 2 1 implant may be inserted for each
implants for each molar). tooth. The transitional restoration
3. Implant design should avoid occlusal contact to
 Threaded implants. decrease the risk of parafunctional
4. Implant surface condition
overload. The suggested guide-
 Rough surface area implants.
lines are listed in Table 4.
Force factors
1. Patient conditions Single tooth
 Mild to moderate parafunction, and muscular dynamics require more
implants. The immediately restored single-
2. Implant position tooth implant has an increased
 In the completely edentulous maxilla, anterior implants should be at least risk of failure of about 5% in the
in the bilateral canine position and posterior implants in the first to second first year and has also been
molar position for the largest anterior-posterior dimension. In the evaluated for the least amount of
mandible, at least 1 implant in the anterior section and 1 in each posterior
region is necessary. The largest anterior-posterior dimension possible time in the literature. The final
should be used. restoration should not be com-
3. Occlusal contacts promised in appearance or health
 Only anterior occlusal contacts in the transitional restoration (first because a resin retained fixed
bicuspid to first bicuspid).
4. Cantilevers
temporary is usually possible,
 No posterior cantilevers should exist on transitional restorations in either and therefore less benefit may be
arch. appreciated for the fixed transi-
5. Occlusal load direction tional restoration. Both soft and
 Narrow occlusal tables and no posterior offset loads on the transitional hard tissue should be ideal, and
prosthesis. the implant size should obliterate
 Long axis loads to the implant bodies whenever possible.
the socket yet not be positioned
6. Diet
 Soft too close to the adjacent teeth or
*The cemented transitional restoration should be screw retained or use a definitive
too facial in position. Hence, the
cement (eg, polycarboxylate or glass ionomer cement) rather than a more temporary, use of this procedure is more
weaker cement. guarded than the other patient
categories, when ideal conditions
do not exit (Table 5).

benefit-risk category. Patients can 2 in the canine bilateral position

tolerate a maxillary denture, and (Table 3).
the bone volume and density is
usually poorer than the edentu- The delivery of care for patients
Partially edentulousmultiple
lous mandible. Additional im- missing 1 or all of their teeth very
adjacent teeth
plants are suggested to improve often requires implants to restore
the biomechanical load condi- The patient who is partially eden- function, esthetics, bone and soft-
tions. Most reports indicate at tulous, missing 2 or more adjacent tissue contours, speech, and in-
least 8 screw-type implants 10 teeth, and requesting immediate traoral health. The delayed occlu-
mm or longer should be used. restoration is a moderate benefit- sal loading protocol, either the 1-
Two of these implants should be risk ratio. A partial denture may or 2-stage approach, has been
in the bilateral molar position and not solve the esthetic concerns of evaluated for more than 30 years

286 Vol. XXX / No. Five / 2004

Carl E. Misch et al

by a number of clinical settings TABLE 4 TABLE 5

and situations. However, in Immediate loading suggested Immediate loading guidelines
some patient conditions, the guidelines for patients who are for single-tooth replacement
delayed-healing process can partially edentulous (missing 2 or
1. In the esthetic zone
more adjacent teeth)
cause physchologic, social, 2. Ideal soft-tissue conditions
speech, or function problems. A Patient conditions 3. Ideal bone condition
full range of treatment options 1. Esthetics zones 4. Ideal implant position
Implant number 5. No occlusion on transitional
relative to the initial hard- and restoration
soft-tissue healing is available. 1. One implant or tooth when 6. D1, D2, and D3 bone type in
possible region
Immediate restoration of a patient Implant size 7. Screw, shape implant body
after implant surgery is one of 1. At least 10 mm long and 4 8. 12 mm long (engage cortical
these alternatives. mm wide (when possible) bone at apex where possible)
A benefit-risk ratio may be 2. Larger diameters for molars 9. Soft diet
Implant design 10. Cement the transitional pros-
assessed for each patient condi- thesis with definitive cement
1. Screw-type implant
tion to ascertain whether imme- or screw retain
Implant surface condition Contraindication
diate occlusal loading is 1. Rough 1. Parafunction habits that load
a worthwhile alternative. The Occlusal contacts the transitional restoration (eg,
greater the benefit or the lower 1. No occlusal load for at least gum chewing)
the risk, the more likely immedi- 2 to 3 months 2. Hard foods
ate loading is considered. A com- Cantilever
plete edentulous mandible 1. No cantilever load
restored with an overdenture Diet
1. Soft multicenter studies, immediate
supported by 4 or more implants
Parafunction occlusal loading will be a second-
is a very low-risk condition. If the
1. No gum or pencil chewing ary treatment option, restricted
patient cannot tolerate a mandib- 2. No tongue thrust on a case-by-case basis.
ular denture and does not wear
the device, an immediate loading
protocol would be highly benefi-
cial. The traditional 2-stage ap- REFERENCES
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