FactSheetWashington State University CS

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Graduate Studies in

Degree offered: Master of Science in Computer Science
Faculty working with graduate students: 55
Graduate students: 22
Graduate students receiving assistantships or scholarships: 27%
Program offered: Pullman, Tri-Cities
Tests Required: GRE (Combined), TOEFL Minimum score 93
Priority Deadline: Fall - January 10th; Spring - July 1st

Statement of Purpose & (3) Letters of

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science offers an outstanding education, providing DEGREE REQUIREMENTS
first-rate preparation for careers in Electrical
Engineering, Computer Engineering and Computer The program must consists of 33 or more hours of
Science. US News and World Report ranks WSU's credit including 24 or more hours of coursework for
Electrical Engineering graduate program 68th which a grade of A-F is given and 9 or more credits
among nearly 180 PhD granting EE programs in of thesis research (EE or Cpt S 700).
the U.S. (3) Letters of Recommendation; Statement of
Purpose and Transcripts
With 36 tenure-track faculty members, 8 full-time Sidra Gleason
instructors, and $2.6M (3-yr running average) in Academic Coordinator
annual research expenditures, the School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Pullman, WA 99164-2752
(EECS) consistently ranks among the top 100 Telephone: 509-335-6636
electrical and computer engineering schools Fax: 509-335-3818
nationally by U.S. News and World Report. E-mail: sidra@eecs.wsu.edu


Research Positions in National Laboratories,
Positions in Leading Companies across the
country. Faculty positions at universities.


Intel, PNNL, Microsoft, SEL, Hewlett Packard,
Amazon, Telecom, Expedia,

Roger Alexander, Ph.D. Communications, Opto ICs and Antenna,
Research Interests: Software Engineering, Janardhan Doppa, Ph.D. Opto Device Modeling, Microelectronics Min Kim, Ph.D.
Computer Security Research Interests: Machine Learning dheo@wsu.edu Research Interests: Distributed Computing,
rtalexander@wsu.edu jana.doppa@wsu.edu Computer Networking
Lawrence Holder, Ph.D. minskim@wsu.edu
Venera Arnaoudova, Ph.D. Anamika Dubey, Ph.D. Research Interests: Mathematical Modeling
Research Interests: Software Engineering Research Interests: Developing methods and Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, George Larue, Ph.D.
varnaoud@eecs.wsu.edu and analytics to facilitate an efficient, Graph Theory, Data Mining, Computer Research Interests: Microelectronics, High-
venera.arnaoudova@wsu.edu secure, resilient, adaptable, and economic Security, Artificial Intelligence Speed Interconnects and Switches,
power supply holder@wsu.edu Broadband Satellite Communications,
David Bakken, Ph.D. anamika.dubey@wsu.edu Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design
Research Interests: Fault Tolerant Scott Hudson, Ph.D. glarue@wsu.edu
computing, Distributed Quality of Service, Thomas Fischer, Ph.D. Research Interests: Radar Imaging, Radar
Distributed Object Middleware, Distributed Research Interests: Source Coding and Astronomy, Optical Signal Processing, Robert Lewis, Ph.D.
Computing Quantization, Digital Signal Processing, Electrophysics Research Interests: Wavelets, Scientific
bakken@wsu.edu Digital Communications, Control, scott_hudson@wsu.edu Computation, Programming Environments,
Communications, and Signal Processing, Numerical Analysis, Computer Graphics,
Benjamin Belzer, Ph.D. Audio/Video Data Compression Christopher Hundhausen, Ph.D. Computational Geometry. Application
Research Interests: Wireless thomas_fischer@wsu.edu Research Interests: Human-Computer Languages
communication, Digital Communications, Interaction, Engineering Education, End- bobl@wsu.edu
Control, Communications, and Signal Assefaw Gebremedhin, Ph.D. User Programming, Empirical Studies of
Processing Research Interests: Algorithms, Data Programmers, Computer-based Chen-Ching Liu, Ph.D.
belzer@wsu.edu Science, Machine Learning Visualization liu@wsu.edu
assefaw.gebremedhin@wsu.edu hundhaus@wsu.edu
Anjan Bose, Ph.D. Saeed Lotfifard, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Energy and Power Hassan Ghasemzadeh, Ph.D. Sankar Jayaram, Ph.D. Research Interests: Power Systems
Systems Research Interests: Embedded System Teaching Interests: Engineering design, s.lotfifard@wsu.edu
bose@wsu.edu Design CAD, geometric modeling, manufacturing,
hassan.ghasemzadeh@wsu.edu computer graphics and virtual reality. Ali Mehrizi-Sani, Ph.D.
Shira Broschat, Ph.D. Research Interests: Virtual assembly, virtual Research Interests: Integration of renewable
Research Interests: Rough surface Kevin Glass, Ph.D. manufacturing; CAD data translation; energy resources in the power system;
scattering, Mathematical Modeling and collaborative design; standards for assembly Power electronics interfaces for distributed
Bioinformatics, Bioinformatics and Havard Grip, Ph.D. representation and for sustainable generation; Control and management of
Computational Biology haavard@wsu.edu manufacturing systems; computer graphics. microgrids and smart grid; Power system
shira@wsu.edu sjayaram@wsu.edu applications of power electronics.
Subhanshu Gupta, Ph.D. ali.mehrizisani@wsu.edu
Diane Cook, Ph.D. Research Interests: Broadband sampling Shuiwang Ji, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Robotics, Pervasive architectures Research Interests: Machine learning, data John Miller, Ph.D.
Computing, Parallel Algorithms and High-speed interconnects and sensor mining, computational biology, and Research Interests: Parallel systems,
Applications, Machine Learning, Data interfaces computational neuroscience Numerical Analysis, Computer Simulation of
Mining, Artificial Intelligence High-speed data converters s.ji@wsu.edu Biological Systems, Bioinformatics and
djcook@wsu.edu Biomedical imaging and signal processing Computational Biology
for circuit design Anantharaman Kalyanaraman, Ph.D. jmiller16@wsu.edu
Aaron Crandall, Ph.D. subhanshu.gupta@wsu.edu Research Interests: Parallel Algorithms and
Research Interests: Smart Homes Applications, Combinatorial Pattern Andrew Ofallon, M.S.
acrandal@wsu.edu Adam Hahn, Ph.D. Matching and String Algorithms, Teaching Interests: Teaches CPT S 121,
Research Interests: Security Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 122, EE 234 & 495
Zhe Dang, Ph.D. a.hahn@wsu.edu ananth@wsu.edu aofallon@wsu.edu
Teaching Interests: CPT S 516
Research Interests: Formal methods in Carl Hauser, Ph.D. Dae Kim, Ph.D. Robert Olsen, Ph.D.
Software Engineering, Formal methods in Research Interests: Programming Language Research Interests: Three-Dimensional Research Interests: High-Voltage
Security, Algorithms, Software Engineering Design and Implementation, Power Grid Integrated Circuits (3D ICs) and Systems Engineering, Energy and Power Systems,
zdang@wsu.edu Communication SystemsNetworking, Electrophysics, Electromagnetic
Distributed Computing, Concurrent Low-Power and High-Performance Environment of Power Transmission Lines,
Jose Delgado-Frias, Ph.D. Programming Computer Systems Antenna Theory, Power System
Research Interests: VLSI chauser@wsu.edu Electromagnetic Compatibility
Microarchitectures, Neural Network-Based Design Methodologies and Optimization bgolsen@wsu.edu
Computing, Computer Networking, Deuk Heo, Ph.D. Algorithms for Emerging Technologies and
Computer Engineering Research Interests: Wireless Sensor Systems Mohamed Osman, Ph.D.
delgado-frias@wsu.edu Microsystems, Ultra Wide-Band daehyun.kim@wsu.edu Research Interests: Transport Theory,
Semiconductor Devices, Quantum real-time systems, Distributed Computing Kung-Chi Wang, Ph.D.
Transport, Microelectronics, Electrophysics shirazi@wsu.edu Research Interests: Parallel systems,
osman@wsu.edu Parallel Algorithms and Applications,
Krishnamoorthy Sivakumar, Ph.D. Networking, Network Operating Systems,
Partha Pande, Ph.D. Research Interests: Statistical Modeling, Distributed Operating Systems, Distributed
Research Interests: System On Chip Design Estimation, and Analysis, Signal detection Computing, Concurrent Programming,
and Test, Reliability in MP-SoC Platforms, Under 2D Intersymbol Interference, Computer Networking
Network on Chip, Fault Tolerance, Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, kwang@wsu.edu
Computer Engineering Multivariate Gene-Expression Relationships,
partha_pande@wsu.edu Knowledge Discovery in Databases, Data Yinghui Wu, Ph.D.
Mining, Control, Communications, and Research Interests: Big data, databases
Patrick Pedrow, Ph.D. Signal Processing systems and data management, with
Research Interests: Plasma Engineering, siva@wsu.edu emphasis on graph database, graph query
High-Voltage Engineering, Electrophysics models and languages, distributed and
pedrow@wsu.edu Wenzhan Song, Ph.D. dynamic graphs.
Research Interests: Mobile Computing, yinghui.wu@wsu.edu
John Ringo, Ph.D. Distributed Computing, Computer
Teaching Interests: Semiconductor Device Networking
Physics songwz@wsu.edu
Noise in Semiconductor Devices
Linear Circuit Design Anurag Srivastava, Ph.D.
Integrated Circuit Engineering Research Interests: Stability, security and
Research Interests: Microelectronics vulnerability analysis Real time modeling
Integrated Circuits and simulation Testing and validation of
Electronics smart grid algorithms and devices Intelligent
Computer Simulation of Biological Systems control application Distributed generation
Bioinstrumentation and micro-grid Decision support and
ringo@wsu.edu situational awareness using phasor data
Interoperability and data integration
Sandip Roy, Ph.D. anurag.k.srivastava@wsu.edu
Research Interests: Uncertainty Evaluation,
Stochastic Network Modeling, Power Antonie Stoorvogel, Ph.D.
Systems Simulation, Decentralized Control
Theory, Control, Communications, and Li Tan, Ph.D.
Signal Processing Research Interests: Software Engineering
sandip@wsu.edu litan@wsu.edu
Ali Saberi, Ph.D. Matthew Taylor, Ph.D.
Research Interests: Optimal Control, Non Research Interests: A.I., Roboitics
Linear Systems and Control, Linear matthew.e.taylor@wsu.edu
Systems and Control, Linear Robust
Control, Filtering and Inverse Filtering, Fault Predrag Tosic, Ph.D.
Detection and Isolation, Dynamic and Research Interests: Data science, machine
Complex Networks, Control, learning, intelligent agents, large-scale data
Communications, and Signal Processing, mining and AI, yber-physical systems,
Constrained Control Problems, Complex distributed coordination and control, large-
Systems, Adaptive Control and Filtering scale complex networks, mathematical
saberi@wsu.edu models and algorithms for smart energy and
other grids
John Schneider, Ph.D. predrag.tosic@wsu.edu
Research Interests: Wave Propagation and
Scattering, Remote Sensing, Optics, Vaithianath Venkatasubramanian, Ph.D.
Electrophysics, Electromagnetics, Research Interests: Voltage Stability
Accoustics Analysis of the Large Power System, Power
john_schneider@wsu.edu System Dynamics, Stability and Control,
Non Linear Systems and Control, Energy
Behrooz Shirazi, Ph.D. and Power Systems, Differential-Algebraic
Research Interests: Software tools, Equations
Scheduling and load balancing, Pervasive mani@wsu.edu
Computing, Parallel systems, Distributed

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