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6. A woman of substance is a woman of power, a woman of positive influence and a woman of meaning.
To be a woman of substance is one of the greatest compliments one can give a woman that wants to be an
influential female.
9. Parents are the living example to their children. A parent should always be aware of the impact their
own behavior has on that of their children. Kindness, loyalty, patience, tolerance, and independence are
qualities that parents could (and should) share with their children.
10. I think it's impo 0rtant - not because of what others think, but because of how it makes you feel
about yourself or what we know as self-esteem. self-esteem reflects a person's overall subjective
emotional evaluation of his or her own worth. So it's not about looking your "best", but it is definitely
about feeling good about how you look.
15. What you do makes a difference. Help yourselves but help one another too.
13. I think the biggest challenge for young people is securing their future. It looks gloomy at the moment,
with unemployment rising,high tuition fees. So the challenge to you is to stay confident and keep
achieving, because it will help you get to where you want to go, even if the journey might take longer than
you hoped.
4. the education system itself. what we need is transformative learning where the professor acts as a
facilitator and the students construct their own knowledge and experience. in this way, schools will be
research-oriented instead of just spoon fed knowledge-centered institution.



Pangkat etniko sa luzon

Aytao aeta.


Tag banua.

Makasampu ang.

Kanila tawag

Sa pinano ngpangkat.

Mangyan .

Saisang. Hanuno ang tawag

Grupo ng mana yan naang

Ibig sabihin.

Hugis bang ka ang

Bahay nila nila tira tawag

Twqewqq esaswewttytiopo. Byreqqtfrrtr


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