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Physics EASA OCT 2014

1. The standard condition for the measurement of volume and density of gas are:

A. 20 degree celcius and 700 mmHg

B. 0 degree celcius and 760 mmHg
C. 20 degree celcius and 760 mmHg

2. If an aircraft weight 2 metric tonnes is flying at 72 km/h, it's velocity is

A. 20 m/s
B. 1.02 m/s
C. 1.2 m/s

3. A cylinder filled with water to half a metre will exert a pressure of

A. 4900 Pa
B. 4.9 Pa
C. 49 Pa

4. What is the centre of gravity of rectangular of size 5cm x 12 cm

A. 8.5 cm
B. 6.5 cm
C. 13 cm

5. A force of 351 N acted on a cable and lifts the object up by 200m. The cable
has the stress of 13 N square millimetre. What is the maximum cross sectional area of the

A. 2.7 square millimetre

B. 27 square millimetre
C. 5354 square millimetre

6. A regular solid cone of height 12cm is placed on a table. At what distance from the table is
the centre of gravity of the cone?

A. 3 cm
B. 4 cm
C. 12 cm

7. An atom of the outermost shell of 5 electrons is known as

A. trivalent
B. pentavalent
C. tetravalent

8. An object travels 18km in 1 minute 30 seconds. What is the average speed?

A. 200 m/s
B. 270 m/s
C. 100 m/s
9. Molecules of same element in a compound are held together by

A. cohesive forces
B. adhesive force
C. gravitational forces

10. The arrangment of electrons in subshells

A. p,s,f,d
B. s,p,d,f
C. a,b,c,d

11. Two weights of 10 kg and 5kg are placed after the aircraft at the distance of 4m and 2m. To
what position must a weight of 20kg be added before the aircrfat.

A. 4m
B. 2.5 m
C. 2 m

12. If an object is placed in a liquid or a gas, what happen to its weight?

A. increase
B. decrease
C. constant

13. SI unit of force

A. Newton
B. Pascal
C. Metre

14. Stress is given by

A. Load over cross sectional area

B. Area over load
C. Load multiply cross sectional area

15. In a jack with a ram only on one side and hydraulic fluid applied from both side. What will
happen to the ram?

A. The ram will move opposite to the side where ram is due to pressure acting on differential
B. The ram will move to the side where the ram is due to pressure acting on differential areas
C. A condition of hydraulic lock exists and no movement will take place

16. Young's modulus is

A. Stress x strain
B. Stress / strain
C. Strain / stress
17. A mass of 10 kg placed 2 metres away from a pivot will have a moment of

A. 196 Nm
B. 50 Nm
C. 20 Nm

18. A mass of 10 million Newton's is expressed numerically as

A. 10 MN
B. 1 MN
C. 1 mN

19. A hydraulic piston of 2.5 square inches produces 7500 lbf. What pressure is used?

A. 3000 psi
B. 5000 psi
C. 7000 psi

20. A tiem period of 10 microseconds is equal to a frequency of

A. 100 kHz
B. 10 kHz
C. 1 MHz

21. A dot rotates around the circumference of a circle. If the vertical position of this dot is
plotted on a graph with respect to time the result is

A. Linear motion
B. Sinusoidal waveform
C. Tranverse waveform

22. An aircraft flies 1350 miles in 2 hours 15 minutes. What is the average speed?

A. 600 knots
B. 750 knots
C. 800 knots

23. How long will a car moves at 60 km/h to travel 90 km?

A. 40 minutes
B. 60 minutes
C. 90 minutes

24. An aircraft of 2 metric tonnes lands with 400 kJ of energy, 10 kN of force is applied at the
brakes. How far does the aircraft takes to stop?

A. 40 m
B. 400 m
C. 800 m
25. A satellite requires 10 J to rotates half a revolution which takes up 30 seconds. What is the
energy required for one day?

A. 14.4 kJ
B. 1.6 J
C. 28.8 kJ

26. What is the kinetic energy of an aircraft that weight 2 metric tonnes and has velocity of 2

A. 2 kJ
B. 4 kJ
C. 8 kJ

27. Ignoring friction, if you let an object slide down a slope, at the bottom

A. The potential energy is equal to kinetic energy

B. The potential energy is more than kinetic energy
C. The kinetic energy is more than potential energy

28. A mass of 400 kg moves 27 metres with a force of 54 N. What is the work done?

A. 1458 J
B. 1600 J
C. 8000 J

29. A good refrigerant has

A. High condensation temperature and high condensation pressure

B. High condensation temperature and low condensation pressure
C. Low condensation temperature and high condensation pressure

30. A gyroscope suffers apparent wander. This is due to

A. Friction on gimbals and bearings

B. The earth's rotation
C. Imperfection of gyro

31. A gyro with an external reference point and has three degress of freedom

A. Tied gyro
B. Space gyro
C. Earth gyro

32. Specific gravity

A. Measured in kg/m^2
B. Meausured in kg/m^3
C. Pure numbers
33. Convert 40 degree celcius to degree fahrenheit

A. -40
B. 32
C. 72

34. 1 degree rise in the centrigrade scale will cause

A. 1.8 degree rise in Fahrenheit

B. 33 degree rise in Fahrenheit
C. 0.9 degree rise in Fahrenheit

35. Transfer of heat from a hot area to cold area

A. conduction
B. convection
C. radiation

36. Most common refrigerant

A. Water, ammonia, freon

B. Carbon dioxide, methyl bromide, freon

37. The specific heat capacity of a gas heated at constant pressure, when compared to the
specific heat capacity of a gas heated at constant volume is

A. More
B. less
C. equal

38. Divergent light rays give rise to

A. Virtual image
B. Real image
C. Spherical aberrations

39. A material with a gradual varying refractive index is

A. Step index
B.graded index
C. Single index

40. Attenuation in fibro optics is most often caused by

A. Backscattering and microbends

B. Absorption and scaterring
C. Microbends and scattering

41. A modern fibre optics tranmission data is ............ (forgot the question but is a new thing)
A. Intensity of light optics with .........
B. Frequency modulated data .........
C. Intensity of ............

42. Light rays passes from solid to air, what happen to the beam?

A. Away from normal

B. Towards the normal
C. At the normal

43. The only time concave mirror form virtual image

A. Object inside the focal point

B. Object at the centre of curvature
C. Object at focal point

44. What is 4times the fundamental frequency

A. 3rd overtone
B. 3rd harmonic
C. 2nd harmonic

45. Sth about doppler effect, the usual question

46. Sth about adiabatic . Usual question as well

47. A ball of 2 kg is moving horizontally has a velocity of 5m/s and a force of 5 N is acted on
the object with the opposite direction. What is the displacement of the object before it rest.

A. 2m
B. 5m
C. 20m

48. What is it called when the water vapour is abundant in the air

A. Saturation point
B. Absolute humidity
C.Relative humidity

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