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Chronology Tour
Going Home.
I was invited to participate in a poetry work-
shop in Istanbul, Turkey... Without Fail. &Zincfence Redemption
An American woman I met in Istanbul offered
me her guest room and five months after
shutting down my life, I returned to Turkey. I The sun rises every morning.
fell in love with the food and textiles first,
then the city, and then people and the coun-
Theres nothing Humanity may do
try itself, and finally with one person...Five to stop this occurrence, except
years passed between that moment and this
one and the country I love, where I had to cease its own existence.
wanted to spend the rest of my life, began to
unravel under the leadership of Recep A government may give its people
Tayyip Erdogan...The morning after the ex-
ecutive order banning Muslims from seven an alternative fact,
countries went into chaotic effect I woke up Mateel Community Center Friday,March 24th doors
in Humboldt County, feeling shell shocked, using fear as a collective weapon, 7pm/music 8pm
Tickets $28 advance/$30 door,
the sunrise pushing soft red light past the
white curtains in my bedroom and when I telling us our star wont rise, available at the usual local outlets and

pulled the fabric aside, the sky was red and

and then morning comes
BBQ To You
orange and purple, a sky without rules, and I
sat down and wrote my first poem in over a
year. Most of my pieces are long and mean- and the suns light will expose
dering, requiring compression and order, but
not this one. I thought about those three men
simple truth. Mobile Barbecue Chef for Hire.
(detained) at Heathrow. I thought about how
grounding it was to hear the call to prayer
A.E. Schulz Homemade sauce- Ethnic Specialties
-Trinidad CA Non-BBQ- Organic & Vegan options available
every morning in Istanbul, though I had never
prayed then, and I wrote:

e c u e
e B arb
Were all FUKUSHIMA-ed Meltdown update-Classic China Syndrome:
H a v v e l
Tr a
High Radiation levels, 530 sieverts an hour, have been recorded inside the containment vessel
of reactor No 2, inside a the damaged reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station
that suffered a triple meltdown when the plant was crippled by a huge tsunami that struck the
north-east coast of Japan in March 2011.
Atmospheric readings this high were expected in locations that Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) was only
able to access recently. The reading became evident as workers were getting closer to the melted fuel in
more dangerous parts of the facility. Its not a new hot mess, just the same hot mess its always been, Moses Danzer
pretty much from the beginning. The good news is nothing has changed.
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The bad news is nothing has changed!
The presence of dangerously high radiation complicates- to nearly impossible- efforts to safely dismantle
the plant- Decommissioning the plant is expected to take about four decades.
The firm said radiation was not leaking outside the reactor, adding that the robot would still prove useful
since it would move from one spot to the other and encounter radiation of varying levels.
Tepco and its network of partner companies at Fukushima Daiichi have yet to identify the location and
condition of melted fuel in the three most seriously damaged reactors. Removing it safely represents a
challenge unprecedented in the history of nuclear power.
Quantities of melted fuel are believed to have accumulated at the bottom of the damaged reactors
containment vessels, but dangerously high radiation has prevented engineers from accurately gauging
the state of the fuel deposits. Earlier this week, the utility released images of dark lumps found beneath
reactor #2 that it believes could be melted uranium fuel rods, the first such discovery since the disaster.
In December, the government said the estimated cost of decommissioning the plant and decontaminat- Massage/ Body work
ing the surrounding area, as well as paying compensation and storing radioactive waste, had risen to Dance Studio
21.5tn yen (150bn), nearly double an estimate released in 2013. Hypnotherapy
> For the first time, seaborne radiation from Japans Fukushima nuclear disaster has Watershed Restoration
been detected on the West Coast of the United States. Web Design
Cesium-134, the so-called fingerprint of Fukushima, was measured in seawater samples taken from Til- Solar Supply
lamook Bay and Gold Beach in Oregon, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are
Family Counseling
Because of its short half-life, cesium-134 can only have come from Fukushima. Also for the first time,
cesium-134 has been detected in a Canadian salmon Suites for the Sweet
>the Fukushima InFORM project, led by University of Victoria chemical oceanographer Jay Cullen

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Old Growth So Hum throughout Humboldt!

To donate or offer land options contact AHHA

Redwood Lumber LAW


Richard Jay Moller

Clear Lumber Recycled from Wine Tanks.
3x5x 15-19 long + more sizes (707) 923-9199
Planing and Re-saw work available
Split Redwood: Shingles, Shakes, Palings,
Grape stakes, and Fence Posts.
Price list on request. DONATE OR
Call: 707-223-3603 P. O . B o x 1 6 6 9 BY MAIL ONLINE
Steve Dazey PO Box 168 Garberville, CA 95442 R e d w a y, C A 9 5 5 6 0 PO Box 3794,
Eureka, CA 95502-3794

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