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Peoples Platformcontinues-
The mercantile climate has moved to the center; Alternate Realities
what was once an attribute has become a domi-
nant feature. False Enemies
Taylor argues that the root cause of disturbing the
vital balance between the two by drowning culture -by Shakti
in commerce is the rise of ad-supported media.
She considers the corner into which weve Scientists around the world concur, the deci-
squeezed ourselves by relinquishing creative in- sions we are making now and in the next 10 to
tegrity for commercial profit: 20 years will not only effect us, but the whole
biosphere for thousands of years,
Why worry about selling out when you are already
an ad and have been your whole life? Why fret -Chris Williams, Author, Environmental Scholar
over the ethics of promoting yourself when you are and Professor of Physics and Chemistry
already being used to promote something else? at Pace University.
Under the open model, where the distinction As the gravity of Trumps electoral college win sets in,
between commercial and noncommercial has the masses are beginning to awake to the urgency.
melted away, everything is for sale. When there is Approximately 4.5 Million, 1/100 Americans marched
no distinction between inner and outer, our bonds with resisters across the world to denounce Trumps
with family and friends, our private desires and presidency and agenda during and after his inaugura-
curiosities, all become commodities. We are sold tion. Amidst very unstable conditions hundreds of thousands have gathered since. With staff choices
out in advance, branded whether we want to be or made, and the plethora of questionably Constitutional executive orders signed. there is already an influx
not... of political calamity.
While it may look like we are getting something for
It is difficult to pin point trumps most dangerous staff member; from climate-change denier Scott Pruitt
nothing, advertising-financed culture is not free.
set to oversee the EPA, to billionaire religious school advocate, now Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos,
We pay environmentally, we pay with our self-
from Ex-CEO of Exxon, now Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to Rick Perry Texas Republican Governor,
esteem, and we pay with our attention, privacy,
once opposed to the very Department he is now Secretary of, The Energy Department.
and knowledge.
Even considering these selections, the most destructive tool in Trumps administration, according to an
And yet all is not lost far from it. While Taylors online poll by TYT, is Breitbart Executive Chair Steve Bannon, and there is good cause for this. A known
critique is not of the soft, compliment-sandwich xenophobic, classist, white supremacist, and propagandist, once accused of beating his (now) ex-wife,
kind, it is also inherently a beacon of hope rather floods the media with alternative facts, to incessantly reframe the issues as inaccurately and divisively as
than despair. She offers a number of strategies for possible. Alternative facts maintain business as usual, and have the potential to paralyze the individual,
fortifying our cultural commons and possible di- the movement, and the species from evolving. Elites, mainstream media, corporate conglomerates, and
rections for expanding the horzon of the possible politicians are well aware of this fact and this is clearly demonstrated by Trumps Chief Strategist. Bannon
and living up to our potential as a species capable is an unparalleled tool for mass manipulation, for in a state of defense, while feeling divided,
of honorable and ennobling deeds: We The People loose our collective power to rise up.
One positive step may be something deceptively When alternative facts are applied to a person with immense power, the price is especially steep, as
simple: an effort to raise consciousness about seen with many past presidential administrations. A more recent known example of this is Bush and Che-
something we could call sustainable culture. Cul- neys claim of weapons of mass destruction, as the basis for the ongoing- longest war in the history of
ture and cultivate share the same root, after all: this country, costing taxpayers over a trillion dollars, while exacerbating refugee crisis world wide today,
Coulter, a cognate of culture, means the blade killing 90% innocent civilians.
of a plowshare. It is not a reach to align the pro- A primary threat we should be aware of regarding Alternative facts is that they infect ourcore
duction and consumption of culture with the grow- BELIEF-THOUGHT-ACTION Cycles on all scales, from the personal to the political, leading to the frag-
ing appreciation of skilled workmanship and arti- mentation of society, creating infinite alternate realities, and igniting massive global harm. Here are just a
sanal goods, of community food systems and few examples of how alternate facts are dominating our political sphere today, as well as how our be-
ethical economies. The aims of this movement liefs, thoughts and actions can be corrupted to convince the masses of some suggested enemy.
may be extended and adapted to describe cultural 1. If you believe Breitbart when they claim Mexicans are taking yer jobs and killing and raping yer
production and exchange, online and off... women, then you might think building a wall to protect you from some job stealing, murdering, rap-
ist is a logical idea. You may then project this false enemy on immigrants, support bans and generally
act out of hate towards suggested others, to seemingly preserve your own job/survival.
We are embedded beings who create work
2. If you believe women ought to be in the kitchen makin sandwiches, such as New Jersey Republican
in a social context, toiling shared soil in the
John Farman stated, you might think its a good idea to broadcast this oppressive ancient narrative on
hopes that our labor bears fruit. It is up to all social media. You may then act to remove the rights of other women based on your own relationships
of us whether this soil is enriched or de- structure and assumed norms.
pleted, whether it nurtures diverse and vital
3.If you believe alt. right media when they claim Muslims
produce or allows predictable crops to take are terrorists or Muslim women are somehow served by
root and run rampant. The notion of sustain- the US Military, you may think soldiers have a right to
able culture forces us to recognize that the invade those countries, kill, demolish entire villages, and
digital has not rendered all previously exist- all under the guise of liberating women and bringing
ing institutions obsolete. It also challenges democracy, when nothing of the sort is happening as a
us to figure out how to improve them. result of the US Military or their allies presence.

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