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Justice Through If there is no struggle, there is no

a Broken Window progress. Those who profess to Fa-
vor freedom, and yet depreciate agi-
As we enter into 2017, there is a smell of change tation, are men who want crops
beyond the Gregorian calendar much more pun- without plowing up the ground. They
gent in the air. Not a campaign promise or a party
victory, but a true paradigm shift. With the election want rain without thunder and light-
of the most unpopular president in history, impend- ning. They want the ocean without
ing climate disaster, economic uncertainty, and
disillusioned youth, the countries largest genera- the awful roar of its many waters.
tion is realizing that the American system has not This struggle may be a moral one,
failed, but is functioning exactly as it was designed or it may be a physical one, or it
to. The iron is hot and Americas youth actively
seeking real alternatives to a system that sold may be both moral and physical, but
them out. it must be a struggle. Power con-
Even liberal democrats are flooding back into the cedes nothing without demand. It
streets after eight years of deafening silence, turn-
ing out in their largest crowds since 2003. And they never has and it never will. So we
are bringing their historically ineffective one- must demand. Demand with our
pronged tactic with them. After nearly a decade of
conspicuous indifference, they are returning to the
wallets. Demand in the streets. And
streets and condemning, alienating, and betraying demand through support and soli-
those who never left. Championing white-washed darity with our anti-fascist, anti-
and censored versions of MLK and Gandhi, baby
boomer pacifists who still pat themselves on the capitalist, anti-sexist, and anti-racist
back for the end of incursions into Vietnam and the brothers and sister behind the black
civil rights movement (conveniently leaving out the
struggles and effectiveness of the Viet Cong and mask.
the Black Panthers) return and appropriate the -Matt Rodriguez
organization and groundwork that radicals have permission from police, and turning in those who A local revolutionary theorist who
been fighting and dying for before AND after Bush dont, even making radical a dirty word, relegat-
left office. Cooperating with, paying, and asking ing anyone who dare step into more effective wa- fled the USA for Vietnam recently.
ters than passive vocalization as paid infiltrators

A Mothers Call for

or police provocateurs, enforcing the partisan
You can subscribe to false paradigm. We see milquetoast liberals, who,

as Dr. King famously named in his Letter from a
Greenfuse for 12 issues at: Birmingham Jail, are more devoted to order than
to justice; who prefera negative peace which is
the absence of tension to a positive peace which is
$25 (suggested) and receive email the presence of justice. -Shira
updates as a member of the Green- Crying for broken windows more than broken Thank you to the ancestors, thank you to every-
fuse Insiders Clique. heads. Calling for change from the ballot box or one who has come before me on this path to lib-
Anything over that up to $100 (lol) the picket line, surrendering to the governments eration. Bless the transformation and paradigm
will qualify you as an monopoly on force. Preaching to disenfranchised shift that is upon us and allow us grace as we
unindictableco-conspirator; young adults to simply vote harder, while it is move through this time with loving kindness and
clear that the electoral left is only a different side of
Over $100, you receive a papier- empathy.Thankful for the current political climate
the same coin. It is clear that neither voting or sign which has the potential to radicalize the masses
mch Anonymous mask and a link holding alone will bring about the shift we so des- and move us as a society into a new paradigm.
to a safe house in Mexico or Can- perately need. People realize this now more than
ada ever. The time to organize our resistances outside of
Over $500..., any staff member still the established system is here. We have tried
Window breakers are not the enemy. to establish our needs using the legal system
at large will intercede for you at any
Protest after protest, they not only intentionally and this has repeatedly failed. Marching is not
attempted guillotining. separate themselves from activists, but they hold enough to make change.
Free to prisoners the outer perimeters of the movement, putting their How do revolutions happen? When we collec-
bodies on the lines to prevent police crackdowns tively become aware of the harm we are proliferat-
Greenfuse,Box 493, from reaching the women, children, and pacifists ing due to our support of liberal-patriarchal-
Redway Ca 95560 within the blockades. Black Bloc activists disrupted capitalistic society and move beyond the scripted
(707)923-4488(707)298-7702 Donald Trumps inauguration, letting the establish- separatism that such a culture endorses we can
ment know that we will not go quietly into the night, heal ourselves, our culture, and our society. When
and stood in peaceful solidarity with the Women's we stop using hierarchical paradigms to justify our
March the next day. But were disowned and side- actions on all scales we have the opportunity to
RE: Greenfuse- lined nonetheless, demonized by those who co- face the reality of the world. We are destroying our
opted their movement and were invited, in good planet at increasingly frightening rates, we have a
A spirited collection of opinion & fact was faith, into organizational meetings, only to call for a fascist as the president of the united states. We
published mostly monthly until 2015 & dis- purification of dissidents, a thinly veiled advoca- have been fighting this evil for a long time and
tributed in Southern Humboldt & six North tion of turning in revolutionaries. Black Bloc activ- when legal and democratic means have repeat-
coast counties since 2000. ists punched Richard Spencer in the face, signal- edly failed to achieve even the basic necessities to
ing that overt racism will be met with resistance, protect our environment and our brothers and sis-
"Greenfuse bears witness to the love and and as empowered as the alt-right might feel un- ters we need to move forward with other options.
enduring stubbornness of a small group of der the current administration, they are not wel- We have proven that we cannot fight the system
supportive, creative activist known as the: come here. This sparked a heated liberal debate with itself. The masters tools will never dismantle
Waking Dog Collective- about the moral implications of punching Nazis. the masters house -Audre Lord. So if we actually
Blac Bloc activists shut down Milo in Berkeley, sig- care about the state of our world ecosystem, local
Unlike sleeping dogs, naling that we will not tolerate fascism and white watersheds, homelessness, queer rights, clas-
waking dogs never lie. supremacy. Suddenly repercussions for hate sism, etc, then we need to face the reality as it
The group includes a various assortment of speech are an infringement of free speech. This stands in front of us and move beyond the op-
beings, including some actual Dogs & Cats, serves only to further disillusion the young and pressive system and tap into the human place that
Ravens in the air, and the memory of dead educated. The two-party paradigm is crumbling, exists within us all. From this place we can heal.
goldfish and humans." and we must not let its death throes corrupt our
burgeoning rebirth.
Our time is donated & our hearts are grateful With this awareness
We need solidarity between all factions and tacti-
for those who with pennies & carefully comes a corresponding
cal preferences. We need horizontal organization
wrapped bills, with small money orders & and constant vigilance pointed not only towards responsibility to support those most
now and then a splash of largesse keep us our fascists opponents, but also the leftist statists marginalized by our former system as
solvent, as printing & distribution regularly
outpaces financial resources-
beside us, who will throw us under the bus at the we hear their stories and learn from
first offer of compromise. We need to wear the
their struggles.
badge of radical proudly, as reassurance we are something different than those who have come There is the key to real
before us. Frederick Douglass famously observed meaningful societal change.

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