Kiln Heat Balance 1

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Plant Upgradation Study for Line I and II, Oman Cement Company (SAOG), Oman


Ambient temperature 23 oC II Method

Heat Heat
Radiati transfer transfer Radiatio
e Avg Radiation,
Clinke on, coeffici coefficie n, Kcal/
SN Location Diameter, Length,
m m surface Temp, Kcal/
r, tph Kcal/ kg ent nt kg
Area oC hr/m2
clinker (Radiati (Convecti clinker
on) on)
1.1 Cyclone IV A 5.06 3.75 59.61 98.21 92.00 740.92 0.450 7.449 6.613 0.506
1.2 Bottom 5.06 8.3 79.01 98.21 56.00 293.58 0.236 6.247 5.739 0.274
1.3 Riser pipe 1.70 2 10.68 98.21 42.00 151.19 0.016 5.826 4.987 0.019
1.4 Meal pipe 0.40 8.3 10.43 98.21 260.00 4407.06 0.468 15.725 6.830 0.488
1.5 Down commer duct 2.47 30 232.79 98.21 42.00 151.19 0.358 5.826 4.987 0.419
1.6 Roof 5.06 - 17.84 98.21 87.00 672.31 0.122 7.271 6.539 0.138
1.7 Cyclone IV B 5.06 3.75 59.61 6.00 60.00 337.77 3.356 6.372 5.890 3.876
1.8 Bottom 5.06 8.3 79.01 98.21 51.00 240.46 0.193 6.093 5.517 0.225
1.9 Riser pipe 1.70 2 10.68 98.21 42.00 151.19 0.016 5.826 4.987 0.019
2.0 Meal pipe 0.40 2 2.51 98.21 290.00 5410.22 0.138 17.735 6.728 0.144
2.1 Roof 5.06 - 17.84 98.21 87.00 672.31 0.122 7.271 6.539 0.138
2.2 Cyclone III A 4.83 3.7 56.14 98.21 65.00 395.03 0.226 6.531 6.053 0.260
2.3 Bottom 4.83 5 45.79 98.21 68.00 430.43 0.201 6.628 6.139 0.230
2.4 Riser pipe 2.60 7.5 20.20 98.21 52.00 250.89 0.052 6.124 5.565 0.060
2.5 Meal pipe 0.40 3.2 4.02 98.21 320.00 6550.17 0.268 19.928 6.618 0.278
2.7 Roof 4.83 - 13.01 98.21 70.00 454.46 0.060 6.693 6.193 0.069
2.8 Cyclone III B 4.83 3.7 56.14 98.21 80.00 579.70 0.331 7.029 6.416 0.377
2.9 Bottom 4.83 5 45.79 98.21 75.00 516.03 0.241 6.859 6.313 0.275
3.0 Riser pipe 2.60 7.5 20.20 98.21 60.00 337.77 0.069 6.372 5.890 0.080
3.1 Meal pipe 0.40 3.2 4.02 98.21 366.00 8597.45 0.352 23.663 6.443 0.364
3.2 Roof 4.83 - 13.01 98.21 87.00 672.31 0.089 7.271 6.539 0.101
3.3 Cyclone II 6.63 3.7 77.07 98.21 101.50 876.94 0.688 7.797 6.728 0.769
3.4 Bottom 6.63 6.5 77.90 98.21 99.00 840.42 0.667 7.704 6.701 0.747
3.5 Riser pipe 3.60 9.5 26.20 98.21 104.00 913.96 0.244 7.890 6.754 0.272
3.6 Meal pipe 0.40 3.2 4.02 98.21 366.00 8597.45 0.352 23.663 6.443 0.364
3.7 Roof 6.63 - 24.34 98.21 87.00 672.31 0.167 7.271 6.539 0.188
3.8 Cyclone I A 4.83 3.7 56.14 98.21 87.00 672.31 0.384 7.271 6.539 0.434

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Plant Operation Audit for two production lines (Line2 &3),

Annexure 4.1 A


Sn Parameter Unit Value Basis

1 Kiln feed rate tph 351.00 CCR Indication

2 Loss on Ignition (LOI) of kiln feed % 34.66 As provided by JKCL

Calculated based on data provided by JKCL during

3 Fuel Consumption (mixed coal) % 9.42
process measurements
Calculated based on data provided by JKCLduring
4 Ash content in Fuel (mixed coal ) % 5.0
process measurements
Raw meal to clinker conversion factor
5 - 1.52 Calculated
(On LOI basis) (CF 1)

6 Dust loss from Preheater % 9.00 As provided by JKCL during process measurements

Kiln feed to clinker conversion factor

7 - 1.674 Calculated
(with return dust) (CF 2)

tph 209.69 Calculated

8 Clinker produced
tpd 5033 Calculated

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Plant Upgradation Study for Line I and II, Oman Cement Company (SAOG), Oman

Kiln 1 Heat Balance

Kiln feed rate Tph 165

Clinker prouction 'tph 98.2143
'tpd 2357.14
KF to clinker conversion factor 1.68
Raw meal temperature oC 60
Raw meal moisture % 0.5
PH exit gas O2 % 6.0
Clinker temperature oC 156.0
Natural Gas temperature to kil oC 75
Natural Gas temperature to PC oC 75
Atmosphere Gas density Kg/nm3 1.293
Ambiant temperature oC 23
Dust loss (assumed) % 8.00
Cooler radiation Kcal/kg clin 5
Drop in temp at two end of TA oC 96
Plant Operational Audit for two production lines ( Line 2&3),

Annexure 4.3 A
Pitot constant 0.836
Site pressure 9859 mmWG Site elevation 374 m
Clinker RMS Avg Specific air
Duct Static Velocity on Volume on RMS
Production Duct dia. Temp. Dynamic Pressure, mmWG dynamic Density consp. on
area pressure RMS Avg Average
S.N. Location Date Rate pressure RMS Avg.
No of Nm3/kg
tph m m2 oC mmWG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mmWG Kg/ Nm3 mps m3/ h Nm3/ h
points clinker

10.0 13.0 13.0 12.0 17.0 25.0 24.0 23.0 26.0 27.0
1 Exit (WHR 26.11.13 209.69 3.5 9.625 315 -670 27.0 27.0 26.0 26.0 24.0 20.0 23.0 19.0 20.0 14.0 30 19.85 1.42 21.55 746746 308326 1.470
16.0 18.0 20.0 21.0 16.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 26.0 25.0

15.0 18.0 18.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 17.0
2 exhaust 26.11.13 209.69 2.80 6.16 418 -27 18.0 15.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 15.0 17.0 17.0 18.0 18.0 20 16.93 1.293 21.86 484669 182203 0.87
(WHR inlet)

25.0 27.0 24.0 23.0 24.0 24.0 28.0 24.0 23.0 24.0
3 Tertiary air 26.11.13 209.69 2.18 3.73 930 -70 23.0 24.0 23.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 24.0 27.0 10.0 12.0 24 22.63 1.293 33.41 449173 96568 0.46
13.0 25.0 22.0 23.0

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Plant Operational Audit for two production lines ( Line2 &3),

Annexure 4.3 A


Site pressure 9859 mmWG Site elevation 374 m
Fan outlet
Suction duct No of Avg
Duct area Static Temp. Air Velocity, mps Volume Volume Specific gas consp.
S.N. Fan No Date dia. values velocity
tph m m2 mmWC oC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mps m3/ h Nm3/ h Nm3/kg clinker
9.4 9.3 9.6 10.2 10.3 13.0 12.6 12.4 12.2 11.0
1 CF 1 26.11.13 209.69 0.71 0.396 +821 28 17 11.79 16802 14540 0.069
9.9 16.6 12.2 13.3 13.4 12.3 12.6
9.2 11.2 10.2 10.7 11.1 9.0 8.8 9.7 9.3 8.6
2 CF 2 26.11.13 209.69 0.71 0.396 +741 28 19 10.23 14581 12618 0.060
9.3 8.6 9.9 9.8 11.2 12.7 12.4 11.8 10.9
15.7 16.6 16.8 15.7 14.7 17.3 17.3 15.8 16.9 16.0
3 CF 3 26.11.13 209.69 0.63 0.312 +754 28 13 16.32 18314 15849 0.076
16.7 16.4 16.4
17.3 17.7 17.3 17.1 17.2 17.8 17.4 17.0 17.1 17.5
4 CF 4 26.11.13 209.69 0.90 0.636 +374 28 14 17.07 39088 33826 0.161
15.4 16.7 16.3 17.2
24.3 21.6 21.8 24.5 23.8
5 CF 5 26.11.13 209.69 0.9 0.636 +347 28 5 23.20 53124 45973 0.219

24.0 25.8 25.7 26.7 25.9 26.2 24.2 25.0 26.1

6 CF 6 26.11.13 209.69 0.9 0.636 +335 28 9 25.51 58421 50557 0.241

24.9 23.9 24.1 21.5 21.5 22.7 22.0 20.8 22.8 23.5
7 CF 7 26.11.13 209.69 0.9 0.636 +305 28 13 22.55 51650 44697 0.213
21.6 20.6 23.4
14.5 14.8 13.6 15.5 13.0 14.0 12.0 14.8 14.9 15.0
8 CF 8 26.11.13 209.69 1.12 0.985 +287 28 16 14.37 50949 44091 0.210
14.0 15.8 15.7 15.4 13.8 13.0
13.2 13.2 12.9 14.3 13.7 14.1 12.6 12.0 12.0 13.7
9 CF 9 26.11.13 209.69 1.12 0.985 +283 28 13 13.10 46476 40220 0.192
12.3 12.5 13.9
11.7 10.9 11.0 10.0 12.3 11.6 10.0 13.6 12.4 12.5
10 CF 10 26.11.13 209.69 1.12 0.985 +245 28 14 11.50 40803 35310 0.168
10.0 13.1 11.0 11.0

Total specific cooling air 1.61

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Plant Upgradation Study for Line I and II, Oman Cement Company (SAOG), Oman Page 1 of 1


Plant capacity t/d 2357

Sp. heat capacity Kcal/kgclk. 800
Fuel firing in Kiln % 40
Air density Kg/nm3 1.293
Ambient temp. oC 23
Combustion air for kiln Kg/kg clinker 0.494
Nm3/kg clink 0.382
Combustion air for PC Kg/kg clinker 0.748
Nm3/kg clink 0.579
Primary air to kiln Kg/kg clinker 0.029
Nm3/kg clink 0.022
Primary air to PC Kg/kg clinker #REF!
Nm3/kg clink #REF!
Secondary air to kiln Kg/kg clinker 0.465
Nm3/kg clink 0.360
Tertiary air to PC Kg/kg clinker #REF!
Nm3/kg clink #REF!
Cooler vent air Kg/kg clinker 1.124
Nm3/kg clink 0.869
Total Cooling air Kg/kg clinker #REF!
Nm3/kg clink #REF!

Heat balance

Sn Item Flow Temp Cp Heat

kg/ kg clink 0C Kcal/ kg 0 Kcal/ kg clinker
1 Secondary air to kiln 0.46514271 1060 0.26 128.1933322
2 Tertiary air to PC #REF! 883 0.25 #REF!

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Plant Upgradation Study for Line I and II, Oman Cement Company (SAOG), Oman Page 1 of 1

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Plant Upgradation Study for Line I and II, Oman Cement Company (SAOG), Oman Page 1 of 1

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Plant Upgradation Study for Line I and II, Oman Cement Company (SAOG), Oman Page 1 of 1


Tertiary air
M T Cp H
Kg/kg Kcal/ Kcal/kg
clk kgoC clk
#REF! 883 0.25 #REF!

Secondary air
M T Cp H
Kg/kg Kcal/ Kcal/kg
OC Kiln clk
0.47 1060 0.26 128


Hot clinker
M T Cp H
Kg/kg Kcal/ Kcal/kg
OC kgoC clk
1.00 1450 0.26 377

Cooling air
M T Cp H
Kg/kg Kcal/ Kcal/kg
OC kgoC clk
#REF! 23 0.24 #REF!

Recuperatuion Efficiency : %

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Ambient temperature 0 oC II Method

Cyclone Avg Radiation, Heat transfer Heat transfer

Clinker, Radiation,
SN Location surface Area Temp, Kcal/ kg coefficient coefficient
tph Kcal/ hr/m2
m2 oC clinker (Radiation) (Convection)

1.1 Cooler 145.04 93.24 113.11 1319.99 2.053 7.521 7.991

1.2 Cooler roof 61.48 93.24 138.50 1757.03 1.159 8.518 8.021
Total >> 3.21

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II Method

Radiation, Kcal/
kg clinker


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Ambient temperature 0 oC II Method

Cyclone Avg Radiation, Heat transfer Heat transfer

Clinker, Radiation,
SN Location surface Area Temp, Kcal/ kg coefficient coefficient
tph Kcal/ hr/m2
m2 oC clinker (Radiation) (Convection)

Kiln String

1.1 Cyclone - 1A 126.61 209.69 75.33 763.56 0.461 6.210 7.736

1.2 Bottom 38.85 209.69 90.00 966.76 0.179 6.695 7.877
1.3 Riser pipe 16.21 209.69 128.00 1569.83 0.121 8.094 8.018
1.4 meal pipe 9.24 209.69 264.00 4846.82 0.213 15.000 7.619
1.5 Roof 9.69 209.69 84.33 886.35 0.041 6.504 7.830
2.1 Cyclone - 1 B 126.61 209.69 91.67 990.86 0.598 6.752 7.889
2.2 Bottom 38.85 209.69 97.33 1074.40 0.199 6.949 7.925
2.3 Riser pipe 16.21 209.69 125.67 1529.48 0.118 8.002 8.015
2.4 meal pipe 9.24 209.69 260.67 4740.74 0.209 14.791 7.634
2.5 Roof 9.69 209.69 91.00 981.20 0.045 6.730 7.884
3.1 Cyclone - 2 152.76 209.69 68.67 676.47 0.493 5.999 7.648
3.2 Bottom 51.19 209.69 80.00 826.48 0.202 6.361 7.788
3.3 Riser pipe 36.63 209.69 110.00 1270.02 0.222 7.405 7.981
3.4 Meal pipe 9.24 209.69 147.33 1921.85 0.085 8.888 8.016
3.5 Roof 22.39 209.69 112.00 1302.05 0.139 7.480 7.988
4.1 Cyclone - 3 151.13 209.69 68.67 676.47 0.488 5.999 7.648
4.2 Bottom 50.64 209.69 74.00 745.88 0.180 6.168 7.720
4.3 Riser pipe 36.92 209.69 178.00 2549.28 0.449 10.268 7.956
4.4 meal pipe 9.24 209.69 178.67 2563.92 0.113 10.300 7.954
4.5 Roof 15.10 209.69 82.67 863.15 0.062 6.449 7.815
5.1 Cyclone - 4 166.84 209.69 90.00 966.76 0.769 6.695 7.877
5.2 Bottom 53.75 209.69 105.00 1191.32 0.305 7.223 7.963
5.3 Riser pipe 38.80 209.69 135.33 1699.59 0.314 8.388 8.021
5.4 Meal pipe 10.81 209.69 158.33 2136.80 0.110 9.366 8.001
5.5 Roof 16.45 209.69 83.33 872.41 0.068 6.471 7.821
6.1 Cyclone - 5 166.84 209.69 96.67 1064.45 0.847 6.926 7.921
6.2 Bottom 53.75 209.69 131.67 1634.15 0.419 8.240 8.020
6.3 Riser pipe 38.80 209.69 116.67 1378.02 0.255 7.655 8.000
6.5 Meal pipe 10.81 209.69 165.67 2286.29 0.118 9.695 7.987
6.6 Roof 16.45 209.69 150.33 1979.39 0.155 9.016 8.012
6.1 Cyclone - 6 166.84 209.69 122.50 1475.44 1.174 7.878 8.011
6.2 Bottom 53.75 209.69 136.67 1723.67 0.442 8.443 8.021
6.3 Riser pipe 38.80 209.69 466.67 14940.49 2.765 32.124 6.687
6.5 Meal pipe 10.81 209.69 225.00 3696.67 0.191 12.690 7.790
6.6 Roof 16.45 209.69 101.33 1134.84 0.089 7.091 7.946
Calciner String
1.1 Cyclone - 1 148.64 209.69 83.33 872.41 0.618 6.471 7.821
1.2 Bottom 49.94 209.69 153.33 2037.74 0.485 9.146 8.009
1.3 Riser pipe 26.28 209.69 67.33 659.45 0.083 5.958 7.628
1.4 meal pipe 9.24 209.69 194.33 2920.98 0.129 11.067 7.906
1.5 Roof 20.87 209.69 100.00 1114.56 0.111 7.043 7.939
3.1 Cyclone - 2 145.34 209.69 97.00 1069.42 0.741 6.937 7.923
3.2 Bottom 48.93 209.69 74.00 745.88 0.174 6.168 7.720
3.3 Riser pipe 35.80 209.69 88.33 942.86 0.161 6.639 7.864
3.4 Meal pipe 9.24 209.69 155.33 2077.09 0.091 9.234 8.006

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3.5 Roof 13.67 209.69 107.33 1227.81 0.080 7.307 7.972
4.1 Cyclone - 3 141.69 209.69 112.33 1307.42 0.883 7.492 7.989
4.2 Bottom 48.36 209.69 78.00 799.31 0.184 6.296 7.767
4.3 Riser pipe 35.14 209.69 115.00 1350.69 0.226 7.592 7.996
4.4 meal pipe 9.24 209.69 156.33 2096.90 0.092 9.277 8.004
4.5 Roof 13.45 209.69 67.33 659.45 0.042 5.958 7.628
5.1 Cyclone - 4 151.13 209.69 95.67 1049.58 0.756 6.891 7.915
5.2 Bottom 50.64 209.69 125.00 1518.03 0.367 7.976 8.014
5.3 Riser pipe 36.92 209.69 138.00 1747.91 0.308 8.498 8.021
5.4 Meal pipe 9.24 209.69 193.67 2905.27 0.128 11.033 7.908
5.5 Roof 14.92 209.69 121.67 1461.35 0.104 7.846 8.010
6.1 Cyclone - 5 151.13 209.69 100.00 1114.56 0.803 7.043 7.939
6.2 Bottom 50.64 209.69 117.33 1389.02 0.335 7.680 8.001
6.3 Riser pipe 36.92 209.69 98.67 1094.41 0.193 6.996 7.932
6.5 Meal pipe 9.24 209.69 206.33 3211.98 0.141 11.682 7.863
6.6 Roof 14.92 209.69 98.33 1089.40 0.078 6.984 7.930
6.1 Cyclone - 6 151.13 209.69 101.00 1129.76 0.814 7.079 7.944
6.2 Bottom 50.64 209.69 136.67 1723.67 0.416 8.443 8.021
6.3 Riser pipe 36.92 209.69 154.67 2063.93 0.363 9.204 8.007
6.5 Meal pipe 9.24 209.69 181.67 2630.35 0.116 10.444 7.946
6.6 Roof 14.92 209.69 165.67 2286.29 0.163 9.695 7.987
PC 1.988
Riser ducts 3.128

Total >> 26.94

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II Method

Radiation, Kcal/
kg clinker



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Ambient temperature 0 oC II Method

Kiln Avg Radiation, Heat transfer Heat transfer

Kiln Dia, Total C. S, Clinker, Radiation, Kcal/ Radiation, Kcal/
SN Location, m Length, Temp, Kcal/ kg coefficient coefficient
m m2 tph hr/m2 kg clinker
m oC clinker (Radiation) (Convection)

1 0 to 2 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 364 9418.04 1.205 22.304 7.148 1.179

2 2 to 4 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 280 5703.77 0.730 16.032 7.545 0.726
3 4 to 6 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 281 5740.67 0.735 16.098 7.540 0.731
4 6 to 8 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 291 6118.62 0.783 16.770 7.494 0.777
5 8 to 10 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 246 4540.15 0.581 13.899 7.700 0.585
6 10 to 12 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 204 3325.53 0.425 11.561 7.872 0.436
7 12 to 14 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 165 2388.36 0.306 9.665 7.988 0.320
8 14 to 16 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 347 8558.33 1.095 20.913 7.228 1.074
9 16 to 18 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 318 7223.53 0.924 18.686 7.366 0.911
10 18 to 20 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 351 8755.29 1.120 21.235 7.209 1.098
11 20 to 22 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 201 3247.30 0.415 11.406 7.883 0.427
12 22 to 24 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 225 3904.14 0.500 12.690 7.790 0.507
13 24 to 26 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 257 4897.79 0.627 14.564 7.651 0.628
14 26 to 28 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 327 7620.71 0.975 19.358 7.323 0.960
15 28 to 30 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 215 3621.73 0.463 12.142 7.830 0.472
16 30 to 32 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 318 7223.53 0.924 18.686 7.366 0.911
17 32 to 34 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 309 6841.09 0.875 18.030 7.408 0.865
18 34 to 36 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 305 6675.73 0.854 17.745 7.427 0.845
19 36 to 38 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 307 6758.06 0.865 17.887 7.418 0.855
20 38 to 40 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 257 4886.69 0.625 14.544 7.653 0.627
21 40 to 42 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 260 4987.13 0.638 14.729 7.639 0.639
22 42 to 44 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 215 3621.73 0.463 12.142 7.830 0.472
23 44 to 46 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 228 3991.38 0.511 12.858 7.778 0.518
24 46 to 48 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 221 3789.64 0.485 12.469 7.806 0.493
25 48 to 50 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 212 3539.47 0.453 11.982 7.842 0.462
26 50 to 52 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 218 3695.80 0.473 12.287 7.820 0.481
27 52 to 54 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 209 3449.38 0.441 11.805 7.855 0.451
28 54 to 56 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 209 3449.38 0.441 11.805 7.855 0.451
28 56 to 58 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 222 3827.58 0.490 12.542 7.801 0.498
28 58 to 60 4.27 2 26.83 209.69 285 5889.90 0.754 16.364 7.522 0.749
Total >> 20.18 20.15

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1 Kiln feed temperature o

C 60 o
C Primary air temp Deg C 50
2 Kiln feed moisture % 0.2 %
3 Fine Coal moisture % 0.5 %
4 PH exit gas CO2 % 18 %
5 O2 % 4.0 %
6 N2 % 78.0 %
7 Clinker temperature o
C 130 o
8 Temperature of Coal fired in kiln o
C 50 o
9 Temperature of Coal fired in PC o
C 50 o
10 Gas density Kg/nm3 1.293 Kg/nm3
11 Ambiant temperature o
C 28 o
12 Dust loss % 9.00 %
13 Cooler radiation Kcal/kg clinker 3.21 Kcal/kg clinker
14 Kiln radiation Kcal/kg clinker 20.2 Kcal/kg clinker
15 PH radiation Kcal/kg clinker 26.94 Kcal/kg clinker
Clinker production 5033 tpd
Sp. heat
S. Gas flow, Nm3/kg Heat, Mass flow
Stream Flow, Kg/ Kg clinker Temp, oC % Heat Kcal/KgoC
N. clinker Kcal/ kg clk tph

1 Sensible Heat of kiln feed 1.671 60 21.24 2.78 350.30 0.21

2 Sensible Heat of kiln feed moisture 0.003 60 0.20 0.03 0.70 1.00
3 Sensible Heat of Fuel 0.094 50 1.31 0.17 19.64 0.28
4 Sensible Heat of fine fuel moisture 0.0005 50 0.01 0.001 0.10 0.28
5 Sensible Heat of Primary air to Kiln 0.022 0.029 50 0.35 0.05 6.09 0.24

6 Sensible heat of coal conveying air to kiln 0.009 0.012 50 0.15 0.02 2.58 0.24

7 Sensible Heat of Cooler air 1.610 2.082 28 13.86 1.82 436.62 0.24
8 Sensible Heat of false air 0.305 0.394 28 2.62 0.34 82.66 0.24

9 Sensible heat of coal conveying air to PC 0.014 0.017 50 0.21 0.03 3.66 0.24
10 Heat from Fuel 723 94.77 0.00
11 Calcination Gases 0.278
12 Combustion Gases only 0.024
Total Heat Input >> 2.26 4.30 763 100.00 902.4

Heat Output
1 Heat loss through Clinker 1.000 130 25.09 3.29 209.69 0.193
2 Heat loss through PH exhaust gas 1.426 2.025 315 157.0 20.57 424.69 0.25
3 Heat loss through PH return dust 0.151 315 11.11 1.46 31.59 0.23
4 Heat loss through Cooler exhaust air 0.87 1.124 418 115.8 15.18 235.59 0.25
5 Heat of Formation for Clinker 401.1 52.57
6 Evaporation of Moisture in kiln feed 0.003 315 2.27 0.30 0.70 0.46
7 Evaporation of Moisture in fine fuel 0.0005 315 0.32 0.04 0.10 0.46
8 Preheater radiation losses 26.94 3.53 0.00

9 Kiln and cooler radiation losses 23.39 3.07 0.00

Total Heat Output >> 2.30 4.30 763.0 100.00 902

Cooler 2 Heat Balance -Kiln 2

Clinker Production tpd 5033
Specific Heat Consumption kcal/kg clinker 723
% of fuel to Kiln % 31.1
% of fuel to PC % 68.9
Clinker temperature Deg C 130
Cooler Exhaust Temperature Deg C 418
Secondary Deg C 1140
Tertiary Air Temperature Deg C 930
Primary air to kiln kg/kg clinker 0.029
Primary air to PC kg/kg clinker 0.017
Secondary Air Quantity kg/kg clinker 0.363
Tertiary quantity kg/kg clinker 0.595
Density of air kg/nm3 1.293
Ambient Air Temperature Deg C 28

Sn Description Flow Temperature Cp Heat

kg/kg clinker Deg C kcal/kg oC kcal/kg clinker
1 Hot Clinker 1.00 1450 0.264 383
2 Cooling Air 2.08 28 0.238 13.9
Total 3.08 397.1
3 Heat loss through Cooler Exhaust air 1.12 418 0.247 115.8
4 Secondary air 0.363 1140 0.263 109.0
5 Tertiary Air 0.595 930 0.258 143.1
6 Heat loss through Clinker 1.00 130 0.193 25.1
7 Cooler Radiation losses 3.2
Total 3.08 396.2
% of Heat Recuperation Efficiency 64
Total Cooler losses 144
Plant Operational Audit for production lines ( Line 2& 3),

Annexure 4.7 A

Secondary air Tertiary Air

Mass 0.36 Kg/ kg clk Mass 0.60 Kg/ kg clk

Temp. 1140 0
C Temp. 930 0
Heat flow 109.00 Kcal/ kg clk. Heat flow 143.09 Kcal/ kg clk.

Cooler exhaust

Mass 1.12 Kg/ kg clk

Temp. 418 C

Heat flow 115.82 Kcal/ kg clk.


Mass 1.00 Kg/ kg clk

Temp. 130 C

Clinker Heat flow 25.09 Kcal/ kg clk.

Mass 1.00 Kg/ kg clk

Temp. 1450 0
Heat flow 383.24 Kcal/ kg clk.
Total cooling air Cooler radiation losses
Heat recuperation efficiency 3.21 Kcal/ kg clk.
63.6 % Mass 2.08 Kg/ kg clk
Total Cooler losses Temp. 28 C

144.1 kcal/kg clinker Heat flow 13.86 Kcal/ kg clk.

13170 Page 1 of 1
Plant Operational Audit for two production lines ( Line2& 3),
J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd, Sirohi Rajasthan

Annexure 4.4A

S.N. Location (From kiln outlet), m Average temperature, oC

1 0 to 2 364

2 2 to 4 280

3 4 to 6 281

4 6 to 8 291

5 8 to 10 246

6 10 to 12 204

7 12 to 14 165

8 14 to 16 347

9 16 to 18 318

10 18 to 20 351

11 20 to 22 201

12 22 to 24 225

13 24 to 26 257

14 26 to 28 327

15 28 to 30 215

16 30 to 32 318

17 32 to 34 309

18 34 to 36 305

19 36 to 38 307

20 38 to 40 257

21 40 to 42 260

22 42 to 44 215

23 44 to 46 228

24 46 to 48 221

25 48 to 50 212

26 50 to 52 218

27 52 to 54 209

28 54 to 56 209

29 56 to 58 222
30 58 to 60 285

13170 Page 1 of 1
Plant Operational Audit for two production lines ( Line 2& 3),
J K Lakshmi Cement Ltd, Sirohi Rajasthan

Annexure 4.5A


Component Unit Value

SiO2 % 20.94

Al2O3 % 5.71

Fe2O3 % 3.75

CaO % 63.87

MgO % 3.02

SO3 % 1.45

K2O % 0.73

Na2O % 0.31

Cl % 0.00

Free CaO % 1.89

13170 Page 1 of 1
Heat loss by
Heat loss through Cooler Vent

6.60% 15.18%

Sensible heat of Kiln Feed Heat loss through Preheater exhaust gas

2.78% 20.57%

Heat loss through clinker

Heat input by Fuel 3.29%

Heat Balance of Kiln 2

Specific Heat Consumption

Kcal/ kg clinker

763.0 Heat of Formation

Estimation of Phase Density

Kiln PC

Pipe line size Dia mm 141.2 179.2

CSA m2 0.0157 0.0252
Volume m3/sec 0.6393 0.9098
kg/sec 0.7224 1.0280
m3/hr 2301 3275
Nm3/kg clinker 0.009 0.014
Coal tpt TPH 6 13.4
kg/sec 1.67 3.72
Velocity at tpt line m/sec 40.82 36.07
Coal to air ratio 2.31 3.62
power cons kW 110 110
sp power 18.33 8.21
kg of air required for 4
0.42 0.93
kg ratio
Extra air going 0.31 0.10
% Extra air going 0.42 0.09
% reduction in power
0.512 0.512
for 20% speed red
kw saving 53.7 0.0
annual cost saving 8.59 0.00
Kiln 2 - Energy Saving Proposals,

Power cost 3.880

present level

1 Increasing Gas residence time in existing precalciner

2 Reduction of preheater calciner exit temperature

3 Reduce pressure drop across duct from WHR outlet to ph fan inlet 70.0

4 Arresting of false air

4 Reduce bypass in pyro section

5 Reduce pressure drop across Top stage cyclone 278.0

6 Reduce false air across CT system -Pyro

7 Replacement of existing cooling fans

8 Upgradation of heat exchanger in cooler vent system

9 Installation of Precalciner

10 Increasing kiln inlet area

Reduction of dust accumulation inside Tertiary Air Duct (TAD) & Improving Tertiary
11 air flow.
471 FN2,3,4,5,6,7

7 Reduce pressure drop across cyclone & cyclone outlet bend in Raw mill circuit 160.0

8 Reduce false air in GCT and VRM circuit

9 Reduce damper loss in Kiln/raw mill Bag House Fan 40.0

10 Reduce false air in coal mill circuit

11 Reduce pressure drop in coal mill bag hose to Fan duct 115.0

12 Reduce damper loss in coal mill booster fan 47.0

Reduce speed of kiln & PC coal conveying blowers by 20 % by installing VFD and
13 reduce pipe dia /size to maintain 35 m/s transportation velocity

14 Installation of automation system

15 Reduce pressure drop across damper in Sepax fan Slag HPGR roller press 80.0

16 Reduce pressure drop across damper in bag house fan in Slag VRM 113.0

17 Avoid damper loss by installing VFD in Auxilary bag filter fan (551 BF1) 64.0

18 Avoid damper loss by installing VFD in Auxilary bag filter fan (551 BF3) 303.0

19 Avoid damper loss by installing VFD in Auxilary bag filter fan (221BF1) 440.0

Long term energy saving proposals

Installation of new clinker cooler

INR Coal cost 861.6 INR/ mio kcal

new one present power fan head saving power Running hrs savings in Lakhs


40 1893.0 742.0 77 7920 23.5

1893.0 742.0 94.65 7920 29.1


90 2075.1 830.0 235 8000 7.3

2075.1 830.00 92.1 8000 1.43

75.0 8000 23.3

8000 45.0


8000 3.06
20.0 8000 6.2

130 1580.0 903.0 52.5 7000 14.3

1580.0 903.0 145 7000 39.4

20 803.0 294.0 27.3 8000 8.5

380.0 893.0 39 5000 7.6

40 380.0 893.0 31.9 5000 6.2

20 60.0 141.0 11.5 5000 2.2

67.0 8000 20.8

109 8000 33.8

20 400.0 464.0 25.9 7000 7.0

20 1435.0 686.0 97.3 7000 26.4

10 22.0 351.0 3.4 5000 0.7

10 45.0 496.0 13.3 5000 2.6

10 55.0 515.0 23.0 5000 4.5


Thermal savings Electrical savings

investement Lakhs payback, months kcal/kg MTOE/ year KW

0 0 10 1171 101

5.1 0.5 3.6 424

40.00 20 77

20.0 8 5

2.2 0.1 40

2.40 4 235

0.13 1.1 92.1

2.5 1.3


2.3 0.6


1.5 5.9
40 77.3

20 16.8

20 6.1

0 0.0

25 39.4

25 48.5

3 16.2

20 11.5

50 17.7

0 0.0

0 0.0

2 36.6

4 18.6

4 10.8

600 45.9

Electrical savings

kW/ t of clinker



39895 0.11 False air %


0.6 59996


Primary air_kiln _ PC

Primary air to kiln

Air required for kiln firing
% primary air to kiln

Primary air to precalciner

Air required for PC firing
% primary air toPC

Savings from Recommended action

The O2 at PH exit may be reduced to 3.5%

by identifying the leakages in the Cyclones,
riser ducts, meal chutes, PC, kiln seals, etc. 29.314989 Kcal/ kg clinker
Primary air to PC may be reduced to
maximum 6 % i.e. 0.045 Kg/ kg clinker.
From 0.06kg /kg clinker 3.1788 Kcal/ kg clinker
Primary air to kiln may be reduced to
maximum 6 % i.e. 0.04 Kg/ kg clinker.
From 0.025kg /kg clinker 3.7332 Kcal/ kg clinker
Temperature drop across the T A Duct may
be reduced to 50 Deg C from 96 5.87328 Kcal/ kg clinker

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