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Reg. No.

136 S 52
(scHEME - 2013)

Tinze:3 Hours . Max. Marks: 70

Note : Question No.1 is compulsory and it must be answered first in Sequence

at one place only.
Answer any FOUR from the remaining.
Question No.1 carries 10 marks and remaining questions carry 15 marks each.

1. (a) Define operations research. (1 x 10 = 10)

(b) !\/hat is the function of Slack variable?
(c) How an unbounded solution is identified in LPP?
(d) What is the degeneracy in transportation problem?
(e) What is the principle of Hungarian method?
(0 What are the various replacement methods?
(g) What is pure strategy?
(h) What are the different priority rules for sequencing?
(i) Define average lateness.
(j) What is the distribution of service iime?
2.. Solve the foliowing LPP. (15)
Minimize z=20xr+70x,
subjected to
X1,X2 > 0

3. Determine the optimum solution to the following transportation problem. (15)

'4' Dz De D+ Ds Supply
Or 7 3 I 2 4
02 147387
Demand 8 3 7 2 2
4. (a) Solve : (8)
Man\ Job ABCD
1 3106
2 5704
o 2413
4 0 22 3

(b) A firm is considering replacement of a machine whose cost price is

Rs. L7,\OA|- and the scrap value is Rs. 500/-. The maintenance cost
(in Rs.) are found from experience to be as foilows.
Year: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I
Maint" cost (Rs.) : 20A 300 500 1200 1800 24A0 3300 4500
Wren should the machine be replaced? lt)
5. (a) Solve thc game. (1)
Player B
bt bz bs

.-ltarCt 1 1)
PIayerA arlZtt -Z Zl
urL3 3 4)
(b) Expiain the Monte-Carlo technique and its limitations. (8)
6. In a factory there are seven jobs to perform, each of which should go through
two machines A and B. The processing times (in hrs.) for the jobs are as given
below. , (15)
(a) the sequence of these jobs that will minimize the total elapsed time
(b) total elapsed time
(c) - idie time of machines A and B
(d) idle time ol4ttr job.
L z ,';otu 6 7
M/CA 4 13 16 7 11 t2 10
M/CB911 11 71324
7. ABC company has one hob regrinding machine. The hobs needing grinding are
sent from company's tool crib to this machine which is operated one shift per
day of 8 hrs duration. It takes on the average half an hour to regrind a hob.
The arrival of hobs with an average of 8 hobs per shift.
(a) Calculate the present utilization of the hob regrind.ing machine.
(b) What is the average time for the hob to be in the regrinding section?
.(c) The management is prepared to recruit another grinding operator when
the utiiization of the machine increases to 80%. What shouid the arival
rate of hobs then be?

136 S 52

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