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Reg. No.

136 S 53
(scHEME - 2013)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note : Question No. 1 is compulsory and it must be answered first in Sequence at
one place only.

Answer any FOUR from the remaining.

Question No. 1 carries 10 marks and remaining questions carry 15 marks each,
Use of Heat and Mass Transfer Databook is Permitted.
1. Answer the following. (10 x 1 = 10)
(a) What is the physical significance of thermal conductivity?
(b) What are the different modes of heat transfer?
(c) What is governing equation for l-D heat generation systems?
(d) What is Dirchlet boundary cond-ition?
(e) Define fin efficiency.
(0 When to use colburn anaiogy?
(g) What is forced convection?
(h) Absorptivity of white paper is
(i) What is heat pipe?
CI) What is evaporation and boiling?
Derive general 3-D heat conduction equation in Cartesian coordinate system.
(a) Fxplain the concept of response of a thermocouple. (5)

(b) A 12 mm diameter mild steel sphere is exposed to cool air at 27"C

resulting in the convective coefficient 114 w1m2 k. Determine (i) time
required to cool the sphere from 540oC to 95"C (ii) Instantenous heat
transfer rate 2 minutes after starting of cooling and (iii) Total energy
transferred from the sphere during first 2 minutes. Properties of mild
steel arc I{=42.5 wlmk, 5=7850 kg/m3, specific heat 475 J/kg K and
thermal diffusivity = 0.043 mzlhr. (10)
Turn Over
4. (a) Derive temperature distribution for end convected fin. Q)
(b) A brass rod of 90 mm long and 8 mm in diameter extends horizontally
from a casting at 200oC. The rod is in air at 20"C with h = 30 w/mzk.
. What is the temperature of the rod at 30, 60 and 90 mm from the
casting? (8)

5. (a) Sketch velocity and temperature profile for a free convection on vertical
hot plate. (5)
(b) A platc of size 20 cm x 30 cm is used as a water heater in a process plant.
The temperatirre of water is 20oC while the heater plate is maintained at
a temperature of 120'C. Determine the heat transfer rate by free
convection when 20 cm side of the heater is kept vertical. (10)

6. (a) Derive LMTD expression for counter flow heat exchanger. (7)
(b) Explain regimes of pool boiling phenomenon with the help of boiling
curve. (8)

(a) Define radiation intensity. Prove that the iptensity of radiation

Ir,=Eoltt. (10)

(b) Explain the concept of radiation shields. Where is i.t used? (5)

136 S 53

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