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Cleansing the Aura of Past Sexual Partners

As we move through adulthood from one
relationship to the next, the aura of what
was left behind is something most people
would never think about. The toothbrush,
cell phone charger, and feelings your past
partner left you with probably top the list
of what engulfs your mind after a breakup.
What about their energy? Does this leave
with them and their personal belongings?
Unfortunately, no.
The energy left inside you, your spirit and
aura has now been shifted. This is true for
both male and female but I believe this is a
more powerful process from the female
perspective. I say this because we are built
to receive. Therefore during sex we also
receive more energy. Hence, females are
typically more emotional by nature as well.
If your are not familiar with aura or energy
transfer and just not sure if you believe it,
lets explore this from another
perspective. Have you ever walked into a
room where an argument just occurred?
You didnt see or hear the argument, but
can you feel it? This is energy frequency,
which we are not only made up of but also
surrounded by. The frequency of the room
has been shifted.
During sex, you and your partner exchange
frequency. The more you are with this
person, the more you absorb this energy.
If your partner is having a bad day,
negative thoughts, positive thoughts,
admiration of love and so forth, there is an
energetic transfer taking place. Good, bad,
positive, negative, whatever the moods
and emotions are you now hold a piece
of them.
You also hold a piece of them literally
speaking as well as energetically. In recent
research scientist have found the babys
DNA as well as fathers DNA sticks around
in our womb after childbirth. This is
extremely interesting to me because when
I was a child I remember telling my mother
how many couples who had been together
for many years, began to look more and
more alike. If this research holds true,
there must be energy to accompany the
Luckily the steps to cleansing the aura are
simpler than removing DNA. I have found
with personal clients, the hardest part of
this process is the buried emotions that
may emerge from partners long forgotten
or that you would like to forget. Once the
cleanse is completed you will find your
physical body may feel lighter, head space
clearer, heart healed and a self awareness
that is priceless. If you are in a current
relationship I highly advise doing this
cleanse together and refraining from
sexual intercourse until the two step
cleanse is complete.
First Step:

Grab a journal or notepad.

Burn an orange candle (for the sacral
Write down each name of past sexual
partners. This includes same sex partners
or if there were any molestation or rape in
your past.
Begin with the first partner of your life and
move forward from there.
Answer these questions (skipping
questions 1 & 2 in a non-consensual
Why was I attracted to this person?
Why was this person attracted to me?
What emotions did I walk away with?
What emotions did they walk away with?
What did I learn?
Second Step:

This process may be done in a time-frame

lasting one day to a few weeks. I suggest
completing the process in no more than 30
days. You may decide to complete one
person a day or several. It really all
depends on the emotional trauma as well
as time. This is not a process to rush
through. Be completely focused on the
task at hand with no interruptions, stay in
the now while also reflecting on the past.
On a small scrap piece of paper write down
your ex-lovers first name.
Burn the name with the flame from the
orange candle.
Pay close attention to the smoke.
Lie down, place hand on the sacral chakra
(two inches below belly button) *If doing
this with a current partner, allow them to
place their hand here as well.
Visualize that same smoke that came from
burning their name with the candle.
Say to yourself, your body and your mind,
I release the aura and energy of______.
Imagine that smoke rising from
underneath your hand.
Lay here for 5mins or so.
If any intuitive thoughts or visions come to
you, write them in your journal.
Repeat these actions of the step 2 process
until all names have been released.
If you are in a long term relationship doing
this together along with conversation
about each partner, questions and healing
will provide an immense amount of new
found unity. It may be difficult at first.
Neither of you have hearing about past
partners high on your list of quality time
together. This will change your mind. You
will gain an understanding of your
partners programming, patterns and
actions. Learning that we take pain from
one situation and apply it to the next,
usually as a defense mechanism. With this
new found knowledge and cleansing you
can help guide and care for each other. If
you are in a relationship or single enjoy
your born again virginity.Twin Flame
Signs and Symptoms That You Are In a
Twin Flame Relationship
1. The first twin flame signs is the overwhelming attraction and feeling of
2. Feeling very complete knowing they are in your life.
3. A magnetic attraction thats beyond anything you have experienced
4. You balance each other.
5. You feel each other even when you are not with them physically.
6. Your lives will change knowing and meeting them.
7. Over the course of your life you might have had visions of them in your
8. The Synchronicities will be immense, however they become a common
thing between your twin flame. You might say the same words or think the
same things.
Twin Flame Signs and Stages True Stages
of a Twin Flame Union
1. Shock and Awe
I like to call this stage shock and awe, when we met for the first time, it was
like we have known each other for many life times. In this stage you will feel
them in your soul.

The sex will be the most amazing thing you have experienced, because of
the deep connection of souls. Its not just the physical act but connecting on
all levels possible.

2. Rough Waters
You will go through some rough waters in the twin flame relationship, this is
to sort problems you have. This stage is difficult to go through but once
done a new level of deeper connection is formed.
The runner and chaser dynamics is relevant in all relationships not just the
twin flame relationships. However its more common in a twin flame

The runner and chaser dynamic can change roles for each side of the
relationship. It happens when one partner is not spiritually enlightened and
does not understand what is happening and becomes confused. So the
runner will run and chaser will chase after the runner.

Listed below are important elements in a twin flame relationship to bring


Understanding the Twin Flame Runner And Chaser

The Runner And Chaser: One of the twin flame most often the man,
becomes the runner. The runner tries to escape all confusion by running
away from the relationship. Even if you were to ask the runner, they wont
have any reasons for running.
They dont know whats going on, or they feel like they are losing control,
often they feel irritated for no reason. They have not been through this
situation before and dont know what to do, so their natural defense, their
mind tells them to run away or even worse end the relationship.

What can you do if you are the chaser? If they are running away, its best to
let them, chasing after them will only make them run away even more and
even the attraction may die. Center yourself, not chase and dont be needy.

When the runner finds that you are no longer chasing, they will come back
to you. This step is hard to go through, concentrate on who you are and
dont let this energy distract you.

What if you or your twin flame is in a

relationship? Probably saying to yourself if they truly love me why do
they shrink and run away This is a scenario where the twin flame partner is
not ready to reunite due to them having another energy in their life.

Until the relationship have dissolved naturally, for now your twin flame will
run from you. If you are in a relationship its not wise to say you are single,
they can pick up your energy through their spiritual cord. There will be an
internal struggle for the both of you.

What can you do? There isnt much you can do to get your twin flame to be
with you, you have to allow their relationship to dissolve naturally. They are
not ready for you to reunite, its best to let them be and allow their soul
mate relationship to continue.

Find Your Twin Flame Only For The Right Reasons: Before
you even start to think about finding your Twin Flame, you really need to
have a deep and long think about why you want this in your life, and why
now? It is very important that you are completely ready and are not wanting
it because it is trending and your ego says Hey!I want that too,
everyone else seems to have theirs, where is mine?

You must be ready, and by this I mean you must of done a huge amount of
inner healing, your body, your heart and your soul. Self development is
crucial and if you are not willing to be honest with yourself, and do the
necessary work, then you are asking for a world of pain and heart break.
It is not something that you can force into action, and you will not meet just
by chance either. There is a pre-destined soul contract in place that will
come to fruition when you are both on the same mission; this shared
mission helps the universe to conspire to arrange a meeting. It is a magical
event as their feelings; skills and consciousness are heightened to meet

Both of you will receive extra doses of love energy, desire, and enthusiasm
to sustain you, to accomplish your all important joint mission. Your spiritual
gifts and abilities will also gain a huge boost.

The cosmos is geared up for you to recognize each other and honor your
joint mission, these missions are never small, and they are designed to
affect the universe in the most positive way.

So in conclusion, if you think the concept of meeting your Twin Flame is all
about two souls sharing a deep, spiritual love connection, then you are
wrong, and it is your ego talking. It is never a simple quest to fulfill and not
one purely for the two of you.

Often Twin Flames fail and get distracted, not noticing that they are granted
this special gift, and their part to play for the universe to benefit.

Being in a Twin Flame union is not for the spiritually weak, not for the
damaged souls that have not bettered themselves. There are enormous
challenges set in place, so this is why you need to have first done the
ground work to be ready.

Often you will be placed in a situation of tearing down the walls of

incompatible cultures, age groups and mostly religions.

This is due to the job Twins are mostly here to do, and that is to create a
new template for all relationships on our beautiful Gaia. Uniting not in ego,
but coming together to tear down old societal conventions, traditions and
belief systems to restore a harmonious balance of love for all.

As you can see there are many reasons why your twin flame can become
the runner, either they are not understanding whats really going on and
have become confused, or they are in another relationship and have
another energy in their life.

You should only unite with your twin for the right reasons and when you are
both ready for them.

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