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difference between a process oriented person and a

goal oriented person?

As your question itself differentiates between the two..process and goal.

Actually, a goal is achieved through a process only, isnt it ?. Let me take an example here to
elaborate more on this. If your goal is to get 100% marks in your exam. Here your goal is
clear and straight. But to achieve those 100% marks, you have to follow a process. What
process ? have to make a schedule, make a time table, follow that and get your aim.

But, yes, there is a slight difference between the two.

A goal oriented person, looks to all what is required to achieve that, he/she may follow a
process, but can break the current process and start over a new one. Main thing for them is
to reach the goal point. They may not be interested in sticking to a specific routine/process.
Sometimes, they may take other way also to achieve the goal.

on the other hand, a process oriented, may have small dimensions then the former one.
They are more interested in following a specific routine and stick to that. They sometimes,
fail to enjoy of breaking the process/rules to achieve something.

A Goal-Oriented person and Process-Oriented person work hand-in-hand. The Goal-

Oriented person motivates the group towards the unified goal whereas the Process-Oriented
person makes sure the goal is achieved in the best possible way.

Mahatma Gandhi was Process-Oriented person while Hitler was Goal-


The role of Mahatma Gandhi was instrumental in the freedom struggle of India. Although
his ultimate goal was fixed that India should be free, he condemned the violent activities
undertaken and stuck to a humanly process. On the other hand, Hitler would go to any
extent to wipe the Polish, he did not care about the peoples feelings. He did not care about
the process but focussed only on the goal.

Sachin Tendulkar was Process-Oriented while Ricky Ponting was Goal-


There are few records that Sachin hasnt broken. The highest number of runs in tests, ODIs
or across all 3 formats, 200 tests or 100 international centuries, he has mastered it all. But
he never played for records, he was more interested in enjoying the game. On the other
hand, Ricky Ponting would do anything to win the game, series or the world cup. We have
seen multiple occasions where he has displayed unsportsmanlike behaviour, all for a single
goal, winning the match.

In the movie 3 Idiots, Rancho was Process-Oriented while Chatur was Goal-

Everyone has seen this movie and can very well relate to their own life. We all have that 1
person in our class who attends every lecture/practical and tops in every exam to be 1st in
the class/college, just like Chatur. There also are many back benchers or average students
who enjoy their time at college, indulge in various activities while maintaining a pretty
decent score, hence enjoying the journey, like Rancho.

A goal-oriented person puts in his heart blood and soul in achieving the goal, sometimes the
earliest. It is like his feelings are attached to the goal. Whereas for the process-oriented
person, the outcome does not matter, knowing that the process and protocols are followed is
enough for them.

A goal-oriented person works effectively but a process-oriented person works efficiently.

PS - People might have different views and might not agree with these examples, but these
are my views.
The answer lies exactly in the words that are Goal and Process

Goal orientation means determination for the goal , more particularly the final outcome.

Process orientation is the path used independent of the final outcome .

Suppose there are 2 peoples ,let's name them something so one of them is Goali and the
other is Process lal and we give both of them a task to get us 500$ and study their
approaches .

Goali is a Goal oriented person will only think of getting a sum of 500$ irrespective of how
he gets it ,he may earn it or he may put a gun on someone and ask for 500$ . Basically he is
not concerned about the method to the task .


Process laal being a process oriented person will get you the sum by really earning it ,I
mean by legit ways (Considering process laal a good person ), he may fail to get the sum but
he won't do the wrong thing. So he basically is concerned about the process involved
irrespective of the final outcome.

I think you got the difference .

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