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APRIL 2014

Industry intelligence to nancial professionals

I es!
E S S r si s s i

U SI NN o t fo
Election budget

An insurers perspective

Competing in a changing arena

OFC_portrait.indd 1 2014/04/07 3:16 PM

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APRIL 2014

Industry intelligence to nancial professionals

Covering cycling fanatics 25
Fired up for IFSEC SA 26
Finance for non-financial mangers 27


I NENot for S Understanding the GEPF 46

Election budget
Alter ego trust trap
The force of regulation
An insurers perspective
Allocating your assets 54
Living annuities low down 55
Competing in a changing arena
Seven financial mistakes 56
Executor for your will 57
An equi-weighted approach 60

OFC_portrait.indd 1 2014/04/07 3:16 PM

SMMEs are the life-blood of our economy. COVER Tips for my client 93
spoke to insurers, financial planners, intermediaries Medical scheme vs. insurance cover 94
and legal experts about the provision of business Healthcare 3.0 96
insurance to these powerhouses in small packages. SMarTer than we think 97


The commercial landscape in South Africa has Outlook: Smooth rides ahead 28
changed. The focus has shifted towards construction Vehicle insurance landscape 30
and engineering; freight; liability and retail. COVER Volkswagen and WesBank unite 32
explored this competitive environment.


The survival of UMAs has been questioned recently, The silo effect 86
yet COVER readers are optimistic about their From qualitative to quantitative 87
sustainability in the face of binder regulations. Warning: Risky investments 88
Transactional risk insurance 89

South Africa is in the midst of our sixth election year. LEGAL
With this in mind, a passive and pragmatic budget
speech was to be expected. COVER asked industry Asking the right questions 80
experts how they interpreted the 2014 budget speech, POPI and social media 82
and whether the devil was in the detail. Dont rule from the grave 82

The views expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent those of its
owners, publishers or editorial staff. Editorial contributions sent to COVER are
Subscription rate: R470 per annum in South Africa. subject to editorial change to suit the style of the magazine. All manuscripts,
Other rates on application. photographs and other similar matter are accepted on the understanding that no
loss or damage is borne by the publisher, the editor or their personnel.

April 14.indd 2 2014/04/08 9:16 AM

Tired of Drawing Straws ?

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Shane Lotter
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Untitled-1 1 2014/03/11 1:40 PM

62 73

Tony van Niekerk
iiSA liability insurance forum 68
PFA: Death benefits deconstructed 101
Annetjie van Wynegaard

Taryn Kerr


Towards the final frontier 98
Hermione Ballinger
FSB cracks down on compliance 99
Global cost of compliance 100
Thenjiwe Roda
Brent Munnik
Redefining SAs insurance sector 90
Mobile strategies in review 91
Challenges of mobility 92 LAYOUT & GRAPHIC DESIGN
Wesley Chipps

COVER Publications
Street address
Infrastructure in Africa 34 80 Devilliers Way,
Glencairn, Cape Town
Can the continent make it? 35
African aviation 38
Postal address
Investing in Africa 40 P O Box 2030
Oil in Uganda 42 Sun Valley, 7985
COVER reaches into Africa 43
Telephone (083) 567-0757
Fax (086) 642 6263
REGULAR Images:;
Editorial 6
Coffee with COVER 84 Editorial Board
Events 102 Peter Atkinson, Seamus Casserly,
Market cover 106 Mike Duncan, Ronald Gordon, Mark Haken,
Jonty Kirkman, Baravand Madhav,
Product Development 109 Rod Pearson, Colin Travers.
People on the move 112
Advisory Committee
Carel Nolte, Viviene Pearson, Kalim Rajab

The Editorial Board serves in a voluntary and

independent advisory/technical capacity. Members do
not in any way represent their employer companies.

See our Facebook page

and follow us on Twitter @covertony & @coverchat

() 2014
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Any
unauthorised reproduction of this work will constitute a copyright infringement, rendering liability both under civil and criminal law.
ISN 1013-1507 COVER APRIL 2014

April 14.indd 4 2014/04/08 9:16 AM

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Untitled-1 2014/03/20
2014/04/07 11:50 AM
3:02 PM

Tonys thoughts
Small, Medium and Micro
Enterprises (SMMEs) have always
been the great stabiliser in the
South African economy. These
small businesses are the fall
back for many individuals who
cannot find employment, are
retrenched, have disabilities
that make it difficult for them
to go to work, and for those
with entrepreneurial talents and
innovative ideas.

The SMME segment of our economy

is therefore an essential part of
employment creation and should be
nurtured, grown and protected. This
month, in our Business and Commercial
Insurance features, we look at both
the short-term as well as the financial
planning side of business insurance.

In my experience, the short-term

up still seems to be a bit slow. Our comprehensively. Insurance penetration
needs of SMMEs are currently being
commentators this month provide us in Africa sits at about 2%, indicating
addressed more frequently than the
with their thoughts on how we should significant opportunity.
financial planning side. The reason
address the challenge and realise the
for this is probably not singular, but I Various executives have presented at
would venture a guess that its two- our conference and now the seminars
fold. Many SMME assets will be linked over the past few years, sharing their
to finance agreements, and these will innovations and successes. The amount
almost always require insuring the of brilliant initiatives that surface as a
financed items. result of collaboration and sharing of
ideas is significant, making participation
However, the picture is not the same
rewarding and incentivising sharing in
for financial planners. SMME business
people usually have shorter term
visions and will spend their money on Read all about this initiative on page
initiatives that can provide the best 43 and make sure you register for
return in the shortest time. No wonder the main conference on 10, 11 and 12
that life insurance is not something for August in Cape Town. With 16 African
which they will pick up the phone. countries participating, if you are in any
way interested in insurance distribution,
When it comes to business and
you will find inspiring sharing at this
commercial insurance, there needs to
event. Visit our website for all the
be a holistic approach by any advisor
INTO AFRICA detail and registration:
or broker for the financial wellbeing
I am freshly back from a round
of their collective client. Many short-
trip through East and West Africa. african-insurance-distribution-
term brokers already have referral
On the back of COVERs very bancassurance-conference
arrangements in place and these will
increase significantly as we see the successful Insurance Distribution and
I hope you enjoy this months packed
pressure on commissions mount. Bancassurance Conference, now in its
fourth year, I went to Kenya and Ghana
For many years the industry has been to host our first Insurance Distribution
working hard at increasing the skills
of the short-term brokers and the
Seminar in both these countries.
The reception was fantastic and the Tony
financial advisors. However, the take- delegates at both seminars participated


April 14.indd 6 2014/04/07 12:26 PM

Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:02 PM
Business insurance is
not for sissies
A large percentage
of SMMEs have no
- or inappropriate
- nancial plans
other than short-
term. Is it because
we know there is
no specialist focus?
COVER asked key
role-players in the
business insurance
sector insurers,
nancial planners,
and legal experts
for their diverse
thoughts on
provision of
business insurance
services to,
especially, Small,
Medium and
Micro Enterprises


April 14.indd 8 2014/04/04 2:32 PM

Business Insurance

Financial Planning:
Supporting the SME
How can financial planners to. Logan realises that he will be
approached by his employees for cover,
and the industry help Small
and he will have to have a strategy in
and Medium Enterprises? place to meet their needs. He will have
Lets look at the scenario of to have access to accurate information
Logan Lundell, founder of a on what is available. The need for a
qualified advisor becomes clear.
relatively successful SME. SMEs
are generally established and THE UNDERCURRENT DICTATES
The communal voice is saying, We
run by entrepreneurs; Logans
want benefits.
main challenge is creating a
profitable business and paying Logan has to assess the viability of
setting up a group employee benefits
salaries and bills. scheme. If he has five employees he
will choose not to implement such a TREVOR TAYLOR
THE PREDICAMENT scheme. But, when he reaches scale, Managing Director
As the business grows, Logan will hire from about twenty employees upwards, Chartered Employee Benefits
more staff. Some will come from large he may find it worth investigating
corporates, where they would have the options for employee benefits:
enjoyed employee benefits as part retirement savings and ancillary risk
of their remuneration package. SMEs benefits group life, disability, funeral he will go to market and request
often do not have embedded benefits. benefits and healthcare through the the advisor to conduct a market
To attract or keep valuable employees group. comparison based on benefits and
who have previously enjoyed such cost, and based on that Logan can
benefits, or expect them, Logan will be PRACTICALLY, HOW WILL HE DO implement appropriate insurance for his
compelled to convert their benefits into THIS? employees.
take-home pay. Contact an independent employee
benefits consultancy, which would The power of the group, economies
Employees may be content with more advise on an appropriate benefit of scale, different ages, and the
income and are not obliged to use structure. In terms of the Income Tax principle of cross-subsidisation could
that additional amount to invest in Act, when you set up a retirement fund, lead to better benefits and medical
underwriting in the employees
favour. The same advisor will request
quotations for the administration of the
YOUNGER EMPLOYEES MAY NOT SEE THE NEED FOR MEDICAL scheme and investment providers to
AID COVER, AND RETIREMENT IS A LONG WAY AWAY. the retirement fund. The advisor will do
a comparison and present the findings
to Logan. SMEs are not compelled to
set up retirement schemes; this is the
a pension scheme or medical aid. all employees have the option to join or right thing to do in the interests of the
Younger employees may not see not within the first year (they may have staff and to attract quality staff.
the need for medical aid cover, and their own provisions already, so you
retirement is a long way away. cant unilaterally enforce membership BENEFITS PLAY A BIG ROLE
as this may lower their take-home Once implemented, Logan must work
Now the SME grows, the employees pay). From the date of inception of the in tandem with the advisor to ensure
are older and wiser, and new personnel retirement fund, all new employees that members are educated on their
are hired. The employees are more who are eligible to participate in the benefits, appreciate them and own
experienced and have seen that retirement funds (in terms of the rules) them. For the benefits to be attractive
their counterparts at corporates have have to join the fund, as prescribed by to the employees, they must have
provision made for their retirement the Income Tax Act. some knowledge of what cover they
and medical needs through a company have. At Chartered Employee Benefits,
scheme. Logans employees recognise RISK BENEFITS we facilitate workshops at employer
their own need for cover, and want to On the insurance side, when Logan has premises to assist financial literacy and
know what benefits they are entitled decided on the risk benefit structure, understanding.


April 14.indd 9 2014/04/04 2:32 PM

Business Insurance

Getting down to business

South Africas entrepreneurs POINTS TO CONSIDER WITH
face unique challenges and RESPECT TO BUSINESS
contradictions. A recent report1
on entrepreneurship found AFFORDABILITY
In the early stages of a business,
that our nations attitudes entrepreneurs have to juggle the
to individual enterprise are conflicting demands of large capital
strongly positive and supportive. expenditure, a significant debt liability
and limited cash-flow. Its vital that
Compared to other fast-growing
premiums are as low as possible,
economies, the costs of starting while delivering the required level of
a business in South Africa protection. By matching the duration
are fairly low. But low levels and behaviour of cover exactly to that
of the underlying need, cover is more
of education, poor access to efficient. We find that this efficient SCHALK MALAN
funding, and relatively high structure saves clients an average of Executive Director:
costs of hiring and firing present 30% on their premiums from day one.
obstacles to success.

In such an unpredictable environment, WE FIND THAT THIS products should offer the ability to
entrepreneurs have their work cut out EFFICIENT STRUCTURE structure cover taking these future
for them. Their business assurance changes into account from the outset.
must provide a high degree of flexibility SAVES CLIENTS AN
For example, a business owner may
to maximise both the relevance and AVERAGE OF 30% ON THEIR
know that his vehicle fleet will be
affordability of their risk cover as their PREMIUMS FROM DAY ONE. replaced every four years and wish
businesses grow and develop. We to structure his businesss debt cover
believe there are both the opportunity to increase in line with inflation
and the demand for product providers every four years. BrightRock offers
to introduce more efficient product unique features that allow this level of
structures that address entrepreneurs flexibility.
Once a debt liability has been met,
changing needs better.
theres no longer a requirement to
provide cover for it. Similarly, as
Access: While its possible to anticipate
Traditional product structures certain future developments such as
whether providing protection for a business evolves, its reliance on
the date that a debt will have been
keyman, contingent liability or a specific key individuals is likely to
paid off its also very likely that
buy-and-sell do so via a single change or lessen and eventually end,
new needs will arise or the businesss
capitalised lump-sum that is priced for impacting on the nature and extent of
growth will play out differently than
the maximum term and usually set to the keyman cover required.
expected. Future insurability and access
grow over time. This is generally at to cover with minimum friction is a
odds with the nature of the business critical requirement. While BrightRock
assurance needs themselves (see points prices cover for the appropriate need to
to consider). maximise efficiency, we underwrite a
clients premiums for life. This means,
The ability to tailor cover to match the
should their needs change in future,
underlying financial need is the central
business owners have the ability to
tenet of the needs-matched insurance
redirect their premiums to different
structure BrightRock introduced to
needs and insurance events (even to
the market in 2012. Financial advisors
personal cover) anytime their needs
have welcomed this ability to meet
change, free of medical underwriting.
the needs of their business assurance
They also have the ability to buy up
clients. While we launched with the
cover with limited medical underwriting
intention of initially focusing purely Reduction in need for Key Person cover
(HIV test only).
on individual cover, the demand for over time
business assurance was immediately
clear and weve been pleased with Many of these future changes in need
the volumes of business written in this can be anticipated with a fair amount 1
Ernst & Young G20 Entrepreneurship
category. of certainty. Business assurance Barometer, October 2013.


April 14.indd 10 2014/04/04 2:32 PM

JHB 45778
Together we can
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the scruff of its neck,
poke it in the eye
and give it
a good old wedgie.
Oh, and we can also sell insurance together.

Were super proud of the lasting partnerships were building with

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people like you, forehead veins dont throb, swear words arent hurled,
and everyones lives become a lot less worrisome.

personal commercial corporate investments Hollard Short-term, Hollard Life and Hollard Investments are Authorised Financial Services Providers.

Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:02 PM

Business Insurance

Sanlams approach
to the SME market
The local SME sector is growing process. Financial planners therefore
tend to lean towards personal financial
steadily. More and more business
advice rather than addressing business
owners are developing and assurance needs. We estimate
managing successful businesses. that business assurance generally
They have a keen understanding constitutes 10% to 15% of a financial
advisors risk book.
of their industry, but many still
do not fully understand the Sanlam has intensified its focus on the
SME market over the past few years.
financial implications of not
With Financial Solutions for Business
having the necessary business Owners, Sanlam is giving the financial
insurance cover in place. planner a consolidated view of the
Sanlam value proposition for business
Business assurance is a specialised owners. We support financial planners
field and financial planners are often from a business insurance perspective, DEON THEUNIS
hesitant to offer this service. One of offering tools, efficient business Sanlam
the barriers to entering this market processes and specialised support
is a lack of understanding of the tax material, such as business assurance
implications associated with business podcasts for contingent liability, buy
insurance, i.e. income tax, estate and sell arrangements, key person financial planner to engage this market
duty and capital gains tax. This is a insurance and sickness benefits for with confidence. A recent addition is a
crucial element in the advice giving key persons, to make it easy for the series of legal flash facts that discuss in
laymans terms all the tax implications
pertaining to business insurance.

In 2014 we are focusing on contingent

WE ESTIMATE THAT BUSINESS ASSURANCE GENERALLY liability and we aim to address every
aspect of financial planning with
CONSTITUTES 10% TO 15% OF A FINANCIAL ADVISORS RISK BOOK. an electronic Contingent Liability
Briefcase. The reality is that most
businesses have debt and most
business owners have not secured
that debt. We therefore want to equip
financial planners to interact with
any business owner regarding the
implications of signing surety on behalf
of the business.

The 1-2-3 of Business is Sanlams

flagship business insurance analysis
instrument and is used by around
2 000 financial planners. Not only
addressing the pertinent business
insurance needs of the business owner,
it also ensures that the loop is closed
by generating the relevant business
insurance agreements, ready for the
clients signature, a pre-populated
application form, an online quoting
facility and so much more. The
phenomenal take-up since its launch
in 2008 indicates an absolute vote of
confidence from financial planners and
business owner clients alike.


April 14.indd 12 2014/04/04 2:32 PM

The value of advice
Advisors play a vital role in
ensuring business continuity at
South Africas SMMEs

Business Assurance is designed to

perform in the event a director,
partner or key employee at an SME
dies or becomes disabled. This

category of insurance allows business
owners and decision makers at small
companies with assistance from a
suitably qualified financial advisor to

put in place structures and monetary
arrangements to protect the SME GARETH STOKES
following such events. Communications Manager,
Financial Intermediaries
The most common covers are Key Association of Southern Africa (FIA)
Person Insurance and Buy and Sell
Agreements. Key Person cover pays a
cash lump sum to enable a business of their personal risk portfolios.
to survive in the period immediately As companies grow in size the
following the death of a key person. transaction is more likely initiated
The life insured is the key person by a senior employee or financial
while the company is the beneficiary manager by contacting an insurer
of the plan and pays the premiums. which in turn recommends a financial
advisor. There is also evidence that
A Buy and Sell Agreement provides financial advisors linked to the small
funds in the event of a partners business departments of major banks
death to purchase a portion of the are active in this space.
deceaseds business interest. It is
a policy bought over the life of a One of the risks in the SME
director or partner by another, though environment is that business owners
in the case of a sole proprietorship a underestimate the role they play
key employee is usually named as the in the continued success of the
buyer/successor. operation. They are quick to put in
place short-term insurance covers for
plants and machinery, motor vehicles,
property, building contents and
even complex risks such as business
PERSON WHILE THE COMPANY IS interruption covers; but hesitate to
THE BENEFICIARY OF THE PLAN insure their own lives.
Although Business Insurance falls in
the financial planning remit the FIA
is aware that many of its members
Business Assurance is an important operate in multiple financial services
component of any holistic business disciplines. We are confident that our
protection plan. We expect short-term broker members would
professional risk and financial advisors suggest to business owners that
to consider such covers as part of they consider the impact of the loss
the comprehensive financial needs of a key person in their overall risk
analysis that they would conduct for consideration.
small businesses and their owners.
The next step for small business
How do small businesses transact for owners is for them to arrange a
Business Assurance? It appears that meeting with a financial planning
many SMEs access covers through professional to ensure that covers
their personal financial planning such as Key Person Insurance and Buy
contacts, often as an extension and Sell Agreements are in place.


April 14.indd 13 2014/04/04 2:32 PM

Business Insurance

Managing emotions for

a family-owned SMME
Within the short-term industry environment? If the dream of a family-
owned business manager is to leave a
there is a differentiation between
legacy for his or her children, how can
personal and commercial the financial planner assist?
insurance solutions, with further
When emotions run high, intelligence
specialisation in the agricultural runs low, and where there is family
and engineering industries. involved, financial planners need to
Specialist industries such as ensure that uncontrolled emotions are
managed proactively. How does one
mechanical engineering or wine
ensure that the family does not make
farming highlight the importance emotional business decisions in favour
of a personalised offering, and of the family that undermine the future
that a one size fits all approach sustainability of the business? JACO GOUWS
could lead to potential shortfalls Product Actuary
Specific non-insurance strategies like Old Mutual
and gaps in risk cover. conflict resolution agreements and
drafting a family constitution can
Within the long-term industry too complement traditional succession
children who are not actively involved
there is a differentiation between planning strategies. If there are no
in the business?
personal and business financial clear ground rules on, for example,
planning. However, there is a specific remuneration or a formal policy if a Family members are often not able
need for financial planners to focus on family member needs to be disciplined to deal with the emotional issues of
the specialised area of family-owned due to bad work performance, a family-owned business. Through
businesses. the business could face premature intelligent, proactive planning an
extinction. external third party like a financial
The definition of a family business is planner could facilitate the process
that the majority of the shares (e.g. Business owners can get so entangled
along with a family business consultant
51%) must be in the hands of the with the short-term daily operational
to ensure that the family business can
family; the family must have the issues that they tend not to take time
still prosper when emotions runs high.
intention to take the business to the out to plan for strategic issues to help
Old Mutual supports FABASA (Family
Business Association of South Africa),
a non-profit organisation that strives
MORE THAN 80% OF ALL to be the mouthpiece for family
businesses in South Africa. Family
BUSINESSES IN SOUTH businesses can join FABASA at no cost
and get access to accredited family
AFRICA ARE FAMILY-OWNED. business consultants and financial

Accredited family business consultants

next generation; and the family must future-proof the business. Traditionally, can assist family businesses with
be in charge of the strategic direction financial planners ask what will happen succession planning, a family
of the business. in the event that ownership needs to constitution and more to help the
be transferred in the case of death or family business move successfully
More than 80% of all businesses in disability. from one generation to the next. The
South Africa are family-owned, but Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
the sad reality is that only a third It should be asked if there is a plan in (NMMU) is the learning partner of
of family businesses survive to the place if someone in the family should FABASA. If you are interested in
second generation, and less than want to take over the reins. Is there an becoming a family business consultant,
4% to the third generation. So how exit strategy should the current owner- you can enrol in a short learning
can a financial planner assist these manager want to hand over or retire? programme at NMMU.
businesses to tackle the challenges of Will the successor need to fund the
succession planning and continuity, and transfer, or does the successor have For more information visit FABASAs
help them to survive in a competitive to buy into the business? What about website at


April 14.indd 14 2014/04/04 2:33 PM

Your business can now
afford to be compliant
Legislative risks small, medium

Divisional Head:
and micro business owners Infiniti Legal Sense
of South Africa face as they
grapple with the almost daily

tasks of ensuring compliance
to regulatory requirements,
on all levels, without breaking the
adherence to labour laws bank. It frees business owners to
and consumer protectorate focus on business activities, without

directives, in addition to trying having to waste their time trying
to resolve legal problems and
to grow market share in a challenges when it could be better
challenging economy. spent on production and revenue
generating opportunities, says
Being the master of your own Sharon Paterson, CEO of Infiniti
destiny is appealing to a budding Insurance.
entrepreneur, but its certainly not
The fairy godmother to small
Well be
for the faint-hearted. Preparedness
is half the battle won. business comes in the form of
select South African legal insurance

Ever-changing regulatory legislation underwriters who are playing a
could see an entrepreneur crippled pivotal role in putting affordable
by a simple labour or client dispute. legal services within the reach of
Businesses are exposed and this
exposure seems to be increasing
all SMME business owners in South
African. the killer at
as our country and economy
develop. SMMEs are required to
comply with a myriad of legislation
DISPUTES ARE: our roadshow.
covering a vast number of areas, A supplier who doesnt supply
and professional legal assistance the correct service or goods and
is necessary in order to become, your business suffers as a result;
and stay, compliant, but the cost of
having access to legal representation A business partnership or trading
and advice is so high that most relationship goes sour and
SMME owners simply cannot afford matters need to be settled;
to be compliant.
A customer does not pay for your
This leaves businesses wide open to services or products and it is too
risks when confronted with labour expensive, or you do not have
disputes with employees, contractual the legal expertise at hand, to
disagreements with suppliers, service recover the money owed to you;
providers or clients, potential liability
An employee committing fraud
claims, unrecoverable debt and
or giving bad service under
ultimately, costly litigation. These
your companys name;
risks have a negative impact on the
overall morale and sustainability An employee stealing your
of SMMEs, which is the opposite customer base or breaching the
of what we want to achieve in terms of their contract and taking
economic growth and job creation in business away from your company;
South Africa.
Debtors not paying you,
The value of commercial legal which means taking legal
protection insurance for SMMEs action against them; and
is that business owners have
access to legal advice, support and An employee takes your company
infrastructure to ensure compliance to the CCMA for unfair dismissal.


April 14.indd 15 2014/04/04 2:33 PM

Business Insurance

Financial planning and

business assurance
The word Business Assurance these paragraphs in the Income Tax
act are some of the most changed
evokes one of two emotions
in recent tax legislation, a cursory
in most financial planners: knowledge of it would only add to
either apprehension because the planners risk in advising clients
of the perceived complexities on their business assurance needs.
Another example is the correlation
of the topic, or glee for the between the stipulations of the
potential income that can be new Companies Act with regard to
earned in this arena. Although the Memorandum of Incorporation
and the buy and sell agreement.
there are a number of financial
planners whose income is mainly A planner specialising in business HESTA VAN DER WESTHUIZEN
assurance also need to be an expert CFP, Chairperson of the Financial
generated by their focus on Planning Institutes Risk ISG
in estate planning. Business assurance
Business Assurance, and even a planners cannot continue to ignore
few practices that specialise in the effect the business advice will
dealing with business owners, have on a clients personal estate this could change in future. Due
and we foresee that inappropriate to the complexities involved in the
there are probably not sufficient advice in this regard might in Business Assurance market, financial
numbers to call it a trend. future be the base for personal planners who want to work in this
claims from executors and spouses area need to equip themselves with
Some of the reasons why planners who have been harmed by the the knowledge and expertise to give
dont specialise more in business incorrect implementation of business appropriate advice on all matters
assurance might be because of the assurance agreements and policies. involved in managing the risks for
increased risk to a planner in giving business owners in transferring the
advice on business assurance matters: The minefield that is advising on the ownership and covering liabilities in
disability cover component of buy and the event of death and disability.
The additional layer of legislation sell agreements, where the wrong
which applies to business assurance advice could leave a still reasonably As an industry we have the moral
and which could affect the quality of able business owner with some obligation to ensure that we are
advice offered by financial planners is capital but without his business. equipped to provide business owners,
a risk. For example, any planner who especially in the SMME market, which
advises on business assurance should We have not yet seen many claims might not always be as profitable as big
be an expert on the specific Income against financial planners in the area business, with the tools to protect their
Tax and Estate Duty stipulations that of risk cover advice as the majority capital input and accumulated wealth
rule on the deductibility of premiums of FAIS ombud claims are aimed for dependents.
and the taxability of proceeds. As at investment advice. However,


April 14.indd 16 2014/04/04 2:33 PM

Brokers and insurers:
The valuable market of
SME business insurance

Providing business solutions

to the dynamic SME market COMING
allows insurers to demonstrate
their versatility. Quick to
market response and superior
service delivery are two
priorities. In this price sensitive

sector the role of the broker
is crucial in helping the
client understand their own
insurance needs and also how VILONA MOODLEY
to mitigate risk of loss. SME Profit Centre Manager
Africa at AIG

Providing insurance solutions to SME

companies can be a challenge as

to a venue
often business owners are not aware
of all the risks to their business and
having the right insurer matters
as such dont necessarily feel the
and in the event of a claim, clients
need to know that it will be handled
correctly and quickly. near you.
FLEXIBLE OFFERINGS As for having the appropriate
solution, flexibility is essential.
PROVIDE BROKERS THE Brokers need to have various options
ABILITY TO DELIVER from the underwriter, including
specialist solutions that go beyond
UNIQUE SOLUTIONS. the usual fire, theft and liability
cover. For example, AIGs solution
includes Image Protector, which
addresses accidental injury and
need to insure. Insurers offer various property loss cover for visitors to
solutions and often have special risk the premises without acceptance of
management requirements for varied liability by the insured, and kidnap
client business occupations. Unlike and wrongful detention protection
large businesses, SMEs do not have (Consultants Costs) in the event of
in-house risk managers, who would kidnap, ransom, wrongful detention
normally identify the necessary cover or hijacking.
for the business. This highlights
the need for a brokers advice to Features like these differentiate
find appropriate solutions for the insurers in the market and provide
client. Brokers play a crucial role in greater choice when packaged for
highlighting the consequences of a individual clients. Flexible offerings
loss; even fairly moderate impacts provide brokers the ability to deliver
can imperil the companys ability to unique solutions.
maintain its operations.
In alignment with the governments
The SME insurance market is focus on development of the SME
characterised by price sensitivity; sector, insurers and brokers give
nevertheless its the full value high priority to this sector in both
proposition that counts. Thats where their short and long term plans.

Altrisk is a division of Hollard Life Assurance, an17authorised

COVER APRIL 2014 financial services provider (FSP 17697).

April 14.indd 17 2014/04/04 2:33 PM


The commercial environment in South Africa has changed. Competition has increased
significantly, and the SMME (Small Medium and Micro Enterprises) market is being looked to as a
main driver of the economy. As the commercial environment shifts its focus towards construction
and engineering, freight, liability and retail a different approach needs to be adopted. COVER
spoke to industry leaders on how they are tackling the commerical insurance market.

Regulation, volatility GILLIAN WOLMAN,

Account Manager

and transparency Aon

An analysis of claims that have been

Todays business executives face Negligent acts that one could be held lodged in South African certainly
a very different set of risks from liable for can however be mitigated underscores the need for the cover that
that of their predecessors. through a correctly structured D&O a D&O liability insurance policy provides.
liability insurance policy. The main In many instances these claims have
New risks continue to emerge purpose of a D&O policy is to offer led to the demise of large corporate
ranging from cyber crime and security financial protection for todays companies due to claims that arose
breaches, through to the risks that are executives in addition to providing legal as a result of mismanagement by key
associated with meeting increasingly coverage in the event of a claim. executives, or the failure of accounting
complex regulatory and compliance and auditing firms to unveil financial
requirements. Many executives will The cover that a D&O liability insurance
irregularities to mention two examples.
have to find a balance between making policy provides is an absolute necessity
Another example could include
tough and multifaceted decisions when it comes to the protection of the
extensive press coverage of directors
while operating in a challenging global personal interests of directors, officers faults, including alleged irregularities.
environment. and other employees that are charged
with supervisory and managerial Ultimately a programme of this nature
All businesses, whether a small SMME responsibilities, and who can be held must encourage a corporate culture
or a listed corporate company, have to liable for wrongful acts which may that supports ethical and responsible
contend with a seemingly endless list occur in their day to day management behaviour in addition to reducing the
of requirements for better transparency, activities. frequency and severity of possible
disclosure, accountability and claims against directors and officers.
governance, to name a few. It inevitably A claim is normally lodged by a third
brings about a barrage of responsibilities party who has a relationship with or D&O liability cover remains reasonably
that directors and officers (D&Os) an interest in the company and who inexpensive in South Africa, while
need to comply with, not to mention alleges that a director or officer has the insurance market continues to be
keeping abreast of various enactments, acted wrongfully. In some cases this relatively soft at the moment, and
corporate codes and best practices. results in financial loss to a third party. therefore makes it the ideal time to
D&Os ultimately need to illustrate to The third party has the right to litigate purchase and review existing covers
various stakeholders that they are against the company as well as the
running their organisations efficiently individual directors and officers, which Finally, there is a view that the
and profitably. involves substantial legal costs and in New Companies Act may see the
some instances, civil damages. development of renewed litigation that
The personal risks for executives and could potentially have an adverse effect
the reputational risks for corporates A wrongful act is typically defined as an on the cost of the cover. In addition
themselves are significant. In extreme actual or alleged breach of duty, breach to this, there is also a perspective that
cases directors and officers may even of trust, neglect, error, misstatement, the promulgation of the Protection of
be forced to surrender personal assets misleading statement, omission, breach Personal Information Bill (POPI) could
due to circumstances beyond their of warranty or authority or any other see the emergence of additional claims
control. act. in the corporate arena.


April 14.indd 18 2014/04/04 2:34 PM

Construction losses
caused by rain and storms
With the recent rains and BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PRINCIPAL
storms in the country there Divisional Director Construction &
A question exists regarding the
will be many Construction All principal or owner of the property Engineering Hollard Broker Markets
Risk (CAR) losses as storm is concerned. What if there is now a
one of the perils covered under loss of income or a delay in taking
occupation or renting out the building? WHAT IS ALOP ADVANCE LOSS
CAR policies. However many OF PROFITS?
contractors may not have the 72 As protection the principal can take out The basis of ALOP is a once off policy,
ALOP (Advance Loss of Profits) or DSU following the underlying CAR or EAR
hours clause on the CAR policy policy. It is project specific and is
(Delay in Start Up) cover, designed to
and this may pose an additional protect the interest of the principle. only for the principal. It covers for
exposure to them regarding how This type of cover provides for loss of all standing charges including wages
income/rent due to a delay in start-up salaries and net profit and can also
many excesses are to apply. be extended to cater for Increased
or commissioning following an insured
Question is: What can the event, such as the recent storm damage Cost of Working (ICOW) to minimise a
Principal/Property Owner do? from rains. This type of cover can only potential large loss.
be taken out with an underlying CAR or
In the event of a storm claim, the Erection All Risks (EAR) type policy. The sum insured is for the gross profit
contractor may well be indemnified obtained from the turnover for the
for the losses that may have occurred. In the case of large projects where finance goods manufactured, rentals achieved
The contractor may, depending on the was obtained it would be wise to make or services rendered. There is an
contract conditions in place between sure this cover is in place to cater for the indemnity period and a time excess but
principle and contractor, ask for an delay in commissioning the project. This these are dependent on the type of
extension in time, as natural events would protect the principal/owner for project and complexity.
would normally be seen as those to some of the financial losses that may be
qualify for time extensions. incurred during the period of insurance.

Chaotic weather challenged

film guarantee specialist
The unpredictable weather Its not just the fact that it rains, but its
the severity of the recent weather that PAUL RALEIGH
patterns are causing chaos
has added to the logistical nightmares. Head of Hollard Film Guarantors,
with the shooting schedules In these circumstances insurers need to Hollard Broker Markets (and Oscar
of local film productions. This work with the producers to minimise award winning producer of Tsotsi)

is where expertise is essential the potential budget overruns.

in providing Film Guarantees For instance, recent rains have forced And because we believe in going the
which financially protect the film production teams to move inside extra mile, the challenges to us have
much more often than usual when
investors in a film. We see it been extreme. We use our expertise
the plan was to shoot exteriors. This to brainstorm options and overcome
as part of our service to consult complicates the availability of actors, obstacles. We are very hands on
and advise film production bookings of specialised equipment and receive regular reports from film
teams when they hit snags and location arrangements including production crews so we can monitor
security people. All this has a domino progress and hold regular meetings.
which threaten production effect on the entire logistical process,
deadlines. right down to where lunch will be


April 14.indd 19 2014/04/04 2:34 PM


Surrounding the
SMME market
APPROACHING THE SMME MARKET As there is no precedent at the CCMA,
South Africa is a largely SMME-driven we have found that the employer has a
economy and very often, smaller firms 50% chance of winning the case, with
are unaware of the totality of risks they the average award being four months
face, especially in the regulatory and of the employees salary, should the
increasingly more litigious environment case be lost. Another big risk areas is
that is South Africa. Usually having commercial crime where employees
less resources at their disposal, SMMEs are involved, or a third-party computer
are focused on running their business hacking, which could result in losses
and all too often, fail to consider the that run into the millions. Management
ramifications of having no risk cover may not have even regarded such
in most instances they are even exposures as being key business risks
unaware of the risks at all. One such but they have the potential to close the
risk is those associated with employee doors of even the most stable small
liability. business.

Bodies such as the Commission for In response to the needs of the

Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration market, we are consistently developing
(CCMA), provide a free and easy forum innovative products and searching for
for employees to take their employers ways to provide SMMEs with pioneering Commercial Crime Underwriter
for allegations of unfair labour risk management solutions that meet Camargue
practices, such as sexual harassment, the requirements of an ever evolving
discrimination and failure to employ. risk landscape. One of the many ways

in which we do this, is by establishing

various schemes specifically
designed to provide affordable and
comprehensive coverage for smaller


In our experience, commercial liability
and the specialist risks market is
significantly undersold. There is also
a trend that points towards under
insurance; even when a business has
the correct policy to address a defined
exposure, the limit of indemnity or
sum insured is insufficient to address
the extent of the exposure. Exposures
like a catastrophe loss or a number of
smaller losses during a certain period.
This results in a highly undersold and
underinsured market.

Its bad business for SMMEs to

ignore their industry and business
specific risks, as its unlikely such an
operation has the balance sheet to
absorb unforeseen losses like larger
corporates. This will threaten them as
a going concern. The dynamic nature
of risk poses opportunities to cunning


April 14.indd 20 2014/04/04 2:34 PM

insurance brokers who are able to an insurance policy is the last link in advice is provided, as well as ensure
up skill themselves sufficiently to the the risk management chain, whereby that adequate insurance is placed in
point where they can sell products the loss occurs and is migrated to relation to the clients exposure, which
not previously sold. In so doing, they the insurer. Our proactive approach we believe may prove challenging in
can address key business risks faced attempts to manage and mitigate the direct market.
by clients while attracting new and
retaining and growing their current
book of business.
Camargue differentiates itself from
competitive offerings through a highly CHANCE OF WINNING THE CASE.
skilled, professional and knowledgeable
team. This coupled with prompt
turnaround times, as well as having an
array of comprehensive risk solution Our complementary risk management
business risk from the outset, thus
products to address key threats facing services are specifically designed to
providing smaller firms with direct
businesses ensures a distinctive edge empower businesses by managing and
access to legal, compliance and other
for the brand. We are conscious of the mitigating uninsurable risks; forming
fact that not all risks can be migrated useful services which they may not
an integral part of a firms ongoing
to an insurance carrier, and as such, otherwise have access to.
operational efficiency as they progress
we provide tailor made complementary through the business lifecycle.
risk management services to policy Attaching to various offerings,
We distinguish ourselves from direct
holders, to holistically mitigate and such services include contract and
players through our expertise in the
manage key business risks. This disclaimer vetting to ensure that
products and services we provide,
enables intermediaries to provide policy holders are compliant with
as well as our in-depth knowledge
their clients with comprehensive risk the Consumer Protection Act, free
of the key business risks facing firms
management solutions to the risks they telephonic legal advice, memberships
and industries today. Due to the
face, which is beneficial to the Insured to the Institute of Directors in
but also aids in strengthening the complexity and mystique attached
Southern Africa, membership to an
relationship. to liability products, coupled with a
employers organisation to assist in
vast and dynamic risk and regulatory
labour dispute resolution, as well as
It is often challenging for small environment, it is imperative that
a whistle blowing hotline to report
business to compete with big business. intermediaries and businesses attain
suspicious activity in the workplace, to
It is pertinent that businesses partner the best advice from specialists in the
name a few.
with service providers that will offer field. By partnering with intermediaries,
useful advice to assist them on a we are able to put the client first and
continual basis. As we believe that work together to ensure the correct


April 14.indd 21 2014/04/04 2:34 PM


SAs vibrant segment

Being a vibrant segment, the term sustainability. These risks are CAREL VAN DER MERWE
often driven by regulatory change or Managing Director
South African SMME market is Marsh Commercial Practise
perhaps global market trends, which
on everyones growth agenda. is where we can bring our know how
Having created a dedicated focus to bear. versus house owners, householders,
on this segment as far back personal all risks and other personal
As a broker, one needs to direct the risks.
as 1988 we have developed conversation with clients to uncover
an intricate understanding of those needs, providing suitable advice Brokers tend to focus on the provision
and promoting quality informed of advice and objectivity as a
their unique risk and service
decisions around risk. Our growth in differentiator. Having the ability to
needs, which has driven the this area has largely been attributable consider multiple suppliers products
development of our competitive to referrals from existing clients, who and services as options for clients also
and effective solutions without have experienced the value we provide enables brokers to provide solutions
through our approach. that meet clients needs, whereas
compromising on quality. the direct markets will punt only their
THE BROKER LANDSCAPE product. Having choice also impacts on
SMME MARKET LANDSCAPE As risks become more complex, it competitiveness and objectivity; so the
The uniqueness of SMMEs stems from becomes increasingly difficult to client benefits all-round.
the nature of entrepreneurs, who tend provide comprehensive advice using a
to be focused on their operations and virtual distribution model; so with the Through our extensive global footprint,
issues like sales, cash-flow, stock and diversity risks businesses are exposed we bring international know-how to
people management. With the diverse to quality advice and support is sought the solutions we put together and we
issues they deal with on a day-to- after by prudent businesses. are confident they provide a holistic
day basis, they dont often have the and client-centric solution. We do
luxury to concentrate on the broader Consider the advice and support so in a collaborative way with our
context of risk, such as operational required when considering liability, insurer partners, to find long term and
or strategic risk and more specifically export, cyber and/or directors and sustainable solutions that work to the
how these will impact on their long officers exposures for businesses advantage of all the stakeholders.


The current commercial WILLIAM SURMON
National Head of Sales & Distribution at Zurich
insurance landscape is evolving
and becoming increasingly
competitive. Here are a number full disclosure, so that they receive Niche lines of business will continue
of trends we can expect to see full coverage and dont risk having to be important. Here, small players
claims turned down. may have a slight disadvantage as
in this particular segment:
they may not have lines of business
Competition will increase, however that big carriers have.
More and more direct players will rates will need to be sustainable.
aim to get into commercial lines There is a need to evaluate Compliance and governance will be
of business. Products are more premiums and see what is fair to major factors. Upcoming regulation
complex in this sector and often charge for the client, broker and could potentially affect the way
bespoke solutions are required by insurer. If clients have to pay too commercial products are sold and
brokers for their clients. much, they may not be able to serviced.
meet costs and may choose options
Brokers will continue to play a with inadequate cover. In addition, Flexibility will be everything.
pivotal role. Ultimately, it is up the broker needs to make a fair Insurers will need to be able to
to customers to ensure that the commission and the insurer needs to offer clients the right solution for
broker they use is reputable and generate sufcient revenue to cover their businesses from the start
understands the markets and claims, costs and remain protable. and as these businesses grow
industries they need cover for. and change over the years, be
Using a broker also allows clients to Cross-border solutions will become able to alter the product offering
assess policy offers from multiple a requirement and an opportunity. accordingly. In this instance, global
insurance players, ensuring that Choosing a partner that has insurers with global competencies,
they choose the solution that best experience in, and knowledge diverse product offerings and
suits them. Transparency is key about, particular markets will be strong corporate divisions have an
clients must be transparent and give critical to success. advantage.


April 14.indd 22 2014/04/04 2:34 PM

Underneath the
HIC has historically adopted confident in our core capability
of being able to underwrite risks
an inclusive approach towards
correctly. We make every effort to
Small, Medium and Micro ensure that the premiums we quote
Enterprises in the Hospitality, are risk commensurate and within
Commercial and Industrial the parameters of our risk appetite.
We do not believe in broad brush risk
sectors. Our focus has never assessment. Each risk is treated on
just been on the big corporate its own merits. In our opinion direct NEVIN SANDRA
Underwriting Technical Specialist
clients. players appeal to the price sensitive at HICSA
clients who unfortunately often treat
SMMEs make up a large proportion of their risk transfer needs and the need
our portfolio, the majority of which for adequate insurance protection with
have been loyal to us for more than secondary importance. These clients 1) Identifying their risk transfer needs;
seven years. Our product range caters often have rude awakenings when their
for both the established and emerging claims are repudiated due to one or 2) Shopping around and negotiating
entrepreneurs in hospitality, tourism, more of several special cover conditions for the coverage that best meets the
retail, manufacturing and other not being met. They unfortunately clients needs;
segments. We have been geared up for learn the hard way that cheaper
3) Negotiating more competitive but
several years now to provide standard premium, does not equal adequate
risk commensurate premiums;
insurances covers or more importantly insurance coverage.
tailor made risk solutions for SMMEs. 4) Risk improvements to make the
In the last three years we have Unless key decision makers at
risk more acceptable to Insurers; and
experienced significant growth in policy SMMEs have the time, capacity
units in respect of SMMEs. Some have and technical insurance knowledge,
seen sustainable growth year on year they should be appointing a broker 5) Advice on whether a claim is
and others have unfortunately fallen and leaving insurance matters in indemnifiable or not.
victim to tough economic conditions. the his/ her capable hands. Brokers
have the knowledge and established At HIC we will continue to assist our
The threat of direct players has relationships with Insurers to assist brokers in dealing with these and other
never really phased HIC, as we are them with among other services: services.


April 14.indd 23 2014/04/04 2:35 PM


Insuring the exotic Madame

Zingaraon the move
The IIG held its annual
Inauguration Dinner at Madame
Zingara, currently located at
Montecasino in Johannesburg.
to Johannesburg, re-opening mid- PROTECTING THE GRAND MADAME
With its unusual travelling February in time for booked events THE PRACTICAL SIDE
business model and exotic and Valentines Day at Monte Casino. Jones explains that the moving process
structure, insuring it while Fortunately luck was with us the includes every conceivable type of risk
re-erection dodged the nightmare including loss or damage to virtually
travelling demands engineering
rain storms which followed and have the irreplaceable tent, its fittings and
expertise and unusual skills from plagued the area in late February and dcor during dismantling, packing and
all concerned. After attending March. loading into vehicles and 12 containers,
the fabulous IIG Dinner, COVER the transit and then off-loading and re-
THE BASICS: The antique mirrored tent erection at the new venue.
asked Hollard Broker Markets is almost 25m wide x 33m long x 8,6m
Anthony Jones from Hollard high with a seating capacity of 420. It The risks that the insureds business
takes three to five days to dismantle could face during the moving process
Construction, Engineering and
and the same time to erect at the new can also include:
Guarantees for input about the venue. The structure is steel and wood
insurance challenges. which supports the aluminium roof and public liability while dismantling,
tent pieces which in a high wind can transporting and re-erection - such as
Financially protecting the movement act as a huge sail on a very large boat, damage to a nearby shopping centres
of the magnificent and unique 80 or a parachute, so wind is an important underground cables or a passer-
year old Mirror Tent housing the risk factor that has to be managed, by getting hurt by a falling item;
extraordinarily successful Madame said Jones. The external greening
loss of future profit if the
Zingara is one of our most unusual and setting up the interior dcor of
insureds items are damaged;
business insurance challenges because decorative glass, carved wood and
it moves between Cape Town, Durban exotic fabric takes 14 days. damage to property not being part
and Johannesburg on a regular basis, of the contract, such as a vehicle
said Anthony Jones, qualified engineer According to Madame Zingaras
or large storage container;
and insurer within Hollard Construction, broker, Brett Jacobs of Glacier Asset
Engineering and Guarantees a Protection in Cape Town: Madame potential losses could also emanate
division of the newly created Hollard Zingara is a very special client to me from theft, malicious damage,
Broker Markets. and the expert engineering knowledge tearing or collapse of structure,
of Anthony was vital because the faulty workmanship or materials,
Transporting this exotic wining, dining clients business model requires that employers liability, fire perils including
and entertainment venue, including the entire risk moves on a regular lightening, explosion, storm, wind,
catering facilities, to between main basis. We needed to find a partner in water, hail or snow or even an
centres during the year required the industry that understands all the aircraft and other aerial devices or
engineering expertise to evaluate associated risks to this unusual business articles dropping from the sky; and
and effectively protect the structure insurance challenge. The construction
and business from the multiplicity of the Madame Zingara venue is far high winds can cause large tent
of unusual risks that face this rare from standard and replacements are pieces to turn into dangerous
business model. not freely available in South Africa. parachute type structures or sails
But with his engineering qualifications that drive large sailing boats.
Anyone in the industry who has Anthony understood the underwriting
experienced the magnificent beauty risks which are generally perceived as This is just a digest of the many
of the Madame Zingara velvet big way outside the norm. types of risks we need to be aware
top with its delicate glass dcor and of. Our priority as underwriters is to
beautiful woodwork, can imagine and Jones said his engineering skills provide correct and complete cover to
appreciate the multiple challenges are usually applied to less exotic our business policyholders according
involved in effectively insuring and risk constructions. Accurately insuring all to obvious as well as hidden risks
managing its movement. It requires the risks involved in the dismantling, which have the potential to damage
12 containers to move it to new transit, and re-erection process is their operation as a highly successful
cities at least three times a year. The certainly a highlight of my insurance business, Jones concluded.
latest move was from Cape Town career.


April 14.indd 24 2014/04/04 2:35 PM


Marketing and Sales Manager:
Personal Product Solutions
Aon South Africa

Is your peddle cycle covered in

transit? This would be an ideal

Insurance cover
question to ask if you are travelling
to various locations to participate
in races, even flying to Cape Town

for cycling fanatics

for the Argus for example.

Is your peddle cycle covered

for damage while in use?

Is your peddle cycle covered

for professional racing?
Cycling is taking South Africa by Once you take your bicycle out of
the house, it needs to be specified Is your racing gear, such as sunglasses
storm with enthusiasts taking
under the All Risks section of your and helmets, specified and covered?
to the streets and participating insurance policy. Household contents Accessories costs can add up quickly.
in events that are growing in are restricted to the four walls of your
popularity like the Cape Argus home and anything you take out of What exclusions exist on my policy?
your front door needs to be specified.
Cycle Tour (35 000 participants) Cycling enthusiasts should discuss
and the 94.7 Cycle Challenge Under an unspecified all risks section of the cover of their peddle cycle with
cover, certain types of risks are limited their broker. The brokers role is to
(30 000 participants). Many examine your circumstances in detail
with pedal cycles generally restricted
cyclists however underestimate to not more than R5000. If your high and impartially recommend covers to
the financial implications performance bicycle is unspecified meet those needs. Choice, simplicity of
of having to replace lost or under the All Risks section of your wording and customisation will ensure
insurance policy, it wont be adequately that your bicycle is covered correctly.
damaged peddle cycles and gear covered for any loss or damage, leaving Not only does it provide you with the
with top of the range cycles you seriously out of pocket. peace of mind of competing without
costing as much as R75k. having to worry about the unforeseen,
There are a few questions to check but a brokers expertise will also ensure
with your broker to ensure that your prompt and fair settlement of any
high performance, peddle cycle is claims so you can get back to doing
specified and insured correctly: what you like best without delay.


April 14.indd 25 2014/04/04 2:35 PM


Exhibitors fired up CHARLENE HEFER

IFSEC SA Event Director at show

for IFSEC SA 2014

organiser UBM Montgomery

Loss of property and life, as UBM Montgomery was recently Similarly, visitors to the show are able
presented with the best Trade Show to access a wide range of products
a result of fire, is devastating
(6 001m2 12 000m2 in extent) award and services pertinent to their
both financially and emotionally. by the Exhibition and Event Association specific interest areas in one common
While insurance can replace of Southern Africa (EXSA) for IFSEC SA venue. This substantially reduces
like for like, it cannot replace for the second consecutive year. This the prolonged process of identifying
a life, original documents suitable suppliers and the time spent
interviewing each supplier on their
or personal items that have available range.
sentimental value. The solution IFSEC SA, NOW IN ITS 21ST YEAR,
IFSEC SA is endorsed by the Fire
is to implement the use of PROVIDES EXHIBITORS WITH AN
Protection Association of South Africa
fire detection and suppression IDEAL LAUNCH PAD FOR THEIR (FPASA). Through FPASAs InFIReS,
equipment to ensure that fires PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. it is able to make a contribution
are recognised and stopped to reducing the impact of fire in
the insured environment through
before they can cause damage. meaningful research, projects and
is a market acknowledgement of the representation. InFIReS also helps to
Finding the right equipment for a high levels of professionalism exhibited ensure that the short-term insurance
specific application can be a minefield by IFSEC SA. In addition, the exhibition industry continues to be provided with
and with most people pressed for time, was ranked in 12th place in South a recognised and credible fire safety
the need to reach a buying decision Africa in BizTradeShows.coms recently voice and mechanism to demonstrate
quickly and expeditiously is critical. released list of the biggest trade shows their commitment and contribution to
The continents largest fire and security around the world. improving fire safety and to reduce the
exhibition IFSEC SA is being held impact of fire both within the industry
at Gallagher Convention Centre in IFSEC SA, now in its 21st year, provides and to society.
Midrand from 13 to 15 May 2014. Show exhibitors with an ideal launch pad for
organisers UBM Montgomery report their products and services. Visitors to Anyone with an interest in reducing fire
that at the close of the business year the show represent the decision makers risk can visit to pre-
in December 2013, 2 259m2 of the in the various industries serviced by register for the exhibition.
available stand space for 2014 had the exhibitors so this is a perfect
already been reserved, with enquiries opportunity to reduce the cost of a sale
coming in daily. by attracting a large, captive audience.


April 14.indd 26 2014/04/04 2:35 PM

Wider financial education
could help stem financial losses
identify problems and inefficiencies and
contribute towards improving financial

Many entrepreneurs, small business

owners, and members of larger
organisations are holding themselves
and their organisations back because
they fail to understand this. For all
organisations especially government
the complexity of the current market
means that non-financial managers
need to be aware of every financial
nuance in order to ensure their
The recently announced R2 Such results often occur because non- organisation stays financially healthy.
financial personnel, for the most part,
billion worth of wasteful Even basic financial literacy can
do not understand financial statements
expenditure by government and financial jargon sufficiently to spot help identify improve performance
or identify possible red flags in a
entities is a prime example of the irregularities.
companys financial situation. If you
the need for wider financial Whether its a government want to know why your income
training in an organisation, says organisation, a major corporation, or a statement shows a profit, but all you
head of accounting at UCT, small business, if more staff, other than have to show for it is an overdrawn
the Finance Director and Accountant, bank account, you need to empower
Professor Mark Graham. had even basic financial knowledge, yourself by understanding some basic
such situations could be reduced. financial principles.
South African auditor general
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April 14.indd 27 2014/04/04 2:35 PM

Working with

CEOs see smooth

Automotive CEOs globally
are more optimistic about the
economy this year although

rides ahead they see other threats on the

horizon, says PwC study.

PwC recently interviewed 87 automotive need for connected devices to ensure CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES
CEOs in 34 countries across the world, compliance and provide monitoring FACING SOUTH AFRICAS
as part of its 17th Annual Global CEO and reporting. Traditional internal AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY
Survey. combustion engines will have to Strikes in 2013 affected the industrys
become more fuel-efficient. production and the credibility of the
South Africas CEOs cited similar issues country as a reliable supplier of exports.
as their global counterparts: over- Global assembly is forecasted to
regulation, exchange rate volatility and increase from 82,5 million units in Labour has signed a three-year wage
the slowdown in high-growth markets 2013 to 87,4 million units in 2014, deal, which is expected to result in
as barriers to business growth. Political representing a 5,8% year-over-year some stability in the industry. Motor
and economic threats, and an increasing increase, according to Autofacts, vehicle manufacturers employ 35,000
tax burden, are looming. Three-quarters PwCs automotive analyst group. The people in South Africa.
of automotive CEOs say they are top contributing markets (China, US,
Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia) are While global sales in 2013, South
concerned about government responses
expected to add 3,7 million units to the African sales were up only 2,8%. This,
to fiscal deficit and debt burdens.
top-line, accounting for 76% of total after the market had a compound
Automotive CEOs are looking to expand global growth in 2014. annual growth rate (CAGR) of just over
in mature and emerging markets. China 17% from 2009 to 2012.
is rated as the top growth market, Chinas sales, assembly and capacity
investment have reached record highs. Interest rate hikes, subdued consumer
followed by the US.
The US will continue to benefit from confidence, slow economic growth,
60% of CEOs are concerned about pent up demand and positive economic pressured household income and the
the availability of skills, more than last news, and Thailand, Indonesia and weakening of the rand will limit local
years 49%. Malaysia will see increased volume for sales in 2014.
both local demand and export.
GLOBAL MEGATRENDS DRIVING The Automotive Production and
THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Emerging markets account for more Development Programme (APDP)
There are five macroeconomic light vehicle assembly than mature has replaced the old Motor Industry
megatrends that have implications for markets. Development Programme (MIPD) from
the automotive industry: accelerating January 2013. Approximately R15-billion
urbanisation, demographic shifts, According to Autofacts, the top 10 worth of capital investment has been
climate change and resource scarcity, automotive manufacturing alliance invested in South Africas automotive
shifts in economic power, and groups accounted for 79,6% of global industry by companies.
technological breakthroughs. light vehicle assembly in 2013, projected
to decrease slightly to 77,3% in 2020. South African light vehicle assembly is
By 2025 over 500 million people will The remaining 60 alliance groups forecasted to reach 732k units in 2020.
be living in just 30 major cities. accounted for 16,9 million units of Among the major OEMs, Japanese
assembly in 2013 and are expected manufacturers are forecast to grow the
Regulation covering energy efficiency, to contribute 24,5 million units to the fastest from a production perspective,
emissions and safety will drive the global top-line in 2020. followed by the US and German OEMs.


April 14.indd 28 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:02 PM


The vehicle insurance

landscape in South Africa
Each month Santam unpacks an insurance topic with research derived from exclusive Santam
client surveys. This month the insurer focuses on vehicle insurance and good driving behaviour.

THE INSURED AND THE In the end, the cost of premiums

UNINSURED in South Africa reflects the high
The majority of respondents to a recent number of claims stemming from road
monthly survey conducted by Santam accidents, resulting in massive repair
cried foul to the fact that 65% of cars costs. While the cost of your vehicle
on South Africas roads are uninsured, depreciates, the cost of repairs goes
as they believe they are in effect up, says Blaauw.
subsidising other drivers.
He adds, In light of the depreciating
Given that between 70% and 80% rand, continuous fuel price hikes,
of the short-term insurance industrys climbing energy and food prices and
claims are accident related, the concern increased weather-related claims,
expressed is warranted. Such a large premium increases are inevitable.
volume of claims is a burden to However, despite the financial strain
insurers as it leads to increased costs on clients, Santam will continue to
and losses. Those who bear the brunt manage premium increases selectively.
in the end are the policyholders. Segmented increases mean good-
risk clients will attract lower premium
Santam confirms that the disproportion increases.
in the number of insured compared to
the uninsured is not ideal. Together Having a situation where 35% of THE ROLE OF THE INTERMEDIARY
with the South African Insurance drivers are subsidising the remaining The majority of the survey respondents
Association, Santam is currently calling 65% is not sustainable. It is also a do make use of an intermediary and
for mandatory third-party vehicle worry that the number of insured confirmed that their broker keeps them
insurance. If enacted into law, third- drivers may decrease, says Attie informed about how driving behaviour
party insurance would spread the risks Blaauw, Head of Personal Lines at can affect ones premium.
more evenly and provide all drivers Santam.
with basic protection. Insurance after all, is about being
An overwhelming majority (87%) of there when your client needs you
survey respondents supported the call most, without complication and
for mandatory third-party insurance, unnecessary delay. It is our view that
but there were a few who still prefer consumers will always appreciate good,
for greater choice among consumers personal, professional and valuable
about whether or not to insure their assistance from intermediaries. The
65% OF CARS vehicles. real value in any insurance business is
dependent on its trusted relationship
ON SOUTH THE COST OF VEHICLE INSURANCE with its policyholders and being seen
Despite the unfavourable vehicle as their partner, and intermediaries
AFRICAS insurance landscape, most of the play a crucial role in building those
survey respondents believed that relationships with clients, concludes
ROADS ARE good driving behaviour should be Blaauw.
UNINSURED incentivised, and that they would
consider installing a driving monitoring
device (telematics) if it could save
them money on their car premiums.


April 14.indd 30 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:03 PM

Working with

Volkswagen Financial Services AG and

WesBank embark on joint venture
Volkswagen Financial Services
South Africa (PTY) Limited,
a joint venture between
Volkswagen Financial Services
AG and WesBank, was launched
on 1 March 2014.

German Volkswagen Financial Services

AG owns 51% of the shares of the new
finance provider. Through its business
division WesBank, which operates
within the vehicle and asset finance
business, FirstRand Limited holds 49%.
The range of products and services
provided by Volkswagen Financial
Services South Africa includes:

traditional instalment sale finance;

model with WesBank that has been integrated part of their strategy, and
dealer funding; in place up to now, and strengthens they have set up good co-operations
the link between the manufacturer with local insurance companies. He
automotive insurance; and and financial service provider through said there is enormous growth potential
a closer and more intensive form of for comprehensive insurance cover in
fleet management (forthcoming). collaboration. the South African automotive market,
and they will be creating a cell captive
We aim to promote the sales of to facilitate the insurance programme.
Group brands by offering attractive
products and services and to increase
our current finance penetration rate.
We will also reinforce the relationship
between the dealer and customer,
explained Patrik Riese, Managing
Director of Volkswagen Financial
Services South Africa with responsibility
for Sales and Marketing.
Entering the South African market is
consistent with Volkswagen Financial He added: A first step in this direction
Services pursuit of international growth, is our offer of fully comprehensive
said Frank Witter, CEO of Volkswagen cover in the form of a unit price
Within South Africa, the Volkswagen
Financial Services AG. With WesBank, insurance policy (flat-rate insurance)
Group SA deals with Volkswagen
specialists in the field of vehicle and for selected Audi and Volkswagen
Passenger Cars, Volkswagen
asset financing, we are pleased to have a models. The flat rate model provides a
Commercial Vehicles and the Audi
partner at our side with so many years of fixed insurance rate irrespective of the
brand. A total of 111,722 units in the
experience and knowledge of the South drivers risk rating or claims history.
total vehicle market were sold during
African market.
Riese said insurance has been an the 2013 calendar year. This makes
The parent company has similar ventures South Africa one of the top 20 sales
in 49 countries, with more ideas for markets globally for the Volkswagen
growth in the future, in especially South Group.
Asia and Northern Europe.
Witter said South Africa has always
Chris de Kock, CEO of WesBank, said been on their wish list, and in this joint
the new alliance is combining local venture, the pond together will be
expertise with international experience. much bigger.

The joint venture is a further Photographs by Marc Siedler,

development of the cooperation


April 14.indd 32 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:03 PM
Africa Rising

focus on
in africa
In his budget speech for 2014 Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan announced a renewed
emphasis on infrastructure in South Africa. At the Liberty Lounge budget discussion,
speakers Kevin Lings, Chief Economist from STANLIB, and Chris Beneke, Director of
Financial Services Taxation for Deloitte & Touche, analysed the budget content, and
elaborated on the type of infrastructure needed. The following stories provide a snapshot
of the development of infrastructure in South Africa and other African countries.

April 14.indd 34 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

Can the continent RONAK GOPALDAS
Sovereign Risk Analyst
Rand Merchant Bank

make it?
Without strong industries to enough for local consumption. In 2013 This dismal state of affairs creates
it spent about $6 billion subsidising a cycle of perpetual dependency,
create jobs and add value to leaving African countries reliant on the
fuel imports, estimated Finance
raw materials, African countries Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala late last export of raw products and exposed
risk remaining shackled by year. to exogenous shocks, like falling
European demand. Without strong
joblessness and poverty. industries in Africa to add value to raw
In such apparently baffling scenarios
lies one of Africas greatest challenges materials, foreign buyers can dictate
Cte dIvoire and Ghana produce and manipulate the prices of these
and opportunities. The continent
53% of the worlds cocoa. But the materials to the great disadvantage of
possesses 12% of the worlds oil
supermarket shelves in Abidjan and Africas economies and people.
reserves, 40% of its gold and between
Accra, their respective capitals, are
stacked with chocolates imported from 80% and 90% of its chromium and
Industrialisation cannot be considered
Switzerland and the UK, countries that platinum, according to a 2013 report
a luxury, but a necessity for the
do not farm cocoa. from the UN Conference on Trade continents development, said South
and Development (UNCTAD). It is Africas Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma
This scenario is repeated throughout also home to 60% of the worlds shortly after she became chair of the
the continent. underused arable land and has vast African Union in 2013.
timber resources. Yet together, African
Nigeria, the worlds sixth-largest countries account for just 1% of global This economic transformation can
producer of crude oil, exports more manufacturing, according to the happen by addressing certain priority
than 80% of its oil, but cannot refine report. areas across the continent.




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April 14.indd 35 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

Africa Rising

on economic growth. Tony Elumelu,

chairman of Nigerian-based investment
company Heirs Holdings, and Carlos
Lopes, the executive secretary of the
United Nations Economic Commission
for Africa, advocate what they call
Africapitalism, a private sector-led
partnership focused on the continents
development. Private-sector business
leaders must do more to tackle poverty
and drive social progress by ensuring
that long-term value additions and
short-term gains are built into their
business model, they wrote in a joint
article for CNN in November 2013.

Next, African countries must pursue

beneficial economic strategies with
their neighbours. Regional integration
would help reduce the regulatory
burden facing African industries by
harmonising policies and restraining
unfavourable domestic programmes.
It would boost inter- and intra-African
trade and accelerate industrialisation.

The right recipe for regional integration

requires countries to concentrate on
First, African governments, individually blessed with a diversity of natural commodities in which they have a
and collectively, must develop resources, it prioritised education. competitive advantage. For example,
supportive policy and investment Schooling became the critical factor Benin and Egypt could concentrate
guidelines. Clearly-defined rules in raising skills and smoothing on cotton, Togo on cocoa, Zambia on
and regulations in the legal and tax the lingering religious, ethnic and sugar each country trading in bigger
domains, contract transparency, sound political fractures remaining since regional markets.
communication, predictable policy independence from Britain in 1968.
environments, and currency and Strong governance, a sound legal Agriculture, which employs over
macroeconomic stability are essential system, low levels of bureaucracy 65% of the continents population,
to attract long-term investors. and regulation, and investor-friendly according to the World Bank, could
policies reinforced the countrys become a springboard towards
Incentives like tax rebates to institutions. industrialisation. It can provide raw
multinational companies that materials for other industries, and
provide skills training alongside their Under a series of coalition promote backward integration, in
commercial investments will help local governments, the nation moved which a company connects with a
economies grow and diversify. Each from agriculture to manufacturing. supplier further back in the process,
industrial policy should be tailored It implemented trade policies that such as a food manufacturer merging
to maximise a countrys comparative boosted exports. When outside shocks with a farm.
sector-specific advantages. hit loss of trade preferences in 2005,
and overwhelming competition from This is already under way in Nigeria.
Mauritius, one of Africas most Chinese textiles in the last 15 years The diversified BUA Group will process
prosperous and stable countries, it was able to adapt with business- 10m tonnes of cane to produce 1m
provides important lessons for other friendly policies. tonnes of refined sugar annually,
African countries. In 1961 Mauritius according to Chimaobi Madukwe, the
was reliant on a single crop, sugar, From being a mono-economy reliant companys chief operating officer.
which was subject to weather on sugar, the island nation is now
and price fluctuations. Few job diversified through tourism, textiles, Sustained investment and
opportunities and yawning income financial services and high-end improvements in infrastructure are
inequality divided the nation. This led technology, averaging growth rates needed throughout the continent.
to conflict between the Creole and in excess of 5% per year for three
Indian communities, which clashed decades. Its per capita income rose Developing industries require
often at election time, when the rising from $1,920 to $6,496 between 1976 sustained electricity supply, smooth
fortunes of the latter became most and 2012, according to the World Bank. transportation and other very basic
apparent. infrastructure facilities, which at
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) present are still not enough to ensure
From 1979 the Mauritian government should be developed to stimulate operations, said Xue Xiaoming, vice-
took practical steps to invest in its massive investments in infrastructure, chairman of the Nigerian Chinese
people. Realising that it was not which could have a multiplier effect Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


April 14.indd 36 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

Africas poor roads, railways and in the world, according to UNESCO,
other transport networks, faulty the UNs education agency. Its highly-
communications, and unreliable and skilled population has helped South
insufficient energy result in high Korea to become one of the worlds
production and transaction costs. It takes foremost exporters of high-tech goods.
28 days to move a 40-foot container This story first
from the port of Shanghai, China to Africa, the worlds youngest continent, appeared in Africa in
Mombasa, Kenya at a cost of $600, is currently undergoing a powerful Fact, the journal of
while it takes 40 days for the same demographic transition. Its working age Good Governance Africa
container to reach Bujumbura, Burundi, population, which is currently 54% of
from Mombasa at a cost of $8,000, the continents total, will climb to 62% publications/africa-
explained Rosemary Mburu, a consultant by 2050. In contrast, Europes 15 to in-fact-march-2014-
at the Institute of Trade Development in 64-year-olds will shrink from 63% in industrialisation-can-
Nairobi. This represents double the time 2010 to 58%. During this time, Africas africa-make-it
at 13 times the cost. labour force will surpass Chinas and
will potentially play a huge role in
Finally, without education the continent global consumption and production.
cannot succeed in its drive towards Unlike other regions, Africa will neither
industrialisation. PPPs should be face a shortage in domestic labour nor
pursued in this arena too, because worry about the economic burden of
governments often lack the skills and an increasingly ageing population for
finances to carry out technical training. most of the 21st century. rising crime rates, riots and political
Private sector companies would benefit instability. Rather than stimulating a
from a skilled and competent workforce. This demographic dividend can be virtuous cycle of growth, the continent
cashed in to stimulate industrial could remain trapped in a vicious circle
The country would benefit from a production. An influx of new workers of violence and poverty.
stronger economy blessed with less from rural areas into the cities, if
unemployment and higher incomes. harnessed correctly and complemented The continents youth represent a huge
Historically, countries have succeeded with the appropriate educational and potential comparative advantage and
by focusing on education in science institutional structures and reforms, a chance to enjoy sustained catch-up
and technology and promoting could lead to a major productivity growth. Or they could remain shackled
research. For example, in the 1960s boom. This would then increase in joblessness and become a major
and 1970s South Korea like savings and investment rates, spike per liability.
Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong capita GDP, and prompt skills transfers.
reformed its education system and Reduced dependency levels would Africa is ripe for industrialisation. A
made elementary and high school then free up resources for economic strong and positive growth trajectory,
compulsory. From an adult literacy rate development and investment. rapid urbanisation, stable and
of less than 30% in the late 1930s, improving economic and political
South Korea now boasts a literacy rate Without effective policies, however, environments have opened a window
of nearly 100% and has one of the African countries risk high youth of opportunity for Africa to achieve
highest levels of education anywhere unemployment, which may spark economic transformation.

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April 14.indd 37 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

Africa Rising

African aviation a blue sky

approach to standardised regulation
Across many industries, in line with regulator standards and to
be on point with the rules for clients;
businesses in Africa are
choosing the right partner is imperative
encountering a greater need to making sure all bases are covered.
for benchmarks to ensure
When dealing with challenges in Africa,
a level playing field which the key to success is a deep knowledge
ensures certain standards are of local economies and legislation
upheld. While surface transport which is proof tested by the best brains
in the industry. It is therefore critical
systems and the high cost of
to find a partner with experience in
infrastructure remain a challenge, dealing with global standards and
air travel offers an effective tried and tested methods where best
alternative for the movement of practice can and has been applied.
goods and services from country Airlines across Africa are collaborating MICHAEL MORAN
to country. to instil best practice in a growing Regional Head, Africa Aviation &
industry and associations like the Aerospace for Marsh Africa
It is the nature of this movement African Airlines Association (AFRAA).
and the scope of these countries and AFRAA are leading the charge to bring
their consequent spread in terms of the industry together to formulate
regulatory and legislative frameworks
that starkly highlights the need
for world class solutions to ensure
standards are met in terms of industry
best practice across the continent. CHALLENGES IN SKILLS, TECHNICAL Marshs partnership with AFRAA has a
EXPERTISE AND LOCAL LANGUAGE focus on safety, which intrinsically links
These world class solutions are with the aviation insurance broking and
particularly applicable when considering VARIATIONS, REQUIRE SPECIALIST underwriting. However, the industry is
aviation insurance in Africa. The sector EXPERTISE TO MAINTAIN A making strides in dealing with these
requires the need for intelligent, on challenges. In fact, many African
the ground monitoring of industry CONSISTENT LEVEL OF SUPPORT. airlines have impeccable safety records
trends, creativity in the management of and in some cases are setting the
risk and working closely with lessors, standard for world class sophistication
lenders and operators on programme in their approach to how they do
design and costing. business.
benchmarks that incorporate areas
Challenges in skills, technical expertise such as safety and security and human Jean Paul Nyirubutama, Deputy CEO
and local language variations, require capital development, both areas and COO for African airline Rwandair,
specialist expertise to maintain a which could pose a significant risk to said that growth in the aviation sector
consistent level of support. The businesses and require specialist insight in Africa is a given with a growing
responsibility falls on brokers to operate in terms of managing their risk. middle class and increased mobility to
enable sectors like trade, healthcare,
education and tourism. As we see the
industry go from strength to strength,
the need for better regulations
for safety and security which are
harmonised across the board becomes
THESE WORLD CLASS SOLUTIONS more apparent. In our experience to
ensure a safe, reliable, world-class
ARE PARTICULARLY APPLICABLE WHEN operation you need to deal with
partners with the right experience who
CONSIDERING AVIATION INSURANCE IN AFRICA. can guide you through the pitfalls and
carry you through the risks. Working
with Marsh has been a win-win
situation for Rwandair, he said.


April 14.indd 38 2014/04/04 2:36 PM

Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:04 PM
Africa Rising

The case for

investing in Africa
Africa as an investment and 1999, with a jump to 13% between
1999 and 2011. The IMF estimated a
destination has been receiving
per capita GDP growth of 5,3% over
attention as international the next five years with a $2,000 GDP
investors scan the globe in per capita by 2016.
search of yield. Higher levels of GDP per capita
translate into higher levels of
More accommodative monetary policies discretionary income, increasing
have created large amounts of liquidity demand for goods and services driving
in global financial markets. In the low robust, internally generated growth.
interest rate environment in developed As per capita consumption increases
markets, investors are forced into there will be a corresponding top line
a risk-on mind set to generate real growth for companies positioned to
returns. Africa with its higher economic take advantage of this trend. Nigerias
growth and potential for higher low consumption of basic food items JOHAN STEYN
investment returns has captured the and commodities like flour, sugar and Portfolio Manager & Analyst
attention of money managers. beer will continue to underpin growth Prescient Investment Management

ECONOMIC GROWTH for the consumer goods sector.

Structural and economic reforms across African countries produce high levels of
Africa have improved government GDP growth with relatively low levels 416 million people. Mortality rates are
budget deficits, advanced in controlling of government debt. The presence of decreasing due to improvements in
inflation and created foreign currency debt relief combined with sustained health facilities, vaccination campaigns
reserves. Many African countries are fiscal improvement have halved Africas and policies to combat HIV and Malaria.
on an impressive growth trajectory debt-to-GDP ratio from around 70% in Slowing fertility, combined with lower
which is expected to continue as they 1990 to 30% today. mortality rates, will result in positive
cultivate sustainable domestic demand. impact of improved dependency ratios.
Economic growth has outpaced global Africas population could triple to Governments must absorb large
growth, as seen in the chart above. 3,6 billion by the end of the century, numbers of working age population into
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) according to a United Nations report. If productive employment. A young and
found that Africa is the second fastest current demographic trends persist, the relatively cheaper workforce in Africa
growing region after Asia, and is set to population will increase to 1,4 billion could persuade foreign companies to
take the lead. Sub-Saharan economic in 2025 and 1,9 billion in 2050. One move their businesses to Africa.
growth is expected to be in excess of in every three children in the world
6% in the short term, and to exceed will be born in Sub-Saharan Africa. URBANISATION
the average global growth for years This rapid population growth brings Africa is as urbanised as China in terms
to come. Africa contributes to 3% of opportunities and challenges. of rural-urban split, and has as many
global GDP, but accounts for almost cities of a million people as Europe.
14% of the global population. In 2010, 34% of Africans were aged Nigerias rural-urban split is estimated
between 25 and 59 about 353 at 50/50 with an urbanisation rate of
Industrialisation and economic million people. By 2050 this number is 3,8% or 3 million people per annum.
diversification have contributed to expected to reach 892 million people, The urban population in West Africa
higher growth rates, as countries are representing 45% of the population. before 1950 was less than 7,5% of
moving away from overdependence Africa is likely to replace China as the total population (OECD report). By
on agriculture and resources. This has the biggest contributor to the global 2000 this figure had risen to over 30%
led to the emergence of the middle workforce. of the total population, making their
classes, as GDP per capita increased. rapid urbanisation one of the fastest in
Nigerias GDP per capita has been According to the United Nations World the world. West African farmers have
rising since the return to democratic Population Prospects 2012, the average been developing more sophisticated
rule in 1999. The countrys GDP per age in Africa is 18 years. Africans below methods of farming, increasing
capita averaged 0,1% between 1990 the age of 14 years make up 40%, or production to cope with population


April 14.indd 40 2014/04/04 2:37 PM

fraud, corruption and tax evasion.
Low cash usage creates more money
inside the formal economy, increasing
the effectiveness of monetary policy
in managing inflation and encouraging
economic growth.


Sub-Saharan Africa generates the
same amount of power as Spain,
although there are 20 times as
many people. Countries like Nigeria
have addressed this shortage. After
instigating a number of reforms,
Nigeria has launched a privatisation
drive that privatised 10 electricity
generation and five distribution
companies in October 2012, and
another 10 privatised state power
plants are planned for middle 2014.
By transferring the responsibility
of power generation to the private
sector, the government is hoping to
provide sustainable electricity to 75%
of the population in 13 years. The
government is hoping to boost the
industrialisation drive and diversify the
economy away from a dependence
on oil. A more consistent ubiquitous
power supply will create jobs and
lower unemployment.
growth. This includes the development growth rate of over 30%. According to POLITICAL RISK
of peri-urban farms specialising in food the GSMA Africa Mobile Observatory, African countries are often perceived as
production for the urban population. mobile penetration rate in Africa has politically unstable and undemocratic.
grown from about 2% in 2000 to Countries have moved from autocracy
Urbanisation drives consumption 80% in 2013. The penetration rate is to semi-democracy and from semi-
growth as people move from rural forecast to reach 85% by 2015. democracy to democracy. According
areas and subsistence living, to urban to NKC Independent Economists
there were 36 autocracies and four
democracies in Africa in 1972. In
2012 there were five autocracies, 24
AFRICA IS AS URBANISED AS CHINA democracies and 22 countries that can
be considered partial democracies.
IN TERMS OF RURAL-URBAN SPLIT. Empirical evidence shows a link
between demographic transitions and
GDP growth and capital market returns.
Of the five autocracies left in Africa
the despots are old with few workable
areas where they contribute to the In Kenya, 15 million of the 41 million succession plans in place.
formal economy. Urban areas have people use Safaricoms M-Pesa
better education, health facilities and mobile money platform. About 80 People are demanding higher levels
job opportunities. As societies become billion Kenyan shillings are transacted of accountability from political leaders
urbanised, productivity increases. Rapid between customers per month and are encouraged by democratic
urbanisation often brings challenges, an eye-watering 31% of GDP. This freedoms enjoyed in newly democratic
especially in areas where lack of innovation has deepened financial African countries. Kenya has proven it
urban planning causes overcrowding inclusion in Kenya and opened the possible to conduct peaceful and fair
and housing shortages, and puts door to further product innovations like elections, and implement constitutional
pressure on existing infrastructure like MShwari, which allows customers to reforms successfully.
sanitation, water and electricity. take out short-term loans or deposit
money into a savings account using Africa is subject to higher volatility than
CONNECTIVITY mobile phone. This move away from more developed markets and should
African mobile connections have a cash based economy to a less be approached with a long term view
increased from about 17 million to over cash intensive economy increases through short term fluctuations and
906 million, with a compound annual transparency and the reduction of instability.


April 14.indd 41 2014/04/04 2:37 PM

Africa Rising

Uganda races against time

on oil infrastructure plan

Ugandas oil industry is in a race

against time to put in place the
infrastructure needed before
the first barrel of oil can be

In an article by The Observer, the

Ugandan government revealed its
five year infrastructure plan which
puts emphasis on the oil refinery
and the pipeline. In a presentation,
Dozith Abeinomugisha, a principal
geologist in the Petroleum Exploration
and Production department (PEPD), He added that the recent MoU But the actual designs and details
discussed key infrastructure needed to between the government and oil of the export pipeline will be done
feed the refinery. They consist of three firms to develop an export pipeline to later, Abeinomugisha said. Most of the
internal crude oil pipelines to be built the East African coast was important infrastructure is expected to be largely
as follows; a 9 km northern pipeline because it took in consideration a funded by oil companies and other
from Nwoya and Buliisa oil fields, a broad harmonised development plan as independent investors.
50km pipeline from Kingfisher [Buhuka, opposed to each operator developing a
Kyangwali sub-county], Hoima district field independently. This has resulted in With regards to the refinery, according
and another pipeline from Kaiso-Tonya. the formulation of three crude export to the MoU, government is to construct
pipeline proposals. The first proposal is an optimal size refinery of 60,000
In addition to the pipelines, bpd, of which there are also proposals
Abeinomugisha said, the country will for a 1,380 km northern crude pipeline
for expanding the capacity with time.
need three central processing facilities that runs from Hoima via Karamoja-
After we have started producing
(CPFs). A CPF is basically the first Lokichar basin in Turkana [northern
60,000 bpd, we shall still study the
refinery, where oil is stabilised before Kenya] to Lamu, with a possibility of
market and see if there is a need
it becomes tradable crude. From the linking at Lokichar with another crude
to expand it. If the market is still
underground, oil is mixed with sand, pipeline from South Sudan.
available, we shall expand it, he said.
water, gasses and other impurities, so
the CPF is where these impurities are Adding to this, Abeinomugisha said the
removed from the oil. THE SECOND PROPOSAL IS country currently spends approximately
USD 1,0bn in imports and consumes
According to Abeinomugisha, Uganda THE 1,300 KM CENTRAL ROUTE
just about 30,000 barrels of petroleum
will need one CPF in Buliisa for EXPORT PIPELINE THAT WILL products per day. But the consumption
the northern fields, another CPF at GO THROUGH NAIROBI TO THE rate is increasing at a rate of 7%
Kaiso-Tonya, and a third one near the annually, and therefore with time, the
Kingfisher field. Before the process of COASTAL PORT OF MOMBASA.
country will expand the refinery to
refining starts, the country will also meet the increasing demand.
have to construct a storage facility in
Buloba, off Mityana road, in Wakiso The second proposal is the 1,300 We hope that the Ugandan
district. This is important because km central route export pipeline that government has learnt from the
once production starts, any excess will go through Nairobi to the coastal mistakes of other African countries that
crude can be stored at Buloba for any port of Mombasa. The third being the have refineries that are lying idle or
eventualities such as maintenance 1,950 km southern route that will go are run inefficiently, and continue to
shut-downs. through Tanzania to Dar es Salaam. import petroleum products.


April 14.indd 42 2014/04/04 2:37 PM

COVER e x t e n d s
its African reach
Over the past four years COVER
has been steadily extending its
reach into Africa.

In 2010 we decided that there is scope

for an African Bancassurance and
Alternative Distribution Conference, to
unpack insurance distribution models
on the continent and to get continental
networking going. Since then we have
held three conferences with average
attendance of 140 senior executives
from 16 different countries spending
three days networking and discussing
possible partnerships.

This event has become highly popular

and has led to us deciding to venture
north. The first adventure was the
2012 African Insurance Organisation
Main Assembly in Sudan, where we
partnered with Alexander Forbes
to spend some time with clients in
Khartoum. Networking with 600
delegates from all over Africa set the
scene for things to come.

The second step, on invitation of The

Association of Kenyan Insurers (AKI),
was facilitating a one-day workshop
with the Kenya Financial Services
Regulator and AKI, which cemented
relationships between COVER and the
local industry in Kenya.

From here we decided to set up the

first two networking seminars in Ghana
and Kenya. In March 2014 I travelled
to Nairobi and Accra with CaseJohnson
and RGA to host two seminars on
insurance distribution.

RGA, our main sponsor for the past

three years, again sponsored the
seminars, in conjunction with SSP
and Starlife of Ghana. The main
theme of both seminars was Insurance
Distribution and the Data Revolution,
covering the following topics:

Impact of data on strategy (George

Addison, MD of Starlife);


April 14.indd 43 2014/04/04 2:37 PM

Financial Planning

Impact of data on channel diversity KEY FINDINGS FROM HER

(Bruce Sahd, MD of CaseJohnson); and RESEARCH:
Micro-insurance products can be
Impact of data on product and profitable for commercial insurers
pricing (Johann Van Niekerk, Head average profitability at 10% for
of Strategic Marketing at RGA). South Africa and 8% for Nigeria;

RGA also hosted a session on Micro- Differences in profitability drivers

insurance, led by RGAs Research and for the two countries one
Development specialist, Ola Oyekan. size fits all strategies should
Originally from Nigeria, she did a PhD be applied with caution;
in Micro-insurance, and shared her
research on the profitability of Micro- Cost efficiency is the largest driver
of profitability in both countries;
insurance in Nigeria and South Africa
with the delegates at both venues. Reinsurance and ownership form
are also drivers of profitability;

Firm-specific factors firm size,

product mix, and age are also
important considerations for
micro-insurance providers; and

The growth in middle class

population and low penetration
of insurance indicates big
opportunity for micro-insurance.

Overall we had a fantastic time in

both countries where we were well
received. The main aim of the seminars
was to share knowledge and learn
from each other, which all delegates
agreed was well achieved. The early
evening networking sessions around
the swimming pools went on way
longer than expected and everyone
departed with a little more knowledge
of each other and the opportunities
that partnerships can provide. Based on
the feedback we will definitely be back
again next year.


April 14.indd 44 2014/04/07 2:36 PM

The next big event for the year will be the main conference in
August in Cape Town where we will have 12 or more speakers
exploring innovative insurance distribution models and sharing their
different successes and failures. Visit our website,,
for details on this exciting event and our special Early Bird discount.

African Insurance
Distribution &
4 Bancassurance
10 to 12 August 2014
Westin Hotel, Cape Town
A conference -


April 14.indd 45 2014/04/07 2:19 PM

Financial Planning

Understanding the GEPF

Recent reports have noted that Investment (LDI) where you invest in
instruments that mimic the movement
the Government Employees
of the yield curve.
Pension Fund (GEPF) is
underfunded by more than The second option is a cash flow match
guaranteeing a set of cash flows for
R400bn. The fact that it the future by a bank or an insurer. All
remains a defined benefit your inflation increases are built into
pension scheme, not a defined those cash flow profiles, and youve
transferred a little more risk. Cash
contribution scheme, as has
flows move every day though, as death
been the trend with pension is difficult to predict.
funds within the private sector,
A third option is to transfer liabilities to
means this liability lays squarely another entity, for example an insurer.
at the foot of the government. The fund can buy an annuity in its
Nick Hibbit, Head of Business name, or in the name of the pensioner,
which is called a buy-out.
Development at Liberty
Corporate Intelligent Insurance, In DB funds you have pensioners and
spoke to COVERs Annetjie van actives these solutions are relative to
pensioners. When it comes to actives,
Wynegaard about the GEPF. some companies transfer the liability to
a defined contribution fund.
BETWEEN DEFINED BENEFIT AND The GEPF has more liabilities than
DEFINED CONTRIBUTION FUNDS? assets. In this case the government
WHAT EFFECT HAS THIS HAD (the employer) has to make good
ON FUND PERFORMANCE AND the difference between the assets and
Theres been a philosophy change HOW WOULD TRANSFERRING A
in the market to a liability-driven LIABILITY AFFECT THE FUND?
investment. In a defined benefit fund Two big risks in a DB fund are
longevity and interest rates/inflation. When youre close to retirement youre
the fund manager tries to manage
You can transfer just the inflation risk, moving out of equities into cash and
the portfolio to hit returns that are
or both, by giving that risk to another bonds the aim is to protect capital.
slightly better than inflation in a more
party. There is still a timing risk, a risk that
conservative investment portfolio, and
you dont select the right portfolio, or
trustees make all the decisions and
If the GEPF wanted to transfer the that equity markets dont perform. You
carry all risks. In a defined contribution
longevity risk, it could only transfer might also live a long time and dont
fund, the employee takes on the risk
it to a life insurer. If they wanted to have enough money.
of growth of the pension, and often
gets an investment choice between a transfer the investment risk, they
can go into LDI structures and cash WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS ON
conservative and aggressive investment DEFINED BENEFIT FUNDS IN THE
portfolio. Trustees have started to flow matches, or run it off their own
balance sheets. SOUTH AFRICAN CONTEXT?
realise you cant generate good returns From the employees perspective, I
with your assets only; there are WHAT ARE THE POTENTIAL RISKS think those whove remained in DB
many factors that influence how your CURRENTLY FACING EMPLOYEES funds are smiling, because they know
liabilities move. Low yields can cause a RETIREMENT SAVINGS? exactly how much pension they will
funding gap the difference between DB fund: will the entity behind the get, its guaranteed and will increase by
assets and liabilities. Funds are pension fund be able to meet their inflation every year. Theyre on a good
moving away from a pure asset-based obligations? If theres a big shortfall you wicket.
strategy, to managing more risks in the wont get your increases every year.
investment strategy, so that assets and For the employer the trend in the
liabilities move together. DC funds: you risk going into the market is to exit these funds that
wrong investment strategy, or you tells you they cant afford it. Its really
WHAT OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE TO might retire when the market is at a only the government that still has DB
FUNDS THAT HAVE SIGNIFICANT downturn. The industry is putting in pension funds. In the private sector
FUNDING LIABILITIES? place less risky portfolios as you get most people are now on DC pension
The first option is a Liability Driven closer to retirement, called life staging. funds.


April 14.indd 46 2014/04/04 2:38 PM



The role players are pension fund providers,
administrators, and intermediaries who sell these
platforms. A fund provider can stand-alone, or consist
of a body of trustees spread out over many entities an Exclusive to Cover subscribers
umbrella fund.
Brought to you by
Most funds employ an asset consultant to advise them on
what investments to make. The brokers main role in this
stage is to sell the platform. Where your broker/financial
planner really comes into play is to sell the different
options available like living annuity, guaranteed annuity,
and with-profit annuity, to people who reach retirement. Subscribers have access to a range of great
discounts. Register today!
Even though passives come into play, theres still a role for
the asset consultant while the person is still in the fund.
There is definitely a place for a financial advisor to help
their client invest in the right assets if theyre going into
a living annuity structure, and a good financial advisor
should definitely put passives on the table.


The GEPF investors are employees that are part of this
fund. The deficit will only impact the employees if the
government falls over. Without an entity to make up that
shortfall employees could suffer some financial loss.

Somehow the government has to raise money to fund that

deficit, either through taxes or in the market by issuing

Generally the taxpayer will at some point have to make up

part of that R400bn deficit. Government could increase or
redirect taxes, but theres no requirement that the deficit
is made up tomorrow or the next day. The only time this BOOK YOUR HOLIDAY NOW!
becomes a problem is once the assets are down to zero. Travel Start saves you time and effort,
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strategies and apply specific measures to close the funding highest ranking travel website in South Africa!
gap. Government might argue this is an open scheme,
the liability will never finish, and well never realise that

The big question is: will the government address the

shortfall, and if they do, how are they going to do it,
because where are they going to get the funds? This will
definitely impact the economy.

The GEPF is one of the biggest pension funds in the

world, so R400bn might not be a material funding gap.


They should have a bigger focus on asset liability
management, to avoid some of the big risks they face in
this type of liability. It doesnt have to be an expense for
the taxpayer or the economy. It just means changing the Register on the lifestyle mall today to take
way you invest.
advantage of these great benefits!
Move away from the old school style of just looking at
assets and bring liability into your reckoning, and manage
the funding level.


April 14.indd 47 2014/04/04 2:38 PM

Financial Planning

Beware the alter ego trust

Recently a story made news
in South Africa about a South
African who emigrated to
Australia in 2002, leaving his
estate here neatly bundled up.
Prior to arriving in Australia, he
stopped over in Lichtenstein
where he established a series of
trusts and companies registered
in the British Virgin Islands.
The benefits and revenue from
the South African estate were
ceded to flow through the
BVI companies and eventually
be received by his family in
Australia with positive tax

However, over the years, the emigrant

wheeled and dealed with the funds,
acquiring and disposing of assets and
directing the revenue flow as he saw
fit; ignoring the previous cessions and
established structures as if the funds
were his own to do with as he pleased.
He even borrowed funds abroad on the
strength of his local assets.

The Australian Tax Office became

aware of the revenue flowing directly
to the emigrant and sought to tax this.
Obviously the emigrant was not happy
to settle what he believed to be a tax
free income stream. This interest by
the Australian Tax authorities no doubt
assisted the emigrant in his decision to above was, without complying with had intermingled trust assets with his
return to South Africa some 17 months the terms of the trust deed. It is only own when seeking overdraft facilities,
ago, with the tax bill unpaid. when circumstances change, a divorce had ignored the other trustees and in
or insolvency or when SARS becomes short, had dealt with the trust as if the
The Australian Tax Office, joined by interested that the alto ego or sham assets were his sole property.
the South African Revenue Services trust is found out and the protection or
have been successful in attaching ring-fencing that a trust should provide The wife was successful in substantially
the original funds left here to the is found wanting. enhancing her divorce settlement.
tune of some R300 million to cover
the outstanding Australian tax bill A highlighted example where a 2005 The lesson here is that once a trust
(one should be aware that many Court decision found that a man has been established and assets
tax jurisdictions have reciprocal had settled assets upon a trust and settled upon that trust, the funder
arrangements around the world to that inherited assets had also been loses ownership and also control of
snare tax evaders). incorporated into this trust, enabling the asset. All dealings and transactions
his family to lead a comfortable life. must only flow in terms of the trust
David Knott, a Fiduciary Expert Until that is, the marriage turned and deed and the trustees must take all
from Private Client Trust, a division this mans wife demanded her share decisions collectively.
of Private Client Holdings, advises of the trust as well as a share of the
that many trusts continue to be joint assets. The Court pierced the A funder ignoring the strict terms of
administered by the funder, as the corporate veil finding that this man the trust deed does so at his peril.


April 14.indd 48 2014/04/04 2:38 PM

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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:04 PM
Financial Planning

Regulatory changes force

financial institutions to specialise
An increasingly complex and South African banks, said Dirk Kotze, ROGER VERSTER
Banking Industry Advisory Lead at FSI Consulting Leader
onerous global regulatory Deloitte
Deloitte, are presently all things
environment, combined with financial to all people, with broad
difficult market conditions, client bases and offering products and
is compelling banks to make services that extend from day-to-day
banking products through to short- and
tough strategic decisions that long-term insurance needs.
could reshape the industry and AFRICA AND SOUTH
disrupt service delivery in certain The benefit of this approach is that
multi-product, multi-segment banks AFRICA MUST BE
markets. can generally ride downturns in specific
sectors. When income from one area
The South African financial services
is negatively impacted on, this is
sector will not be able to avoid being
compensated for by activity in other
impacted by regulatory changes such as
the Basel III, inspired capital provisions.
While yet to be fully implemented, Darren Shipp, Banking Industry
these higher capital requirements and Advisory Lead at Deloitte, said, The
more stringent risk-weighting rules have
forced banks to make choices about
potential specialisation of banks LEGISLATION.
caused by the regulatory environment
areas in which they compete. would seem to be in conflict with the
Additional effect of regulations, like socio-political role played by the South
the International Financial Reporting African banks in providing access to
Standard 9 (IFRS 9) on the impairment financial services to all the people
of South Africa. Consequently South Investment banking is one example.
of financial assets will have an
African banks would have to balance European or American investment
influence locally on the banking sector.
the objectives of profitability and their banks operate in a sphere where there
Globally, these and other regulations social responsibility. are thousands of potential clients.
have led to banks shrinking balance In South Africa and Africa, market
sheets, re-evaluating existing and The danger of specialisation is that opportunities are considerably smaller.
potential foreign operations and closing as soon as products are withdrawn
the concentrated exposure within a Regional African banks and those with
business units, with many financial
specific area increases markedly with a Pan-African presence can therefore
institutions becoming more specialised,
potentially serious consequences if that be expected to continue in their
concentrating on reducing their number
market becomes volatile. present multi-product, multi-service
of product offerings and divesting from
format for many years to come as this
certain classes of assets.
Within an African and South African model meets the demands of a diverse
As the profitability of products and context, one of the major dangers of customer base.
services has come under the corporate regulation induced specialisation is the
Africa and South Africa must be
microscope, so have different classes size of market segments. This has to
guarded against the unintended
of customers. Is it necessary, or wise, be considered carefully by financial
consequences of regulations and
given the costs involved to continue institutions that turn to specialisation
offering services that are marginal or as part of a push to provide higher
even unprofitable, when the costs of levels of service and delivery within Being forced by regulation to reconsider
holding statutory required provisions is defined segments as part of a the positioning of products and services
considered? customer-centric strategy. could, for example, see institutions
restricting product offerings designed
to ease the entry of unbanked people
into the formal banking sector.

These sorts of changes would,

AS THE PROFITABILITY OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES however, have to be balanced against
the need to offer services that offer
HAS COME UNDER THE CORPORATE MICROSCOPE, long-term benefits, even though they
may appear costly and hard to sustain


April 14.indd 50 2014/04/04 2:38 PM

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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:04 PM

Financial Planning

The Nedbank Insurance Funeral Plan

Planning for a funeral is the hardest thing in the world. After
all, the person you love dearly has just passed on. But, as
important as the person was to you during his or her life, If you are lucky to be
you want to honour and respect him or her with a dignified
funeral. That is why you need to partner with someone who employed, you will have to
understands the importance of this by providing you with dig deep into your pocket
relevant benefits and services that are cost effective as well.
The Nedbank Insurance Funeral Plan has been designed with each time someone close to
this in mind, providing you and your family with essential
cover at an affordable premium.
you passes on.
At Nedbank Insurance we understand that, with rising This can become a financial
unemployment in South Africa, it is common for those who
work to have more responsibilities, providing for the needs strain after a few times.
of their immediate families and parents, as well as for many
other relatives and community members. In other words, You can avoid this situation
what used to be called an extended family has now been
extended even further. by buying the Nedbank
We understand the dynamics when a death occurs and only
Insurance Funeral Plan.
a few family members are in a position to contribute to
the funeral expenses. We also understand that everyone
deserves a dignified funeral. The best solution to such
circumstances is the Nedbank Insurance Funeral Plan.
The main member can earn bonuses on the plan.
For every 11 months you pay your premiums you
will enjoy a premium holiday in the 12th month.
The plan caters for the typical South African
family and covers up to 30 people, including The main member can restart a lapsed policy at any
your extended family. This is inclusive of: time by starting to pay the premiums again. All the
insured lives must still be within the qualifying maximum
you, the main member/policy owner, spouse/partner,
entry ages when the policy is restarted. The waiting
children, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents,
period will restart when the policy is reactivated.
grandparents-in-law, brothers and sisters, uncles and
aunts, nephews and nieces, cousins and domestic workers. WHY NEDBANK INSURANCE IS A LEADER IN THIS
To manage the rising cost of funerals cover of up to
We cover children for life, not until a specified age.
R50 000 can be taken out for yourself
This means that the main member can cover grown-
and your spouse/partner.
up children, whether they are employed or not.
Cover for the rest of the family is limited to a
Our unique no-lapse benefit ensures you do not
percentage of the main members cover. This percentage
lose your policy if you cant afford the premium in
varies between 30% and 100%, depending on the
a particular month. It means you can pay less than
insured lifes relationship to the main member.
the premium, provided you pay a minimum of R20.
There is a waiting period of six (6) months for the main We will average your cover in line with premiums
member and a spouse/partner, his or her children and a paid, without any impact on the waiting period.
domestic worker, and 12 months for the rest of the family.
We offer cover for up to five (5) domestic workers.
The plan can be customised to suit the needs
Premiums can be paid at selected retail stores,
of the family at an affordable premium.
such as Pick n Pay, Boxer, Shoprite and Spar.
The main member can use funds available now to
Regular communication with clients by SMS ensures they
pay for future cover, by paying the premiums in
know exactly what the status is of their policy at any time.
advance. If 10 premiums are paid in advance, we will
automatically credit you with the 11th premium. We recognise customary relationships as part of the
overall product design, meaning that those you love
The policy premiums can be paid in cash, at
and care for can be covered under the same policy.
a participating retail store, or by debit order,
or a combination of these can be used.

The main member can even pay the premium For further information please contact the
in instalments during the month, provided a Nedbank Contact Centre on 0860 555 111.
minimum amount of R20 is paid at one time.


April 14.indd 52 2014/04/04 2:38 PM



Our funeral plans fit in with your life, so you can make memories that last.

Get individual cover of R10 000 for only R32,50 a month.

Cover up to 29 members of your immediate and extended family.
Even if you cant make the full monthly payment, your policy wont lapse as long as you pay a minimum of R20.
We pay one premium on your behalf after 11 months.
Get access to funeral support service benefits such as transportation of the deceased to the funeral home of his or her choice.

To find out more visit your nearest Nedbank branch, call us on 0860 555 111 or visit


This product is underwritten by Nedgroup Life Assurance Company Limited Reg No 1993/001022/06, First floor, Ridgeside Campus, 2 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320. We support
resolution for unresolved disputes via the Ombudsman for Long-term Insurance. We are an authorised financial services provider (licence number 40915). We are a registered credit provider
in terms of the National Credit Act (NCR Reg No NCRCP61).

8924 Nedbank Funeral Mag Ads A4 Final.indd 1 2014/03/17 5:07 PM

Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:05 PM
Financial Planning

Where should your

investment money go?
In the face of volatile global equity markets and structural economic challenges, there is much
debate around what investors can expect going forward. Investment has always been about taking
risk in the face of uncertainty and diversification is the cornerstone of a sound investment strategy.

IN TERMS OF ASSET ALLOCATION, the highest it has been since 2007. PHILIP LIEBENBERG
SANLAM INVESTMENTS PREFERS: Whereas resources are fairly valued, Head of Absolute Return
Developed world equity industrials in particular are definitely Sanlam Investments
markets, specifically Europe; overvalued they are currently at
the highest PE in 50 years, and there
International listed property; and is a real possibility of capital losses
in this sector. The stock market has When valuing property stocks,
South African bonds. Sanlam Investments uses a long-
experienced a pull-back recently but
In SA and globally there has been a it is still trading at relatively high PEs. run distribution growth rate of about
bull run in equities for the last five Now is not the time to be passive 2% below inflation in the light of
years, and property has done well. The about investments, on both an asset property companies inflation-adjusted
start of US Federal Reserve tapering allocation and a stock selection level. rental income, and their required
triggered a net outflow of capital from refurbishments. Property dividend
Global equities, on the other hand, yields remain below our long-run
emerging markets last year, especially
are trading closer to their long-term required yields. Property is currently
in the so-called Fragile Five countries
PE. Whereas US equities are relatively trading at a yield premium of almost
Turkey, Indonesia, India, Brazil
expensive, on a price-to-book basis 2% to bonds, so we prefer nominal
and SA facing structural economic
Europe and the UK are trading at a bonds over property at this stage. We
challenges like large fiscal and current
discount to global equities in general do, however, like global listed property,
account deficits. This has gathered
and these markets therefore remain where we are getting an average
pace into the New Year and spread to
attractive. dividend yield of above 6%.
other emerging markets with structural
challenges. Local bonds are starting to show some Despite the rand-dollar exchange
value, especially in the wake of the rate depreciating by close to 20% on
Given the extended valuations of most
recent rate hike. Over the long term mounting current account and fiscal
asset classes, the focus has shifted
they should produce nominal returns deficit concerns during 2013 the
from growth to stability and capital
of around 7,25%. The real return on biggest annual decline since its almost
offer is attractive relative to alternative 40% decimation in 2008 we dont
The local equity market has become asset classes in SA. Inflation-linked recommend investing large sums of
expensive relative to its own history, bonds offer real returns of about 2%, money offshore. No one can predict
other emerging markets, and the world which is slightly above our long-run what will happen to our currency
developed markets. required return of 1,5%. We believe over the next year, but we do believe
conventional bonds offer more value. the rand is undervalued. While it is
The SA market is now trading at a Global bonds remain expensive and, always a good idea to invest some
16,5 price-to-earnings ratio (PE), due to structural issues such as high funds offshore on a monthly rand-cost
compared to an average of 12 over the government debt levels and austerity averaging basis, it is probably not wise
last 50 years. Our valuation of the JSE measures, long bond rates globally are to commit a large sum offshore at the
shows that the market is overvalued likely to remain low. moment.


April 14.indd 54 2014/04/04 2:38 PM

What you dont need to know
about living annuities hopefully!

specific clause in the divorce order to

the contrary, to determine, at any time,
who would receive the benefits (the
beneficiaries of the income and/or the
lump-sums) of the Living Annuity on
his death an alarming consideration
in any divorce, not to mention an
acrimonious one.

In Rob and Judys case, the clause that

was wisely inserted into the divorce
order prevented Rob from nominating
new beneficiaries entirely at his own
discretion. Judy (and failing her, her
children) had to remain at least a 50%
beneficiary on the Living Annuity!
The other day I spoke to clients could have been split in the event of
divorce, had he not yet retired! Its
who had, sadly, decided to I believe this was an unacceptable
scary to wonder just how many people
get divorced. Rob and Judy resolution to an uncomplicated divorce
know they lose this right when their
and a tenuous position for Judy to
(for the purposes of my story) partner retires.
find herself in. Its high time that SARS
were quite determined to split The answer to why such a discrepancy fixed the problem, just as they had
their assets straight down the exists between a Retirement Fund and to do in the past, by allowing Living
Annuities to be split, on divorce, in
middle a good thing since they a Living Annuity lies in the fact that
Living Annuities are governed by the the same way that Retirement Funds
were married in community of (that create them in the first place) are
Income Tax Act and not by the Pension
property! But who would have Fund Act. So, as you can imagine, allowed to be split today.
thought that a simple decision SARS is not at all interested in the
like that would be fraught with event of a divorce, in losing revenue
from the splitting of income between
difficulties! partners. This reminds me of the spate
of divorces entered into a few decades
The problem, you see, was that 75% of ago, purely for tax-planning purposes,
the so-called joint assets were held in when SARS used to tax the combined
a Living Annuity with Rob as the sole income of both spouses, in the hands
and inalterable owner of the policy, and of only the husband!
could not be split! (Living Annuities
are investments that provide a monthly Despite the intention by Rob and
pension once a person retires from Judy to keep their divorce simple
a Retirement Fund Pension Funds, and fair, the Living Annuity remains
Provident Funds and Retirement invested in Robs name and, as such,
Annuities.) he controls the investment strategy
despite Judys now completely different
Now the real irony here is that financial situation. Furthermore, Rob
Retirement Funds (a Pension Fund in as the owner of the Living Annuity, Director
Robs case), from which he retired, would have had the right, without a Chartered Wealth Solutions


April 14.indd 55 2014/04/04 2:39 PM

Financial Planning

financial mistakes
for young
professionals to avoid

current account into a savings account start paying it off to avoid drowning in
as soon their salary gets paid no interest at a later stage.
matter how little the amount. The
principle is to pay yourself first and use 5. I NEED TO SAVE FOR MY
the power of compound interest. CHILDRENS EDUCATION
Saving for childrens schooling fees
2. I AM YOUNG AND HEALTHY AND should not be a top priority at this
DONT NEED INSURANCE stage. Before contemplating this,
Many young professionals make the it is vital to build a solid financial
mistake of not taking out medical foundation first. This means having an
Upon entering the workplace, aid or income protection when they emergency fund equal to six months
begin working as they feel they are in expenses, no credit card debt and
many young professionals are their prime and nothing can happen sufficient savings for retirement.
faced with the challenge of to them. Unfortunately, it does not
being responsible for their own matter how young or healthy someone 6. I ONLY NEED TO THINK ABOUT
is, if they are involved in an accident FINANCE WHEN I HAVE KIDS AND
financial affairs but have little MORTGAGE
and become permanently disabled it
knowledge on where to start and could be the end of their career before The beginning of ones career provides
often make decisions that place it has really started. In the same vein, the perfect time to analyse and
if they are badly injured their medical manage finances. Personal finances
their long term financial stability can get increasingly complicated
costs could end up placing them
at risk. under severe financial strain. Taking with age, as one has to deal with
out appropriate cover can make a big mortgages, children, medical bills etc.
John Marsden, National Sales Director difference in the quality of ones life By examining income and expenses on
at PPS, says while attempting to following a major incident. It will also a regular basis, one can make small
survive and succeed in the working prevent placing a massive financial changes to financial behaviour in order
world, personal finances often fall burden on those whom they become to have solid habits in place when
to the bottom of the priority list. As dependent on. finances do become complicated.
a result, it is imperative that those
entering the workplace are able 3. RETIREMENT IS FOR OLD PEOPLE 7. IT IS NOT A BIG DEAL TO SKIP A
to educate themselves or can find Professionals should start saving for FEW CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS
professional help on how to create retirement as soon as they receive their The easiest way of losing control over
a solid financial plan to avoid future first pay check. Money saved from age finances is by letting credit card debt
repercussions. 20 will have a 40 year growth period, pile up. Once a payment is skipped, the
whereas savings from age 30 onwards cardholder will be charged significant
Some common misperceptions young will only have a 30 year growth period. additional interest on the amount,
professionals have about their financial It is also easier to contribute money which will increase the monthly
affairs: towards retirement when one is still payment amount. This negligent
young with no dependents as opposed behaviour can lead to severe financial
1. I DONT EARN ENOUGH TO SAVE distress and will seriously affect ones
The bottom line is everyone should try to trying to save for retirement while
raising a child. Using the tax benefits crediting rating, meaning you may not
and save money. Begin by calculating be granted loans in the future.
exactly how much money comes in of a proper retirement place means
and where it is spent to determine a that the Receiver of Revenue is directly
While young professionals may not be
realistic amount to save each month. helping your save.
earning high salaries yet, it is crucial for
It is extremely important to track all 4. I WILL PAY OFF MY STUDENT this group to create a sound financial
expenses to see where overspending LOAN AT A LATER STAGE plan in order to foster good financial
occurs and try to cut back on All loans compound interest over years, habits and ensure better financial
unnecessary costs, which usually which means the longer it takes to pay security in the long term. When you
include eating out or entertainment. off the debt, the bigger the amount get future salary increases always put
of interest. Rather choose a payment 10 percent of it away before you spend
Young professionals are advised to set it on anything else.
an automatic monthly transfer from a plan that works with your income and


April 14.indd 56 2014/04/04 2:39 PM

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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:09 PM

Financial Planning

An independent
executor and your will
Your last will and testament decisions. Your spouse may not know The entire process could take anything
where to get the best advice or between six to thirteen months,
may well be the most important
service, or may be exposed to people depending on the complexity of the
document you ever draft and serving their own interests. estate. Successful administration of
sign. It sets out how the assets an estate depends on the service
Not nominating an executor in from external institutions such as the
you accumulated during your your will can also lead to avoidable SA Revenue Service, the Masters
lifetime should be distributed complications. An executor can only office, insurance companies and many
when you die, giving financial officially begin to administer an estate more. If the deceased was involved in
after the Master of the High Court has litigation before his or her death, or
peace of mind to the loved ones been notified and has issued a letter died of unnatural causes, this could
you leave behind. Few people of executorship. When an executor is also slow down the process.
realise, however, how important appointed by the Master in terms of a
nomination in a will, the process will THE ADVANTAGES OF
it is to nominate a well-qualified,
normally run smoothly. If no one has APPROACHING A REPUTABLE
independent executor to make been nominated in the will, the major COMPANY, WHICH SPECIALISES
crucial financial decisions and beneficiaries of the deceased must IN WILLS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS,
wind up their estate. propose an executor, who may or may WHEN NOMINATING AN
not be approved by the Master. This EXECUTOR INCLUDE:
process could become drawn out and You will enjoy the benefit of
Bheki Khenisa, Chief Executive
cause valuable time to elapse, to the specialised experience and knowledge
Officer of Sanlam Trust, talks about
detriment of creditors and heirs.
nominating an executor without
The estate will be handled deftly
the necessary expertise or not THE DUTIES OF AN EXECUTOR and professionally and you are
nominating one at all could lead to INCLUDE: ensured of objective advice
much valuable time being lost before Collecting all the assets of the
your loved ones can receive their deceased, such as fixed properties, You enjoy complete security through
inheritance. furniture, firearms, vehicles, internal quality control systems
shares, proceeds of insurance
People often appoint a family member Sophisticated computer systems
policies, outstanding debts, cash
or a community leader as the executor ensure top-quality service.
assets and other interests
of their estate. This is not advisable,
since winding up the affairs of a Collecting all debts against the Nominating an executor to look after
deceased person and ensuring that the estate and settling them after their your affairs after your death is a big
stipulations in the will are carried out validity has been investigated responsibility. For your loved ones,
can be a highly technical and complex being in mourning is difficult enough
process. Appointing your spouse, for Dividing the balance of the dont add to their anxiety by not having
example, is not usually a good idea, assets among the rightful chosen an experienced and impartial
since he or she could be emotionally heirs after all debts against executor who can wrap up your estate
incapable of taking important financial the estate have been paid. as timeously as possible.


April 14.indd 58 2014/04/07 3:09 PM

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Munich_RE_Campaign_RZ_05.indd 1 08.08.12 09:16

Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:05 PM
Financial Planning

Following an equi-weighted approach

Cannon Asset Managers recently unveiled the Since inception, the Equi-weighted Portfolio has achieved
a cumulative return of 118.95% versus the benchmark of
new-look Cannon Flexible Fund that follows
109.82%. This return has also been achieved with low
the successful equi-weighted approach. This volatility. Chart 2 below shows the historical drawdowns
approach was first proposed by free market relative to the individual asset classes held from inception of
investment analyst Harry Browne in the 1980s the portfolio:
and refined in the mid-1990s. The fund aims to CHART 2 CANNON EQUI-WEIGHTED PORTFOLIO
provide the highest return with the lowest risk HISTORICAL DRAWDOWNS FROM APRIL 2006 (INCEPTION) TO
by diversifying in equal weights between the four This is also
major asset classes being equities, bonds, listed interesting to
property and cash. see in table
format in
The investment process allows for tactical asset allocation Table 1 below:
changes to take advantage of market conditions and will
provide a high and growing yield with robust capital growth.
Identifying securities that are of high quality and trading at
attractive prices, along with applying tactical asset allocation
tilts to the asset classes mentioned above, will aid in
achieving the above objectives.
The Cannon Flexible Fund has aimed to provide investors DRAWDOWNS FROM APRIL 2006 (INCEPTION) TO END
with capital growth over time but with reduced volatility. JANUARY 2014
The fund was managed using asset allocation rules that
guided allocation between cash and equities in the
portfolio. This approach, while historically being equity-
centric, was also designed to offer smoother returns than
equities. Reassessing how to achieve the funds objectives, TABLE 2 CANNON EQUI-WEIGHTED PORTFOLIO LARGEST
it was decided that the dual objective of lower volatility and MONTHLY GAIN AND LOSS FROM APRIL 2006 (INCEPTION) TO
capital growth could be better met by introducing listed END JANUARY 2014
property and bond investments into the fund, allowing
for the use of asset allocation tools across all four of the
major asset classes, and giving investors diversification
beyond just cash and equities. Apart from better volatility
management, the new strategy also allows for a raised PERFORMANCE HISTORY RELATIVE TO CPI TO END JANUARY
yield in the fund which benefits those investors who draw 2014
income. Looking at this
JANUARY 2014 unit trust
Cannon peers, the
Flexible Fund equi-weighted
adopted the strategy would
investment have ranked
strategy of in the top
the Cannon quartile in the
Equi-weighted South African Low Equity category over five years to end
Portfolio from January 2014.
June 2013.
The investment approach in the Cannon Flexible Fund
As a result,
complies with Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act, which
the longer-
will allow investors to use the fund in their financial planning
term performance of the Cannon Flexible Fund is not
both leading up to and during retirement via retirement
representative of the above. The Index line in the chart
annuities, preservation funds, living annuity portfolios as well
represents the static equi-weighting of the asset classes
as in non-retirement savings. There has been no change in
which was the benchmark of the Equi-weighted Portfolio.
the cost to investors to access this fund.


April 14.indd 60 2014/04/04 5:47 PM

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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:06 PM

UMA Feature

In a bind, or free to rule?

The pressure on margins, current state of the economy and increased
regulatory pressures have some commentators saying that many UMAs will
not survive. However, in COVERs January Industry Outlook, insurers and
UMAs expressed the view that the UMA model will survive and is well suited
to current industry changes. What is your opinion on this? What has changed,
if any, due to the Binder Regulation requirements?

UMAs committed to spearhead innovation

UMAs have been around in together with their Insurer Principals, TERSIA DAVEY
re-emphasise the UMAs skill, Chief Executive Officer
some form or another since the SAUMA
knowledge and experience that are
start of insurance. Throughout invaluable in the insurance industry.
the decades, more and more Regrettably though, many entities also product solutions, added to which, their
chose to take on the form of the strong entrepreneurial ethos achieves
recognition (especially abroad)
UMA structure and business model in cost efficiency. With regulation putting
was given to this very important order to take advantage of additional so much emphasis on compliance and
link in the insurance chain. remuneration. It is SAUMAs belief that treating customers fairly, the UMA
Intensifying regulation like such entities lack the fundamentals is best positioned to fulfil the very
of a pure UMA and will not be crucial role of providing proper advice
the new Binder Regulation, sustainable. by disclosing material information and
persistent slow economic growth assisting in training and up-skilling the
and a price-driven market, have broker, something thats important
A TRUE UMA IS A BUSINESS during this time of skill shortages
brought the sustainability of THAT IS UNIQUE, SPECIALISED and as the older generations exit the
UMAs under question; more AND CONSTANTLY EVOLVING. industry.
specifically where they trade
There are definite opportunities for the
in perceived commoditised A true UMA is a business that is UMA in the South African insurance
insurance classes and products. unique, specialised and constantly environment, however specialisation,
evolving as technology, the economy product innovation and pricing, will
We believe it is exactly these factors and market dynamics around it change. be crucial for the UMAs sustainability
and circumstances that once again A UMA is a business that creates and growth. There are so many cross
highlight the invaluable role a UMA unique, innovative products and has border and Sub-Saharan opportunities
plays in the Financial Services sector. the expertise and experience to price for the niche UMAs that will help with
The Binder Regulation acknowledged these products sustainably to protect future growth and sustainability due
the functions of the UMA, its role and the consumer. to the lack of new business growth in
position in the insurance value chain. South Africa.
The financial implications of the change There are a number of UMAs that had
in remuneration structures and charges to change their company structures It is our role and vision as SAUMA to
have shifted the playing field and and operations and possibly considered be the recognised, responsible voice
challenged traditional UMA structures. mergers with competitors, to maintain for the underwriting fraternity. We
However, its the same challenges financial viability, but also to remain are committed to our members and
that once again highlighted the UMAs relevant to their Insurer Principals and our responsibility to protect them, to
value proposition, the entrepreneurial reinsurers, while still offering unique engage continually with the legislators
focus and their contribution to the personalised service delivery to their and industry partners and other
sustainability and growth of insurance. customers. associations, and to make sure we
build a solid, sustainable and profitable
The Binder Regulation created the The UMA model makes sense to the short term insurance sector; one that
opportunity for insurance business insurer that recognises the opportunity is aligned with the political, economic
owners to re-evaluate their product to have a business partner that focuses and environmental landscapes in South
offering and value proposition, and on new developments and niche Africa.


April 14.indd 62 2014/04/04 5:48 PM

The impact of Binder ANDREW COUTTS
Head of National Brokers

Regulations on the UMA market and Portfolio Management


The South African regulatory This new type of UMA offers This could possibly lead to UMAs in the
environment remains dynamic value to brokers in its multi-quote market consolidating a bit more around
with a number of very important solutions and is likely to continue fees in order to remain competitive in a
developments in progress, one to grow as it also provides insurers strongly regulated environment.
with the opportunity to outsource
being the Binder Regulations. The If the fees are set too low, the UMAs
administration while retaining
regulatory approach and guidance alignment to underlying insurer will not be able to perform their
on the application of Binder underwriting objectives through profit activities efficiently and work will be
Regulations remains ongoing for shares. pushed back to the insurer. If set too
the insurance sector. high, the higher costs of the channel
The more traditional specialist UMAs for the insurer will ultimately be
Since its implementation the biggest such as those in liability, engineering, passed on to end consumers, making
change this regulation has introduced is marine or aviation, remain largely the distribution model potentially less
the freedom for underwriting managers to unaffected in their operations and attractive for customers. The agreed
deal with more than one insurer per type through common shareholding fee should match the level of activities
or kind of policy, whereas previously they relationships with insurers, continue to performed by their UMAs, the nature of
could only deal with one insurer. offer specialist solutions typically on the specialist underwriting undertaken.
the licence of only one insurer. This has an added benefit of requiring
This has in many ways opened the UMA the UMA to run as a sustainable
market and has resulted in the emergence That said though, the most significant business.
of UMA administrators who offer brokers implication of the Binder Regulations
multiple product offerings from multiple facing insurers now is the regulators Santam is confident that their UMA
insurers in the same market segment proposed standardisation of binder fees binder holder agreements are compliant
whilst still earning profit shares. in 2014. with the regulations.

Camargue is more than a policy. Camargue is more than a product.
Camargue is a concept.

The Camargue concept is driven by an inherent desire to keep challenging

what is possible in the world of specialised liability management. Bringing
risk management solutions and risk management services to an ever-
increasing range of clients - with ever-increasing impact on business, society
& beyond.

The Camargue concept acknowledges people as the proponents of

knowledge, making successful & sustainable business a reality. A concept
dedicated to seeing the power of knowledge change the world - One
business. One challenge. One victory at a time.

Camargue Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd. Co. Reg. No. 2000/028098/07. DIRECTORS: MG Marescia (Managing), V Hayter, A Mullins, GJ de Bruin
33 Glenhove Road, Melrose Estate, Rosebank, 2196, Johannesburg. Postnet Suite 250, Private Bag X4, Bedfordview 2008, Johannesburg
Telephone: 011 778 9140, Facsimile: 011 778 9199, E-mail:, Website:

125x190_FA.indd 1 2014/03/13 11:29 AM


April 14.indd 63 2014/04/04 5:48 PM

UMA Feature

Binder Regulation
in the UMA market
If you are an underwriting and 10% of the underlying premium.
In contrast to this, and given the
manager and, more specifically,
commoditised nature of most of the
if youre an underwriting business affected which tended to
manager writing largely perform within market related loss ratio
commoditised lines of business ranges of between the upper 50% to
upper 60% on a consolidated basis,
like general property and motor the average commoditised underwriting
classes, then there is a good managers base administration fee
chance that you have been would have been in the region of
impacted by the introduction of 10% of the underlying premium
(with or without certain other profit
the Binder Regulation introduced commissions etc. applying).
The underwriting manager therefore Managing Executive
The reason for this is probably due relied on a total revenue stream equating Centriq Insurance
to the fact that the Binder Regulation to their underlying administration fee
effectively outlawed the ability of the (say 10%) plus an element of above the
underwriting manager to charge any line fee (say between 5% and 10%) in
above the line fees (by stipulating that order to survive. THE GENERAL LEVEL OF THESE
underwriting managers could only be FEES RANGED BETWEEN 5% AND
remunerated by the underlying insurer The loss of a fee component which
and not by the client/insured), the was easily contributing prior to the new
majority of which were related to charges Binder Regulation of between 33% and
or fees (as a percentage of premium) 50% to the underwriting managers
income stream was a major blow, as possible through re-negotiating
charged on monthly business, specifically
effectively wiping out a substantial part underwriting contracts as far as
if the business written was personal lines
of their income stream overnight and practical (including with reinsurers
or small to medium commercial business.
placing many of them under extreme where required) such that it is able to
While there were differences across financial pressure. replace as much as possible of the lost
the market with respect to the extent income stream through an increase
of these above the line fees charged Sympathetic insurers like Centriq in their base administration fee
by underwriting managers, the general have tried to assist their affected (including through the use of different
level of these fees ranged between 5% underwriting managers as much profit commission arrangements
bearing in mind that these are bona
fide underwriting management

While the above solution has and does

work, it is not without its complexities.
The fact remains that there are only
100 cents in every R1, and to the
extent that the insurer agrees to
increase the underwriting managers
base administration fee they need
to be satisfied that this additional
element of fee will not simply erode
the underwriting margin required to
support the insurers profit and capital
servicing requirements.

This has entailed an intense focus

by underwriting managers who have
had their contracts and reinsurance
structures changed to this new
regime to have a laser beam focus on
profitable underwriting.


April 14.indd 64 2014/04/04 5:50 PM

Underwriting managers
What have we lost?
Underwriting managers emerged
because they offered special
skills which were not always
readily available in-house to
every insurer.

Expertise in specialised insurance

fields such as marine, engineering,
professional indemnity and other
insurance is not always found among
the staff of insurance companies with
the continuity and client connection
and specialisation it requires. PATRICK BRACHER
When these special skills were offered Norton Rose Fulbright
by independent intermediaries to
insurers only, the insurers were happy
and policyholders got good service. is that on their own they cannot
The regulator was happy as long as exploit their strong client
the underwriting manager did not sell connection and sell policies to
policies directly to the public. The policyholders who have confidence
reasoning is that the policyholders dealing with their specialised fields.
must not be misled into thinking that
the underwriting manager is a broker
representing their interests in the ON THEIR OWN THEY
insurance sale transaction. CANNOT EXPLOIT THEIR
But the Binder Regulation changed
all that. Anybody performing
binder functions could become an What we need in order to make
underwriting manager in order to get insurers and policyholders the
a profit share as long as they were winners in this situation is to give
not selling policies to the public. Many the registrar the same power of
contrived arrangements to sell the exemption that the registrar has in
policies indirectly were devised and the relation to underwriting managers
rationale for underwriting managers and non-mandated intermediaries
was undercut. Anyone could perform in the same group as the insurer
binder functions on behalf of the (regulation 6.5(2)).
insurer only and sign up the policies
through a tame broker. Many expert These exemptions can be conditional
underwriting managers have survived and only be given in relation to
but many have been lost. specifically skilled underwriting
managers who deal with a specific
Many, overcome by over-regulation, industry or specific sector of the
have been absorbed into the insurers. public. We need to preserve these
One of the main reasons for their skills in the insurance industry in the
absorption into insurance companies interests of everyone.


April 14.indd 65 2014/04/04 5:51 PM

UMA Feature

Binder Regulation
an investors perspective
The trading and regulatory regulatory changes has been on binder
agreements which appear from the
environments in the insurance
outside to have been received and
industry continue to be a adopted differently across the market.
challenge for most players and This has noticeably altered who does
are keeping business leaders what for the insurer and the insured
and what they get for it.
extremely busy. The economic
indicators point to even tougher Opportunities have been created for
some businesses due to these changes,
trading and operating conditions ISAAC CHINDOTANA
whereas for some it threatens their
in the short to medium term and Portfolio Manager
future growth and sustainability. Lireas
this has added further strain on While we believe that the market
the operating margins of most will continue to adjust to Binder
Regulation as the FSB refines them, it
businesses. would be foolish not to acknowledge that UMAs generally have fewer
the significant impact that Binder resources to deal with challenges as
Margins are under pressure due to a Regulation could have on the future they arise. However, smaller, agile
combination of slow growth, lower of some smaller independent brokers and more nimble businesses respond
rates and significant claims due to and underwriting managers, and on the quicker and more effectively to
weather related events, combined cost of delivery which could be passed challenges when compared to bigger
with the costs of servicing claims and on to the consumer. entities. The group and family
running businessesthat continue to environment that Lireas enjoys with
increase sharply. Economic pressures In the 25 years that Lireas has its partners allows us to benefit from
are intensifying at a time that been investing in UMAs, we have a big ship environment, while at the
businesses are also dealing with a experienced numerous changes and same time enjoying the autonomy and
number of regulatory changes which cycles together with our partners. agility that makes UMAs what they are.
have required businesses to spend time The current basket of challenges does
and money to address them. however require a different approach The UMA model will continue to
and strategy to deal with them. provide many benefits to consumers
Some of these regulatory requirements that other models would not provide
have resulted in significant changes However we are so far satisfied as efficiently and quickly as UMAs do,
in business models, income streams with the solutions that we have but a different set of gymnastic skills
and expense structures. One of implemented together with our is required to maintain this edge into
the most talked about of these partners. Pound for pound, it is true the future.


April 14.indd 66 2014/04/04 5:51 PM

Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:06 PM
IISA Insurance Forum

Are you liable?

In February the IISA hosted a superb breakfast forum on liability with presentations from
speakers Eric Dom (AIG), Donald Dinnie (Norton Rose Fulbright), Caroline Yeo (Camargue) and
Stefan Terblanche (African Adjusting Firm). Annetjie van Wynegaard of COVER, reports.

Directors and officers liability insurance

Yeos presentation looked at the innocent directors remain fully covered PRESENTED BY CAROLINE YEO
core issues surrounding D&O if they are co-defendants, even if their Fiduciary Senior Underwriter
colleagues acts were intentional or Camargue
insurance and its developments to
give non-experts an overview of fraudulent. Also excluded are illegal
remuneration or personal profit,
corporate risk management.
and all activities covered by a more
specific insurance policies, for example CLAIMS
D&O Liability Insurance is one of the Most claims against directors are settled
most discussed but least understood Professional Indemnity, death and bodily
injury. out of court which has led to the
products. It has experienced rapid growth perception that claims against directors
over the last 30 years, originating in the are unsuccessful. This has changed in
USA and spreading to other markets. recent years with high profile cases
It currently has a global Gross Written All past, present and future D&Os of a
company and its subsidiaries are covered, and enquiries against directors being
Premium (GWP) of USD$10bn. It is
including non-executives. For securities reported in the press. In the past seven
essential to bring as much clarity as
claims, the policy is extended to cover months, six new claims were reported in
possible on the subject of D&O Liability
claims against the company. excess of R10m each. Claims specifically
to contribute to well found public
regarding misrepresentations and
WHERE DO CLAIMS COME FROM? non-disclosure occur during mergers,
WHY DO COMPANIES BUY D&O Internal claims arise from the company, take-overs and disinvestment when
COVER? other insured individuals (D&Os), the attention of existing and new
Managers can make mistakes, and are subsidiaries, and from bankruptcy or shareholders, employees and labour
often held legally liable for them in insolvency. External claims come from organisations, suppliers, customers
their personal capacity. Managers make creditors, stockholders, customers, and regulators focus more closely on
tough, complex decisions, and operate suppliers, competitors, tax authorities, the entity. When a company is going
within a multinational or international social security and employees. through liquidation claims resulting from
environment with multiple worldwide company failure can become lengthy,
jurisdictions. Its vital to monitor your COSTS OF D&O complex and expensive to defend.
market, and keep up with compliance Premiums are calculated on the basis of Share issues can also result in claims,
regulations, government bodies, auditors estimated claims frequency and severity. when representations are made in public
opinions, King III, risk management, etc. Financial institutions or companies with or private share issue documents or
Increasing corporate governance has led local and abroad listings are calculated prospectus documents and road shows.
to increased D&O exposure. individually. Rate per mille can be as
high as R100,000 or more. Three typical examples of claims include
WHAT IS COVERED? minority shareholders alleging that
The policy provides financial protection THE COMMON RISK FACTORS directors have abused their position to
for managers against the consequences AFFECTING PRICING ARE: favour certain dominant shareholders;
of actual or alleged wrongful acts Domicile and international activity competitors alleging that the defendant
in the scope of their managerial (especially US exposure); director (former employee) has
duties. Wrongful acts include errors, misappropriated trade secrets and
misstatements, misleading statements, Claims record;
confidential information; and a class
acts, omissions, negligence, or breach action complaint from outside investors
Industry sector (e.g. FI, Pharmaceuticals
of duty actually or allegedly committed stating that directors failed to disclose
considered a higher risk);
or attempted by an insured person, material information, which could have
individually or otherwise. The D&O policy Stock exchange listing; affected their decision to invest in the
will pay for defence costs and financial company.
losses. Market capitalisation;
Dont miss Stefan Terblanches discussion
WHAT IS NOT COVERED? M&A activity; and on product liability, inefficiency claims,
Fraudulent, criminal or intentional non- and defective workmanship and products
compliant acts are not covered, but Professional CVs of the management. in our next issue.


April 14.indd 68 2014/04/04 5:52 PM

Paddle faster, I hear banjos!
On challenges for liability insurers
Dinnie borrowed the title The Act will not kill off the successful
use of disclaimers or indemnity clauses
of his presentation, Paddle
or notices, but will make the successful
faster, I hear banjos! from reliance on such clauses and notices
the 1972 flick Deliverance. more difficult.
This exclamation is often used
Insurers who have previously
as a warning that hillbillies underwritten risks taking comfort
are not far off. During his in representations from insureds
presentation Dinnie engaged should take steps to ensure that the
insured complies appropriately with
the audience by placing the the Consumer Protection Act in that
ball of responsibility in their regard.
hands. Dinnie discussed the
following five elements of Section 61 of the Consumer Protection
liability in South Africa: Act provides for liability for damage
caused wholly or partly as a result of,
among other things, a defect in any
Disclaimers and indemnities; goods. Dinnie used the example of the PRESENTED BY DONALD DINNIE
recent appeal judgment of the Munich Head of Norton Rose Fulbright
The Consumer Protection Act; higher regional court in a product South Africa Disputes Practice
liability case involving an exploding
Protection of Personal Information;
sparkling wine bottle to provide insight
It is therefore critical that producers
Class actions; and into likely developments of SA product
and importers have in place liability
liability law. A shard of glass injured
cover which indemnified them in
Privilege. someones eye, and the German court
the circumstances of the increased
decreed that a product is defective
FOLLOWING IS A SYNOPSIS OF product liability risks under the Act.
if it doesnt comply with reasonably
See sections 48, 49, 60 and 61 of the
HIS PRESENTATION ON EACH OF expected safety standards, and that
Consumer Protection Act.
THE FIVE POINTS. consumers expect glass bottles to
Dinnie coerced a member of the unobserved with the naked eye. INFORMATION
audience to read a disclaimer by which A rose by any other name would be
the audience agreed that they have The CPA does not contain an identical
called a POPI, said Dinnie. Not to be
entered the premises of Norton Rose definition of defect but is in effect
confused with the State Secrecy Bill,
Fulbright at their own risk and the similar. The Act defined defect to POPI is intended to protect personal
host company and its employees are include a material imperfection in the information from processing without
not responsible for any liability should manufacture of goods or components consent by public and private bodies;
an injury or destruction of property that render the goods less acceptable while the Secrecy Bill aims to provide
occur. than a person would be reasonably for the protection of sensitive State
entitled to expect in the circumstances. information.
The Consumer Protection Act (CPA)
does not forbid the use of disclaimers The Acts test of reasonable POPI is a spider web that is applied to
and indemnities, but assists entitlement of expectation is an most relationships in an organisation,
consumers in challenging the use of objective test, and any claimant would and personal information is defined
all disclaimers and indemnities in their have to start by providing the material broadly. POPI will affect not only how
substance and form. For example, imperfection in the manufacture of insurers deal with their insureds but
one may not enter into a contract the goods before doing the test of how they deal with service providers of
or waive ones rights if the terms reasonable expectations. The producer all kinds, including brokers and binder
are unfair, unreasonable or unjust. has a few useful defences he can holders, loss adjusters, administrators,
Terms are unreasonable when they escape liability if the defect did not reinsurers and other service providers,
are excessively one-sided in favour of exist in the goods at the time it was and employees.
any person other than the consumer supplied to another person. The onus
or, the terms of the transaction would be on the producer to prove Once POPI is signed into law by the
or agreement, are adverse and that goods were not defective at the president, any person subject to the
inequitable to the consumer. time it left the producers premises. obligations which will include every


April 14.indd 69 2014/04/07 10:53 PM

IISA Insurance Forum


General liability policies;

Directors and officers liability

insurance; and

Professional liability insurance.

More than one layer of insurance may

be triggered, where there is primary,
excess and umbrella coverage.

A significant aspect of class action

litigation is the defence costs, and
insurers need to be alert to both the
risks of providing an indemnity in
entity in the insurance industry will Environmental Management Act respect of class actions and defence
have one year to get all processing of provide for class actions in respect of costs, and the marketing opportunities
information to conform to the Act. rights and obligations dealt with by that which are presented. An insured and
legislation. The Mukaddam judgments insurer may have different interests
POPI will create significant civil and now recognise the use of class actions and concerns when it comes to settling
criminal law exposure in the case of in other cases where it is the most or defending class actions.
a breach. All parties in the insurance appropriate means of litigating a
chain should review their exposure claim of members of the class. The PRIVILEGE
under the law to civil, criminal and judgments confirm that class actions Privilege is a right in common law
administrative liability and implement are permitted where there has been a for a client to be able to consult a
necessary precautionary measures. breach of common law rights. legal advisor or lawyer in confidence
Insurers should review their liability without fear of having to disclose those
wordings, and consider appropriate The nature of a class action leads to the communications at a later date.
amendments to operative clauses and possibility that a number of insurance
exclusions. Proposal forms, policy policies may be triggered, either to Privilege ensures a clients ability
documents and claim forms need to defend or indemnify because, policies to speak freely and frankly with
contain appropriate consents which will be triggered where the allegations, his or her legal advisor in order to
must be voluntary, specific and injury or damages span a number of obtain appropriate legal advice and
informed expression in terms of which years. Depending on the nature of the ensure complete fairness in legal
permission is given for the processing policy and its interpretation, allegations proceedings.
of personal information. might trigger the policy if the injury or
damage was caused during the policy There are two types of privilege
CLASS ACTIONS period, it was ongoing during the policy legal professional privilege and
The Constitution permits class actions period, it manifested itself during the without prejudice communication. The
in cases of breaches of constitutional policy period or the claim related to first type consists of two sub-types
rights. The Companies Act, Consumer damage or injury presented during the legal advice privilege and litigation
Protection Act and the National policy period. privilege.

Privilege extends to in-house lawyers

or legal advisors, as long as they
comply with the requirements for
privilege (communications made in a
professional capacity for the purposes
of obtaining or giving legal advice, or in
contemplation of litigation).

Communications with in-house lawyers

not relating to the provision of legal
advice (e.g. executive, commercial or
managerial advice) may not attract

In-house lawyers should be scrupulous

in making a distinction of when they
are acting in an independent legal
capacity and when they are performing
other functions.


April 14.indd 70 2014/04/04 5:52 PM

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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:06 PM

IISA Insurance Forum

An underwriters perspective
Understanding liability depends Increasingly, much larger General and
Products liability limits are purchased,
on working back from the end-
as international markets and lenders
user of the product (such as a are demanding covers which are
consumer), all the way through at least equivalent to what can be
the entire manufacturing chain, purchased in Europe and elsewhere.
to the source of raw materials. Awards and settlements arising from
product liability claims in USA, Europe
The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) and Australia have been substantial;
places the onus on the supply chain as a consequence, South African
to disprove liability, thus moving the insured parties are exposed to an
burden of proof (and costs) away from unprecedented global liability scenario.
the consumer. The entire supply chain
incurs costs in defending its position, In the event of a claim, costs and
or in moving the liability as far back as expenses can easily erode a policy
possible, sometimes right the way to limit, especially if costs and expenses
the supplier of raw materials. are not in addition to these indemnity
limits, and if limits are too low.
End users, whether consumers or
other trading partners, are crucial in Trends seen in General Liability are
managing liability risks. It is in this PRESENTED BY ERIC DOM
increases in the frequency of so- Liabilities Underwriting Manager,
regard that contract management is of called Slips and Trips, while the Global Casualty, AIG
utmost importance. size of claims is trending upwards. A
further trend is the frequency of claims
Increased regulation, locally and
emanating from wrongful arrest and
elsewhere, has made the liability countries (and in many occasions, that
defamation, which historically has been
landscape more onerous than ever. company may be very well resourced).
at very low limits. As a consequence,
In addition, local companies are As a result, it is necessary to take this
no longer should limits of R5,000,000
addressing educated markets (made into account when providing liability
up of investors and insured entities/ be sold for R500 in order to fill a
insurance for those trading in Africa.
persons), often in areas where they schedule. Instead, it is necessary to
have not previously traded. understand your clients products and Liability risks can be successfully
the market they are addressing. managed by way of liability loss
These factors necessitate new control, as alluded to earlier, and
approaches to underwriting liability Africa is the new frontier for all things
understanding and working with
risk. Policies covering these increased financial and large foreign companies,
the insured to gain insight into
exposures require much broader wording private equity and government
manufacturing processes, markets and
and thinking and care is necessary in investments are the order of the day.
quality control.
determining indemnity limits, with an African markets may be incorrectly
insureds net profit multiplied by 10 as perceived as low risk in terms of Large companies include liability
a potential starting point, however you litigation, but a South African client loss control as part of their Risk
should always obtain advise from an may cross swords with an international Management programmes; smaller
experienced broker. company in any of these African companies can also benefit from loss
control by working with brokers and

Working through all the steps in the

formula, and maintaining accurate and
complete records of all processes (and
changes), serve as a sound defense in
the event of a liability claim.

It is said that reputations are built over

years, but destroyed in minutes: by
having appropriate processes in place,
underpinned by sound liability insurance,
this never has to happen to you.


April 14.indd 72 2014/04/04 5:52 PM


2014 is not only an election year, but also a year for South Africans to celebrate 20
years of democracy. It was no surprise that Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan, took a
more pragmatic stance when it came to his 2014 Budget Speech. Focusing heavily on
the National Development Plan, people have had mixed reactions as to whether the
budget addresses all the relevant issues in SA. COVER asked industry leaders what
their view of the budget was, and how it may affect the industry.


April 14.indd 73 2014/04/04 5:53 PM


Walking the tightrope

Despite the sluggish economy (real
growth of only 2% in 2013), tax
revenues have been relatively buoyant,
and Government expects to have
collected R1 billion more in the 2013/14
fiscal year compared to what was
expected. Companies tax came in
ahead of target by R7.1 billion, more
than offsetting value added tax (VAT)
that came in below target by R3.7
billion. The Budget projects revenue to
grow by 8.6% in 2014/15 and 9.9% in

Tax revenue is expected to grow faster

than the economy over the medium
term, meaning the total tax burden
on the economy will rise: Tax revenue
as a percentage of GDP will rise from
a low of 24.4% in 2009 to 26.5% in

Good news for taxpayers is that R9.3

billion in income tax relief has been
granted to compensate for the impact
of inflation (fiscal drag). This will be
BACKDROP: THE UNFRIENDLY economies with deficits has come to offset by R4.7 billion increases in
CLIMATE an end. indirect taxes. As is the case every
In what was the 20th Budget of the year, sin taxes will rise. A can of
democratic era, Finance Minister Pravin Capital that was once freely available
beer will cost 9c more, a packet of
Gordhan faced a massive challenge. to emerging markets with large
cigarettes 68c more, and a bottle
It was rumoured to have been his last external funding needs, such as
of spirits R4.80 per bottle more.
Budget Speech, and it is hard to blame South Africa, is now scarce. This
Conscious of the fact that motorists
him. The reality is that everybody caused several key emerging markets
are battling with high petrol prices,
taxpayers, citizens, local and global currencies to slump and bond yields
the increases in the fuel levy and Road
investors, corporates, ratings agencies to spike. The increase in bond yields
Accident Fund levy have been kept
and fellow Cabinet ministers all have over the past year means that any
in line with inflation to 12c/l and 8c/l
high expectations of what the Finance future borrowing, including rolling over
Minister should deliver. He cannot existing debt, will be done at higher
please everyone, and that makes him interest rates. Already, Government Once the work of the Davis
very unpopular at times. expects to spend R121 billion in this Commission is completed towards the
fiscal year on servicing debt (compared end of the year, one might expect
When Trevor Manuel was Finance with R144 billion on social welfare). more changes in terms of tax rates and
Minister, a booming economy and tax types.
increased efficiency in tax collection ECONOMIC OUTLOOK
meant there was scope to expand UNINSPIRING BRAKES PLACED ON SPENDING
welfare spending, while cutting corporate The performance of the economy is Government non-interest expenditure
and individual tax rates. But now the the starting point for understanding the is expected to be R1.05 trillion in
economy is stuck in second gear. Budget, as it is the economy that has to 2013/14, rising to R1.31 trillion in
deliver the tax revenue that Government 2016/17. Having grown sharply over
Five years ago, emerging markets such spends. How Government spends its the past decade, spending is projected
as South Africa were praised for having money also impacts how the economy to only grow on average 1.9% per year
smaller deficits and lower debt ratios performs. The real economic growth above inflation over the next three
than the developed economies. This outlook has been downgraded to 2.7% years, slightly lower than what was
situation has changed. South Africas in 2014 and 3.2% in 2015. Inflation is announced in the October mini-budget.
deficit is now comparatively larger as a estimated at 6.2% in 2014 and 5.9% in Spending will be about R3 billion lower
percentage of gross domestic product 2015. Household consumption growth is than what the Minister said he would
(GDP) than the USs deficit, and the expected to be sluggish at 2.8% in 2014 spend three years ago. Spending will
markets leniency towards emerging and 3.2% in 2015.


April 14.indd 74 2014/04/04 5:53 PM

also be slower than overall economic DEFICITS AND DEBT TO STABILISE
growth, meaning that Government Putting the tax revenue and spending
will be a drag on the performance numbers together, the budget deficit is
of the economy over the medium projected to be 4% of gross domestic
term. However, over the longer term, product (GDP) in the 2014/15 fiscal
getting spending under control is year. This is lower than the October
crucial for maintaining the sustainability mini-budget forecast. The deficit is
of Governments finances and for expected to fall to 3.6% in the next
maintaining credibility in the eyes fiscal year and 2.8% in 2016/17. The
of the market and ratings agencies. ratio of total government debt to GDP
Importantly, spending on infrastructure is expected to peak at 45%, up from
will grow at 4% above inflation over the 29% in 2009.
budget period, suggesting an important
shift from current to capital spending. GOOD BUT NOT OUTSTANDING
The Minister spoke at length about
To further signify commitment to the National Development Plan, but
sound finances, Government has drawn it will be implemented by the next
a line in the sand by introducing an administration. The speech was thus
expenditure ceiling. This means devoid of detail on economic reforms, DAVE MOHR
Chief Investment Strategist
government non-interest spending even as the Minister stressed the
Old Mutual Wealth
cannot breach R1.03 trillion in 2014/15, need to get the economy growing
R1.11 trillion in 2015/16 and R1.18 and specifically to get small business
trillion in 2016/17. Any new spending growing. But the Budget was also
plans introduced will have to be offset devoid of populist rhetoric in an on the rand and interest rates in time.
by cuts in other areas. election year. It also creates longer-term space for
Government to respond to future
Governments wage bill is projected to All in all, it was a credible but economic crises. The hard work is
grow by 6.8% over the next fiscal year, unexciting Budget. The Minister had now to get the various government
and 6.6% the year after. Social grants no choice but to reduce the budget departments and agencies to spend
will also grow slightly above inflation deficit, and he delivered. The lower their allocations effectively and to cut
over the next year. projected deficits should ease pressure waste and corruption.

Boosting retirement savings

Chief Executive Tax (tax levied on dividends received). HOW YOU CAN MAXIMISE YOUR
PPS Investments
RAs therefore offer a welcome tax TAX DEDUCTION FOR 2013/14:
break from the outset. RA contributions for the tax year
BOOST YOUR TAX RETURN ending 28 February are tax deductible
A portion of the total contribution you DISCIPLINED INVESTING, WITH for the greater of:
make towards your RA in any given FLEXIBILITY
tax year is tax deductible. This means National Treasury estimates that only 15% of non-retirement funding
that when submitting your income tax 10% of South Africans are able to taxable income (income not already
return, you can claim back a portion maintain their pre-retirement level being used for contributions to
of the money you have contributed of consumption after retirement. To a pension or provident fund);
towards your RA without impacting the prepare yourself financially for the day
you stop working, you need to make R3,500 less current pension
value of your investment.
sure that you are saving enough and fund contributions; or
If you choose to invest the money that that you stay invested for as long as
R1,750 with any excess being
you are able to reclaim, you are further you can.
carried forward to the following
able to add to your retirement savings
A regular debit order into a unit trust year of assessment.
without any additional outlay.
based RA will ensure that you save in
If you do not expect your RA
BENEFIT FROM FURTHER TAX a disciplined and structured manner.
contributions for the current tax year
ADVANTAGES However, these investments still offer
to reach your maximum tax deductible
Returns generated within RAs are not the flexibility for you to change or
amount by the end of the month, it
subject to income tax, Capital Gains cease your monthly contributions or to
may be worth considering an additional
Tax (levied on profits resulting from the transfer to a different product provider
RA contribution to do so.
sale of assets such as property or units without penalty should your personal
in a unit trust) or Dividend Withholding circumstances unexpectedly change.


April 14.indd 75 2014/04/04 5:53 PM


2014 Budget in review

Minister Pravin Gordhan Similar to Trevor Manuel, who was
Minister of Finance from 1996 to 2009,
delivered a tough Budget bang
Minister Gordhan will need to not only
in line with the Medium Term stabilise, but also lower the debt level
Budget Policy Statement he in time to create fiscal space.
read in October last year. Trevor Manuel reduced the gross loan
debt ratio from 50% of GDP in mid-
In recent years, the Minister has stuck 1997 to below 30% of GDP by mid-
closely to his expenditure budgets, 2008. He achieved this by, initially,
while the revenue overrun in 2013/14 applying material expenditure restraint,
allowed the him to show a smaller notably by constraining the wage bill.
Budget deficit for 2013/14 (4.0% of Consolidated spending by Government
GDP versus the 4.2% projected in and the provinces on compensation
October last year). The main budget declined from close to 13% of GDP in
deficit narrows to 2.8% of GDP by ARTHUR KAMP
the mid-1990s to less than 10% of GDP Investment Economist
2016/17. Concomitantly, the primary by early 2007. Sanlam
budget balance (revenue less non-
interest spending) narrows from -1.8% Once the debt ratio had been reduced,
of GDP in 2013/14 to -0.3% in 2016/17 which lowered the interest burden and
enough to stabilise the gross loan freed up resources, Minister Manuel not an environment in which we should
debt ratio at 48.3% of GDP. accelerated Government expenditure. anticipate a robust, sustained economic
The numbers, importantly, rely on upswing with any degree of confidence.
But, Trevor Manuel operated in
continued expenditure restraint, with a buoyant growth environment Still, the Minister has delivered what he
real non-interest spending increasing especially from 2000 (although it is can through a Budget that focuses on
at just 1.9% per year over the medium important to note his prudent policies expenditure restraint (including wage
term. Expenditure declines relative to contributed to a favourable investment growth restraint). The limited room to
GDP over the period failing which environment and GDP growth). Indeed, manoeuvre is painfully visible in social
the debt ratio is likely to continue following modest economic growth grants spending, where the Minister
rising. Also, we need a sustained firm from 1997 to 1999, real GDP growth shows no real growth in expenditure
business cycle upswing to support averaged more than 4% from 2000 especially considering inflation rates
revenue (else we are likely to get to 2008. Growth was driven by strong tend to be higher for the poor when
higher taxes). fixed investment spending (especially food prices are rising.
from 2003) amidst robust productivity
Note, the level of debt is projected gains. The emphasis on measures to boost
to increase close to the previous small business development is
high recorded in the mid-1990s and The current business cycle upswing, especially welcome. The small business
leaves Government with no room however, has been based on sector is, after all, South Africas
to manoeuvre in the event of any consumption spending (including best shot at boosting much-needed
unexpected downturn in the economy. Government consumption, which is at employment growth. This includes
its highest level support for venture capital companies
in history at by easing the rules pertaining to
more than 22% accessing foreign capital. Economies
of GDP). Also, grow through a process of creative
productivity destruction. Venture capital companies
growth is can put new ideas into practice in
moderate. support of this.
the marginal Overall, the bottom line is that
rate of return an economy where the currency
on capital is has depreciated sharply against
too low to the backdrop of a relatively wide
ignite a robust government budget deficit, reflected
private sector in a large current account deficit, must
investment tighten policy. Thats what the Minister
upswing. This is has aimed to do with this Budget.


April 14.indd 76 2014/04/04 5:53 PM

Tax-free retirement
For the retirement industry, one Governments commitment to seek CRAIG AITCHISON
of the core positive take outs improved coverage and preservation GM Corporate Solutions
of retirement funds, and lower costs Old Mutual Corporate
from the 2014 Budget address by
associated with these measures is a
Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan positive step for the industry. While
is the announcement of an government was firm in its intention to impact the various stakeholders in the
increase in the tax-free lump- move towards a compulsory retirement industry.
sum amount to be paid out of system for all employed workers not
part of an employee retirement fund, More work needs to be done to
retirement funds at retirement. encourage a savings culture in South
we need to see detailed plans in
order to understand how this can help Africa, especially through the Small to
The increase in the tax free amount, Medium Enterprise engine (SME).
towards South Africans saving more.
from R315 000 to R500 000, is a
significant and positive move. This Although strongly emphasising While it is positive that government
will have a positive effect of bringing governments commitment to expressed its commitment to
tax relief to lower income members accelerated retirement reform and increase the support and tax relief for
who did not benefit from deductible collaboration with the retirement entrepreneurs and small businesses,
contributions. Many people retiring industry, todays speech has not a focussed plan needs to now be
from funds today are experiencing provided more clarity on the proposals implemented on how this is to be
a drop in their income. A bit of tax introduced in 2013. done. We look forward to further
relief on the lump-sum helps them to proposals on this issue in the future
receive an improved benefit to make The retirement industry has eagerly in order to clarify a supportive plan
adjustments to their lifestyle, such as awaited progress on these proposals of action for this important engine of
paying off debt. in order to understand how they will growth.

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April 14.indd 77 2014/04/04 5:53 PM


Impacting the financial plan

000 and the tax brackets have been
increased by 10%, providing slightly
greater tax relief. However you must
remember that any amount taken
as a withdrawal prior to retirement
will impact your tax free portion on


For some time now, there has been
talk of a tax preferred savings vehicle.
This will be launched in this tax year.
You will be able to contribute R 30
000 per annum (subject to a lifetime
max of R 500 000 per individual)
to this investment and all growth as
WILL I SAVE TAX THIS YEAR? maximum of one-third from both of well as proceeds will be tax-free. The
There was the usual inflationary these funds may be taken as a lump interest exemption will remain in place
adjustment to the tax tables to reduce sum, with the balance being used to although we will more than likely not
the effect of the so called bracket fund an annuity. see this increase as it has in the past.
creep, which effectively means that an The value of a diversified portfolio
inflationary linked salary increase will The Minister, in his speech, has once should not be underestimated. Not
not push your income into the next tax again reassured the public that vested only will you have a balanced portfolio
bracket, which would increase your tax rights will be protected and if you are in terms of your appetite for risk, but
payable. already age 55 or older, you will still be also use any tax breaks to maximum
able to access your full provident fund advantage.
The tax relief will be seen in your end on retirement.
of March payslip, and whilst it may PROTECTING YOUR WEALTH
not be a lot of money, this is money In you are not age 55 by 1 March From 1 March 2015, the premiums
that you never had before so make 2015 but considering retirement in the for income protection policies which
sure that it is put to good use. For next few years, it is vital to assess the are designed to replace income in the
someone under age 65, earning R 40 impact that these changes may have event of your temporary or permanent
000 per month, the personal tax relief on your liquidity at retirement. disability will no longer be tax
amounts to roughly R 250 per month. deductible. However this will mean that
Use it to increase your payment to The Budget further increases the tax-
when you claim, these proceeds will be
short term debts, allowing you to free amount on retirement fund lump
paid tax-free. The added bonus is that
settle them quicker and reduce the sums from R 315 000 to R 500 000.
this legislation will not be backdated
impact of compound interest. Another The aim is to benefit lower income
so if you previously claimed a tax
good alternative is to use the amount earners who did not benefit from
deduction on these premiums, you will
to increase your contributions to your the tax deduction of saving into a
still receive the proceeds free of tax.
retirement annuity. A small contribution retirement fund.
now can make a big difference over Retirement is a process and planning in
time. advance will make sure that your post
MAKING SURE YOUR RETIREMENT retirement plan meets your needs.
On 1 March 2015, we will see the OR PROVIDENT FUND PRIOR TO
distinction between pension and RETIREMENT
provident funds fall away. The new In certain circumstances it may be
tax regime which will apply to all necessary for you to withdraw prior
retirement funds (pension, provident to retirement age. As an example
and retirement annuity funds) will be this could be a withdrawal from a
effective, providing a deduction of preservation fund, an award in terms
27.5% on the greater of remuneration of a divorce order or accessing pension
and taxable income. or provident funds in the event of
This also means that on retirement, change in employment. The tax-free
portion in the withdrawal tax table has MICHELLE DUBOIS
pension and provident funds will be Legal Marketing Specialist
treated in the same manner and a been increased from R 22 500 R 25


April 14.indd 78 2014/04/04 5:53 PM

Whether you are a direct client, broker, underwriting agency or administrator,
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GENRIC Insurance Company Ltd is an Authorised Financial Service Provider. FSP Number 43638
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Untitled-1 1 2014/04/07 3:07 PM


Insurers must ask

the right questions
Can an insurer be estopped the particular information should
have been correctly disclosed to the
from asserting that there was
insurer so that the insurer could form
a non-disclosure at the time of its own view as to the effect of such
proposal? information on the assessment of the
relevant risk (sections 53 (1)(a)(111)
An insurer has the right to avoid a and 53 (1)(b)). This is an objective
contract of insurance not only if a test. The matter is judged not from the
proposer has misrepresented a material perspective of either the insurer or the
fact, but also where the proposer failed insured, but rather the point of view of
to disclose one. The burden of proving the notional, reasonable and prudent
materiality, of course, rests upon the person2.
party alleging the misrepresentation1.
Less well understood is the application
This right is not unconditional. Section of the doctrine of estoppel in cases
53 of the Short Term Insurance Act of alleged misrepresentation or non-
53 of 1998 defines what constitutes disclosure. Estoppel is a defence which
a material misrepresentation or may be raised precluding a party from
nondisclosure as one which is likely asserting or relying upon a state of
to have materially affected the affairs where the conduct of the first
assessment of the risk under the party led the other party to act to
policy at the time of its issue or at their detriment as a result of reliance BRIAN MARTIN
upon this conduct. This issue came Executive Director Legal
the time of any renewal or variation.
Renasa Insurance
A representation or non-disclosure is up for determination in the case of
Company Limited
regarded as material if a reasonable, Kings Property Development (Pty) Former Ombudsman for
prudent person would consider that Ltd vs. Regent Insurance Co Ltd Case Short-Term Insurance


April 14.indd 80 2014/04/04 5:53 PM

No 71146/10 NGHC. In this case the
plaintiffs premises situated in Crown
Mines, Johannesburg, were destroyed
in a fire. The insurer sought to avoid
the policy and hence liability for the
resultant damage by alleging that the
insured had failed to disclose when the
policy was taken out that the premises
were let by the insured to a tenant
who operated a fibreglass operating
plant. The insurer contended that it
was under the impression that the
premises were occupied by the insured
and were used as an administrative
office. Had it known the true situation
it would have declined the proposal.
The insured denied that there had been
any non-disclosure and alternatively
argued that if there had been a non-
disclosure then the insurer by virtue of
its conduct should be estopped from
relying upon this defence.

The insured argued that the insurer had broker on the question of the survey
THE BURDEN OF PROVING led the broker to believe that an urgent nor inform him that an urgent survey
survey would be done on the premises would not be conducted had led the
MATERIALITY, OF COURSE, RESTS and had not reverted to say that the broker into believing that the survey
UPON THE PARTY ALLEGING THE survey would no longer be conducted. had been conducted and that insurance
The insurers conduct lulled the broker cover was in place. These assurances
MISREPRESENTATION were misleading, and had the insured
into a false sense of security that cover
for the premises was in place. Had the been advised that no survey would be
broker been advised that the survey done either urgently or at all, it could
would not be conducted urgently, or have insured the premises elsewhere
The evidence was that the insured at all, he could have placed the risk before the fire took place. The court
had been represented by a broker at elsewhere before the fire took place. accordingly upheld the plaintiffs plea
the time of the proposal for cover. for estoppel and ordered the insurer
The broker had contacted the insurer The court accepted that the fact to indemnify the insured for the loss
to add the premises to an existing that the premises were occupied by suffered as a result of the fire.
policy. In fact the broker had sought a tenant who was using them as a
a quote from the insurer for three fibreglass manufacturing facility was This case illustrates the need for proper
properties, two in Sandton and an material information that the insurer communication between the parties
office/warehouse in Crown Mines. would have required to access the risk. during negotiations for cover and
This property had originally been added However, the conduct of the insurer the need for care to be exercised by
to a buildings combined section of an needed to be examined to determine insurers in their dealings with brokers
existing policy but was later removed. whether it did enough before providing or policyholders. Insurers must ensure
At an early stage in the negotiations cover, in the light of the facts and that they ask the relevant questions
the insurer had written to the broker knowledge that it had at its disposal. regarding the risk sought to be covered
stating that it will not be able to go on The court noted that the broker and
and do not lead the insured or their
risk until both buildings are surveyed. broker into a false sense of security
the insurer had been negotiating cover
On the same day as the broker later through their conduct.
for some time and that, when cover
accepted the insurers quotation for was sought, the broker had requested
cover he wrote an email to the insurer that the insurer conduct an urgent
requesting that the premises be survey to determine the risk.
urgently surveyed for determination of
the relevant insurance risks pertaining The court found that there were far too
to the premises. No survey was ever many similarities in the correspondence
conducted. The insurer admitted that between the parties and the premises
it had received this request and had for which cover was required. Any 1
See Clifford v Commercial Union
passed it on to another department reasonable person would have made Insurance Co of SA Ltd 1998 (4) SA 150
but maintained that it drew no link the link between the two. The (SCA).
between the premises to be insured insurer also had the prior history of
in terms of the brokers letter and the the premises on its records. The fact 2
Mahadeo v Dial Direct Insurance Co
existing policy. that the insurer did not revert to the Ltd 2008 (4) SA (SGHC)


April 14.indd 81 2014/04/04 5:54 PM


POPI and Social Media:

What companies should know
The Protection of Personal
Information Act (POPI) was
signed into law in November
2013 and will commence on
a date to be published in the
Government Gazette.

This Act is forcing many companies

to rethink the way they collect, store
and use personal information of their
customers, prospects and employees.
Of course, no medium has greater
access to personal information than
social media. But how do the rules of
POPI apply to companies making use of
Twitter, Facebook and other platforms
as part of their business operations?

It is important to understand that POPI

does not only apply to customers
information. The data subject is
as the Act refers to the persons
whose personal information is being
processed. Also, for example, includes
what is called a prospect, the person
who is not your customer yet, but may
become your customer in future the
one that you want to market to. Social
media platforms like Facebook and
Twitter have their own rules of use
that apply. Information collected via
social media channels are not as a rule mean that the rules of POPI wont for example? This may be somewhat
exempt from the rules of POPI, says apply to the information once its been more of a grey area can we say for
Jana Van Zyl, of Dommisse Attorneys. collected. Our advice would still be certain that its cause for alarm? POPI
This information will still need to be to secure the information as part of states that companies must protect
handled and obtained in a responsible usual security measures implemented the confidentiality and integrity of
manner as you would, had you for information received through non- personal information. However, there
gathered the information via email or public sources , especially bearing in is no tick list of the requirements per
fax or in person. mind that in terms of POPI, should se, and so in this regard we advise
information be lost or should a security companies to do so in the spirit of
There is an exception to the rule that breach occur, they will be required to that rule. Companies should consider
both consumers and companies should notify both the data subject and the acceptable industry standards. It may
be made aware of, however. The Regulator. also be advisable for responsible
general rule of POPI is that information parties to define security breaches and
must be collected from the data Van Zyl acknowledges that the Act train employees on the required action,
subject directly, says Van Zyl. This does not define security breaches should a security breach occur.
means that if you want to process as such. Some forms of security
my information, you should collect it breaches are obvious. A stolen laptop Van Zyl also advises companies
directly from me. However, there is containing customer information is a that POPI is not the only legislation
an exception to this rule saying that clear security breach. But what about pertinent to social media. Lets say
you do not need to collect information something like a bounced email? I that a company collects information
directly from a person if the person have heard someone viewing this as via a competition on Facebook. The
has made the information publically a security breach. Or what about an rules of the competition will come into
available and accessible. This doesnt email addressed to the incorrect Jana play, also the contractual agreement


April 14.indd 82 2014/04/04 5:54 PM

between the company and the social receive a record of the information Van Zyl advises any company that
media platform, as well as the laws that a company holds on them this wishes to start collecting information
of the country that the social media could include the source from where via social media to familiarise
platform operates from. POPI, for the information was obtained from, themselves with both the POPI Act
instance, may require that companies with whom it has been shared, and of and the platform rules before using
destroy information collected for a course details of the contact details. the information or launching any
specific purpose (e.g. notifying the campaigns through the platforms.
winner of the competition) once Of course, social media platforms Read the terms and conditions of the
that purpose has been achieved. But arent fail-proof in terms of security. platform very carefully, and compare
on the other hand the Consumer Facebook, Twitter and most recently, that to the requirements that POPI
Protection Act (CPA) may require the Snapchat, have all been subject has set out. Always make sure that
company to store that information for to hacking, revealing millions of all the bases are covered and are on
three years, and POPI wont override consumers personal information. Van the side of caution when it comes to
existing legislation in this regard. Zyl says, in a case of hacking, it does protecting your customers (or other
When a law requires information not mean that companies are free to data subjects, such as prospects)
to be retained for a specific period, collect information that people may personal information once it has been
that retention period still needs to otherwise not have made publicly collected.
be implemented. So there are many available. In terms of POPI information
different rules at play that companies must be collected in a lawful manner, I And when you are not sure, call your
should be aware of. would certainly advise that information lawyer!
obtained due to any form of hacking
It is also important to understand should not constitute lawful
that individuals do have the right to processing under POPI.

Dont try and rule from the grave

For most people when drafting Financial markets could be in turmoil;
the family business in a trough; the
a Will there is the obvious
children may have no desire or aptitude
desire to control the allocation to follow the chosen career path; they
of their assets after their demise may have moved to another country or
hence the need for a Will in be going through an emotional divorce
or rocky insolvency. It is for these and
the first place. However, it is many other reasons that a Will must be
possible to be too controlling as flexible as possible.
in a Will and to create a legacy
An effective Will should be able
that is inflexible, unrealistic and to consider variable possible future
frustrating for your heirs. scenarios and adapt accordingly. Maybe
the trust should not terminate just yet;
David Knott of Private Client Trust might have struggled financially and perhaps a holiday home should be
says that the fiduciary services feels that the child could squander or purchased or the business sold.
division of Private Client Holdings, become lazy if capital comes too easily.
testators are often inclined to have However, for this flexible Will to be
very definite ideas as to what should efficient, the testator must have
happen to their hard earned estate trust in his executor and trustee.
after they have passed away and the IT IS FOR THESE AND MANY OTHER The executor and trustee must be
Will would therefore be constructed in of impeccable integrity, have expert
very precise terms dealing with each financial ability to manage the affairs
FLEXIBLE AS POSSIBLE. of another and have the emotional
of the major assets spelling out how
and when this is to be disposed of, or intelligence to deal with beneficiaries
retained for future generations. who may not have the financial nous
just yet.
The education and career paths of All these inclinations are sound in
children would be decreed; along with logic as the parent is only wishing for It is highly recommended that one
where and what they are to study and the best for his or her family, but we contracts the services of professional
at what stages of life should capital be cannot predict the future and the rule fiduciary experts when drafting your
released to them from trusts. A parent from the grave instructions cannot Will and choosing your executor and
is often hesitant to let a child have anticipate how circumstances will testator.
access to capital too early in life as he change after the death of the testator.


April 14.indd 83 2014/04/04 5:54 PM

Coffee with
Growing the UMA market

How do you expect the UMA

model to change over the next ve
UMAs are under pressure to provide "UMAs are under
value to those brokers that place
business through them. With loss ratios pressure to
under extreme pressure, UMAs are provide value to
nding it difcult to buy business at
cheap rates and still manage to turn those brokers that
a prot. To remain viable they have place business
to offer brokers something that the
insurer cannot provide either by way through them."
of exceptional service or expertise. I
believe that only the best will survive.
From an insurer point of view, at what
stage do you see the need for a UMA?
UMAs essentially takes the place of a
specialist branch within an insurance
company. They provide expertise,
technical assistance and areas of
business where a general broker has
little knowledge. It is often difcult to
nd experienced staff in these specialist
areas and by giving the principal in a
UMA ownership in his own business,
you can attract and keep that expertise.
Is there not an argument for
amalgamation where specialists are
to niche?
Yes and no there is always an
economy of scale in any business but,
where you are looking at really specialist
areas, there can be minimal saving on
staff costs when amalgamating them,
so the best one can do as a cost saving
exercise, is to create an integrated hub
for accounting and human resources.
Sharon Paterson, CEO, Claims and underwriting would each
Inniti Insurance require their specialists. Stafng remains
a major cost centre of any business.


Coffee_APR.indd 1 2014/04/04 5:55 PM

There is a lot of speculation analysis of the needs of the client and
regarding the future of "general" being sure that the client can comply
UMA's. What is your view on that? with policy terms and conditions. Just as
"For a general UMA we are prepared to pay a good attorney
For a general UMA to survive, they or accountant more for their services, so
to survive, they have to provide brokers with something should we be prepared to pay more for
have to provide that they cannot get from an insurer. the services of a professional insurance
brokers with They have to focus either on a niche adviser.
area and become the best in the market
something that Inniti has a number of UMAs.
in that area, or they have to leverage of
they cannot get the lack of service and poor rates that Do you expect that number to
from an insurer." smaller brokers often perceive that they grow and, if so, where do you see
get from large insurers. If UMAs can possible growth?
provide smaller brokers with access to
facilities that gives the same exibility Yes, I do see a growing number of
experienced with larger brokers, and if UMA partnering with Inniti. I am always
they can give the smaller broker access on the lookout for good business and
to skills and to senior management that new opportunities so watch this space
they dont get from insurers, this will go .
some way in assisting brokers to attract You have started up a reinsurance
good business. A general UMA has to business recently. How does this
carefully select the broker that they deal
development impact your UMA
with, to ensure that the broker is not
selecting against them and that they partners, if at all?
are acquiring the broker as a rst rather Our emphasis on the reinsurance side
than a last choice of carrier. They have is targeted at the rest of Africa rather
to earn their fee, to make it viable for than within South Africa. Clearly this
the broker to partner with them. could open expansion opportunities
for our UMA partners into Africa. We
What is your view on the comments
are always on the lookout for new
that brokers might be able to opportunities for our partners.
charge for advice on top of the
normal fees allowed through binder
"The best one can agreements?
do as a cost saving A broker, as the representative of
exercise, is to create the client, has the responsibility to
an integrated hub ensure that his client is correctly and
for accounting and optimally insured rather than just to
sell a product. This involves a detailed
human resources."


Coffee_APR.indd 2 2014/04/04 5:55 PM

Risk Management

The silo effect

The effects of a silo approach It stands to reason that the insurance
buyer must work collaboratively with
when placing insurance cover
the risk team so as to effectively
usually leads to several harmful place insurance cover . Therefore,
yet unintended consequences. there is virtually no way a company
These include wasteful can optimally negotiate an insurance
contract if there is little or no
duplication of cover, adverse integration of the risk team and the
under-insurance or even more insurance team.
frightening, the complete
The intergrated risk management
absence of cover. A scenario approach yields more sustainable
such as this is likely to prevail benefits because there will be a better
when the negotiator of the response to issues within the company
as the risk will be clearly understood
insurance contract singlehandedly and identified. Moreover, both roles
negotiates a contract without serve as a second line of defence and
full knowledge of the companys that involves providing oversight over PUSELETSO MAKHURA
business risk ; monitoring the proper Manager: Insurance and Loss Recovery
clear risk exposure and the implementation of the risk policy MTN
extent of its risk appetite. and framework .The company would
then be able to identify uninsured
Nowadays risks are dynamic and much and uninsurable risks, thus ensuring
more complex. This is why they require resilience to withstand both internal
an inclusive approach. The complexity and external risks. This kind of collaboration ensures
is brought about by the constant consistent application of risk
change of the companys risk profile. Furthermore, companies will make risk management policies throughout the
In the current economic climate, transfer decisions based on an explicit company.
companies are continuously exposed comparison between the cost of risk
to conditions that contain seeds of retention versus the cost of risk transfer THE OUTLOOK FOR THE
undesirable change in their financial and execute only those transactions INTEGRATION OF RISK AND
situation. This scenario presents that increase the companys value. The INSURANCE
the challenge for the creation of a right information of risks identified, Companies in the future will compete
sustainable financial security model. assessed and intended to be managed on the basis of how risk and insurance
will be properly communicated to the processes are integrated and fit
THE VIABLE OPTIONS right people at the right time with the together. This will constitute a critical
There are options available to appropriate frequency so that they source of sustainable competitive
overcome this challenge including the may act. The risk management report advantage.
prevention of the situation as well will be comprehensive and will cover
as the reduction of the probability of unusual losses, including how they will Those companies that seize the
its occurrence or transference of the be funded and steps taken to prevent advantage by developing the
burden. recurrence. appropriate synergy will unltimately
reap the benefit disproportionately.
Risk transfer is significant. Buying of Overall, there would be data analysis Moreover, a company that knows
insurance is probably the commonest to identify the root causes of losses how to nurture a collaborative
form of risk- transfer strategy within and prevent their occurrence in the first relationship between insurance and
a company . An insurance contract instance and consequently improve the risk management processes will
is meant to give the insured peace risk profile..There will be coordination put itself in a better position when
of mind. However, for the company of information and both professional negotiating cover. This is due to
to experience peace of mind, the teams will act in an advisory capacity the fact that insurers will be able to
negotiator of the insurance contract with regard to risk aspects. Thus, ascertain the ability of the company to
must have a clear understanding of they will embed the risk management assess and manage its risk exposure.
a companys risk exposure as well as process into the core processes of the Consequently, their confidence in the
its risk appetite before concluding the business. The company will therefore company will either grow or remain
contract. The content of the insurance understand what the insurance contract stable because they are interested to
contract must be aligned to the actually covers and then link that to see if the companys risk management
companys risk profile. the companys profile. processes are still robust.


April 14.indd 86 2014/04/04 5:57 PM

It is crucial to stress that risk environment in order to provide and conditions of the insurance
management is a comprehensive operational risk information to the programme as well.
task that requires collaborative insurer.
relationships. Therefore, it is imperative These two critical aspects are
for companies to encourage the On the other hand, the risk practitioner inextricably linked. Therefore if there
interconnectedness of insurance and must appreciate the significance of is no synergy, the whole insurance
risk magement processes with a view risk transfer while remaining aware of buying exercise will be ineffective
to staying abreast of competitors. what is covered and excluded by the and a futile exercise. The traditional
Insurance professionals must appreciate insurance contract. Also, it is important risk management process no longer
the nature of the companys risk to take into consideration, the terms provides a lasting competitive edge.

From qualitative to quantitative

management is on the cusp of
a shift towards a more unified
slant from the traditional
process-driven and qualitative
focus. This looked good on paper
however the reality that was
ignored is the minefield that is
human fallibility, which leads
to an acceleration of potential
risk incidents. The combination
of qualitative and quantitative
risk management allows for
less of a static process and a
more continuous re-evaluation

The rise of technology and automation

combined with the human condition
has brought with it certain significant of the phenomenon of the viral additional function of quantitative risk
challenges, says Volker von Widdern, photo, post or tweet and its possible management.
MD of Marshs Risk Consulting consequences. Certain human
division. A small error in judgement behaviours pose risks as well such The advantages of using this approach
is now often replicated quickly and as a tendency to fall into blind are that it provides clarity in terms of
spread across vast distances. Think routine, to avoid unpleasant truths, accountability and mitigates the effect
to use irrational measurements when of human biases while also integrating
choosing a course of action. with strategic risk exposure assessment
and their related key performance
It is the myriad of potential human measurements.
or technological errors that challenge
any business where the process of risk The potential pitfalls, though, are
management faces a possible process that the thinking becomes narrow,
failure. Quantification of risk is usually assumptions may be inadequate and
based on loss quantification, and results are badly interpreted, it becomes
only occasionally progresses to more a matter of garbage in/garbage out.
structured consequence analysis and Quantification does not cover all
exposure scenario assessments. Thus risks, it is not a substitute for alert
with the introduction of a quantitative and enquiring risk diagnostics, noting
element, like money, insurance or loss, that risk quantification models cannot
the risk management process gains an provide for unknown unknowns.


April 14.indd 87 2014/04/04 5:57 PM

Risk Management

Warning: Risky investments!

South African investors need
to be aware of the difference
between risky businesses and
risky investments, as often
the confusion between these
can result in missing out on
opportunities within the current
market environment.

Piet Viljoen, Chairman of Value Asset

Manager, RECM, spoke on the topic
at a recent RECM presentation. He
explained that there are two types of
risks within the current investment
market. Business risk is the risk that
management deals with on a daily
basis in the course of running their
company, be it mining platinum or
providing IT services. What we as
investors do is manage investment risk gives investors access to the cash flows illusion of safety is a very dangerous
- an entirely different concept. of that business. Their funds do contain investment proposition at the
risky businesses, but in their opinion moment.
While some of the businesses that
they have paid such a low price for
RECM invests in may be perceived as An opportunity that RECM currently
these businesses that the risk is very
risky, they should not be confused with views as a low investment risk is
risky investments. Mining platinum cyclical stocks. These are stocks that
out of the ground, as Anglo American Value investing isnt just picking a are economically constrained at the
Platinum do, is by default a risky bunch of cheap assets; its a risk moment, are suffering due to the
business. However, if a low price is management process. economic cycle and do not usually
paid for the companys shares, this have the cash flow to pay dividends.
asset is a low risk investment, despite There are some very real investment They also see an opportunity in low
the riskiness of the business. These risks that investors may be growth assets, which are assets that do
two concepts of risk must not be struggling with in the current market not have a growth story and are not
confused. environment. Reaching for yield is a perceived to be going anywhere. Such
risky strategy which we see happening assets are priced very attractively for
As a value investor, RECM manages frequently, as is reaching for growth, low investment risk and good returns.
the investment risk associated with as investors are often overpaying for
buying equity in a business, which these assets. There are some assets which dont pay
income offer a fantastic investment
Another investment opportunity. The opportunities are
risk is related to the usually the opposite of where the
market concentration. risks lie and if an investor is doing
They analysed the opposite of what the pack is
statistics recently doing, the outcome will generally be
and saw that four fine. Investing in growth stories and
investment houses following the herd brings about a
are taking 80% certain comfort, however investors are
of the flow at the paying too high a price to access the
moment. Investing equity of these businesses.
in these houses
may seem like a A value investors main job is
low risk proposition, to manage the risk. The correct
but if everyone is management of investment risk leads
doing the same to strong compounding over time
thing, it becomes a because capital is not lost, and this
risky activity. This leads to peace of mind.


April 14.indd 88 2014/04/07 12:17 PM

Global transactional GUY ROYSTON

risk insurance doubles

Senior Vice President
Private Equity and M&A
Practice Leader South Africa

Global demand for transactional risk Risk Solutions: Global Growth Special Risk appetite is key to this growth:
insurance has grown substantially Edition, the limits of insurance placed while many firms are looking beyond
by Marsh in 2013, compared to 2010, their own borders for mergers and
over the last three years, fuelled
by geography were: Europe, the Middle acquisitions opportunities, the
by an increase in corporate, private East and Africa (EMEA), $2,74 billion unfamiliarity associated with doing
equity and infrastructure funds using ($1,5bn); Asia Pacific, $1,03 billion deals overseas means they are taking
insurance to protect their deals ($114m); and Americas, $1,34 billion a much more cautious approach to
and gain a strategic advantage in ($395m). warranty exposure. Transactional risk
insurance solutions mitigate this risk.
negotiations, particularly in cross- Marshs report notes that the
border transactions, according to growing utilisation of transactional Marsh reports that falling premiums
figures released today by Marsh. risk insurance is most pronounced have also contributed to the growing
in Germany, South Africa and across popularity of warranty and indemnity
The amount of transactional risk Asia Pacific. Between 2010 and 2013 insurance (W&I) insurance globally.
insurance placed by Marsh grew by Marsh noted a 100% increase in For example, in EMEA the average
155% in the three years to 2013 policies bound for German transactions, premium rate was 1,55% of the limits
with year on year growth of 26% from while Asia Pacific experienced the purchased in 2013, down from 2,1% in
2012-2013. In addition to increased greatest overall growth, with a nine- 2010.
client demand, the insurance market fold increase in the limits of insurance
has increased its appetite to underwrite placed by Marsh. New entrants to the market, coupled
these risks, particularly in emerging with falling premiums, has fuelled
territories, Marsh also said. The transactional risk insurance market product innovation as insurers look for
has rapidly evolved from being largely new ways to differentiate themselves
According to research published today concentrated in Western Europe and from competitors and sustain their
by Marshs Private Equity and M&A the US in 2010, into the global industry books of business. Clients are taking
Services Practice, M&A Transactional it is today. full advantage of this.


Subscribe online,
email Brent:
or call: 083 567 0757


April 14.indd 89 2014/04/08 9:19 AM


Overcoming the
challenges of mobility
A top priority for IT executives
is the development and
implementation of secure and
tech-savvy client base facing economic
reliable networks, especially for challenges, call for a more strategic COBUS BURGERS
small to medium-size enterprises approach to enabling business

(SMEs) in search of innovative communication.

value-driven business mobile This means quickly identifying
strategies. communications and collaboration
solutions that have the rich
SMEs are investing in flexible, mobile functionality to meet todays business However, its important to secure
infrastructures and setting the stage challenges and requirements while business data and information and
for mobility and remote working. New providing flexibility and scale to meet ensure network resilience and remote
technologies must be aligned with future goals. access. IT must meet the needs of a
business goals. mobile workforce while continuing to
Demonstrating business value and ensure that corporate data is secured
IT decision makers control and driving user adoption are challenges and managed appropriately across all
maintain reliable, secure and compliant for most IT executives. They have networks and devices.
systems, but need to keep an eye on limited resources and seek external
their business. Whether a growing SME guidance on how to ensure network IT is extending functionality to mobile
or a thriving multinational, employees performance and quantify the business users by allowing remote access
communicate differently from three value. to secure working environments.
years ago. There is a difference in Investment in technologies and
technology, and business demands Employees are using more tablets and infrastructure is beginning to pay
have escalated. smartphones, and enhanced enterprise- off. IT executives are improving the
level mobile applications when working accessibility of information throughout
Todays array of mobile devices, social away from the office, whether at home the business and improving the
platforms, and ubiquitous information, or on a clients premises, to remain connection of mobile employees to the
coupled with a distributed, mobile, productive while on the go. business.


April 14.indd 90 2014/04/04 5:57 PM

Is it time for insurers to
review their mobile strategies?
Weiss recommends that insurers should
avoid investing in the design of mobile
apps without first having a detailed
value analysis. Only then should they
develop a holistic app strategy that
allows customers to use the app
seamlessly integrated into the entire
DONT REINVENT insurance value chain. Insurers should
stop building mobile apps that simply
THE WHEEL, LEARN replicate online portal functions. They
need to establish a mobile insurance
FROM THE BEST strategic framework based on different
elements of the mobile eco-system
AND SEE WHAT (technology capability, supply of
and demand for such services,
ALREADY EXISTS. regulation, market segmentation etc.)
and ascertain to what degree these
elements are controlled by insurers,
or have a variable or limited influence
on insurers. They can then pick the
right mobile architectural style, identify
the most commonly used services and
expose them.
A recent report by Juergen Weiss This raises three issues for insurers:
Dont reinvent the wheel, learn from
based on the Gartner 2013 how insurance customers embrace
the best and see what already exists.
mobile insurance (demand), what
Global CIO survey predicted Then leverage all the capabilities of the
insurers should expect from mobile
smartphone, always keeping the end
that by 2015 at least 40% of applications (supply) and finally, best
user in mind. It is critical to remember
the currently existing insurance- practices for a better mobile insurance what influencing factors are important
related, customer-facing mobile like privacy, realtime data, ease of use
applications will be abandoned etc. Build apps that provide advice and
As identified in the Gartner report,
use gamification techniques to make
due to lack of demand. The there are few opportunities for
them more engaging and fun to use.
interaction between customers and
reason for this low adoption As yet the insurance industry has not
insurers. The potential for interaction
appears to be that consumers in identified a killer app that will increase
exists, for example through monthly customer adoption dramatically.
general rarely interact with their renewal information directed by Telematics or usage-based insurance
insurer leading to low alignment a smartphone app, but to engage could be such an app.
customers with these new interaction
between customer interest and
points insurers need to overcome Watch this space.
technical execution. preferences, for example phoning
a contact centre. Since the primary
Nevertheless according to the survey
results, developing customer facing reason for consumers for selecting
mobile applications remains the third an insurance policy is price, if apps
most important technology priority for dont create or highlight any monetary
insurers. Weiss points out that there incentive or benefit for customers
is a definite correlation between the there is little appeal. Ignorance is
growing download in apps being seen another factor with most customers
in Europe with wider smartphone not even being aware that their
adoption. It is very evident that the insurers provide such an app. Many
percentage of users using a cellphone mobile apps appear to be the result
far outweighs those using the internet. of an isolated and rather tactical
In fact it is predicted that by 2017, 79% investment as opposed to a more
of users will have adopted smartphones sophisticated and holistic digital RHYS COLLINS
as opposed to just 49% in 2013. strategy. Head of African Operations for SSP


April 14.indd 91 2014/04/04 5:57 PM


Change is as good as a holiday

Redefining the South African insurance sector

New legislation and necessities take ultimately lead to an intermediated

time to settle, and local players have financial service providers being more
spent the better part of 2013 altering aware of the full service offered to
their processes to accommodate these the insured. Furthermore insurers are
expectations. standardising pricing models to ensure
that all intermediaries writing their
This transition has not been an easy policies will offer similar pricing. This
one, and comes at a time when will lead to better evaluation of risk
businesses and private stakeholders and ultimately better pricing.
are claiming more than ever before.
Intemperate weather conditions The Stride switch has introduced a
have put a strain on insurers and unique opportunity for mediating
underwriters particularly in the parties, those that operate the
property and automotive sectors, to technology that facilitates insurance
settle a greater number of claims than processes, to better understand the
could have been anticipated. South African consumer. By analysing
the available information and packaging
Narrowing profit margins for insurers this insight these players could
are causing pressures in the broker potentially redefine the local insurance
environment. Intermediaries and sector as one that is highly responsive
intermediated insurers are being forced and in tune with client expectations.
to manage declining revenue streams,
leading to a steady pressure on This is the light at the end of the
brokerages throughout South Africa. tunnel. 2014 presents a fresh
opportunity to make the most of a
The combination of a poor underwriting newly regulated industry.
year, newly introduced legislative
expectations and a shifting market Success relies on becoming future
has created a perfect storm for the ready. By embracing new technologies
intermediated insurance sector. There and approaches, insurance players
can be no argument against the direct, broker orientated or otherwise,
statement that this segment of the can claim their share of the market.
economy is in a state of flux. The early adopters of efficient process
and slick customer interaction will
After a rocky 2013, the insurance Internationally, the situation is much realise success it is inevitable.
industry is poised to respond the same. Although larger insurance
groups in the United States, United
to efficient process and slick Kingdom and Europe are well
customer interaction. established within their respective
markets, growth is stagnant and
The constant pursuit of improvement evolution is hampered by slow
or expansion defined 2013 for local economic recovery.
financial services providers operating
within the insurance industry. Caught Africa is a hotbed of opportunity. With
in a state of flux, many intermediaries less than a 50% insurance penetration
and intermediated insurers are rate, this market is poised to respond
beginning to experience competition to the right kind of product offering at
from direct players. This phenomenon the right time.
is altering the shape of the South
African business environment. Despite the challenges, there have
been gains and improvements. The
New regulations like the Consumer introduction of standardised pricing
Protection Act and the Binder and technology designed to streamline
Regulations have undoubtedly placed processes between the parties involved
Glen Mollink,
a newfound burden on smaller in the underwriting process has been
transitional insurance brokers. fundamentally significant. Stride will


April 14.indd 92 2014/04/04 5:57 PM


Tips for my client:

Non-healthcare expenses could affect your medical aid
It is generally well The CMS has a general guideline for
known how dierent medical schemes of maintaining NHE
at or below 10% of contribution
healthcare claims impact income. This means that medical
on what you pay your schemes should be left with about
medical scheme. Kristin- 90% of contributions that can be used
to pay claims and assist in building up
Ann Cronje, Chairman reserves for the scheme .
of the Alexander Forbes
Assuming that NHE increases with
Junior Board, discusses general ination, while contributions
the issue of the actual increase with medical ination which
is usually higher than general ination
costs of running a we would expect the NHE percentage
medical scheme to decrease over time, irrespective
of whether additional cost control
and how these could measures are introduced.
potentially reduce what
This can be seen if we look at NHE
you pay in time. at an industry level. Total NHE as
a proportion of gross contribution
income (GCI) decreased slightly to
11.2% in 2012 from 11.3% in 2011
Medical schemes can be described by fees and subscription fees for other and 12.0% in 2010.
four main factors which are shown industry bodies such as the Board of
below: Healthcare Funders (BHF). THIS STEADY DECREASE IN NON-
Contributions + Investment Income = 2. Managed care fees are paid for HAS THE FOLLOWING IMPACTS:
Claims + Expenses services relating to the ecient Allows for a larger portion of
management of claims to improve member contributions to be
SO, WHAT ARE NON-HEALTHCARE upon the cost-eectiveness thereof.
available for paying their claims,
EXPENSES? Some of the mechanisms that may
which is why you joined the scheme
The term Non-healthcare expenditure be employed include economic
in the rst place;
(NHE) is used to describe all expenses incentives for physicians and patients
that do not relate directly to the cost to select less costly forms of care and Reduces the need for higher
of claims. These include administration controls on in-patient admissions. This contribution increases in the future,
fees, managed care fees, broker should help with keeping the costs of which means you might be able to
commission, distribution costs, bad healthcare down for both the scheme have smaller increases in the future;
debts and reinsurance costs. and you, the member.
Allows for some level of reserve
LETS SPEND SOME TIME UNPACKING 3. Broker commission applies to open building, which contributes to the
WHAT THE FIRST THREE ARE: medical schemes and is paid to medical sustainability of the medical scheme.
1. Administration costs are costs scheme brokers for their advisory and
which are incurred in the day-to-day intermediary services provided to As a broker, it is important for your
operations of a medical scheme. Just individuals. These are the guys that client to know exactly what they are
like any oce, administration costs are actually sell you your medical aid and paying for within their medical aid
a part of life for medical schemes! are then available if you need help scheme, but to also identify extra costs
understanding how to use it. that may not be within their budget.
These costs include pure administration
fees paid to the administrator, levies Commission paid to brokers is
paid to the Council for Medical Schemes legislated in the Medical Schemes Act
(CMS), trustee and principal ocer and currently sits at a maximum of 3%
remuneration, consulting fees for of your contributions, capped at R69.00
actuarial, legal and other advice, auditor per month.


April 14.indd 93 2014/04/04 5:57 PM


Looking for lasting value

in healthcare cover
The differences between medical
scheme and insurance cover
how expensive medical treatment in a
In these tough economic medical facility can be.
times many South For example, the cost of private
Africans are looking treatment for one medical scheme
member and his family who had a
for more affordable motor vehicle accident recently, rapidly
ways to access medical escalated to more than R1.2 million in
cover for themselves the space of just a week. The costs for a
hospital stay, ICU care, procedures and
and their families. specialist physicians or surgeons can
As a result some are be very high and quickly add up. In this
choosing cheaper health scenario a R5 000 per day pay-out for
the family would not have been nearly
insurance products over adequate. It is therefore essential to
medical scheme options. ask yourself whether your healthcare
cover will afford you the required
protection in a situation such as this.
Dr Jacques Snyman, Managing Director WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A good medical scheme option or
of Integrated Care Solutions at Agility MEDICAL SCHEME COVER AND hospital plan will cover in-hospital
Global Health Solutions, says that INSURANCE PRODUCTS? procedures and usually pay standard
on the whole, insurance products do One of the most important differences medical scheme tariffs. However, you
tend to appear less expensive than is the extent of cover provided. may need to use a healthcare facility
comprehensive medical scheme Medical schemes are required by law that is part of your medical schemes
options and for this reason they can to provide comprehensive cover for preferred hospital network, with
at face value seem like an attractive 271 of the most common and serious which special arrangements would
alternative. However, one must be medical conditions through prescribed have been made to obtain the best
cautioned that consumers should know minimum benefits (PMBs). This means possible value.
what it is that they are purchasing, that medical schemes are obliged
before committing themselves to any to pay the full cost of treating these Another difference between medical
product. illnesses, which include emergencies scheme and insurance cover is that
and 26 listed chronic conditions such insurers pay their clients directly
There are some major differences in as hypertension, asthma, epilepsy and whereas medical schemes usually
the cover provided by medical schemes diabetes. will pay the providers in the event of
and insurance products. In each case hospitalisation. For the medical scheme
you should read the small print and Insurance products, on the other member this means less paperwork
make sure that you are aware of all hand, pay out a fixed lump sum. The and fewer potential administration
exclusions and limitations. Carefully aim of these products is not to defray headaches.
consider what real value the product medical expense and it is therefore
offers. It is perfectly acceptable to irrelevant which kind of treatment is A perceived advantage offered by
look for affordability when it comes provided. They may also pay a set fee insurance products, which are often
to medical cover, but at all costs avoid for a specific procedure. According to marketed as hospital cash plans
a situation in which you find you one study, insurance products typically (not to be confused with hospital
have inadequate cover when you or pay out a set amount of between R250 plans provided via medical schemes)
a member of your family develops a and R5 000 per day for hospitalisation. is that they can be easily linked to
serious health problem or needs acute While this may look impressive enough other insurance products such as
access to hospital care during a medical on paper you may be in for a rude life, personal accident, disability or
emergency such as a trauma event. awakening when you discover just funeral cover. This can also be done


April 14.indd 94 2014/04/04 5:58 PM

with medical scheme cover as a further While many South Africans do not The draft regulations, which were
convenience to members and can help know this, medical schemes are released for public comment by the
them to save on costs. Consumers non-prot organisations, which are treasury, FSB and health department
need to discuss their individual needs governed by a board that is elected by in March 2012 and are currently being
with their broker and look for holistic, members. They are designed to serve redrafted for further comment later
integrated products that provide for their members and provide them with this year, seek to establish what the
their complete health and insurance the best possible healthcare cover at role of the insurance industry should
needs as opposed to ad hoc cover that the most cost-eective price. be in the health sector. The draft
will cost them more in the long run. regulations try to strike a balance
Insurance products, on the other hand, between protecting medical schemes
It is important to be aware that medical oer none of the protections of the while enabling the public to access
schemes and insurers are governed and rights-based Medical Schemes Act. Many much needed insurance products.
regulated by dierent bodies. Insurers, of these health insurance products are
including health insurers, are regulated currently misleadingly marketed as There is a need for well designed
by the Long Term Insurance Act and though they cover medical expenses. insurance products that can
governed by the Financial Services However, while these products can be complement the medical scheme options
Board (FSB), while medical schemes used to assist nancially during a time of that are currently on the market. These
are governed by the Council of Medical illness, they should not be used to try to products should typically cover for loss
Schemes (CMS) and regulated by the cover the medical expenses themselves. of income and provide for contingency
Medical Schemes Act. expenses during hospitalisation such
There have been concerns that as Gap Cover which assists with the
The regulations governing medical insurance-based health products are gap between medical scheme taris
schemes are designed to protect the having a detrimental eect on the and the taris that hospitals charge.
rights of members. They also provide medical scheme industry as young, However they should not be paying out
members with numerous safeguards healthy consumers leave their medical for medical expenses directly. This seems
such as PMBs, which, as noted above, schemes for what they perceive as to be where the draft regulations are
protect both them and their families cheaper health insurance products. headed and if they remain on this path
should they experience a healthcare This is at present the focus of draft they will have important implications
calamity. Unlike insurance products, demarcation regulations, which intend for the industry.
medical schemes must charge all to introduce a regulatory framework
members the same fees for a product that will govern such products as well
regardless of their health status. as protect medical schemes.


April 14.indd 95 2014/04/04 5:58 PM


Healthcare 3.0
A move to a more compassionate
patient-centric healthcare system

Global healthcare is beset

by challenges that demand
constant adaptations and a The smart finance
shifting focus on priorities approach requires
so that prevailing behaviour an adaptable, mixed
and lifestyle changes can be financing model
met. Valter Ado, Head of
Healthcare and Life Sciences
at Deloitte South Africa,
speaks to COVER about
shifting our healthcare system.
lead to wasteful spending. Australian
Globally, the emphasis has moved private insurers fund treatment in
from a focus on institutions as medical public and private hospitals and have
providers, to one on doctors, paving not widely adopted managed care
the way for Healthcare 3.0 where the contracting.
emphasis is on the consumer or patient
archetype. Denmark, which funds healthcare
through local taxation with
The shift required is one from the provider management through local
traditional healthcare model where authorities. Denmarks tax rates are
stakeholders are often bypassed in the highest in the OECD countries
terms of business engagement, to one and its healthcare spending accounts
where the consumer/patient is at the for about 75 percent of the countrys
centre and constantly informed of all council spending.
matters affecting him or her.
France, where social insurance is co-
Key areas in the Healthcare 3.0 funded by employer and employee
model include smart healthcare with multiple non-competing
financing; that governmental muscle autonomous insurers. This policy
is flexed for patients who also have was established when medical care
a say in the move towards building a was regarded as a need to be met
compassionate and inclusive society. with little focus on cost control.
Current financing measures include
The smart finance approach requires cost-sharing between employer and
an adaptable, mixed financing model employee and limited benefits on
that can be segmented for levels of health coverage.
coverage, demographic profiles and
accessibility. Singapore, which has opted for
catastrophe insurance with a tax-
EXAMPLES OF EXISTING HEALTHCARE protected savings account. The
FUNDING MECHANISMS ARE: nations healthcare inflation outpaces
Australia, where healthcare funding economic inflation as a whole. The
is through voluntary insurance with government heavily subsidises most
tax subsidies paid by individuals.This public hospital beds through general
open-ended subsidy can potentially taxation.


April 14.indd 96 2014/04/04 5:58 PM

SMarTer than we think
For I do not understand consumption of healthy food. What
this meant is that if consumers didnt
my own actions. For I do increase and then sustain their
consumption of healthy food by 5%,
not do what I want, but I they would lose their cash-back.
do the very thing I hate. Of the consumers oered
Romans 7:15, English Standard Version the opportunity to adopt this
precommitment, 36% chose to go
We want to go to gym. We want to eat ahead. This shows how many people
right. We want to save. But instead we are willing to put money on the line
avoid gym, eat junk food and spend all for the opportunity to make a good
the money we have (and sometimes decision for their future.
money we dont). We have all the
best intentions in the world to lead Even though looking at a relatively
responsible lives, but most of the time, small incremental increase, in any
we do exactly the opposite. AMY UNDERWOOD one month, only about one-third of
Research and Product consumers were able to meet the 5%
Lets try to understand this through a Development at Alexander Forbes. requirement. However, over the period
range of frameworks. One is the idea of the precommitment, consumers
of rst- and second-order preferences. increased their consumption of healthy
First-order preferences are what I want foods by 3.5%.
right now. Second-order preferences massively more value on the present
are what I want my priorities to be all versus the future; this is known as What this conrms is that we know we
the time. What this boils down to is hyperbolic discounting. have self-control issues and many of
my rst-order preference may be to us are keen to do something about it.
have a cigarette, but my second-order SO, SINCE WE KNOW WE DO THIS, CAN Its dicult to do on the spur of the
preference is to stop smoking. The WE DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT? moment, but if there is a way for us to
challenge is that rst-order preferences One way to do this is via a make the decision in advance, we can
tend to dominate second-order, with precommitment this is when we see the value in it and it does help us
the result that we do what feels good make a voluntary self-commitment to keep to a better lifestyle.
right now, rather than adopting the make the right decision in the future. A
recent study by Schwartz et al looked This can also be applied in the
kind of lifestyle we want.
at precommitments in the context of retirement savings context. As weve
A second, related, framework is found improving what food we eat. mentioned before, work by Thaler
in the behavioural nance literature. In and Benartzi has shown the benets
traditional nance, we expect people This study looked at the existing of committing to higher retirement
to value the present more than the Discovery programme called savings in the future. Their programme
future, but only by a small amount. In HealthyFoods where consumers can get is called SMarT and is being used by
behavioural nance, what experiments cash-back for eating healthier foods. In the majority of funds in the US to help
have shown is that people place the existing programme, about 31% of employees make better decisions for
consumers food baskets their future. What they do is sign up (or
consisted of healthy are signed up) to a programme where
foods. One way to their contribution rate to retirement
increase this might be to savings increase each year when their
increase the cash-back. salary increases. This has been shown
to signicantly improve retirement
But the study took the outcomes for employees.
opposite approach,
based on the idea that The reality is that we all know self-
individuals tend to be control isnt easy, but we dont have to
more responsive to give up on our dreams of a healthier
losses than gains, and lifestyle and a comfortable retirement.
allowed consumers Whether it be food or retirement
to put their cash-back savings, we can still make good
on the line if they decisions by using precommitments to
didnt increase their keep us on track.


April 14.indd 97 2014/04/04 5:58 PM


Towards the
final frontier
Proposed changes to
insurance accounting
standard must be tackled
as a board level issue.
Mark Danckwerts,
Partner in Financial
Services, Insurance at
KPMG, discusses these
proposed changes.

The proposed changes to the The changes required by the proposals may be a shift in focus towards more
accounting standard are expected to will undoubtedly have a significant traditional protection products.
be the biggest ever financial reporting impact on the insurance technology
change for the insurance industry. landscape and insurers may be Shareholders and analysts will need to
Derived from a significant collaborative challenged by system changes as undergo a period of reorientation on
effort between International Accounting they may need to tackle their legacy how the proposed changes will affect
Standards Board (IASB) and Financial systems. IT costs could easily make reported results and dividend policies.
Accounting Standards Board (FASB), up a significant portion of the overall
Insurers can already start getting
the standard is set to provide a more transition costs, with many of these
ready for the changes by keeping
common framework for insurance budgets allocated to actuarial systems
their board, audit committee and
reporting. or process changes.
senior management informed on
Even though the new standards The proposals are likely to have a how profound the change is likely to
effective date is likely to be no earlier weighty impact on closing processes be. They can put processes in place
than 2018, insurers need to start and reporting timetables. With proper to future proof current changes to
thinking about the changes now. While planning, such costs could be a accounting, policy administration
the changes will no doubt impact worthwhile investment and yield wider and actuarial modelling systems in
insurers accounts, insurers should view benefits. readiness for the anticipated changes
changes in accounting standards as far and this could coincide with system
more than an accounting exercise. The Implementation of the standard changes required to achieve the
impacts on the business, systems and will certainly require executives to Solvency Assessment and Management
people are often more pervasive than reconsider their human resourcing (SAM) requirement of the Financial
they seem. needs. The proposals are expected to Services Board.
place a heavy demand on experienced
Thus, the changes should be actuarial, finance and IT resources. This will help them to budget for any
considered by more than just the possible system changes and allow for
accounting and finance professionals For non-life products, particularly for any additional systems development
as they have some serious implications long-tailed casualty lines of business, time ahead of implementation.
for executives at board level. Amongst the change in discounting methodology
other considerations, executives should is likely to change the timing of
consider impacts on asset-liability profits. Also, increased earnings
management, profit profiles and volatility resulting from the proposed
product offerings. measurement model means there


April 14.indd 98 2014/04/04 5:58 PM

FSB cracking down
on compliance
With the FSB conducting more accounts are being used and duly
audited, as required in terms of the
supervisory visits to Financial
Act. Please make sure that all key
Services Providers, and with individuals attend the meetings as the
those visits being more vigorous Registrar tends to react badly when
and in depth, you could soon they are talking to junior personnel
as it simply does not set a good
be receiving a letter from the impression, and request that your
Supervision Department advising Compliance Officer attend, as their
you that they will be paying you input will be required for the specific
a visit sooner than you think. section relating to compliance related
Richard Rattue, Managing
Director of Compli-Serve, chats
to COVER about the implications
of this compliance. FIRST AND FOREMOST,
Receiving such a letter normally puts REMEMBER THAT A
FSPs into a spin; some cases for good internal rules, procedures in respect of
risk rating clients, politically exposed KEY THEME OF AN FSB
reason. However, as with all such things,
a little preparation goes a long way. persons and details of anti-money VISIT IS AROUND RISK
laundering training, that you and your MANAGEMENT
If you are running a business which staff have attended as is required in
is perceived by the regulator to have terms of the Act. It is most likely that
a higher risk rating i.e. collecting the FSB would undertake a file sample
client premiums, hedge funds etc. the and expect to find your identification
The likely outcome will be a Risk
likelihood of a visit is much greater and verification documentation in good
Mitigation Plan that the FSB will
than for a regular adviser. However, order.
forward to you after your review, with
this wont be the case if youre on
timelines for implementation that
the regulatory radar screen for some
range between 30 and 90 days, given
reason or another. Examples of this
the risk attached to the outstanding
would be late submission of compliance THERE WILL IN ALL item. The key individuals will then
reports or financial statements, or an
LIKELIHOOD BE A have to confirm with the Registrar
excessive number of complaints, or
FOCUS ON YOUR HR that the outstanding items have
even one serious complaint.
been implemented. In the event that
SO, THERE YOU SIT IN YOUR you do not communicate this, it will
OFFICE, WITH THE FSB COMING ON OF PERSONNEL. be assumed that you have not paid
IN TWO WEEKS TIME - WHAT attention and further action/sanction
SHOULD YOU GET READY? may be heading your way. It is thus
First and foremost, it is important to important to treat the matter seriously,
remember that a key theme of an There will in all likelihood be a focus as surely the biggest risk of all has to
FSB visit is around Risk Management on your HR procedures and taking on be the suspension of your license, and
and therefore, not unsurprisingly, of personnel. This will include looking anything that puts a license at risk
the questions are aligned to this at whether contracts are in place, job should get your urgent attention.
subject. Core to this is having key descriptions etc., together with your
documentation in place such as a Risk disciplinary dismissal procedures, which As with most things, the secret is
Management Plan, which shows that would apply in the event that one of preparation, and for those FSPs that
you have identified some of the key your authorised persons is removed have been paying attention to their
risks that apply to your business and from your employ or from your compliance requirements and putting
have actively put steps in place to authorised, register. some key procedures in place, then
mitigate such risks. a visit should be nothing to fear. For
If you collect client premiums or those individuals that continue to pay
Another key area of interest is FICA, manage client funds, it is a good idea lip service to the regulations, an FSB
whereby you will be expected to show to ensure that you have documentation visit may have you reaching for your
evidence of FICA training, your FICA to hand to show that separate bank anxiety medication.


April 14.indd 99 2014/04/04 5:58 PM


The global cost

surveyed expected the cost of senior
compliance professionals to increase
in 2014. The competition for senior,
experienced compliance officers is

of compliance likely to be heightened as regulators

seek to increase their in-house skills.
Furthermore, 64% of respondents
thought that the total compliance
team budget would increase in 2014
Increased cost of compliance, and 20% of respondents thought it
would be significantly more in 2014.
ongoing regulatory change and The results year-on-year suggest
growing importance on reporting that not only are compliance salaries
add demand on compliance rising across the board, but that the
teams. size of compliance teams may also be


Thomson Reuters announced on 14 Working in an ever-changing regulatory
March 2014 the findings of its annual environment has become the norm
Cost of Compliance survey which for financial services firms. In 2013,
revealed that 53% of compliance 81% of respondents expected an
officers feel their personal liability has increase in the amount of information
increased; a reflection of increased published, while for 2014 expectations
focus on senior individuals at the have eased off slightly to 75%. The
supranational level. results are positive in that they show
expectations are not quite as high as
According to the survey, this perceived Globally, compliance functions again they were in 2013, but the reality is
increase in personal liability may be a reported spending little time liaising that any regulatory material which does
contributing factor of costs associated with the internal audit function, appear in 2014 will simply add to the
with senior compliance officers a growing cause of concern. vast amounts of regulatory information
continuing to escalate. with which compliance officers already
The number of compliance teams
spending more than 10 hours a week struggle with.
The findings highlighted the diverse
pressures on compliance functions, tracking and analysing regulatory Overall, almost a quarter of firms are
with shifting supervisory expectations, developments has nearly doubled spending more than 10 hours per
no let-up in the volume of regulatory in the US (13% in 2013 and 25% week reviewing the implications of all
change and the start of many of the in 2014) and the Middle East (8%
this new information (22% in 2013).
big implementation programmes for in 2013 and 18% in 2014).
There were some regional variations
major complex legislation. The ability to comply with confidence in this area, however. For instance,
and transparency is integral to building the number of US compliance teams
Thomson Reuters surveyed more than spending more than 10 hours a week
600 compliance practitioners from trust in the financial services sector,
says Chris Perry, managing director, tracking and analysing regulatory
financial services firms including banks, developments nearly doubled (13% in
brokers, insurers and asset managers Risk, Thomson Reuters. Compliance
leaders are being held to increased 2013 and 25% in 2014).
across 71 countries covering Africa,
the Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe accountability amid an ever-increasing
and the Middle East. It builds on volume of regulation, the expectation
Reporting in all forms is set to increase
annual surveys of similar respondents to move and comply fast, and the
in importance in 2014. Regulators
conducted over the course of the last exposure to record fines for non-
have placed a stronger focus on
five years, offering year-on-year trends compliance, now regularly totalling in
culture, conduct risk and tone from
and developments. the billions. It has never been more
the top, and by association raised
important that boards support their
compliance function and its senior
expectations with a firms abilities to
leadership with the budget, resources identify, measure and report. According
and tools to help ensure transparency, to the survey, 26% of compliance
66% of respondents expect
trust and a lasting change in teams spent less than an hour a week
the cost of senior compliance
behaviours throughout firms. editing reports for the board (26% in
professionals to increase in 2014.
2013). Asia has experienced the most
75% of respondents expect INCREASED COST OF COMPLIANCE change in terms of time spent on board
an increase in the amount of Investment in effective risk and control reporting, in the last year the number
information published by regulators. functions is extremely important. Given of firms in Asia spending more than a
the volume of anticipated rule changes whole working day each week creating
26% of compliance teams spent combined with a shift in regulatory and amending reports for the board
less than an hour a week amending expectations regarding culture, it has increased from a fifth to more than
reports for the board (26% in 2013). is unsurprising that 66% of those a third.

100 COVER APRIL 2014

April 14.indd 100 2014/04/04 5:58 PM

Death benefits unable to
settle funeral expenses
An employer has failed in its In its response to the Pension Funds
Adjudicator, NBC Fund Administration
attempt to be repaid from death
Services (Pty) Ltd (second respondent)
benefits for the loans it granted said in respect of T Ngobeni, a
to the families of three deceased death benefit of R257 387,10
members to pay for funeral became payable. After identifying
his dependants and beneficiaries,
expenses. R47 884,23 was paid to P Ngobeni
(his spouse) on 15 August 2013; R47
The Pension Funds Adjudicator Ms 884,23 was paid to C Ngobeni (his
Muvhango Lukhaimane has ruled that daughter) on 2 July 2013; R47 884,23
because a death benefit does not form was paid to B Ngobeni (his daughter)
part of the deceased estate, funeral on 30 September 2013 and R12
expenses which are obligations of the 601,11 was paid to the guardian of P
deceased estate cannot be paid from Makhubela on her behalf.
death benefits.
A benefit of R50 590,68 was allocated
Ms Von Zeuner, a director of Two Ten to T Ngobeni and would be paid to her
Chemicals (Pty) Ltd, complained to the when she turns eighteen. The benefit
Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator due in respect of P Ngobeni had not
that the Chemical Industries National been paid as the first respondent
Provident Fund (first respondent) had awaited a payment instruction in order
not repaid the company for loans of for payment to be made.
R5000 each granted to the families of
Mr T Ngobeni, Ms N Bambeni and Mr J Upon T Ngobenis death, a death In respect of N Bambeni, a death
Ngobeni who passed away on 27 May benefit of R257 387.10 became payable benefit of R81 058,65 became payable.
2012, 22 January 2012 and 22 August to his dependants and beneficiaries by The benefit was allocated and paid to
2011 respectively. the first respondent. Upon N Bambenis her mother, stepmother, two siblings,
death, a death benefit of R81 058.65 two sons and two nephews. However,
The company had expected for the a benefit for one dependant, namely
loans to be recovered from any death became payable and upon J Ngobenis L Mtengwane in the amount of R5
benefits that became payable by the demise, a death benefit of an 412,60 had not yet been paid as the
first respondent. undisclosed amount became payable. first respondent awaited payment

In respect of J Ngobeni, the claim was

repudiated due to late notification.
However, the employer advised that
claim documentation was submitted
on time. In her determination, Ms
Lukhaimane said in terms of Section
37C (1) of the Pension Funds Act,
provides that a death benefit shall not
form part of the deceased estate.

Therefore, the employer is not

permitted to deduct the outstanding
balances of the funeral loans granted to
the families of the deceased members
from the death benefits. The funeral
loans are debts of the deceased estates
and should be recovered from the
deceased estates, said Ms Lukhaimane
whilst dismissing the complaint.

COVER APRIL 2014 101

April 14.indd 101 2014/04/04 5:58 PM


turns 25!
Where were you when it all
began, back in 1988 when
David Alston decided to create
COVER and fill a much needed
gap in the insurance industry
for accurate and interesting
reportage? Fast forward to 20
February 2014, and David Alston
was still there to celebrate
COVERs 25th birthday with
the new (and did you see how
young they are?) COVER team
at the Norton Rose Fulbright
in Sandton. The industry was
well represented at the cocktail
evening, and it was a great
opportunity to meet new
people and share fresh ideas.
This milestone event would
not have been such a raging
success without the support of
our sponsors. To Norton Rose
Fulbright, Lion of Africa, Genasys
Technologies, Fulcrum, Oakhurst
and Tracker, a very special thank
you for the hours and dedication
you put into making our 25th a
night to remember.

Pictures by Justin Rhys Nicolau

102 COVER APRIL 2014

April 14.indd 102 2014/04/07 4:16 PM

COVER APRIL 2014 103

April 14.indd 103 2014/04/07 4:16 PM


Its Madame
Zingara to you!
The concept of an insurance networking dinner was ever-changed
with the Insurance Institute of Gauteng (IIG) dinner held on Thursday
6 March. The dinner took place at the infamous Madame Zingara
at Monte Casino. As you stepped into the old carnival tent, you
struggled to recognise your 1920s clad friends within the industry.
The dinner included an incredible five course meal and entertainment
that ranged from Show Girls music, to contortionists shooting
arrows with their feet. The IIG dinner was certainly a 2014 event to

104 COVER APRIL 2014

April 14.indd 104 2014/04/07 4:16 PM

Gauteng goddesses
of insurance
On Valentines Day the Gauteng Women in Insurance held a
special breakfast at the Hollard Campus in Parktown. The speaker,
Jodie Hill from Jomat, held the floor with her talk on Own and
love the Goddess. Hills speech and the red velvet cupcakes were
the high points of the day, which was sponsored by Innovation
Group, SHA, Insure Group, Aquarius Underwriting Managers, Gem
& Jewel and Constantia.

The entrance fee, products, gifts and donations will be used for the Door of
Hope mission in Glenvista, Johannesburg. This initiative saves the lives of
hundreds of children every year.

Pictures by Nadine van Staden

The Lion sings tonight

Friday, 28 February marked
the launch of the Lion of Africa
Music Expressions at the Yamaha
Theatre in Marlboro. The eclectic
award-winning Judith Sephuma,
known for her best selling jazz
albums and gospel music, was
the first artist to take to the
stage. She has collaborated with
successful musicians like Michael
Bolton, Ringo Madlingozi, Oliver
Mtukudzi; Pastor Benjamin
Dube, Dj Pepsi, just to name a

The event was attended by COVERs

Thenjiwe Roda and was a huge
success. Here are a few pictures,
and make sure to visit our Facebook
page for more.

COVER APRIL 2014 105

April 14.indd 105 2014/04/07 4:17 PM

Market Cover


Auto & Generals Western Cape
Broker division is giving back to their
community and recently adopted an
organisation in Somerset West called
Little Angels.

Little Angels is a community-based

care facility that is dedicated to
empowering and caring for physical ALTRISK SUPPORTS THE CANCER aimed at anyone recently diagnosed
and mentally challenged children who ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA with cancer; it provides information
suffer from Cerebral Palsy. Currently, Every year 14 million people worldwide and practical tips to promote physical,
14 children, from a couple of months hear the words, You have cancer. emotional and mental well-being
old to 21 years of age, are in the care In South Africa, more than 100 000 before and during treatment. In short,
of Little Angels. people are diagnosed each year, and helping survivors and their loved ones
besides the emotional toll of coping cope better with a cancer diagnosis,
Auto & General and partners including with the disease, it also brings with she explains. (
Altech Netstar, Origin, FIA Tygerberg it exceptional financial challenges. za/cancercare-coping-kit/)
Branch, Prism, V-Plus, JC Maintenance, This is one of the reasons why Altrisk
Unico Makelaars, Sapcor Gordons is donating R70 300 to the Cancer Michael Blain, managing director of
Bay, Direct Axis and Telesure Group Association of South Africa (CANSA) Altrisk adds, Cancer remains a highly
Services, among others, donated towards their CANSA Care Centres that emotive illness that has far reaching
14 new beds and bedding to the provide care and support programmes implications for the patient and their
organisation. for those living with cancer and their family. Unfortunately, not only does
loved ones to assist them during their the cancer survivor face a punishing
The handover took place on 21 treatment and recovery. treatment regimen in many cases,
February 2014 and according to but the cost of treatment can become
Juan Manuel, General Manager of CANSA is a non-profit organisation that a major financial burden, he says.
Auto & General Brokers Southern enables research, educates the public Considering the emotional strain of
Regions, It was a very emotional but and provides support to all people being diagnosed with the disease, the
heartwarming experience, something affected by cancer. CANSA provides care and support programme offered
that we will never forget and always home-from-home accommodation to by CANSA provides an essential safety
hold in our hearts. patients undergoing cancer treatment net for patients who do not have the
at oncology clinics far from their financial means to cope with this
Sean Jackson, Head of Auto & General homes; there are currently 12 CANSA debilitating illness.
Brokers, said, We are committed to Care Homes across the country where
improving the conditions that these patients stay for an average of six When living with a serious disease
children live in. Throughout the year, weeks at a time and receive meals, or condition, proper care, disease
our Western Cape Broker division and counselling, support and transport to management, nutrition and counselling
various business partners will work and from treatment centres is fundamental to ensure a fulfilling
on upgrading the organisation for the ( and better quality of life. As Altrisk,
benefit of the kids. We applaud our centres/). were delighted to be able to contribute
broker team and our valued partners to supporting cancer patients on their
for their generosity and kindness! Lucy Balona, CANSAs Head of journey from treatment to recovery.
Marketing and Communications, says
Picture by Rozelle de Waal with financial help from organisations Altrisk is a specialist long-term risk
like Altrisk theyre able to extend their product provider that offers risk
reach to cancer patients who are in products ranging from death and
dire need of support. disability to critical illness, cancer,
income replacement and retrenchment
One of many things CANSA would like benefits. Each year Altrisk supports
to do is to translate our Cancer Care a non-profit organisation that works
coping kit into more official languages. towards making a health-related
The kit consists of two audio CDs improvement in the lives of South

106 COVER APRIL 2014

April 14.indd 106 2014/04/08 8:11 AM

FEDGROUP INDUCTS FIRST Participation that is stressed learners
PARTICIPANTS IN LEARNERSHIP are expected to undertake projects.
2014 sees the first intake of FedGroups Iteke learners will work alongside
Iteke Learnership Programme, a some of South Africas leading financial
Information supplied by CANSA
year-long initiative that offers five services professionals.
The top five cancers among matriculants mentorship, work
South African men and women experience, and a tertiary education. We have open lines of
(excluding non-Melanoma skin communication, monitor our learners
cancers) are: closely, and meet with them regularly
both in a group and one-on-one.
Men In this way, if a learner is battling
1. Prostate cancer in any area of the learnership, we
2. Primary site unknown* can address the issue and provide
3. Lung cancer assistance. At FedGroup, we believe
4. Colorectal cancer strongly in the power of education,
5. Oesophageal cancer so will make every effort to ensure
that our learners graduate from
Women the programme certified. Whether
1. Breast Cancer on concluding the programme they
2. Cervical Cancer pursue a career in financial services
3. Primary Site Unknown* or not, Iteke will provide them with
4. Colorectal cancer Brinny Mphogo is the inspiration for
well-rounded working experience,
5. Kaposi Sarcoma Iteke. Over eight years ago, FedGroup
independence, and financial
executive Grant Field began mentoring
(* Primary sight unknown knowledge.
Mphogo, and encouraged him to
means that it is not possible further his education. Mphogo now FedGroup pays the tutelage and
to determine where the cancer holds a post-graduate degree, heads- exam fees for the SETA-accredited
originated in the body) up the initiative and acts as the
Certificate in Business Administration
primary mentor to new members on
90% of cancers are caused Services. Learners receive on-site
the learnership.
by environmental & lifestyle training from a lecturer, and are
factors such as smoking, We chose the name for the tasked with monthly assignments
diet and exercise. programme from Sepedi: Iteke means throughout the year, before sitting for
to challenge yourself, and this certainly a final exam.
More than 100 000 South is a challenging programme. Iteke
Africans are diagnosed is not a programme for matriculants Each learner received a monthly
with cancer every year. looking to entertain a gap year. Rather, allowance for transportation and
it is designed for people who wish to living expenses. They are exposed
South African cancer to good financial practices, and are
survival rate is 6/10. build a strong foundation for future
success. taught about investments, retirement,
1 in 4 South Africans and insurance. FedGroup actively
are affected by cancer We choose participants for the encourages the learners to start an
through diagnosis of programme exclusively from FedGroup investment portfolio as the first step
family, friends or self. beneficiaries; which means in most to becoming financial independent.
circumstances, these kids have lost one
Globally cancer kills more or both of their parents, and FedGroup, If they move on they will be in a
people than TB, AIDS through its trustees, has a pre-existing highly advantageous position in
and Malaria combined. relationship with them. Applicants went the job market. Research from the
through an intensive interview process. Solidarity Research Institute shows
Source: National Cancer Registry Those who were successful showed that: individuals with some form of a
(2005) compassion, ambition, and a sense tertiary qualification even if it is only
of Ubuntu. These traits feed into the a diploma or certificate do much
For more information go to
family values encouraged at FedGroup, better in the labour market than those so we know we have a group that who only have matric. Furthermore,
will find enormous benefit from the the report concludes that the modern
programme, and who will add value to economy demands more from job-
the firm, says Mphogo. seekers: more knowledge and the
ability to apply that knowledge. The
Africans by driving positive behavioural There is a three-pronged approach to Iteke Learnership Programme equips
change. Part of the insurers fundraising Iteke: work experience, mentorship,
young people with these attributes.
drive is to encourage financial advisors and education. Beneficiaries will
Formal training, combined with on-
to be part of the initiative. Altrisk rotate through departments, spending
the-job experience and the guidance
therefore pledges a sum to a worthy two months in each. They will learn
of highly regarded financial services
cause for every application received the systems and processes, and
from financial advisors during the practitioners prepares them for highly-
become competent administrators
campaign period. contested market.
and contributors to the department.

COVER APRIL 2014 107

April 14.indd 107 2014/04/08 8:11 AM

Market Cover



Donald Kau, Head of Corporate Affairs all South Africans: your own safety and Santams brand sentiment, as
at Santam, told COVER about the and the safety of the people you care measured through our social media
short-term insurers Be safe out there about. All the communication elements channels, is overwhelmingly positive.
campaign that was launched nearly were designed to create a shift in
a year ago on Monday, 8 July 2013. attitude and enable safer behaviour. Our client feedback process that
The radio and print campaign used the manages social media complaints
different days of the week to show Santams creative agency, King James is also contributing towards turning
people how to manage their risks, Group, drove the creative aspect of the sentiment around and is at an industry
day by day, highlighting an interesting campaign. leading response time for complaints
finding, based on Santams claims data. via social media.
What did you hope to achieve with this
The campaign was about the personal campaign, and now, in hindsight, have What results did see from your
you reached your goals? Daily risks tips? Who compiled the
safety of loved ones, what was the
information for you and what was the
rationale behind the campaign? What The aim of the campaign was to show general response? What kind of risks
brought the idea about? Who drove consumers how small changes in their did you assess and what response
the initiative from an idea to an actual daily behaviour can play a big role in did you get on Facebook? Will you
campaign? keeping them and their possessions continue this in the future?
safe and avoid unwanted accidents and
Santam believes it has a responsibility
damage. The findings for the day to day risks is
to make individuals more aware of risk
based on Santams experience and own
behaviour and to share our experience Santams core business is risk data, gathered from our over 700 000
and expertise for the greater good: to mitigation. By sharing what we clients, for each day of the week. The
help people lead safer lives. Insurance know, we help clients to mitigate the statistics used were gathered from our
good and proper is about being there risks they face daily. Our network of claims data and reflect when incidents
for our clients when they need us most brokers advises our clients on how to occurred, not when claims were
at claims time. But its about more manage their risks on a daily basis. The lodged. Santam process over 30 000
than that. Its also about helping them campaign was a way to emphasise the claims a month.
to prevent things from going wrong in message, and we think we achieved
the first place. just that. The risks identified for each day of
the week were shared with consumers
The campaign engages with people The follower numbers across Santams along with tips on how to mitigate
on a topic that is highly relevant to social media platforms have increased each one. This ranged from worn
out geysers on a Monday, increased
car hijackings on a Tuesday, fewest
incidents on a Wednesday, increased
chance of lighting on a Thursday,
more chance of a fender bender on a
Friday, increased risk of break-ins on a
Saturday and more claims of damage
caused by potholes on a Sunday drive
than any other day of the week.

Comments and feedback indicate that

consumers found this information
useful and generally thought positively
of the message the campaign was

108 COVER APRIL 2014

April 14.indd 108 2014/04/08 8:11 AM

Product Development

The growth engine

The current insurance landscape only differentiator, we would have
reached saturation point. It has now
in South Africa may seem settled,
become a case of - What else can
but there have proven to be you offer the individual beyond a loss
many gaps for growth. Andre compensation for damage? he says.
Rousseau; Pravin Burra, Yuresh If you look on paper, South Africa
Maharaj from the Deloitte looks like a mature insurance market,
South African team and says Pravin Burra, Director of Financial
Services Analytics at Deloitte. In
Raymond Wennekes and Mark
actuality, SA is an evolving market
de Koo from the Professional with the risk of the middle class SA
Services Firms Office in the citizens needs being underinsured
Netherlands spoke to Taryn at in certain areas. Pravin explains that
understanding customer needs is critical
COVER about distribution channel to making sure that the South African
gaps in insurance, and what they customer is properly serviced. As the
are doing to fill these. country has developed over the last
twenty years, we have established an
People are noticing large gaps in emerging middle class, and they may
insurance, particularly when it comes not have exactly the same needs as the
to looking at distribution channels previous middle class, Burra explains.
to facilitate the new thinking within
While South Africans tend to indicate
the industry. Analytics and how you
that they have a lot of cover, it is of
treat your client is largely driven
Deloittes opinion that they do not have
by legislation, but there is also a
balanced cover. The main gap in the
big drive to reach the untapped
market, in their opinion, is looking at
market. According to Andre Rousseau,
customers holistically, and providing
Insurance Industry Leader at Deloitte
them with cover that is well structured
Consulting, this channel includes the
and more balanced.
broker and sales agent alike, but
also looks at a more direct channel. AN EVER-CHANGING MARKET
This talks to digital channels such as According to Deloitte global research,
mobile, unique call centres and other people that fall in the younger age
applications. Analytics are used to category (below the age of 44 years)
attain a better understanding of the are very open to more direct channels
customer and hence enable more of insurance. These direct channels
client centric products to be developed. include more real time channels,
The products are more focused on which prevents the customer from
client needs and demands compared being overwhelmed by a wealth of
to historically developed products. information.
Rousseau explained.
In South Africa, the emerging middle
DISSECTING THE SA INSURANCE class has meant that there is great
LANDSCAPE potential for a pot of gold at the end
The insurance market, both locally and of the rainbow. If you look at lower
globally, have two distinct offerings LSMs, the cellphone penetration has
Short Term and Long Term insurance. become quite a phenomenon, and
On the Short Term side, it is perceived with that you get the opportunity to
by the customer to be an obligatory extend cellphone insurance to these
purchase, so the emphasis comes in markets, says Pravin. South Africa has
around innovation and value add. opportunity for growth, specifically in
Previously we have seen the price providing targeted offerings to a variety
sensitivity in the local short-term of groups as their needs evolve.
insurance market, but we are beyond
that now, says Yuresh Maharaj, Customer affordability is still an issue
Insurance Audit Leader at Deloitte. He locally, and customers often run the
commented that if the price was the risk of cutting down on essential

COVER APRIL 2014 109

April 14.indd 109 2014/04/08 9:59 AM

Product Development

cover. According to Pravin, education FULLVIEW SOLUTION SET TO

of risk cover plays an important role REVOLUTIONISE FINANCIAL ADVISE
in these issues, along with avoiding IN SA Daily updates
bombarding the customer with noise. For the first time in South Africa, of a clients

What you need is targeted, needs- financial advisers are now able to view
driven solutions for the customer, he the complete net wealth of their clients Online view of a
says. Rousseau gives the example of on one digital platform - this includes planning tools
clients wealth

short-period insurance, which would all their assets, investments, liabilities

not be affected by the higher interest and retirement products.
rates and lower spending cycle. There
are products that are being designed,
Access to historic
and should be designed to work around Latest fund fact
FSB registered fund
prices and main
this. You can cover lower LSM levels sheets index values

and it will not be as affected by this,

he highlights. Regular,


Upon surveying South Africas unique
class market, and the insurance to their clients preferences. Although
landscape as it stands, Deloitte found Liberty has developed this software, it
the need to move from a mass market carries each advisers brand or logo and
insurance approach to a customer- doesnt promote Liberty as it has been
specific insurance imperative. With built as an adviser tool to support their
the help of their colleagues in the service to their clients.
Netherlands - Raymond Wennekes, David Lloyd, Managing Director
Senior Manager at Deloitte Consulting of Liberty Investments, sees this FullView achieves this by allowing
within Insurance and part of Strategy & 360-degreeview of ones wealth, advisers to access full details of all
Operations Practice and Mark de Koo, combined with the other data the their clients existing assets, liabilities
Senior Manager at Deloitte Consulting system holds, such as all historical unit and life cover in one place. This data is
within Insurance - they drilled down prices and index levels and a complete collected automatically and on a daily
what the individual customer needs. set of current fund fact sheets, as basis. By applying this information to
dramatically improving the service the various tools available on FullView,
Deloitte looked at the insurance provided by financial advisers to their advisers are then able to develop an
industry globally, and came up clients. accurate overall risk profile across
with a strategy for the use of more their clients entire financial universe,
streamlined processes and tools to The role of a financial adviser is to and use this as a basis from which
help insurance companies mine their provide guidance to their clients. Their to set, align and track their financial
data more effectively. Known as The ability to do so effectively is directly objectives. The system allows advisers
Insurance Growth Engine, it is used linked to the quality of the information to set up client goals and link them
as a way to get the right product, to they have on hand. Financial advice to various assets and products and
the right customers, at the right time. adds the most value when it is based portfolios and then reports on how the
Using analytical data on a day-to-day on a comprehensive understanding client is tracking towards these goals.
basis insurance companies will become of the current situation of the client,
more effective benefiting both the hence this platform. FullView comes at a time when the
client and the company and The industry is becoming increasingly more
Insurance Growth Engine allows this to The primary purpose behind Libertys regulated. Whilst they believe that
happen. Using this process and tools development of FullView is to fill these this is in the best interests of both
allows companies to increase their information gaps, thereby ensuring consumers and the industry, they
revenue and be more profitable by that advisers are fully informed and recognise that it does increase that
selling the right product to the right able to give their clients the very best administrative requirement by advisers.
group. advice. Simply put, FullView is a tool This is why Liberty specifically designed
that enables financial advisers to know FullView in a way that will help to
The engine part allows customer more about their clients, and provides significantly reduce this administrative
interaction to be spot on. The a wealth of automated reporting, burden whilst also clearly demonstrating
customer benefits by having a product triggers and alerts - thereby allowing the adviser is delivering a first class
sold to them based on their specific them to apply that knowledge to do ongoing service in return for the
needs and socio-economic situation so much more for their clients. And of ongoing advice fees the client is paying.
that they may find themselves in. In course the client would need to give
this way, insurance companies easily consent on this, FullView also provides the clients of
move toward a customer-based the advisers using FullView, with the
outcome, and are in line with the The tool also contains every South functionality to see various elements of
proposed Treating Customers Fairly African unit trust price, allowing the their own net wealth, its components,
requirements. advisers to customise the portfolio asset split and their overall risk profile.
reporting they give. Advisers are thus
able to customize the content and
frequency of client reports according

110 COVER APRIL 2014

April 14.indd 110 2014/04/08 9:59 AM

REWARDS & RECOGNITION contracted the South African developed GETTING GEARED UP
Bestmed launches its 2014 PaceSetter+ HR software solution, S|CUBED to A live event can be made or broken by
recognition programme as second tier assist them with a technology engine the quality of the lighting. The capital
of their bigger Reward & Recognition that can support the Medical Schemes outlay for the latest professional gear
Programme for employees. drive for Service Excellence and added can be significant and finance difficult
value for their end-users, being the to secure swiftly. Fintech have entered
The concept of gamification in the members of Bestmed. the entertainment industry sector and
corporate environment is observed now offer lighting equipment financing
with greater interest and although fairly The first objective is to support options. Their latest collaboration
new in South Africa, has been yielding employees to recognise and appreciate with DWR, suppliers of intelligent
great success abroad. Companies one another for living out the schemes lighting and control equipment for live
like Nike, Volkswagen, and LOreal values by displaying the appropriate staging, theatre and large-scale events,
have been using it for years. Gartner behaviours and consistently getting it provides the perfect opportunity for
Research Projects believes that by right! companies to keep on the cutting-edge
2014, more than 70% of Forbes Global of lighting technology.
2000 organisations will have at least A fun system of awarding badges
one game-based application, and and accolades was developed and DWR sell lighting equipment to
by 2015, half of all companies that integrated with the S|CUBED HR technical suppliers or staging experts,
manage innovation processes will have technology platform. A complex who in turn hire rigs out to event
gamified them. system of algorithms and workflows organisers for live shows. They also sell
at the back-end makes the front-end gear directly to theatres, schools, clubs,
application user-friendly and fun to places of worship and television studios
use. and provide support, training and
servicing of the equipment. Through
PBS CEO Gerrit Stimie commented Fintech their clients now have the
that S|CUBED was delighted to assist option of rental finance solutions.
Bestmed with this project and that
Gamification is an important concept Banks have different rules as to what
in their drive to help clients achieve equipment they will finance. To refer
greater results through people. His a financing company like Fintech to
favourite example is Foldit; a game our clients makes the whole process
that scientists from the University simpler, better and faster, because
of Washington in Seattle developed they understand our industry and the
to help them better understand the equipment requirements. This market is
structuring of proteins in different capital intensive and margins are high,
circumstances. The game was taken Fintech puts our clients in a position
public and between the 240 000 to purchase more equipment and not
Locally one of the first organisations registered players, a problem that kept hurt their day-to-day cash flow, said
to deploy gamification is one of the scientists stumped for 15 years was Duncan Riley, Director and Owner of
countrys largest Medical Schemes, solved within three months. DWR.
Bestmed. According to CEO Dries
la Grange, Bestmed has invested Bestmeds ultimate goal with this
internally on fun ways to recognise and creative programme is to expose its
applaud good employees performance members to even better and more
and behaviours, who will achieve rewarding client contacts.
bigger Client Intimacy and a positive
impact on their members. Bestmed has

COVER APRIL 2014 111

April 14.indd 111 2014/04/08 10:00 AM

LiquidCapital LiquidCapital Camargue Camargue
General Manager: Business Development Business Development Officer Financial Director: Camargue Group Group General Liability Director

Hollard Zurich Oak Tree Intermediaries

Chairman Head: Global Corporate Broker

PFP Insurance Brokers FPI FPI

Western Cape Consultant Chairperson-Elect Head of Membership & Corporate Relations

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