Free Daily Newspapers - Business Models and Strategies: Research Questions

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very clearly meant for (potential) adver-

Free Daily Newspapers Business Models tisers. There are some serious reliabil-
ity and interpretation problems with
and Strategies some of these research reports. In some
cases this is, however, the only available
research. It is particularly problematic
regarding long-term effects on reader-
by Piet Bakker, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands ship. Also the possible business strate-
gies of publishers of paid newspapers
in markets where free newspapers are
well established, are not very well docu-
Research questions we will move to the options publishers mented. In these cases research and evi-
have in markets where free papers are dence will be sometimes anecdotal and
Free daily newspapers have been very widely read and the strategies they can unquantified. It will probably take
successful since their introduction in use to attract the new readership cre- some years before extensive academic
the mid-nineties: almost 10 million cop- ated by the free dailies. research on this subject will be avail-
ies are distributed every day. Early re- able. This study hopes to ask some basic
search focused on the introduction, re- As noted above, academic research on questions and outline some possible
actions of established publishers and free newsapapers is not widely avail- research strategies for the near future.
the rapidly changing markets. There able. Publications used here are, for in-
has been some general research (Picard, stance, also reports by newspapers or- Introduction:
2001; Vogel, 2001; Wilkinson, 2001; ganizations, news from business pub- the rise of free dailies
Arnoud & Peyrgne, 2002, Bakker, 2002) lications, press releases by publishers,
while other studies were devoted to and research paid for and published by The first modern free1 daily, Metro, was
specific markets, like Sweden (Wad- free newspapers themselves. Categories founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 1995
bring & Weibull, 2000), the Netherlands and methods used are often not very by the Modern Times Group (MTG), a
(Schaap, 2000; Van der Veer, 2000), Swit- clear, and sometimes the outcome is subsidiary of the Swedish Kinnevik
zerland (Bachman, Brander & Lenz,
2001), and Germany (Vogel, 2001). Fur-
thermore there are research reports Abstract
from the industry itself, mainly from Free daily newspapers, first introduced in Sweden in 1995, have proved to be much
free papers to prove their value to po- more than a passing phenomenon. By 2002, 80 free daily newspapers were introduced
tential advertisers. in 26 countries, 60 of them still exist. In thirteen countries free papers are responsible
for more than ten percent of the total daily weekday circulation. The total circulation of
Now that free dailies have been around the 60 free papers is almost 10 million copies, every day more than 20 million people
for seven years, research questions read these papers. The success of the free papers is the result of their efficient cost
should shift to long-term develop- structure and their ability to reach a new and relatively young audience. When look-
ments. Many free newspapers for in- ing more closely at the firms that publish these free newspapers two different models
stance were introduced just to counter emerge; first, the entrepreneur entering a new market, and second the local or na-
a new competitor or to prevent a new tional newspaper firm. In the second model, free papers are launched to prevent other
firm entering a market typical short- firms entering the market or to counter new firms already in the market. In the long
term strategies. But what strategies can run these obstructive tactics may develop into more positive strategies. Most readers
publishers apply in the long run? How are former non-readers or people who read paid and free newspapers. Existing firms
will readers react in a market where a are developing strategies to benefit from the growing readership of newspapers cre-
free daily is not a novelty but an estab- ated by free papers.
lished product? To answer these ques-

tions we will first describe the intro- Piet Bakker

duction of free newspapers (countries, (
markets, titles, publishers, market
share). After that we will outline differ- is Associate Professor at the Department of Communication at the University of
ent business models that are used by Amsterdam and a member of the Amsterdam School of Communication Research
publishers and come up with a theoreti- ASCoR. His research focuses on journalism, newspapers, local media and the impact of
cal framework to map short- and long- new technologies on the traditional media.
term readership developments. Then

180 2002 JMM The International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4 No. 3 : (180 187)
group. The group had interests in me- Table 1: Introduction of free newspapers 1995-2002
dia and telecommunications but did
not publish newspapers in Sweden. In Europe Sweden (Stockholm* 1995, Gteborg 1998, Malm 1999)
2000 MTG sold the majority of their Czech Republic (Prague 1997)
Finland (Helsinki* 1997)
shares in the new formed and now Lux-
Hungary (Budapest/National 1998)
embourg-based Metro International S.A. Germany (Berlin 1998, Hamburg, Munich 1999, Cologne* 2000)
group. After the Stockholm Metro, edi- UK (London 1999, Glasgow, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester*,
Sheffield, Edinburgh, Newcastle* 2000)
tions in other countries followed. In
The Netherlands (national* 1999)
2002 the company publishes 23 edi- Switzerland (Zurich* 1999, Basel*, Bern* 2000)
tions in 15 countries and claims a read- Belgium (2000)
ership of 10 million. Metro Interna- Italy (Rome* 2000, Milan* 2000, Turin, Naples, Florence*,
Bologna* 2001)
tional is responsible for 50 percent of Poland (Warsaw 2000)
the total circulation of free daily news- Greece (Athens 2000)
papers. In 2002 new editions were pub- Spain (Bilbao, Barcelona*, Madrid* 2000)
Iceland (2001)
lished in France (Paris, Marseilles,
Denmark (Copenhagen 2001)
Lyon) and Hong Kong. A Metro franchise Russia (Moscow 2001)
has been launched in Seoul (South Ko- Austria (Vienna 2001)
France (Paris*, Lyon, Marseilles* 2002)
rea) in May 2002. This edition is not
owned by Metro International but it North Argentina (Buenos AIres* 1999)
uses the same format and also the and Chile (Santiago 2000)
Metro World News service. The Cana- South U.S.A. (Philadelphia, New York 2000, Boston 2001)
America Canada (Toronto* 2000, Montreal* 2001)
dian Metros are also not fully owned by
Metro International, for legal reasons Asia/Pacific Singapure* (2000)
both titles are published in partner- Australia (Melbourne* 2001)
Hong Kong (2002)
ship with local firms (Torstar in
Seoul (2002)
Toronto and Transcontinental in Mon-
treal). Not every Metro however is a * more than one free newspaper introduced.
Metro International title, other Metros
are published in the UK, Moscow and
Belgium by local publishers. Almost all other free newspapers are almost 60 free dailies exist and there
or were published by local or national are more to come. Rupert Murdoch (The
The Norwegian firm Schibsted pub- publishers like Springer (Germany), Times) was thinking about a second Lon-
lishes its version of the free daily (20 Kronenzeitung (Austria), the Regiona- don free paper although this project
Minutes) in Switzerland (Bern, Basle, le Uitgevers Groep (Belgium), News has probably been shelved. Other free
Zurich), Spain (Madrid, Barcelona), Corp/Murdoch (Melbourne), and De papers are planned in Brazil, New York
France (Paris), and until 2001 in Ger- Telegraaf (The Netherlands). The only and Berlin. In some cases (Cologne, Tor-
many (Cologne). Metro International other chain is Associated Newspapers onto, Zurich, Paris) it has led to a genu-
and Schibsted represent the entrepre- (UK) with six editions and a total daily ine newspaper war (Arnoud, 2002;
neur-model of the free newspaper pub- circulation of 840,000; almost half of it Fitzgerald, 2001; McMullan & Wilkin-
lisher. These firms enter a new market (375,000) is published in London (other son, 2000; Vogel, 2001; Wyss, 2000).
with a new product: capitalize and editions are often published together
dont cannibalize (Schibsted publishes with local newspaper firms). The papers have a circulation of be-
newspapers, but not in markets where tween 50,000 (Montreal, Bilbao) and
they launched free papers). This entre- So far, 80 free daily newspapers have 406,000 (The Netherlands). The total es-
preneur model can also be found in Ice- been introduced in 26 countries (Table timated circulation is around 9,500,000
land were the very successful Fretta- 1). The majority have been launched in (Table 2). This means that something

bladdid is published by an independent the last three years. In some markets between 20 and 25 million people read
investor. Free newspaper entrepreneurs (Stockholm, Cologne, Buenos Aires, The a free newspaper every day because ev-
in Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich), Netherlands, Zurich, Basle, Bern, Tor- ery copy is read by two or three people.
Buenos Aires and Singapore have not onto, Newcastle, Singapore, Rome, Mi- Total reading time is between ten and
been very successful. Sound financial lan, Melbourne, Paris, Marseilles) more twenty 20 minutes (Bachman, Brander
backing and the use of one fixed format than one free paper was published. & Lenz, 2001; Bereik- en lezersonderzoek
probably explains the success of Metro Some papers were closed down or Sp!ts & Metro, 2000; Sjwall, 2001;
International and Schibsted. merged with their competitors. In 2002 Wilkinson, 2001).

2002 JMM The International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4 No. 3 181
In some countries free papers have a weekend edition). They have a compara- Arnoud & Peyrgne, 2002). Size does not
considerable market share, circulation tively cheap distribution system, mostly seem to matter, the Canadian editions
numbers are available for 22 of the mar- through the local public transport sys- in Toronto (145,000) and Montreal
kets where free papers are published, in tem, although some alternative ways of (100,000) had a staff of 40 people, as
13 of these markets, free papers have a distribution exist; copies are also dis- does the new Hong Kong edition
share of ten percent or more of the total tributed in office buildings, shopping (300,000). Non-MTG free dailies seem to
daily newspaper circulation (Table 3.). malls, hospitals, and university cam- have more journalists, the London Metro
puses while in Iceland and Zurich the (Associated Newspapers) has a staff of
Business models free paper is delivered door-to-door in 90 people (Arnoud & Peyrgne, 2002).
some areas. Free papers have a small The Paris 20 Minutes has 26 full-time pro-
The free newspaper is aimed at the gen- editorial staff; a typical Metro edition fessional journalists. Competing na-
eral public in metropolitan areas and employs only 40 people, 15 to 20 of tional and metropolitan dailies employ
is published on weekdays (the Stock- them journalists (Metro Annual Report, at least ten times as many journalists.
holm and Hong Kong Metros also have a 2000; Wadbring & Weibull, 2000; For news, the free dailies rely heavily on

Table 2: Free newspapers: countries, markets, titles, publishers, circulation in 2001/2002

Country City (title) Publisher Circulation

Sweden Stockholm, Malm, Gothenburg (Metro) Metro International 384,000

Finland Helsinki (Metro) Metro International 105,000
Denmark Copenhagen (MetroXpress) Metro International 140,000
Iceland Reyjavik (Frettabladid) Vizir 70,000
Netherlands National (Metro) Metro International 308,000
National (Sp!ts) Telegraaf 406,000
UK London, Midlands, Scotland, North West, Associated 837,000
North East,Yorkshire (Metro) Newspapers
Belgium National (Metro) RUG 200,000
Switzerland Zurich, Basle, Bern (20 Minutes) Schibsted 300,000
Zurich (ZrichExpress) Tamedia/NZZ 194,000
Basle (Baslerstab) Basler Zeitung 102,000
Czech Rep. Prague (Metro) Metro International 174,000
Hungary Budapest/National (Metro) Metro International 302,000
Poland Warsaw (Metropol) Metro International 182,000
Italy Rome, Milan (Metro) Metro International 414,000
Rome, Milan,Turin, Naples, Florence, Caltagiorne 715,000
Bologna (Leggo)
Milan, Florence, Bologna (City) Corriere della Sera 400,000
Greece Athens (Metrorama) Metro International 101,000
Spain Barcelona (Metro Directe), Madrid Metro International 414,000
(Metro Directo)
Barcelona, Madrid (20 minutes) Schibsted 500,000
Bilbao (El Nervin) Gruppo Correo 50,000
Austria Vienna (U-Express) Kronenzeitung 150,000
Russia Moscow (Metro) Moscow Metro N.A.
France Paris, Marseille, Lyon (Metro) Metro International 500,000
Paris (20 Minutes) Schibsted 450,000
Marseille (Marseille Plus) Hachatte 100,000
Chile Santiago (Publimetro) Metro International 119,000
Argentina Buenos Aires (La Razn) Grupo Clarin 230,000
U.S.A. Philadelphia (Metro) Metro International 152,000
Boston (Metro) Metro International 183,000
Canada Toronto (Metro Today) Metro International 181,000

Montreal (Montral Mtropolitain) Quebecor 50,000

Montreal (Metro) Metro International 104,000
Singapure National (Today) Media Corp 250,000
Australia Melbourne (MX) News Ltd. 90,000
Hong Kong National (Metropolis Daily) Metro International 300,000
Korea Seoul (Metro) Metro Int. franchise 400,000

total 9,557,000

182 2002 JMM The International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4 No. 3
wire services and third party material Table 3: Circulation (* 1000) and market share of paid and free newspapers
(graphics, photographs, television-
schedules, product-information and

Market share


free papers
stock news). Since 2001 the Metro-chain
has its own Metro World News service.

To reduce costs further the use of a
strict format for every Metro edition in
the world is compulsory. Metro and Iceland 93 70 163 43%
Italy 6,024 1,529 7,553 20%
Schibsted do not have their own print-
Singapure 1,096 250 1,346 19%
ing plants: Outsourcing is a keyword Spain 4,300 964 5,214 18%
in the Metro business model (Arnoud Switzerland 2,666 596 3,262 18%
& Peyrgne, 2002, p. 6). The biggest cost Hon Kong 1,482 300 1,781 17%
Hungary 1,625 302 1,927 16%
problem free newspapers have con- The Netherlands 4,400 714 5,114 14%
fronted in the last years is caused by Poland 1,157 182 1,339 14%
their success; public transport firms Argentina 1,500 230 1,730 13%
Greece 681 101 782 13%
are charging much more now for new Belgium 1,568 200 1,768 11%
contracts. France 8,799 1,050 9,849 11%
Czech Republic 1,704 174 1,878 9%
Sweden 3,700 384 4,084 9%
There are different kinds of free news-
Denmark 1,481 140 1,621 9%
papers publishers (Wilkinson, 2001; Canada 5,167 335 5,502 6%
Picard, 2001; Arnoud & Peyrgne, 2002; Austria 2,503 150 2,653 6%
Bakker, 2002). First of all the entrepre- Finland 2,304 105 2,409 4%
UK 19,052 837 19,889 4%
neur, the new non-local or foreign firm Australia 3,030 90 3,120 3%
entering the market. This is the Metro U.S.A. 55,945 335 56,280 1%
and 20 Minutes model of Metro Interna-
tional and Schibsted. These publishers
Source: World Press Trends 2001 (paid newspapers); paid newspapers circulation for 2000, except
use a specific model for their business: for Iceland (1999) and France (1998), free newspapers circulation from 2001/2002.
I. The invasion model, a very lean and
mean operation, costs are reduced
as much as possible by employing tional newspaper De Telegraaf intro- ket (Wadbring & Weibull, 2000), in
very few journalists, using a lot of duced a free paper (Sp!ts) the same Paris the weekly A Nous Paris had
third party material, not owning day as the Dutch Metro. In Cologne less success in keeping out free pa-
printing presses and applying a very two local firms (Springer and Du pers.
strict chain-format. This model can Mont Schauberg) launched free pa- IV. A promotion model is operating
also be found in Iceland. A special pers when Schibsted published 20 when the free paper is mainly used
case is the Moscow Metro which is Minuten. After one year 20 Minuten as a promotion tool for a regular
published by the public transport gave up whereupon the other two newspaper, the German free IC-Press
company itself. Profits are the only papers ceased publication. Quebecor (Der Spiegel) and the New York Daily
reason for staying in business, both published the free Montreal Metro- News Express are examples. The pro-
Metro and Schibsted have closed politain to protect the advertising in- motion model is a short-term mar-
down free papers (Zurich, Cologne, terests of Le Journal de Montreal keting tool.
Buenos Aires) when profits were not (Quebecor launches free paper..., 2001).
expected in the near future. In Stockholm and Gteborg existing Prevention and defense are typically
newspapers published a weekly free short-term models. After a competitor
Other free dailies are published by firms paper (Wadbring & Weibull, 2000). has left the market or has not entered
that also publish local or national dai- III. The prevention model where publish- the market, publishers must recon-

lies in the same market where the free ers launch a free paper before an- sider. Either stop publication or move
dailies are published. Different short- other firm enters the market; INMA- to a different stage.
term models can be distinguished. director Wilkinson (2001, p. 4) refers
to them as spoiler-publications. In V. The expansion model, when local
II. The defense model when the second the UK and Austria this has been the firms publish a free paper, no
paper is published because of the case. In Norway two free semi-week- longer to prevent another pub-
launching of another free paper. In lies were released to prevent new lisher from entering the market but
the Netherlands, the biggest na- competitors from entering the mar- for profit themselves. Here the pre-

2002 JMM The International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4 No. 3 183
Table 4: Closed down or merged free newspapers Europe medium will attract new users. Half of
the readers of the London Metro are for-
Europe Sweden (Stockholm: Everyday, Stockholm News) merly non-readers (Arnoud & Peyrgne,
The Netherlands (National: 2002). In the long run, other move-
Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Munich: 15 Uhr Aktuel;
Cologne: 20 Minuten, Kln Extra, Klner Morgen)
ments are possible, the most important
UK (Newcastle: MorningNews MTG; Manchester: are: cumulation leading to substitu-
MetroNews MTG) tion; or new readers moving over to
Switzerland (Zurich: Metro)
paid newspapers.
North and Argentina (Buenos Aires: Metro, El Dairo del Bolsillio)
South America U.S.A. (New York: Daily News Express) The first possibility is very threatening
Canada (Toronto: FYI, Today) for paid newspapers. The second one
Asia/Pacific Singapore: Streats however is very promising. Roger
Australia (Melbourne: Melbourne Express) Parkinson, president of the World As-
sociation of Newspapers (WAN) stated
that there is evidence that not only
dominant way of operating is Readership are these media attractive to young
achieving synergy by combining readers, but they may also be attract-
activities in the paid and the free Failure or success of a free newspaper is ing young people to the paper product
paper (advertising, marketing, closely related to the development of itself. (Quotes from the conference, 2001,
housing, distribution, and some- the newspaper market as a whole. How p. 2; see also McMullan & Wilkinson,
times even newsgathering). The UK- do readers react to free dailies? Is the 2000). In the UK the London Metro for
Metros and the Belgium Metro are market growing or do readers switch instance successfully promotes The
perhaps the best examples of this from a regular newspaper to a free Evening Standard and the Daily Mail
model. It may be dif ficult how- one? Important is the claim from free (Picard, 2001). The weekend single copy
ever to distinguish between expan- dailies that they attract a new and sales of newspapers should rise if the
sion and defense. much younger public than regular hypothesis of moving over or success-
newspapers. We should bear in mind ful promotion is correct.
In the defense and prevention model that in many markets (UK, the Nether-
publishers are willing to lose money lands, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, In the Netherlands publishers of paid
for some time. Often paid papers cross- USA) readership is declining (see also newspapers have argued that the influ-
subsidize the free dailies. This means Hendriks, 1998). Also, attracting a ence of free newspapers on total sales
that markets in which free papers are young audience is indeed a serious of newspapers has been negligible. Data
published are often imperfect, and problem for traditional newspapers. from the four national daily morning
competition is by definition not fair. papers (de Telegraaf, Algemeen Dagblad, de
Price dumping, cross subsidizing, Here a substitution/cumulation model Volkskrant, Trouw) however indicate that
operating publications at a loss are (Bakker, 2002) is used to map changes subscriptions have gone down in the
not fair and because of that are possi- in readership. Readers of free dailies last year (which could be a long-term
bly also harmful for customers. Fur- can be divided in three different catego- effect), but also that single copy sales
thermore it may hinder innovation ries. Readers who did read paid news- have dropped more than ten percent in
and provoke actions from anti-cartel papers but now only read free papers four years (the period of competition
authorities. (substitution), people who read both paid from free dailies). Publisher PCM
and free papers (cumulation); and people (Algemeen Dagblad, de Volkskrant, Trouw)
Fierce competition between entrepre- who did not read a paid newspaper in reported in 2001 a decline in single
neurs and established firms have led in the past (new readers). copy sales. This indicates that substitu-
many cases to closures and mergers. tion is at least in the short run not
This happened in The Netherlands, The most notable short-term effects of that important. The drop in subscrip-

Stockholm, Newcastle, Manchester, paid newspapers is when a new com- tions in 2001 however could have been
Zurich, Cologne, Buenos Aires, Toronto, petitor takes away some of the existing influenced by free papers. In Barcelona,
Singapore and Melbourne. It is also readers (substitution). Cumulation is daily sales of paid newspapers is re-
clear that entrepreneurs without much predictably high in markets where ported to have dropped by five percent
financial backing are not strong readership of paid newspapers is al- (Arnoud & Peyrgne, 2002). Wadbring
enough to stay in business very long, as ready high as in the Netherlands and and Weibull (2000) indicate that in the
can be seen in the Berlin, Hamburg, and Sweden (McMullan & Wilkinson, 2000). Stockholm market subscription was
Munich cases (Table 4). There is also little doubt that the new also affected. Picard (2001) estimates

184 2002 JMM The International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4 No. 3
that at the most a two percent drop in sued free newspaper on almost every gers on ICE trains, the paper is pub-
paid circulation can be attributed to possible issue: unfair competition, car- lished in a tabloid format, has only four
free dallies. Although cumulation (read- tels, the right to carry the Metro title pages, carries some advertising and gets
ing paid and free papers) and new read- or using the term newspaper, the right its news from Spiegel Verlag. The now
ers are more important than substitu- of non-EU firms to own publishers, lit- closed down New York free paper Daily
tion, it is clear that there is some tering, unfair treatment by authorities News Express could also be seen as an
substitution, and long-term effects are and public transport systems. Most of appetizer for the regular Daily News.
not yet known. The claim that Reader- the legal cases have been lost by tradi- Distributing semi-weekly or weekly free
ship of free newspapers may (...) be con- tional publishers (McMullan & Wilkin- slimmed down copies to non-readers
sidered independent of, and therefore son, 2000). Picard (2001) calls these (Norway) can be regarded as a defensive
not a competitor, to paid-for newspa- obstructional strategies, and notes that strategy to prevent another publisher to
pers (Free paper readers ..., 2000) is not such strategies are not a particularly enter the market but at the same time
exactly true. useful competitive response because it can also work as an appetizer for regu-
rarely changes the market dynamics or lar newspapers.
There is little doubt that readers of free forces the competitor out of the mar-
dailies are considerably younger than ket (p. 170). This is illustrated in Italy Protection aims more to minimise the
readers of paid newspapers. In 2001, where the Norwegian firm Schibsted effect of the free newspapers by limit-
Bachman, Brander and Lenz concluded was successfully kept out of the market ing sales; the UK Metro and the Dutch
after interviewing more than 800 read- (because Norway does not belong to the Sp!ts are distributed in specific time
ers in Zurich that young people between EU) but where nevertheless three differ- slots (not after 9.00 or 10.00) so that
16 and 30 were far more inclined to read ent firms now distribute 1.5 million other newspapers are not harmed by
free newspapers than older readers. Re- free papers daily. Economic pressures free distribution. Another possibility is
search from 20 Minuten showed that 29 can be successful however, as demon- joint distribution with a regular pa-
percent of the age group Kids (10-13 strated in the Cologne case. In France per; in Paris France Soir caries Metro as a
years) considered themselves as regular disputes with trade unions have even free supplement (see Arnoud, 2002).
readers of 20 Minuten (D&S Institut fr led to paper-burning and harassing Sales can also be protected by distribut-
Markt und Kommunikationsforshung, people who handed out the free papers ing free newspapers via traditional
2001). The three free Zurich newspapers on the street (Arnoud, 2002). newspaper kiosks (as in the Netherlands
reached 36 percent (ZrichExpress), 40 and Switzerland) so that buyers also feel
percent (20 Minuten) and 22 percent From a marketing point of view, the compelled to buy other products.
(Metropol) of the age group 14 to 34 possible long-term effects are the most
(Mach Basic, 2001). promising. Free newspapers have suc- One of the possible long-term effects is
ceeded in changing non-readers into an increasing demand for newspapers
In the Netherlands, 37 percent of the readers (Picard, 2001, p. 170; see Ver- on days when the free paper isnt avail-
Sp!ts readers are between 13 and 35 wimp, 2001 for a critique on this ap- able. In Denmark, Sweden, and the
years old, for national paid papers this proach). Publishers of traditional news- Netherlands weekend-subscriptions or
percentage is 24 percent (Bereik Sp!ts, papers have so far used some strategies a combined weekend/Monday subscrip-
2002). Metro International claims that to explore this new public. Marketing tion are introduced.
41 percent of their daily readers are efforts could take different forms: pro-
under 30 (Sjwall, 2001) while the Aus- motion, protection and exploiting Apart from promotion for paid newspa-
tralian free daily MX even claims that weekend sales. pers and attracting new readers, syn-
72 percent of their readers are under ergy can be created by joint advertising
the age of 35 (MX Reader Profile, 2001). In Promotion can take different forms. The in paid and free newspapers. Also pub-
the UK, almost 80 percent of Associateds Daily Mail has been successfully pro- lishing weekly or semi-weekly free pa-
Newspapers Metro readers are between moted in the UK by printing money off pers can create advertising synergy (and
16 and 44 years old (Wilkinson, 2001). coupons in the London Metro (see maybe reader interest), the Warsaw

Picard, 2001); also cross promotion for Metro (Agora) for instance uses this
Strategies paid newspapers by advertising in free model. Publishers of free newspapers
of paid newspapers newspapers is possible. Distributing have other possibilities for expanding
free slimmed down sample copies of their reach. In some areas they also pub-
A typical first reaction of existing news- traditional papers via public transport lish weekend editions (Stockholm,
paper publishers, when faced with a is another possibility; in Germany Hong Kong); in Switzerland, in non-
possible new competitor, has often been Spiegel-Verlag and Deutsche Bahn metropolitan areas of Basle the free pa-
to take them to court. Publishers have handed out ICE-Press to first class passen- per Baslerstab is published twice a week

2002 JMM The International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4 No. 3 185
while ZrichExpress has the possibility of References Hendriks, P. 1998, Newspapers:
subscription. Very little is known about A Lost Cause? Strategic Management
Arnould, V. May 2002, Metro debut
the success of these strategies, as they of Newspaper Firms in The United
in Paris, Marseilles provokes strong
have not been applied very long, and States and The Netherlands,
emotions [Online]. Available: http://
newspaper firms are usually not willing University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. [Accessed May 29, 2002].
to share successful strategies with com-
Jacob, A. & Vulser, N. 20 Feb. 2002,
petitors while unsuccesful strategies Arnoud, V. & Peyrgne, V. 2002, Free
La presse gratuite fragilise les
are also kept secret as long as possible. newspapers an international market
quotidiens populaires europens,
survey. Ifra Special Report 6.25 [Online].
Le Monde [Online]. Available:
Conclusions Available: [Accessed
[Accessed 20 May 2002].
28 May 2002].
Free newspapers are here to stay; in the
Bachman, A., Brander, C. & Lenz, S.
last few years more than 80 new titles Mach Basic 2001, Zurich Express Mehr
2001, Gratiszeitungen im Raum Zrich;
have been launched and 60 survived. It Zurich [Online]. Available: http://
Eine Befragung der Leserinnen und
has been proved that it is possible to
Leser, Universitt Zurich / IPMZ, Zurich.
make a profit and even to publish more zemachbr.pdf [Accessed 13 Dec. 2001].
than one newspaper in a metropolitan Bakker, P. 2002, Reinventing
McMullan, D. & Wilkinson, E. J. 2000,
area. Free dailies have proven to be at- newspapers; Free dailies readers
What the Metro Phenomenon Means
tractive to a younger audience; thus the and markets, in Media Firms, ed. R.
to Paid Newspapers, IDEAS Magazine
future looks relatively bright. The read- Picard, Robert Erlbaum, New York.
[Online] Nov. Available: http://www.
ers of the free dailies are likely to be
Bereik Sp!ts [Online], 2002. Available: [Accessed 28 May 2002].
new readers; (young) people who did
not read a newspaper before, although McNair, B. 1999, News and Journalism
[Accessed 30 May 2002].
some substitution is possible. Other in the UK: a Textbook (3rd edition),
markets and possible long-term effects Bereik- en lezersonderzoek Sp!ts & Routledge, London.
should be studied in the future. These Metro [Online], Jan. 2000. Avail-
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Alan B. Albarran
University of North Texas
Associate Editor Book Review Editor
Albert N.Greco Sylvia Chan-Olmsted
Fordham University University of Florida
Editorial Scope
This journal publishes articles on the management and economic aspects of mass media, as well as economic
policy issues affecting media worldwide. It focuses on the structure, conduct, and performance of the newspaper,
magazine, radio, television, cable, film, and other mass media industries. Since its establishment in 1988, the
journal has sought to broaden understanding and discussion of the impact of economic and financial activities
on media operations and managerial decisions. To that end, it publishes studies comparing various media industries and research on
economic issues in specific media industries. Case studies of economic problems in individual units of media, as www as well as articles
devoted to social and political policy and financial and regulatory aspects of media economics are presented. The journal is intended to
provide not only theoretical knowledge for use by media scholars, but also economic and financial insight to media managers and those
who make public policy regarding media.

Academicians, researchers, managers, and policymakers in the mass media industries.

Instructions to Contributors
Full contribution instructions are available online at, click on Journals, and locate the journal of interest. Detailed submission
guidelines and contact information is included. If you do not have access to the Internet please contact LEA at 2012582200 (9 a.m.5 p.m. ET)

Volume 16, Category Access Type Price*: US/All Other Countries ISSN 0899-7764
2003, Individual Online & Print $45.00 / $75.00 Online ISSN 1532-7736
Quarterly Institution Online & Print $295.00 / $325.00
Institution Online Only $265.00 / $265.00
Institution Print Only $265.00 / $295.00




*Prices are subject to change. Institutions must pay institutional rates. Journal prices expire 12/31/03.


PHONE: 2012582200 FAX: 2017603735 E-MAIL: JOURNALS@ERLBAUM.COM

2002 JMM The International Journal on Media Management Vol. 4 No. 3 187

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