Strat Man

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1) show customers how they can improve their lives with your product
or service. Stengel calls this ________________.

2) Two variables are of central importance to strategy implementation:

_________ and _________. Also rank as marketings most important
contributions to strategic management.

3) _____________ product, place, promotion, and price

4) ____________ is a key to matching supply and demand, which is one of

the thorniest problems in customer service.

5) ____________ could be used to examine three or more criteria

simultaneously, but this technique requires computer assistance
and is beyond the scope of this text.

6) _________________________ is the most widely used technique for

determining whether debt, stock, or a combination of debt and
stock is the best alternative for raising capital to implement

7) ___________________________ is a central strategy-implementation

technique because it allows an organization to examine the
expected results of various actions and approaches

8) A _____________is a document that details how funds will be obtained

and spent for a specified period of time.

9) __________________. To use this method, divide the market price of the

firms common stock by the annual earnings per share and
multiply this number by the firms average net income for the
past five years.

10) __________________. To use this method, simply multiply the

number of shares outstanding by the market price per share and
add a premium.

11) ______________________________. These individuals are generally

charged with developing new products and improving old
products in a way that will allow effective strategy

12) Having an effective ______________________may be the most

important factor in differentiating successful from unsuccessful

13) ______________. The best strategic opportunity might be an

unserved segment.


1) ______________ should initiate managerial questioning of expectations

and assumptions, should trigger a review of objectives and
values, and should stimulate creativity in generating alternatives
and formulating criteria of evaluation.

2) ___________________could be approached by developing a revised EFE

Matrix and IFE Matrix

3) A ____________should focus on changes in the organizations

management, marketing, finance/accounting,
production/operations, R&D, and management information
systems strengths and weaknesses.

4) A_____________ should indicate how effective a firms strategies have

been in response to key opportunities and threats

5) __________________. This activity includes comparing expected results

to actual results, investigating deviations from plans, evaluating
individual performance, and examining progress being made
toward meeting stated objectives. Both long-term and annual
objectives are commonly used in this process.

6)Key financial ratio; ROI, ROE, Profit margin, Market share, debt to equity,
earnings per share, sales growth, asset growth

7) The final strategy-evaluation activity, _________________ requires

making changes to competitively reposition a firm for the future.

8) business environments are becoming so dynamic and complex that

they threaten people and organizations with______________ which
occurs when the nature, types, and speed of changes overpower
an individuals or organizations ability and capacity to adapt

9) ________________ is often emotionally based and not easily overcome

by rational argument.

10) _________________ should place an organization in a better position

to capitalize upon internal strengths

11) 11)____________________ may renew confidence in the current

business strategy or point to the need for actions to correct some

12) The _________________ analysis requires that firms seek answers to

the following questions and utilize that information, in
conjunction with financial measures

13) __________________ can be defined as alternative plans that can be

put into effect if certain key events do not occur as expected.

14) A frequently used tool in strategy evaluation is the _______

15) ___________is defined by the a systematic process of objectively

obtain- ing and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about
economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of
correspondence between these assertions and established
criteria, and communicating the results to interested users.

16) Independent auditors use a set of standards called


17) Mintzberg refers to strategic planning as an __________, whereas

strategy scientists use the term_________.

18) 18)_______________ contend that top executives are the only

persons in the firm with the collective experience, acumen, and
fiduciary responsibility to make key strategy decisions

19) _____________ advocates argue that lower- and middle-level

managers and employees who will be implementing the

20) ____________ and ___________ are mostly based on a firms external


21) _____________ and _____________ are largely based on an internal


1) _____________ refers to actions an organization takes beyond what is

legally required to protect or enhance the well-being of living

2) _____________ refers to the extent that an organizations operations

and actions protect, mend, and preserve rather than harm or
destroy the nat- ural environment.

3) _________ is good business.

4) ___________ can derail even the best strategic plans

5) __________ can be defined as principles of conduct within

organizations that guide decision making and behavior

6) ____________ is a prerequisite for good strategic management

7) _____________ is a document that provides behavioral guidelines that

cover daily activities and decisions within an organization.

8) _____________ refers to policies that require employees to report any

unethical violations they discover or see in the firm.

9)____________ is defined as the offering, giving, receiving, or solicit- ing

of any item of value to influence the actions of an official or other
person in discharge of a public or legal duty.

10) ___________ is a gift bestowed to influence a recipients conduct

11) ______________ embraces managerial philosophy and thinking at

the highest level of the firm, and concerns what responsibilities
the firm has to employees, consumers, environmentalists,
minorities, communities, shareholders, and other groups.

12) Using foreign workers is known as ____________ in Japanese

13) __________ is defined as surroundings in which an organization

operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora,
fauna, humans, and their interrelation.

14) ____________ that reveals how the firms operations impact the
natural environment
15) _________ doing more than the bare mini- mum to develop and
implement strategies that preserve the environment.

16) ____________changing practices only when forced to do so by

law or consumer pressure

17) the _____________ is a network of the national standards institutes

of 147 countries, one member per country.

18) ____________ refers to a series of voluntary standards in the

environmental field.

19) _____________is a set of standards adopted by thousands of firms

worldwide to certify to their constituencies that they are
conducting business in an environmentally friendly


1) Organizations that conduct business operations across national

borders are called _________________________.

2) _______________. refers to countries imposing tariffs, taxes, and

regulations on firms outside the country to favor their own
companies and people.

3) ______________is a process of doing business worldwide, so strategic

decisions are made based on global profitability of the firm rather
than just domestic considerations

4) A _____________ includes designing, producing, and marketing

products with global needs in mind, instead of considering
individual countries alone

5) Two consecutive quarters of a decline in real gross domestic product

is commonly used as a definition of a ___________.

6) In Japan, for example, business relations operate within the context

of _______, which stresses group harmony and social cohesion.

7) In China, business behavior revolves around ____________, or personal


8) In South Korea, activities involve con- cern for ___________, or

harmony based on respect of hierarchical relationships, including
obedience to authority.

9) Chinese workers believe in________________, the practice of

harnessing natural forces.

10) U.S. managers in Japan have to be careful about

____________________, whereby Japanese workers expect
supervisors to alert them privately of changes rather than
informing them in a meeting

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