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Name: ________________________________ Yr. & Sec.: _______________ Date: ____________

Chapters 1-4

Mid Term Examination


Excellent Good Fair Poor

9 8 7 6

PRESENTATION (45 points)

1. Beginning [introduced topic; created interest]

2. Body [was organized; flowed smoothly; was easy to follow]

3. Closing [summarized main points; maintained interest]

4. Visual aids [appropriate; easy to read]

5. Presentation method [used only notes; did not read]

DELIVERY (45 points) 5 4 3 2

1. Maintained eye contact

2. Used appropriate body language

3. Spoke at an appropriate pace

4. Spoke loudly enough to be heard

5. Enunciated words clearly

6. Appeared knowledgeable

7. Maintained good posture

8. Dressed professionally

9. Refrained from detrimental habits or mannerisms

Comments: [strengths of presentation; areas to improve, etc.]:

Presentation [total points]

Delivery [total points]
Listening Tech [10 points]

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